Supplement to Forest Grove Express Vol 3 Kor«*«t Grove, Ore.. Thursday, June 13, 1918. you want as the $83.40 would buy now. You stand a good chance to make 100 per cent on your investment, so don’ t get to feeling too sorry for yourself about the duty o f buying War Saving Stamps. The more you buy the better it is for you. During the week June 17 to 22 a series o f patriotic rallies will be held over the county. There are people in your neighborhood who have not at­ tended a patriotic meeting. Urge them to go to one o f these rallies. Pick up , an auto load o f people who have no Friday Afternoon School Law, easy way to go. Geology, Algebra, Civil Govern­ N. A. FROST. Art, Course of Study for Domestic Art. Thursday Afternoon — Gram­ mar, Geography, Stenography, American Literature. Physics, Typewriting, Methods in la n ­ guage, Thesis for Primary Cer­ tificates. Friday Forenoon—Theory and Practice, Orthography (Spelling), Physical Geography, Kngli-h Lit erature, Chemistry, Physical Cul­ Cow-Tester’s Report for Month of May f The Washington County Cow­ testing Association reports com- pl -tion of anothei month’s testing nd Tester C. H Bryant gives the following figures: 394 cows were tested during the last month­ ly period and the average pro­ duction of milk per cow was 665 5 lbs. The average production of butter fat was 30 8 lbs. Of the total number of cows, 62 priwfuced ov* r 40 lbs. of butter fat and 11 o( that number produced over 50 lbs of fat. The records also show that the average food cost |>er cow during the month was $8 01 The three high'-st producing herds are as follows: Herd of 4 cows owned by A. B. Wescott averaged 1.081 lbs. of milk and 59.5 lbs. of fat; Kobh Bro .’ herd of 7 cows 097 lbs. of milk and 40 lbs. of fat; G eo. Bietsdorf’s herd of 11 cows 090 lbs of milk and 39.8 lbs. of fat. The highest producing cow for the month is “ Princess ” a Jersey, owned by A. F. Wescott. This cow in the first month of her lactation period produced 1,281 lbs. of milk anrl 73 lbs. of fat. The highest producing grade cow in the association w a s “ Red Hawk” owned by Bruce Schul- rnerich. which produced 1.026 lbs. of milk and 57 5 lbs. of fat. Herds in which the-e were cov* produc­ ing over 50 lbs. of fat are owned by the following dairymen: Wm. Behrman, L R. Campbe’l. Bruce Schulmerich, .). J. Van Kleek & Son, Henry Behrman. A. E. We-- cott, Robb Bros, and George F. Bi* rsdorf. Teachers’ Examination Notice Notice is hereby given that the regular examination of applicants for teachers' state certificates will he held at the high school build­ ing in Hillsboro June 26, 27, 28, 2 » | t The program is as follows: Wednesday Forenoon — U. S History. Writing, (Penmanship) Music, Drawing. Wednesday Afternoon -Physi­ ology. Reading, Manual Training, Composition, Domestic Science, Methods in Reading, Course of Study for Drawing, Methods in Arithmetic. Thur sday Foreno