Sheep on W hite House Grounds Moon’» Influence on Plant TO TEM PER FREIGHT RATES Growth Wholly Negligible, Is Belief of Scientists New 25 Per Cent Raise to Fall Mostly ! STATE NEW S IN BRIEF. \\ Upon Foreign Shipper. The old belief that the moon h«s There is no occasion for alarm on Mime sort of Influence on plant growth the part of producers or shippers be­ Bought by President and Mr». Wil.on, to Crop the Gra»» still persists In some farming sec-1 cause of the increased freight rates to After L. G. McDonald, alias George and Increaae the Meat Supply lions. Home fiiruiers, It Is said, re- go into effect June 25, in the opinion Thompson, alias George Van Boren, pa­ fuse to plant crops or to kill hogs of traffic officials. It is realized that role violator, had been apprehended by unless the moon Is In aoroe particular there will lie some points at which a Des Moines authorities and Oregon au­ thorities were about to go after him position. pinch will he felt, pending the adjust­ The Influence of the moon on the ment of rates on a basis that will be news reached Salem that Thompson had been forned loose at Des Moines. growth of crops, or on other agricul­ fair to various interests. Every man called In the draft In tural operations, bus always been de­ Word from the headquarters of the nied hy scientific men. The following Western traffic committee at Chicago, Linn and Benton counties hereafter brief statement by C. F. Marvin, chief brings aasurance that the intention of will receive a small silk American flag of the United States weather bureau, the railroad administration is to have as the gift of the Albany lodge of Elks. When the last contingent left Albany, printed In the Iturul New Yorker, the district committees work out the the lodge presented each one with a shows what they think of the matter: equitable mollifications necessary. flag and It has been decided to follow "It Is the general belief of scien­ It is generally recognized that in­ this plan regularly In the future. tists that the moon has no appreciable creased earnings H«d become impera­ The general land office announced Inllueuce on temperature, rainfall, or tive to the operation of the railroads, plans for opening 150,000 acres of any other weather element, or on and the 25 per cent increase under or­ that public lands In the vicinity of Portland plant growth. der No. 28 was the necessary step to will not be abandoned, despite recom­ "Plant growth depends upon tem­ begin the establishment of rates to mendations of Governor Withycombe perature. light, humidity nnd plant yield the necessary revenue. In the and other« that the lands be held “un­ food (both In the soli and In the air), very nature of commerce and traffic it til peace comes, when they could be and Its nreliability. Obviously the necessarily follows that the effect of opened for the benefit of returning moon neither mellows the ground nor the application of the general rates soldiers.” fertilizes It, neither does It alter the announced will seriously affect the State Highway Engineer Nunn an­ romi>ositlou of the atmosphere; hence producer or manufacturer whose goods nounced that advertisements for bids It affects neither the mechanical con­ find a market in distant sections of the will be offered Immediately on the dition of the soli nor the ktnd or country as against the man with a lo­ paving of 18 miles of the Pacific high­ way from Aurora to Salem, at an es­ quantity of available plant food. cal market. timated expense of $348,000, the state “If the moon lias any Influence on Never before In America have eheep had so exclusive quarter«. The to stand half of the expense out of the White House le ao well guarded that the splendid herd Is perfectly safe, as plant growth. It would seem that It New War Taxes Discussed. Bean-Barreti bonding act, and the gov­ must exert this Influence through Its not even a lap dog could squeeze In without being observed. Washington, D. C. — Installment ernment the other half. light, (experiment, however, showt plan payment of war taxes will be pro­ Ninety-eight books of pronounced that when a plant Is no shadowed that vided for in the new revenue bill » a » * * * * » » * » * * * * » * » » » » » » » » » Fuel Value of Potatoes It gets only one one-hundredth of nor­ which the house ways and means com­ pro-Prussianlsm, or of seditious lean­ ing. culled fiom the shelves of the pub­ mal daylight, It grows but little bet­ mittee is preparing to draft. Chair­ lic Higher Than of Any Other library by order of the directors of ter than It doea In absolute darkness. man Kitchin disclosed this fact during the Portland Library association, will * 5 of Fresh Vegetables Used Full daylight Is about 000,000 times a hearing before the committee, when be Interned under lock and key for the »a»*»**»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»» blighter than full moonlight; hence Albert R. Palmer, of New York, repre­ duration of the war. though preserved Potatoes contain all the different one one-hundredth of daylight, already H ie I h 'I is confined to your own for purpos<-s of future historical refer­ substances needed for the body. Pro­ too feeble to stimulate appreciably senting a large number of corpora­ ence and comparison. land. tions, urged that such provision be Ihin't keep n mule bird. liens Iny tein and minerals for growth nnd re­ plant activity. Is still 0,000 times made. Under the direction of the fish and pair; starch nnd fat for energy; and brighter than full moonlight The con­ Jil*t ns well without n mule. Mr. Palmer advocated tax on gross game commission, two carloads of minerals and roughage 'for body regu­ clusion Is that, even In respect to sales, which he said would be less felt young salmon were planted In Oswego Iion't overstock your lnnf shooting stars ex­ Flour— Patents, $10 per barrel; shaving cream or tooth paste to the I easily and may cause gas. tends Into the oldest history of human­ whole wheat, $9.60; graham, $9.20; remains of great pieces of machinery. How to Detect Glucose in ity. hark Into prehistoric times. Yet to­ barley flour, $14.50@15.00; rye flour,. The possible construction of a rail­ Preserves, Jam. Marmalade day no one k n o w s exactly what a $10.75(812.75; corn meal, white, $6.50; road Can't Spend Their Money. by the federal government from shooting star Is. or from where It yellow, $6.25 per barrel. Yaquina bay, through the Waldport Glucose In fruit preserves may he Two of the wealthiest persons In Ot­ comes, says the Popular Science Millfeed—Net mill prices, car lots: country and into Lane county for the discovered as follows: lit the ease of tawa county, Oklahoma, are Joe Onr- Monthly. A hypothesis proposed In Bran, $30.00 per ton; shorts, $32; purpose of reaching valuable spruce J e lly a tens|Hionf;il should he dissolved wnr-yee-tee and Ills squaw. They are 1875 nml generally accepted today Is tracts, is indicated by the presence of In two tnhles|MMinfuls of nlcohol con­ •Jtinpnw Indians and live well, accord­ that meteorites are fragments broken middlings, $39; mixed cars and less surveyors who are working on the west than carloads, 50c more; rolled barley, tained In n glass vessel. In the case ing to (heir notions In a rude log caldn from small planetary masses by vol­ coast of Lane county near Heceta Head of Jam or marmalade the smite process : on about $2.'iO a year. They scarcely canic explosions, brought about hy a »7507»; rolled oats, $73. lighthouse. The engineers have been Corn—Whole. $77 per ton; cracked, working between Yaquina bay and Is carried out. hut It Is necessary to touch the Immense pile of gold tlint sudden expansion of gases, steam nnd Waldport for several weeks. Alter off the solid matter hy running Is theirs which cotnes to them as royal - probably hydrogen. The broken hits, $78. Hay — Buying prices, delivered: the mixture through a piece of muslin. > ties from land on which mineral de­ after their separation, nre believed to A special bulletin, devoted almost ex­ Allow the solution ft» become perfectly posits were discovered several years arrange themselves In swarms which Eastern Oregon timothy, $29(830 per clusively to the subject of Fourth of ton; valley timothy, $25(8 26; alfalfa, July lemonade, was issued from the cool, and then add an equal volume, or i ago. Twice a year this Qunpnw pair cross the orbit of the earth In accord- j n little more, of strong alcohol. If visit town for the purpose of laying nnce with a definite law. Shooting $24(824.50; valley grain hay, $22; Oregon food administration headquar­ clover, $19tfi20.00; straw, $9.00(810. ters by Assistant Food Administrator glucose Is present n dense white pre­ In a supply of gaudy-colored calico for stars, then, undoubtedly come from Butter—Cubes, extras, 37Jc; prime W. K. Newell. The privilege of run­ cipitate slowly settles down. Where the wife and three or four pairs of ■ within our solar system and are brok- firsts, 37c; prints, extras, 42c; car­ ning lemonade stands will be withheld no glucose has been employed there overalls for the husband, nml appear en hits of n world body destroyed by tons, lc extra; butterfat, No. 1, 41c over the state on the “glorious Fourth," Is no precipitate, save. In some eases, to feel even this Is great extrava­ volcanic events. Many meteorites have delivered. in the interests of sugar conservation, a very trilling sediment of proteld mat­ gance. been found In Arizona. Eggs—Ranch, current receipts, 34c:j the bulletin explains. Orangeade and ter which, however, Is so sinnll that It _______________ candled, 35c; selects, 36c per dozen. other sweetened drinks are also to be under the ban. could not possibly he mistaken for the Poultry — Hens, 27c; broilers, 40c; Market Term Defined. sediment which glucose produces. The To have his right arm shot away “Pn, whnt's ‘manipulation for a rise* ducks, 32c; geese, 20c; turkeys, live, last-named Is not particularly harmful and suffer other serious Injuries while 26(8 27c; dressed, 37c per pound. mean?" III Itself, but It Is very frequently used he slept in his bunkhouse was the un­ Pork—Fancy, 23(8 23 Jc per pound. “When I pull the bedclothes off yon fortunate fate of R. T. Cornelius, an as an adulterant In supposedly pure Sack Vegetables—Carrots, $1.15 per In the morning." employe of the Pelican Bay Lumber preserves for extra profit.—Popular i sack; turnips, $1.50; parsnips, $1.25; company, when a highpower rifle in All Alike. Science Monthly. beets, $2. the hands of C. E. Lusk was accidental­ No Trouble. "Savages will trade vast tracts of Potatoes—Oregon Burbanks, 75c(8 ly discharged. Lusk was cleaning his The small buy land for a string of beads.” $1 per hundred; new California, 10c gun In the room adjacent to that of No Connection Between the “Well," replied Miss Cayenne, "I stood nt the gar­ per pound; sweet potatoes, 10c per Cornelius and it Is believed that the Weather and Moon’s Changes know a man who wears evening den gnte anl muzzle of the gun was not over two pound. clothes nnd carries a enne, nnd he did howled nnd howl­ Onions—Jobbing prices, l(81ic per feet from the victim when It was dis­ charged. People who rely on the moon ns n the same thing. He went broke try­ ed. A pnsslng otd pound. _____ Indy pnused be­ weather Indicator, ^ r lte s n corre- ing to pay for a pearl necklace." Total fire loss In the state outside of Cattle— June 16, 1918. side him. spondent In the London Chronicle, Prime steers.................... $14.00(0! 15.00 Portland for May is estimated at $261,- " W h a t ’ s the Incredible Hardship. must have very short memories, for Good to choice steers.. . . 12,50^13.50 000 by State Fire Marshal Wells, in his “So your broth­ matter, I I t t i «? accurate comparisons prove conclu­ Medium to good steers.. 11.C0@12.00 monthly report. This includes losses er's Joined the man?” she ns.;ci sively tlint there Is no connection what­ 69 buildings, including 32 dwell­ Fair to medium steers .. 10.50(811.50 on In n kindly voice. army?” ings. 24 mercantile buildings and ever between the weather nnd the Common to fair steers .. 9.00(8 10.00 “O-o-ohr wall­ stocks, seven barns, four sawmills and "Yes.” moon’s changes of phase. Choice cows and heifers. 11.00(812.00 one school. Two of the fires were "How does he ed the yotingsie«-. Professor Schuster analyzed a whole Com. to good cows andhf 6.50(8 8.50 from overheated stoves, three from ex­ “Pn nnd him w o n i like It?" century’s weather records, nnd, na n Canners............................ 4.00@ 6.00 plosion of gasoline, six from the ex­ take me to the pictures tonight!” "Oh, the food result, was unable to trneo any lunar Bulls................................... 6.50(810.00 plosion of lamps, six from electric "But don’t mnke such a noise,” said Is something nw- period In them. Several authorities are the dnme, admonishing. "Do they ever Calves................................ 8.50(812.00 irons and defective wiring, eight from ful. Why, he agreed, however, that there Is a ten­ Stockers and fee d e r s.... 8.00(810.00 exposures, 21 from defective flues, and hasn’t had pie for take you when you cry like that?” dency for clouds to disperse ns a full 23 were incendiary or of unknown Hogs— "Sometimes they do, an’ sometimes breakfast o n c e moon cmnes to the meridian of nny causes. Prime mixed..................... $16.50(3:16.65 they d-d-don’t," bellowed the boy. “But place; but It 1s a far cry from thnt to since he left home." Medium mixed................ 16.35(816.50 It nln't no trouble to yell I" Union county’s quota of grammar the definite belief thnt the weather Rough h eavies................ 15.50(8-16.60 school graduates has been filled, five The Correct Adjective. changes with a change of the lunar Pigs.................................... 15.25(315.50 by volunteering and the remainder by A Good Reason. "Don’t cuff the title fellow, madam," phases. Bulk.................................... 16.50 induction. "Why don’t you accept him If he These changes, of course, onn he pre­ remonstrates a passerby. “Surely he Sheep— dicted for years In advance with per­ has done nothing very bad, a sweet lit­ has offered to have his life Insured In Prime spring lambs........$16.000? 16.50 Training of a 100-voice choir to ap­ your favor?” fect accuracy, nnd If tho weather de­ tle rhlld like thnt.” Heavy lambs.................... 16.500? 10.00 pear on the Fourth of July celebration "Because If he was a good risk for Yearlings........................... 9.50(8:10.50 program at La Grande, began recently "Sweet child Is right," said the pended on them, weather foreenrtlng would be the simplest of all the sci­ wrathful woman. "K’s been an’ swal­ the insurance company, he’d be a bad Wethers............................. 9.000?10.00 under the direction of Mrs. A. L. Rich­ one for me." lowed our sugar ticket.” ences, Instead of the most difficult. Ewes........................ 5.50@ 9.00 ardson. VïiïüJL | POULTRY POINTERS | NORTHWEST MARKET REPORT! SIX SMILES