NOTES AND PERSONALS Typewriters f o r rent at the 2 1 -tf Book Store. Mrs. Frank Gordon and Miss Hazel Stockman visited friends in Portland yesterday. Dr. Darland, Chiropractic and Natureopath. Office at A St. & 1st Ave. N. Phone 676. After a week’s fight with the Harry Giltner is again able gnp, Ma to be at the store. Orville Bailey of Dawid’s Hill and John Williams of Hillside are being examined for the navy. Colonial Sterling dinner sets are dishes of which you will feel proud. Sold at the Book Store. New materials all the time at A. G. Hoffman & Co.'s. Come in and see our line of Silks, Satins and Silk Poplins. Clarence Lenneville went to Portland yesterday to go to work on the fire boat David Campbell, at $100 per month. Found—Between Forest Grove and Cornelius a lap robe. May be recovered by calling on Miss Alice Crook, Ba eline road. 22 t2* Next week the Express will be- i gin publication of a series of arti­ cles by Arthur Guy Empey, the author of “Over the Top.” Tell your neighbors about these arti­ cles. O. N. Mullikin, with fourteen years’ experience in teaching all three - valve band instruments, slide trombone and clarinet, de­ sires a few pupils Residence, Cook property, southeast of high school. 21-4t* Women of Washington County “ At­ tention” Mrs. Charles Castner, State Chairman of the Woman’s Na­ tional Council of Defense just re­ turned from Washington, D. C., where she attended the National Woman’s committee, will speak at the Liberty Theater, Friday, June 14 at 2:30 p. m., at Hillsboro Oregon Every woman in Washington county is asked to be present. There will also be a meeting of the chairman of the different units of • the Woman’s National Council of Defense at 10:00 a. m at the; Library to organize and discuss War Work in Washington county. ; MRS N. A. FROST, Pub. Mgr. ; A Factory Demonstration of the Universal Combination Range A demonstration of the Universal Combination Range that is of vital interest to every home in Washington eounty-and every woman who is interested in keeping down her fuel bills is invited to attend and learn how the Universal Combination Range keeps down the fuel expense. The Universal Combination Range - will reduce your fuel expense» because of the scientific con­ struction of this range, insur­ ing the g re atest am ount of heat and cooking power from w hat­ ever fuel used— Because you can burn coal, wood or gas. When a tire is needed for several hours, burn coal or wood. When a quick, hot fire is wanted for a brief period, bum gas. A cool kitchen in warm w eather and a warm kitchen in cold w eather. A self-sta rter for the gas no m atches. A self-sta rter for coal or wood - no kindling. The Universal Combination Range I PORCELAIN DOOR I 2 0 B C C I AIN ___ I A m A B LC -S A N ITA R Y JT— fON »u a * C rouo (rune PAr**w roRGA$\__ [C H C O OA*Vf a rqw COAL ,1 (o O A T T C O N T R O L L E R O A H P tn The Sim plest Itange to «>|M>rate made the m utt perfect baking PORCI LAIN I wmrr and cooking device known to­ DRIP p a n day. froufi covcrscor Y. i CO AL A N D * *X X ) f W »O t ANO S H A LLO W *WI ruSTCHANOC* [«¿rasas sy jagabw» • 1 Q Y tN U M ii ■ B urns Coal, Wood or (>as All three fuels can be burned at one time, or any one you choose. No p arts to change nothing to misplace or forget. The C hange from one fuel to an ­ o ther is done with a turn of the hand. Turn on the gas and the oven is adjusted for gas heat. Turn off the gas and the oven is adjusted for coal or wood. OO INOIvTtxjAU-V - ¿ C T S IN 4 0 INCH SP*ce An 11-Piece Set of Pyrex Cookingware Given with every Universal Combination Range Sold during Demonstration Week A very practical, useful set of this famous glass baking and cooking ware—the most sanitary and satisfactory ware yet produced and the pride of every woman who owns a set—and given with every Universal Combination Range sold during demonstration week. Used with a Universal Combination Range, your cooking and baking will be always a pleasure. of Forest Grove, Ore Safe Deposit Boxes for Rent Directors— M. R. Johnson, President; Chris Peterson, Vice President; A. J. Demorest, Cashier; Allan Rice and J, E. Loomis, Underwear! TIME TO CHANGE One m an’8 underwear is not what the other wants—but we have made preparations to supply your SUMMER UNDERWEAR needs with ju st your particular kind in Union Suits with long sleeves, short sleeves, ankle-length in Poros Knit and Spring needle, fine rib; colors, white and ecru. If you prefer, we can fit you out in Athletic Unions, loose- fitting, knee-length and wing sleeves, in Nainsook and Mad­ ras, or Shirts and Drawers in Balbriggan, light and medium w e ig h ts.................................................. ................ 65c to $1.50 See our extra large-cut Work Shirts, lined collars and cuffs, coat style, in blues and greys. Full stock Khaki Pants, Overalls, Jumpers, Coveralls, Shoes, Hats, Dress Shirts, in soft and laundered cuffs, in Madras, Oxford, Silk and Madras, and Silk, in military collar, flat and band—75c to $5.00. • Look over our big range of samples in made-to-order Suits. C. E. ROY & CO. Men’s Furnishings and Shoes Caples Block FOREST GROVE We will Sell you a Universal Com­ bination Range on your Own Terms—in Reason Select the Range best suited to your needs, decide how you can moskconveniently pay for it — set the amount of your first payment and the future installments yourself. Submit your plan to us, and if it is within the bounds of good busi­ ness, we will accept it. Your old Coal or Wood Range will be taken as part payment A factory representative will be here demonstration week and give you scores of reasons why this Itange is the best. Hardware, Stoves and Implements Forest Grove, Oregon GOFF BROS. The First National Bank A Strong Bank in a Good Town June 20, 21 and 22 Thursday, Friday and Saturday Notice of Annual School Meeting Dated this 5th day of June, 1918. W. P. DYKE, Chairman of Board of Direc­ tors. Attest, DOROTHY H. SEYMOUR, 22-t2 District Clerk. Mrs C. E. Roy and daughter, Virginia, are visiting friends in Portland and Vancouver. Before retu ning.Miss Roy will take part, in Portland, in a piano recital by the pupils of Miss Sfaehr. Methodist Church Services Congregational Church Notice is hereby given to the The Sunday School will m eet a t 9:4f>, legal voters of School Di-tricU as usual. Rejoice th a t the scare is No. 15 of Washington County, over, and Come. The pastor will State of Oreg >n, that the annuai preach a t 11:00 a. m. on “ Yokes and school meeting of said district Burdens, or Tragedy and Trium ph H ar­ will be held at Central Building; nessed up T o g eth e r." To begin at the hour o f2 :0 0 P .| A t the 8;00 o'clock evening service, M. on the third Monday in June, Mr. P a tte n ’s them e will be: “ A Con­ being the 17th day of June A. L>. tra s t: How the K aiser Is M eeting the Devil,’ as Compared with the Way 1918. Christ Met H im .” This meeting is called for the j Sunday evening, June 16, we shall purpose of electing School Direct­ have another Strong Patriotic Musical or for three years and Clerk for one year, and the transaction of Service. A. B. PATTEN, Pastor. business usual at such meetings. ' We are showing an exception­ ally large line of Middies, plain white, as-well as colored collars and cuffs. A. G. Hoffman & Co. Public sale bills printed at the Express office. * We are again ready for business next Sunday nnd we hope to m ake Sunday a g re at day of blessing to each one of us. Sunday school at 9:46. Everyone will have a rig h t to be present next Sunday. I,et us reach the highest num ber in our enrollm ent. Preaching service 11:00. P astor d e­ sires to see every m em ber and friend present next Sunday morning. Come prepared to give as well as to receive a blessing. Epw orth League 7 o’clock. Class m eeting a t 7:30.' Evening service a t 8:00. We are glad to have stran g ers come as well as those who are not, hut have failed to attend church anywhere. P rayer m eeting on Thursday a t 8 p. m. JO H N EBERT, Pastor. Job printing—phone 821. O SSIP! Not many of our customers listen to gossip. Of that we feel sure. In these history-making days the average mind cannot grasp the facts that are presented daily and certainly have no time for gossip. G We read of movements started in different parts of the country to compel idle hands to work. Any re­ straining influence th at would at this time make vicious tonues rest would be equally commendable. If you hear that our service is less dependable than in the past, treat the remark as gossip. We are equal to a great deal more than has so far been demanded of us. Hingté Door < Anthorogo r \o n 't make a deal without getting full information about our better fixtures and money-saving prices, Goff Bros SCHULTZ’s ? 8 od STORE Co-Operates with the U. S. “Food Man’’-Hoover (U. S. Food Adm inistration License No. G 34147) Service Phone 0 0 1 Satisfaction