The Forest Grove express. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1916-1918, June 13, 1918, Image 2

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Y A N K E E C A S U A L T Y LIS T 7315
General Pershing Report* Death* 2927;
Wounded 1016; Missing 242.
Washington, D.
C. — Casualties
j among the American expeditionary
! forces thus far reported by General
Pershing, including Monday’s list, to-
Bright Sun Extinguished lly l.una'a
Ma** in Northwe*t.
Baker, Or. When’ the moon Satur­
day afternoon on schedule time dark­
ened the face o f Ufl1 sun for a period of
one minute and £3 seconds, persona in ,
the |Mith o f the totality o f the eclipse
enjoytu or sunortHi all the many thrill*
and Honsation* which tradition con
nects with the heavenly spectacle. In
the weird darkness o f mid-afternoon, !
observer* marveled, feared or exjiori-1 >
Brief Resume Most Important
[ n m || fo r W a r UpOn B e
tal 7815, the War department an­ Federal Forecast Shows Second
nounced in making public the first o f
Largest Crop on Record.
coming 21 Years of Age.
News Items.
regular weekly summaries o f casual­
Deaths in action and from
wounds, disease, accidents and all
other causes number 2027, while 4046
«cri liable, as the phenomenon affected
men have been wounded and 342 are
missing in action, including men held
Despite knowledge that nature was
prisoners in Germany.
merely doing the e x a c te d and looked ■
Events o f Noted People, Governments
The department's recapitulation fol- Continuation o f the Recent F avorable1 for, it was impossible to throw off a Provost Marshal’s latest Order to
I feeling that it was a solemn occasion,
Growing Conditions May Yet Put
and Pacific Northwest and Other
Mobilize is Simultaneous With
that the weird darkening o f the sun
Killed in action (including 291 at
was the working o f a supernatual
Things Worth knowing.
sea), 1033; died o f wounds, 310; diet!
1918 Harvest in First Rank.
Registration o f 1918.
power and that the end o f time had
o f disease, 1192; died o f accidents and
, come. It was overpowering and awe-
(Other causes, 892; wounded inaction,
! inspiring; it was an experience none
4046; missing in action (including
Milton Sebastian Lansing, 20 years prisoners), 342. Total 7315.
Washington, D. C. A l>uni[>or wheat privileged to pass through w ill ever
Washington, D. C. - While a million
old, a nephew o f Robert Lansing, sec­
young Americans just turned 21 were
While no official explanation was crop this year, which before harvest Forget.
retary o f state, enlisted in the navy at given for the decision o f the depart­ may develop into a production o f 1,- ! E*P«etant and eager only to see the registered Wednesday for service in
Los Angeles Wednesday.
. .
spectacle, previous to the passing, ik * o - the war for world freedom, orders went
ment to advise the country weekly o f «n,. « « «
000,000,000 bushels, was forecast by pU. wero exoitwi atM, ta|kutiv„. A„
out from the office o f Provost Marshal
When the darkness o f the eclipse
the department o f Agriculture in its .sun’8 light liegan to darken and birds General Crowder to the governors o f
crept over Yakima, Wash., Saturday, ! landing o f American forces in France
scores o f Indians working in hop fields last June, it is understood that it re­ June crop report giving the first indi­ sought their nests and chickens their h II states except Arizona, for mobiliza­
tion U *tw en June 21 anil 2H o f 200,-
near the city hastily sought their sulted largely from widespread reports cation o f the size o f this year’s spring rousts and the chill o f tw ilight de­
scended, the feeling changed, conver­ 000 more registrants.
camps and covered themselves under that casualties had been very heavy j wheat output.
sation ceased and nil felt the inlluence
This was in addition to 40,000 negro
and that total figures were being with­
their blankets.
Basing its estimate on June 1 condi­ o f the impending demonstration o f n a-1 men requisitioned from 20 statea and
held from the public.
Married 13 times. “ LTncle” John
tions, the department forecast a total ture as something o f gruve jiortont, o f brings the total number o f selective
Dempsey, oldest resident o f Marion,
service men called to the colors to 1,-
wheat production of 931,000,000 bush­ mysterious meaning.
111., died Tuesday, four days before his
595,704, and when they are in camp
els, which would place this year’s har­
100th birthday.
He purchased his
vest as the second largest in the his­ arose, yet, with ull, there was a feel­ the nation's army w ill numtier over
coffin seven years ago and married his
ing o f awe as i f disaster was at bund 2.000. 000 men.
tory o f the country.
13th w ife five years ago.
and as stars liegan to twinkle in mid­
The registration apparently was at­
by the perfect order that
Lowell, Ind.. a town o f 1800 people,
Yankees Penetrate to 2-3 Mile Depth duction o f 950.000,000 bushels was
Then as the face o f the moon began marked the enrolling a year ago o f
w ill close up its business houses two
forecast and the quantity gradually
and Capture Two Minenwerfer,
days a week during July and August,
crept upward until the final figures for almost completely to cover , the sun’s
The men who regiatered have be­
and most o f its merchants, clerks and
the year showed the crop to be 1,- surface, the tense feeling seemed to
Large German Field Pieces.
o f age since the first registration
professional men w ill help the sur­
025.800.000 bushels.
Military authori­
rounding farmers harvest their crops,
The acreage sown to spring wheat lar corona liegan to appear and as its day, June 6, 1917.
With the American Army in France this year is larger by 2,000,000 acres (•early light radiated from behind the ties estimate that from their numtier
because o f the shortage o f labor.
— The United States Marines attacked than ever sown before and 21.5 (ier dark shadow o f the moon, an over­ there w ill be had 750,000 men fit for
Tw o hundred soldiers Tuesday night
powering feeling o f witnessing a di-j active doty.
were rushed in auto trucks to L ittle the Germans after daybreak Tuesday cent larger than last year, aggregating vine revelation took hold o f one. Its
While an act o f rongreae requires
Creek, three miles north o f Newport, morning and penetrated the German
the new registrants lie placed at
The condition o f the crop on June 1
Ore., to fight a forest fire.
A fte r lines for about two-thirds o f a mile on
from the scintillating mass o f light, the bottom o f the class to which they
working all night, assisted by a heavy a 600-yard front in the Bel leu wood,
cent better than the 10-year average. was a marvelous spectacle and a sight are assigned, many o f them may soon
shower o f rain, they got the blaze un­
A production o f 344,000,000 bushels which burned its details into the mind ins called to the colors, as requisition*
der control.
About 200 acres were
That is 11,000,000 o f an observer never to lie \forgotten U |s m governors probably will exhaust
Germans now hold only the northern
burned over.
harvested last year and, to the ordinary person, almost in­ the first class in some states. While no
formal explanation was made, this was
America in 1920 w ill have a mer­ fringe o f the wood.
and only about 7 , 000,000 bushels less describable.
The Americans captured two minen­ than the record spring wheat harvest
lielievod to have lieen the reason why
chant marine o f 25,000,000 deadweight
Arizona was rtot included in the call.
tons, Chairman Hurley, o f the Ship­ werfer, which are the largest pieces o f 1915.
Registration days for men become
ping board, declared at South Bend, yet taken by them. It is expected one
W inter wheat, growing on the sec­
21 years o f uge probably w ill he fixed
Ind., Tuesday in an address g ivin g the w ill be sent to Washington and the ond largest acreage ever planted,
every three months hereafter. It is
most complete statement o f the na­ other to Annapolis.
showed a condition 3 per cent better
Major Edward D. Cole, commanding than the 10-year average, with 83.8
estimates! that 1,000,000 men become
tion’ s shipbuilding program which has
the machine gun battalion, captured per cent o f a normal crop. A produc­
o f age yearly, and the new registrants
y et been made public.
several German stragglers during the tion o f 587,000,000 bushels was fore­ Attack l-aunched Between Montdidier are expected to go far toward keeping
A blasting hot wind for two days early stages o f the attack. Numerous
up the first class in each state from
and Noyon Onslaught Made on
with the thermometer at 97 degrees in machine guns, it is believed, w ill be cast, which is 50,000,000 bushels more
which thus far all men for the Na­
the shade has given a setback to the rounded up in the woods.
20-Mile Front Gain Reported.
army have been drawn.
May 1. Such a crop would be the third
wheat crop outlook in Northern Mon­
The ninth and 23d regiments o f in­ in size grown in this country.
Assignments for the men called to
tana. To the north o f Great Falls the fantry, comprising what is known as
Paris In a new thrust directed at the colora under Wednesday’s onler in­
The oat crop also promises to 1« o f
situation is reported as very serious, the Syracuse brigade, hold the ground
sector lietween Montdidier and dicate the rapidity with which tnsips
while to the south the winter wheat on the right o f the marines at the
In nearly
the Germans have succeeded in now arc moving overseas.
may’ yet be saved by rain.
point on the front nearest Paris. This the record crop— 1,587,000,000 bushels gaining ground along ulsiut a 20-mile every instance the registrants under
An appropriation o f $1,761,701,000 is the second time the Syracuse bri­ — was grown, June 1 conditions war- Front to a depth o f about two and a requisition are assigned to National
fo r the American merchant marine is gade has held the point on the line rant a forecast o f 1,500,000,000 bush­ half miles at certain |ioints, according army cantonments, whereas recently
provided in the sundry civil bill re­ nearest the capital, the former occa­ els. Only last year’s and the crop o f to the War office announcement Sun­ when calls were made it was necessary
ported to the house Wednesday by the sion being at the offensive when the 1915 exceeded that quantity.
to send.the men to National guard,
day night.
appropriations committee.
The meas­ allies were still falling back, and the
The fighting was very heavy and regular army and other camp* berauHC
Rye production w ill be a record, the
ure carries a total o f $2,862,752,237 in ninth and 23d went in at Coulomb for forecast being 81,000,000 bushels, the French offered a (icwerful resis­ the cantonments wero filled.
direct appropriations and the house is a short time. The 23d captured ma­ which is slightly less than was fore­ tance to the multiplied efforts o f the
The house m ilitary committee has
expected to add upwards o f $50,000,- chine guns June 6 while supporting cast in May.
Last year’s crop was enemy and finally succeeded in check­ reported a resolution by Chairman
the attack by marines.
000 more.
60,100,000 bushels,
which was a ing the advance, particularly on the Dent, making retroactive the hill bas­
ing the liraft quotas on the number o f
two wings.
Germany’s submarine raiders, which
Paris— The French government is­
The Germans liegan their attack at men in class 1 so as to legalize any ex­
some 16 days ago made their first ap­
4 :30 o’clock in the morning, to the ceeding o f authority as to the number
pearance in American waters since the sued the following statement respect­
H O O V E R S T R I K E S AT P R IC ES west o f the recent fighting.
o f quota which may have been made in
declaration o f war, apparently are still ing the American troops:
“ With strong w ill and irresistible
The feeling o f confidence evident the first drafting o f men.
ranging off the Atlantic coast, though
no reports o f additional sinkings had activity the American troops continue Administrator Orders Nation-Wide Re­ when the first announcement was made
that the Germans had resumed their
been received at the Navy department absolutely to dominate the adversaries
form in Food Staples.
Detailed operations,
offensive seemed justified by a state­ R E D C ROSS F O U N D O V E R TOP
late Tuesday night to add to the official they oppose.
which are frequent northwest o f Cha­
Washington, D. C.— A country-wide ment that the enemy’s attack on the
toll o f 18 craft sent to the bottom.
teau Thierry, have an importance
Workingmen o f the United States which, thanks to the liaison existing move to reduce the cost o f food to the approximately 22-mile front had suc­ Over-Subscription o f Seventy Millions
w ill be satisfied only with a peace between the two armies, is one o f the consumer and standardize methods o f ceeded in advaning a bare four miles
Reported in latest Drive.
brought about by the complete over­ highest degree and the results o f compelling the observance by dealers at one point only, and then at an ap­
palling cost.
Washington, I). C.— The American
throw’ o f the German m ilitary ma­ which have already been felt.
o f “ fair price lists” was ordered Sat­
Everywhere else, the statement Red Cross second war mercy fund now
chine, according to President Samuel
urday by Food Administrator Hoover. said, the Germans were being held.
totals $166,439,291, with indications
Gompers, who made the principal ad­
Paris— Several small villages were
The official statement
says the that when all reports from the drive o f
Lists will be published in every
dress Tuesday at the opening session occupied by the Germans on the center
o f the annual convention o f the Am eri­ in the Montdidier-Noyon sector, in­ country, town and city, and consumers French resisted with valor in the cov­ a week ago are tabulated, a $70,000,-
ering zone, and that the battle is con­ 000 over-subscription o f the $100,000,-
can Federation o f Labor in St. Paul.
cluding Mery, Belloy and St. Maure, w ill lie asked to co-operate with offi­ tinuing.
000 goal w ill lie shown.
Federal court decrees prohibiting according to the War office announce­ cials in forcing merchants to bring
Between the Oise and the Marne
In announcing these figures, Henry
newspapers from publishing articles ment.
and south o f the Ourcq the French P. Davidson, chairman o f the Reil
their prices to a uniform level.
held to embarrass the administration
This was done by repeated assaults
In carrying out the new standardiza­ made gains, capturing two woods, Cross war council, said the returns
o f justice, although not acts com­ and at the cost o f great sacrifice.
plan, the administration will es­ driving out Germans who had pene­ show that more thnn 47,000,000 Am er­
m itted within the presence o f the
South o f Ressons-sur-Matz the Ger­
price interpreting committees trated the lines, and taking 200 pris­ icans nearly half the total (Ki|iulation
courts, were sustained by the U. S. mans gained a footing in Marqueglise.
o f the country— contributed.
o f representatives o f whole­ oners.
Supreme court in upholding judgment Further to the east the battle contin­
A German attack west o f Rheims givin g to the first fund last year num­
against the Toledo Newspaper com­ ues in the southern outskirts o f Elin-
bered only about 5,000,000.
The board w ill determine fa ir retail failed.
pany, publisher, and N. D. Cochran, court.
Not only did every Red Cross divis­
editor-in-chief o f the Toledo, Ohio,
Aero Mail Line Proposed.
ion in the country over-subscrihe, but
prise a large part o f the nation’s diet.
News-Bee, for contempt o f court.
Senator Asks Dry Nation.
Chicago Authorization for the first one, the Gulf, turned in more than
The published lists w ill give the range
President Wilson has written a sec­
Washington, D. C.— A proposal for o f maximum selling prices, showing a airplane postal flight between Chicago three times the amount o f its quota,
ond letter to Governor Stephens, o f complete prohibition during the war
reasonable price which w ill reflect the and St. Louis was received here Mon­ while five others, the Atlantic, Moun­
California, urging the
pardon o f J was presented in the senate Tuesday
Southern and
prices that should obtain in “ cash and day from Assistant Postmaster General tain, Northwestern,
Thomas J. Mooney.
The President by Senator Jones, o f Washington, as
carry” stores, and a higher price rep­ Prager. Miss Katherine Stinson, avi- Southwestern, more than doubled their
asked for clemency for Mooney in an amendment to the $11,000,000 emer-
resenting a fair price for the "cred it atrix, who recently flew to New York, allotments. ^The insular and foreign
March, but Governor Stephens replied gency agricultural appropriation bill, and delivery” stores.
w ill lie sworn in as a mail clerk to division quadrupled its $300,000 quota.
that he could not act until an appeal It is designed to meet President Wil-
The local administrator for each lo­ leave here on the St. Ixiuis trip June Every state attained its goal, five
fo r the convicted man had Eieen passed son’ s objections to the Randall amend-
cality will act as chairman o f the price 22. She w ill make a survey o f the more than tripled it, and 16 others and
upon by the courts. The courts have ment, which would prevent use o f $6,-
board. Each l>oard w ill have detailed territory and report on the possibili­ the District o f Columbia more than
refused the plea.
000,000 o f the appropriation unless the reports o f actual wholesale prices and ties for a regular aero mail service be­ doubled their allotments.
President uses his authority to pro­ w ill ascertain fa ir margins o f profit tween the two cities.
Traumatic neurosis is “ shell shock,’ ’
hibit manufacture o f beer and wines. the retailer should be satisfied with.
Shriners Elect Jacoby,
i t was explained at the meeting Thurs­
50,000 Turks Homeless.
Newspapers w ill be asked to co­
day in Chicago o f the American Med­
Atlantic City, N. J.— Elias Jacoby,
Lines May Be Taken Over.
operate by setting aside a particular
Amsterdam F ifty thousand persons for 17 years law partner o f former
ico-Psychological association, and it is
D. C. — The President position weekly for publication o f the are homeless as the result o f a fire at Vice President Charles W. Fairlians,
as apt to strike the grandmother as the
would be empowered to take posses­ lists, with footnotes on the food prob­ Stamboul, the Mohammedan section o f
soldier in the trenches.
was Wednesday elected imperial po­
sion o f all cable, telegraph and tele­ lem and the use o f substitutes for the Constantinople, which devastated the tentate o f the Imperial Council, An­
President Wilson sent a message of phone lines under an amendment to the foods most needed abroad.
whole eastern part o f the Sultan Selim cient Arabic Order o f Nobles o f The
sympathy to the fam ily o f former Vice | $12,000,000,000 army appropriation
A close check w ill be kept on ob­ quarter, according to the semi-official Mystic Shrine. Other officers elected
President Charles
Fairbanks. bill introduced Tuesday by Senator servance o f the lists. Consumers will Norddeutsche Allegemeine Zeitung, o f
include: Deputy imperial potentate,
Praise for Mr. Fairbanks was given Sheppard, o f Texas.
The purpose be expected to report to the local food Berlin.
William Freeland Kendrick, Philadel­
also in the house by Representatives would lie to assure secrecy o f military administrator any store charging more
Buildings on both sides o f the mosue phia; imperial chief raiiban, Elias Gar-
Wood, Republican, and Dixon, Demo­ information and to prevent communi­ than the established price for any com­ in that district were destroyed, but the
retson, Tacoma, and high priest and
cation among spies.
mosque was spared.
prophet, James McCandless, Honolulu.
200.000 ARE CALLED
10.000. 000 mao.