Supplement to Forest Grove Express Vol 3 Forest Grove, Ore., Thursday, June 20, 1918. E C. Eckman and C . V. Ru- ¡zek, soil experts from O. A. C., are now engaged in a soil survey J. N. Hoffman had business in of Washington county. Salem Sunday. Seventeen members of the local Krnest Olson of Gales Creek Itebekah lodge went to Portland was visiting in town Tuesday. ' Saturday night, by electric train Jesse and C. C. Caples of Port­ and autos, and saw Columbia land were in the city Wednesday. lodge initiate a candidate, enjoy- County Clerk Henry Kuratli a nice lunch after the initiation. and Sheriff George Alexander at­ Boys and girls of Washington tended the Fogel funeral yester­ county realized an aggregate of day. $100 from the mole pelts handled Mr. and Mrs. J. W . Krisbie left through their pool and sold dur­ yesterday for Tillamook« where ing the past week. The pelts they will visit their children a brought an average of 30c each. Another pool will be made in a few weeks few weeks, County Agent Jami­ Mr. and Mrs William Weitzel son informs the Express. and daughter returned Tuesday Father Campbell of this city from a week’s visit at Seattle and yesterday morning united in mar­ other Washington points. riage at the Cornelius Catholic Let the children wear half sox , church Frank Waibel of Hillsboro this warm weather. We have a and M is s Mary Frances Eischen nice line in cotton and silk. A ¡of Cornelius. T h e contracting G. Hoffman & Co. parties are b o t h well known Why not sleep comfortably on throughout Washington dounty a Sealey mattress? In the long and from highly respected families. run, this mattress is the cheapest S o m e unknown person has you can buy. Claude E. Smith. mailer! to the Express a letter, Mr .'»nd Mrs. R C. Hill Satur­ pick«*! up on ihe street, which day evening entertained a few would indicate that some married friends in honor of Mrs. Hill’s woman is courting unhappiness brother, Will Dunsmore, of Port­ . by a clandestine correspondence land with a man not her husband If the loser wants the letter, he or Miss Emma Staehr of this city and Peter Svenson of Garibaldi she may recover it (without pub- were married at Vancouver last I licit?) at this office. Saturday. They will reside at Mayor John Wall of Hillsboro. Garibaldi. Mrs. Chas. R . Castner of Hood Picnic packages, paper plates, River, Mrs. Hyde, Miss Edna pajrer napkins, p a p e r towels, Mills and Miss Turley were the Thermos bottles, in fact, every­ j speakers at a meeting of the Wo­ thing for your outing at Liltler’s man’s Committee of the National Council of Defense, held at Hills­ Pharmacy. boro l a s t Friday. Household Mrs. Pearl Richardson and economy, war-saving and the use four children arrived Sunday from of wheat substitutes were subjects Baker City for a visit with th» discussed. The officers of the former’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Washington county Council are F. McGill, Mrs. L W. Hyde, chairman: Mrs. N. A. Frost, vice chairman; Mrs. Why not wear a light-weight hat? Straw hats 25c and up: also Glenn V. P a y n e secretary. cloth hats for men 65c and up, at Congregational Church A G. Hoffman & C o.’s. Mr. Patten will preach at 11 a. m. C. H. Walker of Albany, vice on "The New Humanity in Christ; or president of the Oregon Indian the Coming Race o f Super-Men.” War Veterans’ association, visited At 8 p. m. will be held our June Pa­ the family of his brother, S T . triotic Concert. War songs and Home Walker, in this city Tuesday ; songs will blend. It is hoped to have n gilt. the G. A. R. fife and drum corps again, The Sealey non-tuft mattress is Mrs. E. E. Williams will lead the guaranteed for 20 years and you music. remember the comfort you get The Woman’s Missionary society will out of it long after you have for­ meet in our church parlors on Wednes­ gotten the price. Let us show day next at 2:30 p. m. you. Claude E. Smith. A. B. PATTEN, Pastor. No. 24 War-Time Recipes CONDENSED NEWS NOTES At the request of numerous house­ wives, the fallowing recipes, furnished by Edna L. Mills, home demonstration agent, are published. They have been used successfully by several Forest Grove women: Oat and Barley Bread 2 cups barley flour, 1 cup oat flour, 1 1-2 teaspoons salt 1 1-2 cups sour milk 3-4 teaspoon soda 3 teaspoons baking powder 1 egg 2 tablespoons syrup, if desired. Mix dry materials, add milk, syrup and well-beaten egg. Mix well and pour into oiled pans. Let rise 15 minutes and bake 45 minutes in moderate oven. Serve cold. Mrs. Costner's Cake 1 cup sugar 2 tablespoons crisco 1-2 cup milk 1-4 cup water 2 eggs 1 cup rice flour 1 cup corn starch 2 teaspoons baking powder Icing -B oil together 1 cup Karo and 1-2 cup water until they form a hard ball in water. Beat over the stiffly- beaten white o f an egg. Syrup could be substituted for the sugar by using with it 1-2 teaspoon of soda aud omit­ ting the water. Methodist Church Services Sunday School 9:45. Morning worship 11:00. A Gospel Message is ready for you. Come and enjoy it. Special music by the choir. We will use the new organ next Sunday and I am sure you will want to hear it. Epworth League 7:00. The League was pleased to see the great number out at the last Sunday evening. Class meeting 7:30. Evening service 8:00. You will be in­ terested if you come. Prayer meeting, Thursday at 8 p. m. Sacred Concert given by the choir and assisted by a special organist, who will give a separate part o f the con­ cert with the new organ, which will be presented to the congregation that night. We invite all our friends on Friday evening at 8 o’ clock. JOHN H. EBERT. Pastor. A daughter was born Saturday to Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Kelley. Dr. Darland, Chiropractic and Natureopath. Office at A St. & 1st Ave. N. Phone 676. Job printing—phone 821.