Paul Beck of Dilley had busi­ ness in this city Monday. Dr. Lowe, June 27. W R Goley of Vancouver vis­ Roy Mayea of Vancouver visit ited friends in this city Sunday. ed relatives in this city Sunday. Following is the list of Wash­ Straw hats for dress and work wear at Anderson’s clothing store ington county men who have be­ Money to loan— Valley Realty Fruits and Vegetables in Season Co., Forest Grove, Oregon. 19-tf come of ag ' since June 5th, last R. O. Stevenson, the democrat­ Yellow Aberdeen turnip seed ic candidate for county judge, was year, as shown by the military $1.50 per pound, at the Pacific trading in town Monday. registration of June 5th, 1918: Market. 19-tf P H O N E 701 Chus. Riggs, Wm, I.. Devlin. Geo. George G. Hancock, real es­ G. Town, Fred I., Wohlschlegel, Em- A son was born Saturday to tate, farm loans and fire insur­ South Main Street Forest Grove, Ore mett Weston, llonry J. Ilause, Floyd Mr. and Mrs. Walter Sarg nt of ance, new Anderson block. 50 8. Carlson, Erich W. A. Wagner, Rob­ Gales Creek. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Morley and ert Forbix, Edward J. Schendel, Win. two children of Airlie visited the Mr. and Mrs. Walter Hamer of To Train Californians H. Hollenbeck, Edwin K. Hurkhalter, Newport visited relatives in this former’s parents in this city Sun­ Major W. Weiaenbach, Clark L. John­ A group of 247 enlisted men day. city Sunday. from California will come to the ston, Kdw. Vandervelden, Wm. Sohler, St. Anthony’s Altar Guild met The Forest Grove Planing Mill Oregon Ag icultural College for Archie K. Ijockmsn, Karl W. Kruger, with Mrs. Chas. Hollovoet yes­ is now taking orders for wooden O A. C., Corvallis, June 11.— | training in auto mechanics, car- Herman C. Knocker, Edw. H. Turner. boxes of all kinds and sizes Ask terday afternoon. Harry M. Karnes, Geo. R. Kerg, blacksmithing and wne- Here is how lots of Oregon people 18-tf Marvin Anderson, Ralph Virgil Knox, Choice stove-wood length kind for particulars. less They will he in command of are canning chicken during the ling wood $2.00 the load at the Mr. and Mrs. Joe Creig of “ Can the cockerel” campaign, as a military officer und devote two Andrew Führer. Cheater A. E. Whit- Forest Grove Planing Mill. 18-tf Huntington are visiting at the recommended by t h e Co'iege ,,,Vurs a day to military drill, ford, Wm. F. Owerm. Arthur J. Wal- 1 heir work will be completed tera, Harold B. Seiler, Jas. Henry Ernest Stegleder uf Camp Lewis home of Mrs. Creig s parents, j home e c o n o m ic s specialists: . Mr. and Mrs L G. Morley. August 15 when a new unit of Jones, Elmer E. Gerber, Martin J. visited the week-end with his Draw the fowl soon after it is 500 men will begin like course Jansen, Henry Stahle, Herman Keatek, mother, Mrs. Rilda Stegleder, in To keep the automobile looking killed, wash carefully and cool; New barracks and me-s halls will Fred Otto Kehrli, Herbert E. Scheldt, this city. clean and nice use one of our Oil then cut into convenient sections. have to be erected to cart* for the Oscar Feurerstein, Frank Vandeeoever- See the Pyrex transparent bak­ Tanned Chamois skins on it. Can by either of these methods: extra men during regular college ing, Robt. N. Story, Joe Emery Jonoa, ing dishes at the Book Store. Littlers’ Pharmacy. 1. Place meat in wire basket work, which will not beaffectid Ivea G. Tumbleaon, Arthur Herbert Every woman should have an as­ Dr. Ward is coninuing his or cheesecloth and boil until m eat1 by the army training. Vincent, Walter Rychlich, John Thomas sortment. practice and is prepared to answer readily parts from the bone; lift Williams, Cheater L. Hoffman, Robt. Go to the Erickson garage, K. calls both day and night. Office from boiling liquid and remove J Notice of Annual School Meeting Widewitach, Frank Edgar Wilson, of P. building, for your auto re­ lours, from 9 to 11 a. m. and 2 to meat from bones; puck closely | Notice is hereby given to the Thoa. E. Hoinler, Robt. Ray Simpson, into sterilized jar>; fill with hot legal voters of School Di-trict Alford V. l)oree, Elwood Ashley Car­ pairs, accessories, tires, gas and p. m. 18-tf liquid alter it has been concen­ I No. 15 of Washington County, penter, Emil G. P. Tipp, Carroll Ixing, oils. New Georgette waists, stylish trated one-half, add level tea-1 I State of Oregon, that the annual Richard Paul Kirkman, Albert Joseph cor-ets, brassiers, silk skirts and J. C. Wilson has quit the Stan spoon salt per quart of meat, put school meeting of said district Schwall, Raymond Morrlsey Jones,Geo. dard Box company, at Schofield, ribbons just received; these goods Mrs. rubber and cap in place ightly; will be held at Central Building; Russell Morgan, Joseph E. Morriaey, and expects to go into the timber a»-e exceptional values. To begin at the hour of 2:00 P. Wm. Pearl Stevens, Henry W. Toclke. Blanche Richards, Pacific avenue. sterilize as per time-table. as a fire warden. 2. Scar meat in hot oven or M. on the third Monday in June. Dane Crosby, August F. Brunswick, Go to F A. Moore’s store, cor­ Miss Averil McCullough of Delbert D. Willis, Leslie M. Lee. hot Lying pan, and steam or sim- the 17th day of June A . L >. Portland, a former student of the ner Pacific Avenue and Third mer until it can be torn apari 1918 Manrice H. LaSalle, Edgar Paul Craw­ Forest Grove high school, spent street, for up-to date hair cuts Pack meat in jars, fill the space ford, Geo. A. O ’ Neill, Geo. Arnold This meeting is called for the and shaves Also ice cream, cold with stock and add a t aspoon of Sunday with Miss Eva Tucker. Durig, Geo. Behrmann, Wm. Henry drinks and lunches. Phone 181. salt to each qua*t of meat. Steril­ purpose of electing School Direct­ Heuer, Floyd L. Gough nor, Claua Found— Between Forest Grove or for three years and Clerk for Portland had a $10.000 fire ize according to time-table. Erickson, John S. Reilly, Rutherford and Cornelius a lap robe. May one year, and the transaction of when the be recovered by calling on Miss Sunday afternoon, 3. Free meat from bone and j business usual at such meetings. Wheeler, Amos Watkins, John H. Crocker, Jos. Boldy Baker, Lloyd P. Alice Crook, Baseline road. 22 t2* Northwest Box factory and West- cut into pieces to go into jar | Dat“d this 5th day of June, Kirry, Harold B. Robinson, Ralph side Lumber and Shingle plant easily; pack raw meat into tested To get good, salable fruit from 1918. W. P. DYK E. your trees, spray the trees often burned. Fire is believed to haveic]ean glass jars to within ?4 inch 1 Chaiiman of Board of Direc­ Johnson, Sydney Powers, Wesley I.. started from sparks from a don­ . of top; add teaspoon salt to each Beharrcll, Frank K. Bocae, Harold with Sherwin-Williams Arsenate tors. Bremer. key engine. quart of meat, but no water of Lead, for sale by Littlers’ Attest, Chas. C. Bowen, Geo. P. Vandehey, Monday’s Oregonian mentioned Celery leaves, onion, pepper or Pharmacy. Lester M. Davies, Jos. 8. Meeuwssen, DOROTHY H. SEYMOUR, other seasoning may be added. Buy your groceries, fish, veg­ the fact that near Gresham there 22 12 District Clerk. John S. Kosencrans, Jesse F. Portouw, Sterilize according to timetable. was a rare curiosity in the shape of etables and second-hand house­ Lawrence E. Frederickson, John H. Time-table for canning chicken: j hold goods of the Economy store a tulip tree. Well, if you want to Kreso Kills Cabbage Maggots Peterson, Frank J. Schneider, Johnnie Water bath, hours. Dodge bldg., cor. 3d street and see a beautiful tulip tree, in bloom "I have had excellent results in P. Heller, Theodore Bernards, Benj. and a most forty f et in height, go Pacific avenue. * 6-tf 5-pound pressure cooker, 2 G. lieineck, Orville J. Bailey, Carl E. control of maggots on radishes, to the J. S Buxton home north Asbahr, John P. Dethlefs, Wm. H. Ob- A good 7-room house to rent; end of College Way, where one of hours. turnips, cabbage, kale and cauli­ 10 pound pressure cooker, 1 gas, bath, toilet and garage; close the trees mentioned may be found flower by use of kreso No. 1 sheep denmeyer, Wm. S. Driver, Clarence L. hour. to business d i s t r i c t. See A. dip,” reports a Corvallis grower. Tupper. Fred I>. Wolfe, Albert Her A fowl weighing two pounds' “ I diluted at the rate of l-to-50 gert, Harry M. Herns. Misses Ruth Austin and Gladys Baldwin, at Second hand store on Goodrich of Portland, Corporal dressed should make a pint jar of as you recommended, and for the Edward H. Miller, Glendon Ward, 1st Ave. South. 22-tf Hamerski of Vancouver and Ser­ solid meat and a pint of stock ; first time in years produced plants Fred A. Penline, Chas. S. Hancock, E. E. Sharon, grand secretary thick enough to jell free of maggots, in unprotected James lasahy, Louie A. Hohman, Ray of Oregon Odd Fellows, accom­ geant Somers of Portland spent thp week-end at the Austin home Canning surplus cockerels saves places.” "W e are getting many K. I.egett, Wm. H. Hunter, Ivan panied by his sop, visited S. A. and with other friends in this feed, provides substitute for m at- favorable reports such as this Shaner, Ernest J. Eggres, Adam De- Walker, Bob Taylor and other city. Miss Austin left yesterday less meals next winter, and make- while other growers report in­ Haan, Arthur C. Jones, Edward Krug, Odd Fellows Sunday. for Bremerton Navy yards, Wash,, a convenient food for unexpected jury,” says Prof. A. L Ixm-tt, Arthur B. Sorenson, Earl Bollinger, Chas. J. Bushnell, ex-president where she takes up her work as visitors entomologist at O. A C. ‘ Sheep Dominick I^eis, John H. E. Stark, John of Pacific University, is billed for stenographer in the radio se vice. dips vary in concentration and Kuratli Jr., Louis Fisher, Bernard a talk on ‘The Meaning of the She may later be sent “ over” as A delightful little occasion was where other dips are used it is Van Meltebeck, Rudolph O. Olson, Great War,” at the Gladstone she signed up for that work. | enjoyed Friday evening at the probably well to begin with a di­ Walter Heard, Tabor Hoyt. Theodore Chautauqua on July 16th. home of Carol Phillips when a H. Pitman, Albert M. McCrady, Lev- Between six and seven thousand number of her girl friends gave lution of l-to-125.” erett W. Annette, Roy E. Maitland, Remember, friends, you must acres of O. & C. lands located in Prof. Clark, Dr. H. L Bates. Albert W. Peters. pay in advance to get the Express Washington county will be sold her a surprise rose bud shower After the roses had been removed Misses Willard, Waggener, and at one dollar per year. The reg­ June 22, at the Portland land o f­ O. N. Mullikin, with fourteen from the baskets, revealing the Hall of this city and Miss Dorris ular price is $1 50. We pay you fice. The land south of the Base dainty and useful gif s beneath Mace and Miss Margaret Bates years’ experience in teaching all 50c to collect from yourself. Line is not extensive, but north and all the unwrapping was done three - valve hand instruments, of the line there is a big acreage. the gills joined in singing songs of Pori land viewed the solar slide trombone and clarinet, de­ Because Mrs May Thomas is eclipse from the apex of I^irch Residence, leaving the city, the meeting of The Bacona country has the larg after which opera sticks were Mountain last Saturday. They sires a few pupils est sales list of any township, and pa