Supplement to Forest Grove Express Vol 3 Forest Grove, Ore., Thursday, June 6, 1918. No More Wheat Flour Until After Harvest NOTES AND PERSONALS N o. 22 Suits for men and boys a large assortment at A . G. Hoffman & C o’s. Job printing— phone 821. Mrs. M. A. Roe left Monday to Mrs. L. M. Graham visited old Practically all the food dealers spend the summer at Newport. Nebraska friends at Lents last in Washington county met at j Buster Brown shoes for Child­ Sunday. Hillsboro May 29th, on call of ren. They are made with shap­ County Food Administrator C. E.i D. N. Morris of this city and ing lasts A. G . Hoffman & Co. E. J. McAlear of Hillsboro visited Well , to discuss ways of provid­ The Ben Whited family left' friends at Gaston Sunday. ing American soldiers in Europe yesterday for Vancouver, where and their allies wi h the wheat Senator and Mrs. E. W. Haines needed to carry on the war to a Ben expects to go into business and daughter, Mrs. Ruth Livesay. victorious termination. A f t e r shortly. of North Plains attended the some discus ion, it was decided We are showing an exception­ Eastern Star meeting in this city that all dealeis should turn into ally large line of cretons for shop - 1 the government, at market prices, ping bags, new patterns just re-1 Monday night. all the wheat flour in their pos­ ceived. A. G. Hoffman & Co. Mrs. M . J. Abbott, Mrs. A. E. session and pledge themselves not Scott and Judge W. H. Hollis are Dr W. E. Mallory of Portland,, to sell another pound until the delegates from Forest Chapter. O. quite well known in this city, was new ciop come to market. It wa- E. S. to the state meeting of also decided to ask all households arrested a few days ago, charged Eastern Stars, which convenes in having flour to turn in all in ex­ with an offense against a 17-year- Portland next week. cess of 25 pounds, that Washing - 1 old girl. H T. Buxton of this city and ton county might not be a slacker A good 7-room house to rent: Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Lewis of Hill­ among the counties of the state, gas, bath, toilet and garage; close side left by auto Tuesday morning all counties having taken simila> to business d i s t r i c t. See A for Salem, to attend the state action. Baldwin, at Second hand store on grange sessions, which opened 22-tf It was pointed out at this meet­ 1st Ave. South. Tuesday and close Friday. ing that the normal wheat con­ The violin recital of Prof. Gra­ Attorney L. L. Langley of Port­ sumption of the United States is, ham’s pupils which was post­ 120.000,000 bushels for the three' poned last week will be given on land, who was in this city Satur­ months between nowand harvest. Tuesday evening, June 11, at 8) day. informs the editor that he is The minimum which we must o ’clock in Marsh Hall. The pub- j going to try to be elected judge of the 6th district of Multnomah supply the army and allies be­ lie is invited. county, having received the dem­ tween now and harvest is 15,000,- Postmaster R. P. Wirtz and Dr. ocratic nomination. His sister, 000 bushels per month or a total of 45,000,000 bushels. The*visible W. M. Pollock of this city and Manche, passed through Portland supply is less than 75.000,000., Dr. Cha«. Pollock of Hillsboro) Saturday morning with her com­ Taking t h e 45,000,000 which made a trip to Rock Creek Satur­ pany of Chautauqua performers, MUST go, leaves 30,000.000 bu