m m &- (£ V , 3 bxvb t an Voi. 8 (Iron? in d e p e n d e n t w eekly ✓ ■j VJL L- iExpvtBB new spaper KOKEST GROVE, OREGON. T H U R S D A Y , J U N E 13. 1918 city might be made harmless in City Dads Amend case of a fire. members were pn»sent ex- Speed Ordinance Icept All Councilman Mertz. L -l \ t No. 23 Woman’s Club Picnic G ood P ro gram I YOUR l o r w m m e n c e m e n t c >“ b at a p*cn ‘c on h er law n last Mrs. B. F. White, retiring pres A. ident, was hostess to the Woman's UNCLE SAM NEEDS YOUR HELP Monday afternoon and the affair, One of the most important art# Masonic Chapter Elects . . i Fo’ lowing is the program for which was we I attended, proved ol the city council Tuesday night The President of the United States will send a card this week was t h ' changing of the traffic Sch?olk :S cioseo o l ;£ £ meet' , to each family in Washington -------. ----------- rn* ncernent int Co,n: ar jusi elected ex-rci the es, which will ,nK convocation, ordinance to conform to the state annual be held at the M. E. church next * he members brought refresh- county asking them to pledge law. T o do this, the new ordi following officers u t Portland Monday night: ments, to which the hostess added their share of the War Savings Monday: nance permits a speed of 25 mile4 Processional ' cofTee and dessert, and a very ap- Stamps to be paid on or before Max Bollack, Oregon C i t y , per hour outside of a prescribed Inv.K-stion R o-v. J. H. Ebert P*1'* '" « ,ur‘ch was enjoyed. Fol- Dec. 31, 1918. Each school dis , Rich* lowing the lunch the ladies in trict has been allotted a certain district— First Avenue, b tween grand high priest; J. H Chorus, “ To The*;, O Country” lid M d Main • U W U iM tta .‘¿ « t " | "J“ « 1- . P ^ n d , d. puly « » I ........ ..........- Giss Club dulged in outdoor games until 3 sum to raise and School District betWMK Third avenue and Third hl« h U*>m«e M . Ilaldwin. Oration “ Tbs Flag, the School and o'clock, when the last badness No. 15, which is Forest Grove, Prlneville; grand king; Frank W. avenue, north; Pacific avenue, be the N ew Patriotium” Helen Reeher meeting of the club year was held. has been given to subscribe $53,- Settlemier, Woodburn, g r a n d Mrs. White gave a re-ume of the 500, or 10,700 Stamps, maturity tween 2d and A streets; A street, | Piano Duet scribe; Walter R Bilyeu, Albany, Edith Darland. Russell Beah. year * work and made some sug- value $5.00 each. between Pacific avenue and First , grand captain of the host; David gestion«, including une to the ef avenue, north; Fir.dt avenue,north I The President will call upon P. Mason, Albany, grand treas Oration —“ The Weaver of Dream s" fect that the club might with each family to send a representa between College Way and A Margaret Martin urer; James F. Robinson, Port street; all of College Way and Vocal Solo Kathryn Collier profit be made a distributing cen tive to the Central school June land, grand secretary. ter for war work. After her re 28th and there pledge its share. Council street; North avenue, be Oration - * World Federation” Judge W. H. Hollis of this city port, the retiring president turned Many will want to pledge before tween Collega Way an d M els Albert Snyder the gavel over to Mrs. Eva Ab that time and they can do so, at street ; First street from Second , was unpointed grand oiator and Violin Solo Frances Benjamin bott, i he newly-elected president. . the postoffice or at either of our avenue to Main street. On the | the chapter voted to purchase Graduation Address Bond streets and uvenues mentioned, j *3,000 worth of Libe ty ttona* ■waiter T. Sumner Mrs A ,»bott regretfully informed bank3. The Rt. Rev. the speed is to be not more than | un<l donated $o00 toward the Bishop of Oregon Ehe “ P,nber* that she would not About $14 000 worth Ls now he- 15 miles per hour and the same Masonic Home to be erected in Chorus— “ Gipay Life" G.ee dub l i a b l e to accept the position and j ing hei^ in th ed iT trict. ** T h r bai- Mrs. Charles Hines was elected to speed I mu is pul on train m ide the near future. ______ Presentation of Diplomas_________ ance must all be pledged by the Mrs. Hines gave a the city limits. This ordinance as p * i o Chairman W. I’. Dyke th** position. 28» h of June. short talk, outlining some of the was parsed and becomes effective Presentation o f Scholarships One thousand dollars is the July 11th. Snpt, H. K. lalew problems confronting the club limit individuals can hold. A Benediction Rev. A. B. Patten She called attention to the danger limit club has been organized and Another ordinance, which was given two readings and comes up There are twenty-seven girls th eatening the public health the following have joined it: Eight directors of the Commer for final passage at the July meet cial club, including President and ten boys in the class, their through the u e of second-hand J. A. Thornburgh. ing, fixes the salary of the city re Hoffman and Secretary Reder, names having been published in books in the schools and it was Mrs. WTm. Pollock. the opinion of the members that corder at $25 per month, with 15c met at the Rogers flibrary Mon the Express of May 30th. Wm. Pollock. these books should be frequently per folio of 100 words for certain day evening and discussed the The public is invited to these S. G. Hughes. fumigated to make them safe. classes of copying, of which there question of inviting a number of exercises. E. F. Burlingham. The n cording secre'ary was in Is at present little to do. The re soldiers from Vancouver barracks M . R. Johnson. structed to write Mrs A. B. Todd, corder has lx-en allowed certain to visit Forest Gtove some Sunday CONDENSED NEWS NOTES W. J. McCready. who is at Gladstone, with a sick fees when acting as a magistrate, in the near future. This action was Fred Uhlman. husband and daughter, a letter of but, under the new plan, these in response to a suggestion a'ong Thomas Roe of Wapato had Good Investment Co. sympathy. will go into the city treasury. that line from J. H. McCoy of the business in this city Tuesday. Carnation Milk Co. After the m em ber had thanked The finance committee reported Portland Y. M. C A. McCoy is Vic Fuqua has closed his Sher Charles Adams. the monthly bills amounted to taking the matter up with the idan »tore and moved the stock Mrs. White for the good time en E. S Parcell. joyed, the meeting adjourned. $1,307 86 and these were allowed. soldiers and if they conclude to to this city. H. B Johnson, City Treasurer Spaiks w a s come, as many of them desire, a Had tn nil Iln ! Name of all subscribers will be Carl Hoffman of Ostrander, authorized to take up two $500 program and lunch will be pre W’ash , visited relatives in town . ,* " posted in the postoffice window. 1 en local business men. who A grand meeting was held in street improvement bonds and to pared for them. several days l ist week. The question of filling up some guaranteed the expenses of the B an !« last night, with addresses pay $1,750.00 interest on water Miss Jessie Greer of this city annual P. U. commenc ment con- by Capt. Powell of the British of the empty houses with families! bonds. Portland was dis- has b*cn elected as a teacher in cert Monday dug up $3.05 ^ c b , arrny aod w J. McCready of this Purchasing committee w a s now living in and Mem bers1 the primary department of the as the loss was just $.10 50. T h i s cjty> and another will be held at cussed at length authorized to purchase sand for lo s was. no doubt, due to the I Balm Grove on the 19th at 8 the sanding of some of the puved Littler, Inlow and Reder were ap pointed a committee to confer ! President W'ilson has signed the ¡scariet fever scare, as this annual I p m . addressed by Rev. A. B. streets and instructed to procure with real estate agents in an en- Smoot - Sherwood pension bill, event has heretofore paid expen- Patten. some speed warning signs. deavor to ascertain just how which provides that the minimum The tota* receipts w e r e PFODCLAM A T I O N Recorder w a s instructed to many houses could be secured on 1 pension for civil war soldiers shall $"3 55 and the total expenses, Make this w ar a personal matter. write and ask the Southern Pacific com Dan v Lo oil its right of wav on a year’s lease and the Prices asked $30 p e r month including printing per d iem and Do not depend on others to do the company to oil ils ngljt of way on by thl. „w o rn . Whea th i.com -. Mrs Benfer went to Mc.Minn- e,pen. 7 n a l P“ ‘ la" d South A street, to lay the dust. fighting or to finance the govern mittee reports. President Hoff- vUle ye.sterday to attend the V , ^ 10103; J^ose who attend- ment.. Do your share. It is as Complaint of W P. Scheetz man, and Messrs. Graham and .... -- -------- i__ »u„ u...u ed the concert didn t lose so much a s much your w a r as your neighbors. that his property was damaged amaged Scott will confer with L. J. W en t-! scu(K)i her niece Uurene Benfer as th<He who remained away, Buy no unnecessary article. Prac when Pacific avenue was " u S ? T rS ’ distr‘Ct superintendent of being one of the graduates ' the affair was of a high order. tice economy and self-denial. U n was referred to street committee, i tbe Emergency Fleet corporation, Remember that there will be a necessary buying means a waste of Spence Re-Elected Chairman Coon of the pure has- who is interested in securing demonstration of the Universal material and labor; means that you ing committee reported the pur- homes for ship w y kers. The one i rw r I c apence was easily re- E. Spence was easily the sta!e iranife are competing with the government chase of some slab-wood at $1.75 MB stumblmK block lo .he «hem .- ComMnat,on Range at the Gull e,K(Kl mas£ per cord, f. o. b. Cherry G ro ve,! ¡s the question of securing cheap store on Thursday, Friday and at the meeting held in Salem last for labor and material. Saturday of next week. and some cordwood, delivered in ! railroad rates. Invest your savings in W a r Sav week. the city, at $4 00 per cord. Chester Wright, a resident of C. A. L i’ tier was elected a di The 1919 meeting will be held ings Stamps. The President o f the United States S. G. Morgan, chief engineer at rector, in place of B. J. Simpson, Forest Grove for a number of in either Hillsboro or F o r e s t years, now living near The Dalles, Grove, the decision between the has called on the people o f the na- the light plant, reported that he who has moved to Bay City. received a message recently stat- two towns to be made by ihe tion to indicate their self-denial by had been offered more money than ' ing that his son, Ralph, had died granges of Washington county the city was paying him and Pioneer Woman Dead pledging themselve on June 28th to asked a raise of $10 per month. It purchase W a r Savings Stamps for Mrs. Sarah V. Scholfield, aged in Oklahoma. was granted, making his salary Mr. and Mrs A. B. Todd and Guernsey Picnic Postponed the remainder o f the year. 71, passed away at the home of $105.00. daughter, Elizabeth, returned last In order that the citizens o f this The Guernsey Breeders’ picnic her daughter, Mrs. E. J. Ward, mght from Oregon City, where Recorder Dyke, who had been at Gaston, yesterday morning. M r. and Miss Todd have been in that was to have been held at the city may not fall behind other cum- asked to ascettain the earnings Deceased is the widow' of B enja-, a hospital for five weeks, follow farm of W. A. Goodin of Cornel nfunities in responding to the cail, and expenses of the light plant ius has been postponed indefinite- I hereby proclaim Friday, June 28th, min Scholfield. who died at Cor ing operations for appendicitis. for the past three years, reported ly. The postponement of this as W a r Savings Day for the city of nelius June 24th la>t year, and as follows: meeting has been made necessary Forest Grove, upon which day all Mr. and Mrs. Frank Herb of j came to Oregon from Missouri 1815 Earnings .. $10.018 55 with her parents when one year fche Greenville district Monday on account of unavoidable reasons. | persons shall give their pledges for Expense ... 7,945.60 ()f aRe she was married to Ben- h.ud the misfortune to lose two i . rn - .. . . tn , ! the W a r Savings Stamps at suen John Ellis, living east of Uapa- . Oct. 22d, 18G3, children, boys of 13 months and and places and in such manner jamin Scholfield Profit...... 2,072.95 m in Washington four y ears- respectively, from grip. | to lake, was seriously injured yes- may be appointed by C. S. Jack- and has lived 1916— Earnings....... $10,963.35 terday when his auto truck turned as al_ _ _ . _• * , county since childhood. She is Both the parents and one other over on him near the Shotwell son’ the War Sav*nps D,rector fort Expense_____ 7,122.72 survived by five children— Mrs. child were also quite ill, but are farm, in the Spring Hill district. Oregon, acting under authority of P ro fit...... 3,840.63 Ruth Cornelius of Astoria. W il recovering. A boy who wa-» riding with Mr. the Secretary of the Treasury, and Two dozen Forest Grove Re- 1917— Earnings_____$10,955 69 liam T. Scholfield of Staff. Mont., Ellis jumped in time to escape in pursuant to the Proclamation o f the bekahs will go to Portland Satur-| Mrs. Rebecca Goodin of Cornel Expense ..... 10.323.47 jury and summoned aid to get the President o f the United States. ius, Mrs. Mary J. Ward of Gaston day night to pay a visit to G EO . G. P A T E R S O N . injured man from under the P r o fit..... 632.22 and Mrs. Harriet E. Yoder of Mayor of Forest Grove, Ore. a i K 'candidate*8'to^initiat^1 i fruct' . » * ''aslound pm„,d down The plant was rfbt charged with Adams, Oregon. Flour Rolling In lighting the streets, which would Funeral services will be held at { £ * 3 i drowned him. He s X S i probably have cost the city, if the the Cornelius M . E. church at 2 C. E. Wells, county food ad ™ .hP a ^ Wy 8 KVeral broken ribs and a fracture currant were purchased, $2,500 o’clock tomorrow afternoon, Rev. to Gaston to put on the dearw. -of lhe collar bone and may be in- ministrator, informs the Express per year. T o off-set this earning, Crozier officiating, with interment The ladies of the Belgian Re jjured internally. that the people of the county are interest on the investment should in the Hillsboro cemetery. lief committee cleared $48.15 from responding nobly, with but few be charged and this, at a fair es Mr and Mrs A. J. Demorest, exceptions to the call to turn in their motion picture and musical timate on the value of the plant, Judge John H. Slpve^ on of entertainment last Monday night. Mrs. M . R. Johnson and daugh- surplus flour, Forest Grove has ortland, a native of \Vashington 'j'he show vvas Rood ¡n a]| respt>cts ter, Alice, and Mrs. R. W. Reder done very we||f be sayS( and little should not be more than $600 per year. It is estimated that enough Datrio^ic^addrea«1 ^ ‘ihe Ralm and worthy of the patronage given returned Tuesday afternoon from Mountaindale has timed in 50 extensions and repairs have been Grove Fourth of^Jutv celebration U’ iThe Ladl? h£v? -a dis‘)lay °J a? auto trip to Camp Lewis,where saokg. A few people are holding made during the past three years tirove rourtn oi July cm bration j,u0ds made for Belgian war suf- they viewed the eclipse and in- out, but they are known and some to more than cover depreciation. Rev. Ebert, A. G. Hoffman, C. ferers on di-play in the window of spected the soldier comp. L ieu t.' arrests may be made soon. It is Recorder was instructed to ask A. Littler and Thos. E. Isaacs the Goff hardware store which Ray. T . W’illiams showed the now expected the car will be in . . . 1 members *- -* the party all ->• *•-- these . industrious of the ( -- bjs city and Hillsboro by the end the North ( ’ oast Power company went to Portland this morning to shows w h ‘ a t ‘ *' Dealers will be to install cut-out switches, in or negotiate for a new organ for the women are doing to relieve suffer- courtesii s his limited time would Df the week. ing. I permit. der that its wires through the M. E. church. notified. R S S “•*P "*1*’0"«1 «*'•» ¿ S ? iflay tnieitain SOIlie Vancouver “Huskies” j