Modern War is decided by Organization The problem of our country today is the organization of its resources and industries. The Federal Reserve System is the banking organization which is caring for the nation’s finan­ cial needs. Support it by deal­ ing with a member bank— The First National Bank of Forest Grove A Strong Bank in a good town NOTES AND PERSONALS A Factory Demonstration of the Universal Combination Range Thursday, Friday and Saturday June 20, 21 and 22 A demonstration of the Universal Combination Kan^e that is of vital interest to every home in Washington county-and every woman who is interested in keeping down her fuel bills is invited to attend and learn how the Universal Combination Range keeps down the fuel expense. The Universal Combination Range • will reduce y o u r fuel expenses because o f th e scientific con­ stru ctio n o f th is ran g e, in su r­ ing the g r e a te s t am ount o f heat and cooking pow er from w h a t­ ev er fuel u sed — Because you ca n b u rn coal, wood o r gas. W hen a fire is needed for several hours, burn coal or wood. W hen a quick, h o t fire is w anted fo r a b rief period, burn gas. A cool k itch en in w arm w eath er and a w arm kitchen in cold w eath er. A s e lf-s ta rte r fo r th e g a s no m atches. A s e lf-s ta rte r fo r coal o r wood - no kindling. m à 1 -p r UMf O A M *t« rv* .| P O ^ A gD° ° ,»]H - 1 YOOC*?IN*'iTcrate made the m ost p e rfe c t baking and cooking device known to­ day. i COAL ANOWOOO JJ TANLAC at Littler’s Phar­ macy. ] . ; MS ! H um s Coal, W ood o r (¡as All Mrs. J. Marsilliot is spending « JcA V T -RON Lk*4NI " th re e fuels ran be burned at ( POHCO DOOR the week in Portland. J ^ A L lF t T r i f RANGE J one tim e, or any ono you Wonder if the rainmaker has X LF $ ro e P f » v i t r T y o rc *A *G C M choose. No p a rts to change - f u V f N f JAL TOGA3 C , NO A i NDUNO enlisted and gone to France? . I NO RAM TM O RC M O vr J nothing to m isplace o r fo rg et. draft s p o t An Estey two-manual pedal or­ UN OCR GRATES . r / o C O f Aiw N O O P O R G A fCR j The C hange from one fuel to an ­ S J gan has been purchased for the o th e r is done w ith a tu rn o f the ALL CA5T IRON BODY Methodist church. A LiFE hand. T urn on the g as and the Dr. Darland, Chiropractic and oven is ad ju sted for g as heat. Natureopath. Office at A St. & T urn off the g as and the oven 1st Ave. N. Phone 676. is ad ju sted for coal o r wood. Miss Sadie McCoy left last OR iNOtVlbuACLV week for Gearhart, where she will spend three weeks with friends. ’ S E T S IN AOtNCM SPACE Dr. Hess’ fly chaser guaran­ teed by VanKoughnet & Reder to keep flies away from your stock. Word comes from Molalla to the effect that Austin Buxton has with every Universal Combination Range Sold had a turn for the worse and is a during Demonstration Week very sick man. Select the Range best suited to your needs, decide how you can most conveniently pay for i t — set the amount of your We have a large assortment of A very practical, useful set of this famous glass baking and cotton and silk flags; also bunting first payment and the future installments yourself. Submit and fibre rope for decorations. cooking w are—the most sanitary and satisfactory ware yet your plan to us, and if it is within the bounds of good busi­ A. G. Hoffman & Co. ness, we will accept it. produced and the pride of every woman who owns a set—and E. W. Lamb returned Sunday given with every Universal Combination Range sold during Your old Coal or Wood Range will be taken as part payment evening from an extended visit in demonstration week. Used with a Universal Combination Iowa. Mrs. Lamb has not yet A factory representative will be here demonstration week Range, your cooking and baking will be always a pleasure. and give you scores of reasons why this Range is the best. completed her visit. Hugh Sparks, the local "chalk- talk” artist, has been invited to give one of his popular entertain­ ments at Cherry Grove Saturday night. Mrs. Martha H a r l a n and daughter, Mi«s Jessie, of Portland, Mrs. Arthur Shearer and three Mrs. Bertha Howard visited in ! o f the S o uthw est q u a rte r o f the N orth- TAN’LAC sold only by Littlei’s and Mrs. H. F. Disbrow and children visited Mrs. Shearer's Pharmacy. Portland over Sunday. e,Mt *lu a rl* r °t Section l.'t, th en ce south : along the c e n te r line o f Haul Section IS daugh tr, Mrs. Robert Burling of parents, Mr. and Mrs. William L. T. Sills of Thatcher had one hundred and six ty (160) roda to the New wool bags at less than the Tacoma visited at the Blanche Davis at Beaverton last Sunday. S o uthw est corner of the N o rth w est business in Portland yesterday. regular pi ice; we have just a few Richards home over Sunday. q u a rte r of the S o u th east q u a rte r o f left. A G. Hoffman & Co Mrs. James Nichols visited her said Section 13; thence K ast tw e n ty daughter, Mr?. C. M. Good, yes­ (20) rods; thence N orth one hundred Dwight Miller of Columbia and sixty (160) rods to the line on the terday. City visited at the home of his South side o f the N o rth w est q u a rte r sister, Mrs. H. T. Buxton, last Mr. and Mrs. John Plans and o f th e N o rth e a st q u a rte r o f said Sec­ Sunday. children of Banks were trading at tion 13; thence W est tw e n ty (20) rods to the place o f beginning, containing Mrs. E. E. Williams and her the local stores Wednesday. tw enty acres o f land, all in Tow nship daughter in law, Mrs. Ray T. Miss Martha Kelsey spent sev­ One, South of R ange Five, W est of Williams, arrived Sunday from eral days the first of the week in the W illam ette M eridian, in W ashing­ ton county, O regon, to sa tisfy the h e re ­ Tacoma, where the latter has Portland with her sister, Mrs. inbefore nam ed sum s and for th e costs been living. It now looks as Lotta Fox. and expenses o f sale and said w rit. though Lieut. Williams might .. , .. „ Vacation Time is Here ! A Bathing Suit Said sale will he m ade su b je c t to r e ­ Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. C. leave Camp Lewis soon, so Mis. _ , ^ r; anf* C S. McNutt dem ption, as p e r s ta tu te o f Oregon. We have what you need Williams moved back to this city. "Tuesday received a card from l)ated a t Hillsboro, O regon, th is 19th A trip to the swimming for your outing— is aboard a day o f Ju n e , 1918. E. PL Williams returned Monday i,5!r s.°iV. . hole and you forget how hot United States fighter somewhere GEO. A LE X A N D E R . night from a v is it with his son. Khaki Trousers with style it is. in the canal zone. This is the Sheriff of W ashington County, O re. and service, cuff bottom, B .J . Simpson, former S. P. first word from Guy for eight L . M . G k a i i a m , We’ve the Bathing Suits agent in this city, wtites the ed­ weeks. belt loop, flap over pock­ A tto rn ey fo r 1’laintiff. for men and boys. itor of the Express that he likes F o rest G rove, O re. ets. Men’s $2 the pair; Boys’ one-piece - - 8oc N otice o f Sheriff’H Sale his new location (Bay City) tip­ F irs t publication, Ju n e 20. 1918. Boys’ - - - $1.50 Men’s one-piece $1 to $3.50 L a st publication Ju ly 18, 1918. top and the wifi* and boys are N otice is hereby given th a t by v irtu e execution isHued o u t o f and under Sport Shirts happy. A ton of crabs are being [ o th f e an seal Cool Underwear the C ircuit C ourt o f the shipped out of F'.ay City every : s ta te o f o O f regon, fo r the county of in Blue, Striped and Fancy T hat’s what they say day and the steelhead season W ashington, d ated the 18th day of when they try Seal - Pax patterns - $1 to $1.25 opens July 1st. The three can­ Ju n e, 1918, in fav o r o f G eorge Wise, knee length, sleeveless and and ag a in st Henry Stavely A tvnspoor/u! r/um neries are looking for a big sea-on. plaintiff, Shoes for Hot Weather loose-fitting; no binding or W audby and M aria W audby, defend­ not hi mi. You a jy .’& t A ants, fo r th e sum of $27.50 cost and the heaping* Uixspoonfnl bulging. Wear fu rth e r sum o f $200.00, w ith in te re st u v e d «ach meal f o r Made of Madras, 75c, $1.15 ITO cbiys for «ach of the thereon from th e 29th day o f Ja n u a ry , $1.25 White Tennis Shoes 1916, a t the ra te o f 8 per cen t per an- j l o o o o o o o o p e rs o n s Other fabrics and i n th u U n ite d State* Mule Skin Shoes 2.50 num, and for the fu rth e r sum of $200, styles - $1.00 to $1.50 make* a pile at h^l as the with in te re s t thereon from th e 11th 3.50 Scout Styles - - day o f May, 1916, a t the ra te o f 8 per Xbotvarth buiklio). enough tarttp oal dmc ranoc An 11-Piece Set of Pyrex Cookingware Given GOFF BROS. We will Sell you a Universal Com­ bination Range on your Own Terms-in Reason Hardware, Stoves and Implements Forest Grove, Oregon SUMMER Furnishings For Men and Boys S im MUSI BE p k&- Hosiery If you are hard on hosiery wear a good kind and prac­ tice hose economy. Medium and light weights in Cotton, Artificial Silk, Fibre, and Silk, in Black, White, Grey and Palm Beach - - 25c to 65c Union-Alls One-piece Garment Khaki - $3.00 and $3.50 Grey, good weight - ?.50 Blue, with stripe - 3.25 B jys’ in Khaki and Blue, with stripe 2.50 C. E. ROY & CO. Men’s Furnishings and Shoes Caples Block FOREST GROVE t o J u p p U ’ tW r a t in i . i r m . i l cen t per annum , and the fu rth e r sum fo r c a J th* n a tio n of fifteen and 68.100 dollars ($15.68) a t, th e ra te o f 8 p er ce n t per annum from M arch 23rd, 1918, and the fu rth e r sum of sev en ty dollars ($70.00) a tto rn e y ’s fees, to me directed and delivered, com m anding me to m ake sale o f the real pro p erty h e re in a fte r described, I have levied upon and p u rsu an t to said execution I will on Monday, the 22d day ! | of Ju ly , 1918, a t th e South door o f the | C ourthouse, in Hillsboro, W ashington county, O regon, a t the hour of ten j o ’clock a. m. of said day sell a t public FURE auction to the h ig h est bidder fo r cash i in hand, all of the follow ing-described FOOD real proiierty, lying, being and situ ate in W ashington county, O regon, and (U . S. Food A dm inistration License more p articu larly described as follows, No. G 34147) to -w it: Phone 061 B eginning a t th e N o rth w est corner SCH ULTZ S ESSE STO RE