Billy Ives of Vancouver had Kent 664.7 feet; them'* North 1643.» feet to the center of county road; business in this city Sunday. thence North 78 degree« 60 minute« The Sells-Floto shows were at Louis Walters of Portland visit­ Rant 661.9 feet; thence| South 372.24 feet; thence South 78 degree« 60 min­ “ Mack” Friday last. ed Foiest Grove friends Sunday. ute« We«t 67.09 feet to u «tone, thence Uncle Billy Hay was in town Money to loan—Valley Realty South 2284.92 feet to the north boun­ dary line of Tract No. 1 of «aid sub- Co., Forest Grove, Oregon. 19-tf Saturday from his country plan­ diviwion of the Kllen Porter eatate; Fruits and Vegetables in Season Straw hats for dress and work tation. thence South 89 degree* We«t 1226.62 Summer weight sweaters for wear at Anderson’s clothing store. feet to the place of beginning, contain­ men, women and children at John ing 60 acre*, more or le**. Whieh Yellow Aberdeen turnip seed tract ia to tie offered ttrat. and i« to be $1.50 per pound, at the Pacific Anderson’s. known aa Tract No. 1 of aaid «ale. PHONE 701 George G. Hancock, real es­ Market. 19-tf Tract No. 2 Situate in Washington County, in the «tate of Oregon, Part Mr». J. W. Hughes and Mrs tate, farm loans and fire insur­ South Main Street - Forest Grove, Ore of the William It. Poe Donation I.and C. A. Brodersen of near Dilley ance, new Anderson block. 50 Claim No. 66 in Towtiship one North, Mr. and Mrs. John Heisler and were shopping in town Saturday. Range four We«t Will. Mer. Iiuumli'ii daughter, Katie, of Gales Creek ami described aa beginning at the tng requirements of the country southeast Choice stove-wood length kind town were shopping in this city j Washington County Transfers corner of «aid claim No. 66, ling wood $2.00 the load at the Saturday. _ R C Walter et ux to ____ Bessie __ L may be taken care of and that running thence North 89 degree» 26 min­ Forest Grove Planing Mill. 18-tf Plmint? M ill 1 T usunt. 18 29 ac in Watts DLC~ waste waa,t* u of ° r perishable Perishable fruits may ute* West on the south line of said claim The Forest Grove rianing mm thus be prevented I wish to say 16.87 chaina to reentrant corner on Rev. M. J. Fenenca, “ Y” work­ is now taking orders for wooden line; thence South 0 degree* 30 I am advised from Washing »itch er at Raymond, Wash., spent boxes of all kinds and sizes Ask F W Brooke et ux to Krank B that minute* 2 (Kl chain« to angular ton that there is ample sugar in corner on West auch line: thence North 88 Sunday with his family in this for particulars. 18-tf , 80 ac in F W Webster the sugai-growing countries and degree* 34 minute* West on south line city. S. G. Morgan took the mem- c a*”1* s o ­ ample sugar-refining capacity in of said claim 10.83 chain*; thence See the Pyrex transparent bak­ bers of the J. A. McCoy family to !. ” m M Watrouset ux to Wash- the United Slates. The whole North 11.93 chaina; thence South 89 de­ gree* 26 minute* Kast 27.93 chain« to ing dishes at the Book Store. North Plains last Sunday for a intiton county, strip 50 ft in Chat- difficulty lies in the shortage of east line of *aid Poe claim; thence held DLC, $1. Every woman should have an as­ visit with friends shipping facilities. Undoubtedly South i degree 46 minute* West on sortment. To keep the automobile looking D N Morris et ux to Walter W there is more or less loss occas­ *uch line 10.06 chain* to the place of J. A. Forbis was in the city clean and nice use one of our Oil Benjamin, 1000.875x139 9 f et in ion! d by the activ ties of the sub­ beginning, containing 30 acre*. Which tract i* to tie offered second and ia to Saturday and took three soldiers Tanned Chamois skins on it. I J®* 2, blk 9. Naylor’s add Forest marines. The extent of this loss known a* Tract No. 2 of *aid sale. out to spend the night at the For­ Littlers’ Pharmacy. Grove, $10. I do not know, but the country Tract N'o. 3 Situate in the city of may place the utmost reliance in Forest Grove, Washington County, in bis farm v P x.°fr E A D- Wi St; r h° iSid° inK There have been several chang- state of Oregon, Commencing at Go to the Erickson garage, K. ^ . M . L A. work at Gamp Lew in m jn (he running of passenger Mr. Hoover’s statement that this the the southwest corner of l^ot one in domestic conservation is most spent Sunday and Monday with lrains on (he g p this of P. building, for your auto re­ Block two Naylor's Addition to Forest The limit for domes­ (■rove, pairs, accessories, tires, gas and his family in thi* i ny. said county and state, running city and Portland during the past necessary. tic consumption still remains at thence North 101.30 feet; thence Kast oils. George Schwerer ofCamp l-ewts ten days. See timetable on this three pounds per month per per 60 feet; thence South 101.30 feet: Miss Grace Darling arrived Sat­ spent Sunday at the home of his, page. thence West 60 feet to the place of son but those who wish to do ... ------- . . , , urday from Houston, Texas, for a parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ben beginning. Which tract is to be of­ N»ra Smith of Hil sboro their full share of service can fered third and is to he known as visit with her uncle and aunt, Schwerer, in this city. easily keep their consumption un­ Mr. and Mrs C. V. B. Russell. Mbs Anna Taylor left Tuesday LSu" day wllh ForMt l ' ruv<“ der this limit. I most earnestly Tract No. 3 of said sale. Said sale wilt tie made on Monday ‘ -------------- To get good, salable fruit from for Seattle where she will attend j ask the -erious attention ol every tlie 22nd day of July A. I>. 1918, at 2 your trees, spray the trees often summer school. The Misses Cole loyal Oregon family to this very o’clock P. M. of that day, at the South of the I'niirt House, in the City of with Sherwin-Williams Arsenate are also attending school there, . _ _ important matter of saving sugar door Hillsboro, Washington County, Oregon. of Lead, for sale by Lit tiers’ Dr. Ward is con inuing his The terms of said sale will be: Cash, Pharmacy. practice and is prepared to answer ° indulgence in the matter of candy- gold coin of the United States, ten per C. E. Deakins, late of Myrtle calls both day and night. Office Portland, O e., June 18.—Mote eating and indiscriminate con­ cent of the purchase price to be paid Point, is the new agent at the S. hours, from 9 to 11 a. m. and 2 to sugar mu t be saved. This is the sumption of sug ir at the present to the undersigned at time of sale, bal­ ance on confirmation of the sale by P. passenger depot, Sir. Spurgeon 4 p. m. 18-tf | time is inexcusable and extremely said court. Kxecutor’s deed furnished. edict of the Food Administration, having been transferred to Rock- j Go to F A. Moore's store, cor- unpatriotic. Ix*t us all save sugar Abstract of title furnished at expense away. , ner Pacific Avenue and Third and those who are already cur- as a war service. Let us do it of estate. Notices posted and published by or­ . use of . sugar are a-ked . ¡cheerfully and be glad of the op Buy your groceries, fish, veg-!street, for up-to date hair cuts taiiing their to cut down their consumption1 portuni y to make this compara­ der of the court. etables and second-hand house- and shaves Also ice cream, cold •JOK A. WILKS. hold goods of the Economy store ! drinks and lunches. Phone 181. still further, while those who tively trivial sacrifice.” Executor of the last will and testa­ have so far neglected to make any Dodge bldg., cor. 3d street and - Mr and Mrs Ed Ahigren, Al material decrease in their u-e of ment of Nellie Porter Dannials, de­ L ftal Notice Pacific avenue. b-tf Ahlgren and Herb and Bertha sugar are urged to face the sugar cease« I. the County Court of the State of L. M. GRAHAM, Attorney for Ex- A good 7-room house to rent: Kappel were fi-hing on Wilson situation squarely as loyal citi- | In Oregon for Washington County. ecutor. gas, bath, toilet and garage; close river Sunday, returning by way of zens. In the matter of the eatate and last Address Forest Grove, Oregon. to business d i s t r i c t See A. Sheridan and McMinnville. Federal Food Administrator W. will and testament of Nellie Porter First pub. June 20; last put). Jut. 18, Dannials, Deceased. 1918. Baldwin, at Second hand store on ; Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Wilson R. Ayer announced on June 13 Notice ia hereby given that in pur- 1st Ave. South. ¿¿-ti j have just heard from their son, I that uniil further notice all re- | suance !,egal Notice of an order of the County Court Remember, friends, you m ust! Richard, who informs them that tailers will be required to limit of Washington County, state of Ore- In the Couuty Court of the State of pay in advance to get the Express be has passed the examination for their sales of sugar for domestic 1 gon, made on the 17th day of June A. Oregon for Washington County. at one dollar per year. The reg­ yeoman service in the navy. He purposes to two pounds at a time 1). 1918, in the matter of the above In the matter of the estate of Karl estate, the undersigned execu- ular price is $ 1 50. We pay you wrote from Brooklyn navy yard. jn the city, and to five pounds at : ! entitled Ott, Presumed deceased. tor of the last will and testament of 50c to collect fiom yourself. O. N. Mullikin, with fourteen > time to rural customers, this Nellie Porter Dannials, deceased, will To Karl Ott and all persona concerned: at public auction to the highest The (letition of Bessie L. Van Ant­ Miss Marcella Richards, who is years’ experience in teaching a ll1 regulation not to apply to sug ir ' sell bidder, subject to confirmation by said three - valve band instrum ent, for domestic canning purposes, for werp having been filed in the county employed in an office at St. the following described real Hpipns visitpd her mother Mrs slide trombone and clarinet, de- which provision has been made so court, court of Washington County, State of property, to-wit,— Blanche Richards, in this’ city'sires a few pupils Re-idence, that housewives may obtain prop- Tract No. 1—Situate in Washington Oregon, praying for a decree of said over Sunday. Miss Richards has Cook property, southeast of high | w supplies upon signing a certifi- County, in the state of Oregon, being court that the legal presumption exists cate affirming to the Government designated in the petition as "Tract of the death of said Karl Ott, on ac­ enlisted as a “yeomanette” a n d ischool. 21-4t* No. 5,” described as follows,—Being count of not having been heard from in expects to be called to service Mrs. C. H Sprague, who was that she will not use any of the ! part the Donation Land Claim of seven years, or more, from his last sugar so purchased for any other soon. j taken seriously ill several months purpose than canning or preserv­ j Henry of Buxton Sr. and wife. No. 44 in known place of residence, and for a | Township one North, Range four West further Thirty three Mazamas arrived ae°, while attending a Christian ing. order of the court appointing j Will. Mer. and beginning at a point on an administrator on the estate of said from Portland Saturday even ng. Endf fvor convention in . his city, I the west line of said D. L. C. (being “This temporary restriction,” : also the northwest corner of Tract No. Karl Ott; and the County Judge of said were taken to Glenwood by Dan f nd, later .'yas. ^ v ^ * Port- said Mr. Aver in making the an | 1 of subdivision of the Ellen Porter es- county and state having heard said Pierce and spent Sunday hiking ,and. sanitarium, is said to be ami the evidence, ami having nouncement “is necessary in or­ \ tate) from thence running North petition over the hills, returning home [aPld!y ,now L , , der that 'he canning and pres» rv- 1035.64 feet; thence North 89 degrees found that the presumption of death of sai«l Karl Ott is fully ami completely Sunday evening. Dan says they i Canada thistles may be .“-lowly established, and thai said Karl Ott is were the best-natured lot he ever starved to death by preventing legally dead, now therefore, you, and any part from growing above G lim s r « r f y Kith traveled with. each of you, are hereby cited to appeur (A< punch pipes a fel­ ground during the season, says B low a fin* appetite in the County Court room at the court Advanced optical knowledge F Sheehan of the O. A. C. Ex­ fo r mess call and a house in Hillsboro, Washington County, cheti o f Gravely. used in conjunction with the best periment Station. “The college Oregon, on or before twelve weeks from and after the date of the last scientific instruments and many recommends clean culture as th e 1 publication of this notice and then and years’ practical experience, assures best means of eradication,” h e 1 there give satisfactory evidence to the you perfect glasses, ease and com­ reports. County Court of the continuance in life fort, if you patronize Dr. Lowe. of said Karl Ott, ami if said evidence Sacrifices shall not he forthcoming within said Perfect eyesight is a great bless­ time letters of administration on the ing; imperfect eyesight is a great Still, still we bask in gilded1 estate of said Earl Ott will he issued to handicap. Give Dr. Lowe the ease, and soothe ourselves with H. T. Buxton as administrator. Dated opportunity of showing you the costly cheese, and choo around in at Hillsboro, Oregon, June 10th, 1918. Published three issues. road to eyesight perfection and motor cars We put fine raiment H. A. KURATLI, comfort. He will be at Hotel on our backs, we buy silk shirts of Clerk of the County Court. Laughlin Thursday, June 27th. gorgeous price; we haven’t yet j L. M. GRAHAM, Scores of Forest Grove references. got down to tacks, we haven’t Attorney for petitioner, made a sacrifice. We read stern Forest Grove, Oregon. 23-3t OREGON ELECTRIC TIME CARD tales from o’er the sea, which tell 1 D a te d J u n e 10, 1918 of Britain’s battered line, and buy An­. P. G. up seven bonds or three, wheie Lr. F. G. A it . Pt. : L». Pt. DR. H. C. FORTNER 6:20 a m 7:40 6:50 a ni 8:07 we could call for 49. We haven’t Successor to 7:00 a m 8:25 8:15 a m 9:32 helped our Uncle Sam so much it’s DR. H. W. VOLLMER Just drop into any wide awake dealer around 8:15 a m 9:35 : 10:25 a m 11:40 worth while to relate; we eat *9:45 a m 11:00 1:15 p m 2:25 brown bread, well spread with here, give him 10 cents for the pouch of Real OFFICE 110:35 a m 11:50 4:00 Gravely, complete in the special envelope ready for m 5:15 jam, and think we’re doing some- j P In First National Bank Building m 2:20 1:05 p mailing. 4:05 p m 5:20 5:10 P m 6:25 thing great. I We waste enough,1 Telchones _ Address it according to the official directions he 6:35 p m 7:55 6:10 P m 7:25 each passing day (br cause we do Residence 332 Office 333 will give you. Put on a 3 cent stamp—and Uncle 7:35 p m 8:50 7:45 9 m 9:05 not use our domes) to d'ive the 11:00 m m 10:45 12:20 9:30 P P Sam's Mails will see that he gets it. wolves of want away from 50,000 D. D. & M. B. BUMP R eal G rav ely ia th e to b a c c o to te n d . N ot o rd in ary plug * Sunday only; tDaily, except Sunday soldiers’ homes. We waste our lo ad ed u p w ith sw ee te n in g , b u t co n d e n se d q u ality . It’« w o rth | coin on princely duds when sim- Attorneys at Law S. P. ELECTRIC TIME CARD •en d in g a lo n g w ay , a n d w h en h e receive« it h e ’« g o t «om ething. | pier rags would do as well, we G ive any m an a c h e w of R eal G ra v ely P lu g ,a n d h e will tell L y . Pt. A rr. Arr. Pt. F. G . Lr. F. G. Loans and Real Estate you t h a t ’a th e la n d to «end. S en d th e b est! blow our change for smokes and 6:35 a m 7:50 J t7:15 a m 8:35 suds, and gawds too numerous to O rd in a ry p lu g 1« fal«e econom y. It co«t« le«« p e r w ee k to D. D. BUMP, M. B. BUMP, ch ew R eal G rav ely , b ec au se a «mall ch e w of it la sts a long t7:20 a m 8:45 t9:15 a m 10:32 tell Of sacrifice we’re talking Residence Residence Hillsboro while. Forest Grove. s9:29 a m 11:05 11:05 a m 12:20 large while on our padded course SEND YOUR FRIEND IN T IE U. S. SERVICE A POUCH OF GRAVELY Phone 444 Offices HILLSBORO 12:35 p m 1:50 2:15 p m 3:30 we romp, like Cleopatra on her E v en “ o v er there** a 3c. stam p will p u t it in to his hands. t3:25 m 4:50 3:20 t2:00 p m p 5:40 p m 7:00 i barge, in luxury and idle pomp. N. HOFFMAN P. B. GRAVELY TOBACCO COMPANY, Danville, Va. 3:35 p m 4:55 t6:15 7:35 I Our loyalty is all a fake unless we p m t4:22 p m 5:50 8:00 p m 9:20 show we haye some steam; oh, let The Patent Poach keeps it Fresh and Clean and Good Attorney At Law —It it not Real Gravely wit! out this Protection Seal t6:06 p m 7:30 t i l :05 p m 12:25 us prod ourselves awake and do s b lis h e d 1 8 3 1 2:20 m 9:35 p m 10:50 j s s l :05 p Patent Office Business Solicited the things of which we dream.— Walt Ma^on. t—Thru s—Sat si- Sat & Sunday Forest Grove, - Oregon NOTES AND PERSONALS H. T. GILTNER Staple and Fancy Groceries Why We Are Asked to Conserve Sugar;u th,is ««the utmost, seir- It only Takes a Minute to send him a pouch of Real GRAVELY Chewing Plug i J