The Forest Grove express. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1916-1918, June 20, 1918, Image 3

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Œlî* JinrpHt (Krmt* SExpr pbb
Puhliahed «vary Thuraday ut Foreat (iruv«, Oregon.
W. C. Hen for, A litor unii Puhliaher.
On Credit
One year
Six montha
Three montha
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SuhHcription Rate*
............... 25
AROON* S M I N ’ VSE " O O N f
Entered aa eerond-claaa m a tta r Jan. 12, 191«, at the poatofflee at Foreat Grove,
Oregon, under the Act of March *, 1879
Paid in advance
One year
Six moot ha
Three Montha
S tan
pa ssim * e a q
THURSDAY , JU N E 20, 1918
new and productive homes and
by citizens who know the posai-
hility and appreciate the bcauius
of our «real commonwealth.—
McMinnville Register
The boys were entertained in
homes of C. N. Johnson, J. W
Hughes, J, A. Forbis. Ghas. Hines,
E. F. Burlingham, W. H. Danser,
G. O. Roe, W. W. Goff, A. G
Hoffman, R ev . Patten. Rev.
Ebert, J W. Macrum, Ghas. Lit-
tler and R. W. Reder.
The boys were recruited for
spruce work from all over the
United States and embrace almost
a dozen nationalties, but they
were a gentlemanly s e t and
eemed to enjoy their outing In
fact, several told the writer that
they were tiied of town and camp
life and liked to spend their Sun­
days in either small towns or the
Rev. Putnam is of the opinion
that if th<* people desire it, he can
bring a much larger crowd at
some future date.
city may not fall behind o th er cum-
m u n itiei in responding to the call,
I hereby proclaim Friday, Ju n e 28th,
as W ar Savings Day for the city of
F o rest Grove, upon which day all
persons shall give their pledges for
the W ar Savings Stam ps a t such
tinrc** and places and in such m anner
as may be appointed by C. S. Jack-
son, the W ar Savings D irector for
Oregon, acting under au th o rity of
the S ecretary of the T reasury, and
p u rsu an t to th “ Proclam ation of the
P resident of the United States,
M ayor of F o rest Grove, Ore.
Des Moines for 1919
The prosperous, progressive
little city of Des Moines. Iowa,
has already begun a strong move­
ment to s< cure the National G.
An Associated Press dispatch,
• * - This paper has enlisted dated I»ndon, May 17, says:
A. R. Encampment for 1919. Des
Moines is a rapidly growing city
with the government in the The German commission appoint
France Behind the Times
100,000 population and the
cause of A m erica for the
Writing to members of his fam­ center of as rich an agricultural
period o f the war
ily in this city, Ghas. G. Staley of district as the sun shines upon
__ ed a recommendation for the com-
the 18 th Railway Engineers,
There has never been a Nation­
m ..»»«-
n.c Ellison- pulsory marriage of Germans tre-
We me
are to
have the
somewhere in France, al Encampment in the Depart
fhite Chautauqua with us July ^ore their twentieth year is passed,
in «„91
according to a dispatch to the
says he and the other Forest | ment of Iowa, and it is only fair
to 24, tnoliiniv»
Daily Express from Amsterdam.
Grove boys are well, but very that after Boston and Portland
I he members of James B. j Financial assistance would be
busy. He says so many Ameri the next National Encampment
Matthews post, G. A. K., of this granted by the state, according to
cans are coming to France that should be in the middle west.
city are rather proud of the fact this plan, which provides p rial
Kaiser Bill Hure will have one hot
Mr. and Mrs. John Corum and
that their little post contributed ties for those failing to comply
old time when the fighting gets ,two
daughters of Eugene, who
more toward a fund raised to dec Provision also is made for the
started in earnest (The boy ev , thirty years ago owned the farm
orate graves in the southland punishment of married coupl s
idently doesn’t consider the Anv r
owned by Rev. Daniel Staver,
than many posts twice the size of who remain childless.
icans have started yet.) He says j | now
the J. T. Fletcher home
( Continued from Page One)
Matthews post.
France is blessed with more kinds in this at
A report compiled by the local
and the Sargent and
weather in one day than any Loving homes
Because President Wilson re­ government board, based on in­ at the train by their h o s ts , in of
at Gales Greek last
place he ever saw. In speaking Friday and Saturday.
quests it, Henry Ford has con­ formation from German sources, ^ autos. and taken to the various of
customs of France, he says
sented to run for United States shows a fall in the birth rat in homes to which they had been al- the the
have no horses ieft for
H. F. Wilson and son, Horace,
senator from Michigan Henry is
this city, E. E. Ratelle of Port­
a republican and will run on that 1915-17, inclusiye^^qu^valent to ternoon a nice progrm was given
and C. P. Walker of Yam-
party’s ticket, but he has been the loss of 2,000,000 infants. on | be College Campus, after there is much idle land, for the
Friday and Saturday
endorsed by the leading demo­ Forty per cent fewer births oc- which they were giv-n all the people cannot do much with their
head waters of the
crats of his state.
decrepit live stock and primitive Nestucca, catching more than
These figures are compared with cou|d eat.
We of Forest Grove like to a decrease of 10 per cent in the I The progr;im opened with the tools. He cannot understand why 100 fine trout and having some
boast about, the beauties of our birth rate in England and Wales. sjn^jng 0f "America” by the aud*! a country as old as France is so interesting experiences.
backward in farming. Wheat is
town but the writer b ars visitors
The infantile death rate in Cer- ¡ence,
by Thos. E. Isaacs and -owed on ridges, so that it must
C. L. VanKoughnet Saturday
may not appreciate the luxuriant many
has been kept well down, ^ r8 p \V. Jones
from the Robinson hatch­
be cut with sickles, as a mower
SurTidewalkH^ £
tJhan a b C k .b«t nevertheless, the report shows’, Pre>ident Hoffrain 0f the Com- could not get over the ground. ery, at Carlton. 100 4-months old
from the postotfice there are weeds land and u"V
^lgher tha"
EnK' mercial club then delivered a very But the Americans are waking the Leghorn pullets, paying $1 25 per
Cordial addre-s of welcome, offer people up and he says it is getting head for them, and he says they
so high that a yearling calf could
ing the gueRts the freedom of the very common to see an American are worth the money, as they
hide in them Gel busy!
city and expressing regret that locomotive pulling American cars come from fine stock.
In the presence of a large num -;
twice as many did not come.
on an American-made railroad
It is cheaper to buy a good
her of Oregon, Washington and
W'iUiam Allen W’hite, editor of
Rev Putnam responded for the and the French people marvel at mattress every twenty years than
Idaho veterinarians, I)r. W. H. the Emporia Kas., Gazette, who visitors and stited that he told the speed with which the Yankees to buy a bag full of lumps every
Lyle, state veterinarian, last Fri- recently lectured on ihe war in the boys if they would come they do things.
year or two. The Sealey is a
day performed a slight operation several Oregon towns, has the fol*! would be well treated and he
The women of the villages do ’! wenty year mattress a n d we
in the nostrils of a mule, with the lowing to say concerning an at- knew by the amount of attention their washing in a community would to explain its good
re ult that the critter has lost its tempt to federate the churches of given them that they weie hav wa>h-house, using cold water and qualities to y o u . Claude E.
power to brav. This might be a Fmporia:
ing a good time
rubbing the clothes with brushes. S m i t h . _____________
good way to silence a lot of windy «
was a b, autifu| idea> (hat
A vocal solo, '‘God Guard He thinks th-y would faint if they
R. L. Brymer, pastor of
|of every kindred, every tribe sit- Columbia,” by Mr Isaacs came ever *aw an improved electric the Rev.
Yamhill M. E. church, ac­
Becauseoflhe serious shortage ting at a common communion next and Judge Hollis followed washer and wringer.
companied by his family, visited
of sugar, the Food Administration table glorifying in common prayer with a fervently patriotic address,
Charley frequently speaks in at the J. L. VanKirk home Mon­
is asking all patriotic Americans the common human cause for in which he predicted a complete his letters of ihe K. of P boys in day, having come to attend the
to refrain from drinking sw eet-1 which our men are fighting. But. victory ove: the Prussian Huns this city.
(high school commencement. Mrs.
ened lemonade or eating candy, the Gatholics couldn’t attend it and stated that the workers in
> Brymer is Mrs.
VanKirk’s sister.
even on the Fourth of July. Per- because it would not be held in a the woods, factories and fi*ld->
Make this w ar a personal m atter.
Mr. and Mrs. F. S. Gordon,
mits for sugar to be used at cele- j sacred edifice.
were doing their “ bit” just as
not depend on others to do the Mr. and Mrs. C. E Smith and
brations have already been turned , “The Ghristian church could much as the soldier in the trench-
down by the administration. Let not countenance it. because they es. He asked the citizens to be fig h tin g or to finance the govern­ little daughter, Dr. and Mrs. W.
us not be unpatriotic on Amer- could find nothing in I he Book fr iendly and neighborly to the ment.. Do your share. I t is as M. Pollock and two children and
ica’s chief patriotic day
justifying serving communion on m.n in uniform wherever they much your w ar as your neighbors. Miss Jessie Buxton enjoyed a pic­
Buy no unnecessary article. Prac- nic at Roderick Falls last Sunday.
M u . F S tT H o b b T “ > former Thursday
met , hem as l hey were deserving
economy and self-denial. U n­
Washington county girl, who dur-j “The Baptists could not take!°f recognition,
Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Thorn­
ing Oswald West’s administration communion with the unimmersed.
M. J. f enenga also gave a necessary buying m eans a w aste of burgh and son, Glenn, and Mayor
as governor, as his private secre-l “The Friends do not believe in f.^°.rt ,
during which he told a m aterial and labor; m eans th a t you and Mrs. G. G. Paterson autoed
- material manifestation
“station of
tary, attracted national - attention 1 the
of thf
the little of the work the "Y is doing are com peting with the governm ent to Camp Lewis last Sunday.
among the fighters and workers for labor and m aterial.
by a war she led on the blind pigs communion.
He said the Huns had already lost
Teachers’ Examination Notice
Invest your savings in W ar Sav­
oi Baker county, has enlisted in
The United Presbyterians might their self-respect, the respect of
the Red Cross for foreign service object because the communion
Notice is hereby given that the
and has gone to New York to em ­ would sing gospel hymns and not their neighbors and they W'ould Th-"1 President of the United S tates regular examination of applicants
surely lose the unholy war they has called on the people of th e n a­ for teachers’ state certificates will
bark for France If Miss Hobbs j p aims,
ever gets a chance at the Kaiser, “The Episcopalians could not were waging against civilization. tion to indicate th eir self-denial by be held at the high school build­
Rev. Patttn followed with a pledging them selve on June 28th to ing in Hillsboro June 26, 27, 28,
Brute, he il know vvh\ s^e put j0jn because they had a late bul-
patriotic address, such purchase W ar Savings Stam ps forj 29
the bootloggers of Oregon out of je^ n upon the Apostolic succes-
the father of soldiers the rem ainder of the year.
Ision, and could not receivecom- can make. He
styled the titanic
School Supt.
In order th a t th e citizens o f this
Senator Walter Pierce’s plan forimunieen outside of the regular struggle in Europe a fight be
the state to provide lanei for he ; succession.
tween democracy and autocracy
returning soldier boys under long
'A nd so t h e matter w a s and said that right always won,
term payment has the* flavor of dropped.
ultimately, no m atter how much
constructive statesmanship. It is; “Discord is the fuel of hell the victory was delayed. He
worth while to give the scheme Where in hell are we in this mod- could read in the alert face» of
serious thought. It is certainly j ern world anyway?”
the city’s guests a determination
worth while in one pariicular—it
to do their best to dethrone bar­
would populate the state with) Job printing—phone 821.
barism and enthrone democracy
and civilization.
With the singing of the “Star-
I Spangled Banner,” the piogram
; was brought to a close and the
Honor Guard Girls served the
Under the new management, this market has been
! berries and cakes, after Mr. Hoff-
stocked up with a tempting line of
1 man had thanked the speakers
and singers and the ladies who
furnished the cakes.
Those in the party were E. L.
Cole, W. H. Zimmers, Harold
Fowler, J. S. Sibley, J. G. Weide-
Hams, Bacon, Sausage, Hamburger, Wieners, etc.
F. Wilson, Skow, Bennett,
Also Bread, Cookies, Pickles, Spices,
Otto Jacobsen, James
Fruits and Vegetables.
Gibson. D. B and R. A. Mullen,
Phone 531
Fresh Fish Tuesdays and Fridays
Albert Scholton, Elmer Cartright,
Free Deliveries
We pay Cash for Veal,
W. C. Steckow, Isaac Hinderlater,
9 a. m. and 3 p. m.
Pork, Hides, Poultry
Joe Telesmanich, Cyrus Gifford,
Phone 0 3 0 1
and Eggs
Ralph Ellener, R. W. Pennington
and N. Empey.
Enlisted Workers
Given Reception
The Main Street
Lumber Yard
The Pacific Market
Fresh Beef, Veal, Pork
Mutton and Poultry. . .
has the largest and best-
housed stock of Building
M aterials in Washington
Copeland & McCready