the poultry keeper. Th«» sm allest and least favorably situ a te d tm«-k yard a f­ fo rds an o p p o rtu n ity to keep at b-ast enough hens to supply egg« for the household. T h e num tier of hens need »•d for th a t purpose Is twl»-»- the b»»r of |»ersons to he suppMc»l. Hence the sm allest lloek to he considered con­ sists of fo u r hen*. W here bens nre kept only to fu rn ish egg* for the table no m ale bird 1« needed. A coop f«>r a Hock i»f four b»-us s h o u l d have nn area o f about 20 square feet, or a b o u t live f«-et p»-r lien. For la rg e r flocks the space allowance j*.r bird may he a little less, because the space Is used In common and each hint has the use of all the «-oop except w hat her com panions actually occupy. F or th e ord in ary flock of 10 lo IS hens the s p a c e a l l o w a n c e should be about four sq u are feet p er hen. W ith p ro p er ca re Ihe back-yard jioul- try keejier can keep hens, for laying only, confining them conllimou«ly to th e ir coops, and have them lay well ui»nrly as long as they would be prof­ ita b le lay ers u n d er n a tu ra l conditions. W hile bens like freedom , good f»-<*d and care reconcile them to confine­ m ent, nnd m atu re, rugged birds often iHy m ore eggs In clow* confinement th an when a t liberty. If th e apace adm its of giving the little hack-yard flock m ore room than a coop of the m inim um size required, the condition of the land will deter- ' m ine the form In w hich th e additional space should tie given. If th»» soil Is ! well drained and fre e from such tilth 1 us often co n tam in ates th e soli of small back yards, a yard fo r the fowls rnay be fenced In. allow ing 20 to ,'i0 square f*»et o f yard room p er bird. The op­ po rtu n ity for exeri'lne on the land nnd In th e open u lr which this gives the liens win tieneflt them ami make life for them m ore Interesting. If the mill Is poorly drain ed and fool, th e hens will th riv e and Iny b etter If | not ullowed on It nt nil. In th at case. 1 the I lest wuy to give them some benefit • if th e ex tra space av ailable is to build adjoining th e coop a shed covering . about th e sam e am ount of ground nnd having the fro n t Inclose»! only with w ire netting. T he foul earth under th is shed should he rem oved and the floor filled In a few Inches higher than th e old su rfa c e w ith fr«-sh earth or sand. Farmerettes Answer Uncle Sam s Call Girl Volunteers Raise Pigs. Care for Cattle, and Till Soil Better Than Many Men A total of $2166.53 was spent in Mayor Harley’s campaign for the gov- j anlorship, according to a statement filed with Secretary Olcott. The Eugene chapter of the Ited Cross has announced that it will publiah the names of all persons financially able to give to the cause, who flatly refused to make subacriptions. The machinery of the Guy Roberts UP-TO-DATE POULTRY HOUSE sawmill at Monroe has been shipped to Toledo and will be installed in a new Modern Structures Are Built With mill to be erected by Mr. Roberts on a Idea of Giving All the Freah Air tract of tide-land. The mill will have That Is Possible. a cutting capacity of 60,000 feet daily. R. G. Woodward, of Hill City, Kan., ( P r e p a r e d b y t h e U n ite d S la te » D e p a r t ­ m e n t o f Agrl< u ltu re .) arrived in Baker, Monday to visit his M odern m ethods of poultry housing brother, M. R. Woodward, a mining man. This is the first time the broth­ m ake due allow ance fo r the capacity ers have met in 36 years since M. R. o f the birds to w ith stan d low tem peru- Woodwanl left Hill City to come west tu res and for the udvuntage of am ple I ventilation In th e poultry house. Kx- in 1382. cent In extrem e n o rthern sections, o r Uniun county’s retailers and flour dealers meeting in special session re­ cently at I.a Grande, volunteered to to­ tally abstain from the use of wheat products until after the harvest. The resolution passed unanimously and the re|>esentation was extensive. Military training will be a part of the course at the Meilford high school next year. This move was decided on by the school board, when Melvin Elles- tad, who has been acting as manual training instructor, was engaged as instructor in manual training and mil­ itary training for the next school year. The state lime venture is temporar­ ily deail. At a special meeting of the state lime board, to be held soon, it is Plain Poultry House for Small Flock. erpeeted that the board will order all for breeds of fow ls having very large machinery at the Gold Hill lime plant closed up, the plant locked and shut combs, it Is no longer considered neces­ down and a guard placed over it, pend­ sary to build houses so su b stan tially ing such time as further funds are th a t w hen they a re closed th e cold Is excluded anil the tem jieratu re In the forthcoming. house appreciably raised by th e h eat Wages for ranch hands during the from th e bodies of th e birds. haying season in the west end of Uma­ T h e system of tight, w arm houses tilla county, where work has already once very [sipulur w as based upon the commence»! on the harvest of the first Idea th a t to have hens lay in cold crop of alfalfa, will be $3 for team­ w eather they m ust be kept In houses sters and $4 for stackers, according to here w ater would never freeze. T he an agreement reached among the farm­ w m ethods of housing now m ost widely ers of the district at a meeting held at approved and use»l a re based upon the i Echo Saturday. «»xperience of m any poultry keepers THE SOLDIER’S MOTHER Plans are now being made by the th a t egg production Is m ore stab le and business men of Klamath Falls for a the hens keep In m uch b e tte r condition j celebration on July 4. No great out­ j when the house Is b u ilt nnd used w ith < H e w a s so b e a u t i f u l —m y b a b y son! lay will be made, but some outside at­ a view to giving all the fresh a ir th a t H is s u n -k is s e d c u r ls c lu n g cl .«« a ro u n d tractions will be secured if possible can be given w ithout exposing the | h is h e a d . Ill« d e e p b lu e aye« look«»! t r u s t in g l y In for the city and country residents sur- birds to a tem p eratu re th a t will fro st m in e. 1 rounding. An effort has been made to ! th eir combs. It has been found th a t I did m y b a s t to k e e p h is b e a u ty f a ir secure the Juvenile brass band at the com bs of hens accustom ed to low A n d fre s h a n d c le a n a n d d a in t y , fo r I Grants Pass for this occasion. knew tem p eratu re become frost re sista n t t<$ In the opinion of Uncle Sam the ralelng of plge le an Important war task; eo Important, In fact, that he haa called upon 200,000 girle and boy« to rale* porker» for the market. The appeal haa been heeded by the farmerette» who are Joyfully tackling the Job of providing more than their ehare of the pork producte which we muat ehlp to our fighter« and the alllee In Europe. Thla farmerette la having a Jolly good time taking care of a litter of eight cute little black plge. Caring for the piga le only one part of the work of the»« glrla down at their Huntington, Long leland, farm. They are ehowlng that girle can be capable farm hande at all aorta of choree. Vegetables Important in Diet— Build Muscles and Keep Body In Condition BRIEF THRIFT ITEMS tP re p a re d By the U. S. Department of Agriculture Scrap* of lefto v er m rn t o r belt can be com bined w ith cereal o r o th e r mild- flavor»-«! food, both to give flavor and to udd n o u rish m en t to th e to ta l illab. Mini«» bread can b«t utilized In a va­ rie ty of w ays In com bination w ith ▼cgvtnhlee and m euts, In p rep arin g cake», bread-» and puddings, and In oth*»r way*. M uch food Is th ro w n aw ay because ao m any people do not know how to u tiliz e lefto v ers o r will not ta k e the tro u b le to k«»ep and p re p a re them . L e fto v e r cereals can he re h e a te d or •om htned w ith fru its, m eats, o r veg<>- tahb-s Into ap p etizin g side dish«»*. E ven a «|tooufuI of cereal Is w orth eavlug to thick en soup, gravy, or sauce. M any persons reg ard tho saving of sm all am ounts of lefto v er food us u n ­ im p o rta n t. If they kept u c c u n ite ac­ count, how ever, f«»r any period, m any fam ilies would he asto u n d ed by the Sinount of good fo»»«l they a re th ro w ­ ing out an d by th e sum s th a t they a n - paying to th e gro»-er, th e b u tch er, and m ilkm an m erely to rep lace goo»I food being nhsoluttdy w asted. E very h it o f fa t trim m ed from m eat b efo re cooking or trl«»»! out In I tolling, ro a stin g , <>r b roiling can be m ade use of In cooking. In buying m eat It Is o ften the case th a t a fte r th e m eat has been w eighed an d th e p rice fo r the cur nam ed valu ab le fa t Is trtnum -d off. T h is fa t, which th e housew ife p a y s for, If tak en hom e nnd used, i would reduce expenditure!« fo r cooking fa ts. Hklm milk, too widely looki'd down upon ns it Too»! although it co n tain s p ractically all th e nou rish in g ole- m etils of whole milk w ith th e excep- tlo n of 111 »» cream or fa t, can be used a s a beverage, in cooking cereals, or as n basis for milk soups o r sauces. S o u r m ilk, nlso, so o ften th ro w n aw ay, eim be HN«>d In m aking hot hreadd o r In the hom e m a n u fa c tu re of cot­ tag e cheese. T h e efforts w hich A m erican house­ k eep ers nre m nklng to nvold kitchen an d tab le w nste lire of g ren t Im por­ tan ce. No one enn tell Ju st how m uch h a s been saved, but th a t th e nm ount la Inrge Is Indicated by th e w ork of g a rb a g e nnd fe rtiliz e r p la n ts show ing th n t th e re hns been n g re n t falling off In th e nm ount of fn t nnd n itro g ­ enous m ntcrln! re«'olved savt-d 1« a pound added to o u r food supply. by t h e IJ n lta d S t a t e s D e p a r t ­ m e n t o f A g r ic u ltu r e .) Stop nnil co nsider the g re a t value of vegetable« In m nklng your diet accepta- ble and keeping you well before you decide to leave them out of your «ilet even for a few month«. T hey frrn U h «ome m uscle-building m ntertnl, fo r n early all vegetahled con­ tain aorne p ro tein and they all fu rn ish m ineral «nits needed to build and re ­ I n e v e r c o u ld b e a a tla tU d w ith lass. p a ir th e body and k»-ep It In good con­ 11a w a s so s t r o n g a n d w ell, m y l it t le so n ! dition. 1 g a v e m y d a y s a n d n ig h ts to k e e p h im T hey a re fuel f o o d s . T h e m arch and •o— »ugar th a t vegetable»« fu rn ish nre good , C a lle d In fr e s h s i r s n d s u n l i g h t t o m y «Id. fo r body fuel. One m edium sized O ood food a n d p la y , a ll h s a l t h f u l th in g s P o tato given you ns m uch sta rc h as o f life. tw o slice« o f hr«‘nd. I w a n te d phyalc& l p e rfe c tio n , f o r T hey give ne»-»-ssnry bulk to your I n e v e r c o u ld b e s a tis fie d w ith less. food. T he liber nn«l cellulose th n t H e w a s so b r i g h t a n d c le v e r, m y b ig so n ! they have helps to (trevent co n stip a­ 1 s e n t h im to th e v e ry b e e t o f sc h o o ls. ) D e n y in g » elf t h a t h e m ig h t k n o w n o la c k tion. T hey give flavor nnd v ariety to the O f o p p o r tu n ity to do h is b e st. O r feel no d o o r o f p ro g re s s c lo se d to h im . «Ilet, which Is especially needed to I n e v e r c o u ld be sa tis fie d w ith less. keep the app»>tlte norm al. Tht-y fu rnish o th e r su b stan ces not A n d y e t —b u t n o w —m y w e ll-b e lo v e d so n . F o r y o u r p e rfe c tio n c a n I p a y th e p ric e ? ••nsy to describe, b u t very Im portant, O r w o u ld I h a v e you p la y t h e c o w a r d 's which nre ne«»ded by the body for nor» p a r t. mal grow th nnd to keep It« p a rts w ork­ W ith se lfish , s h r i v e ls ! so u l to o s m a ll to d w e ll ing sm oothly. T h is anil th e supplying W ith in so f a i r a f ra m e ? Is th a t m y of m ineral sa lts Is, perhaps, tho m ost c h o ic e ? I « o u g h t t h e b e n t! S h a ll I b e s a tis fie d lni|»ortnnt p a rt th a t vegetables hnve In w ith le s a ? the diet, for w ithout vegetables und fru its th e diet would lack th ese sub­ N a y , I w o u ld h a v e y o u h o n o ra b le , m y •o n — stan ces and nlso a sufficiency o f the m in erals thnt nr«» m ost needed to build J u s t , lo y a l, b ra v e , a n d t r u t h f u l , s c o rn in g fe ar up nnd keep In r«»pnlr th e skeletnl por­ A n d lie s a n d nioann«»»»—r e a d y to d e fe n d tion of the body nnd to m ain tain th e T o u r h o m e, y o u r m o th e r, a n d y o u r un- t r y 's flog a lk alin ity o f tho blood. T he m inerals D e a r Clod! W ith b le e d in g most n»*ede«l—Iron, lime, m agnesium . , l i e 's h e a g r o t no! I know phosphorus and p o tassiu m —n re sup- l s till c o u ld n o b e sa tis fie d w ith le ss! pll«- city dw eller, nnd th e re Is no hop»» th n t they enn I»«», dur- lug th e con tin u an ce o f tho w nr nnd Its necessarily a tte n d a n t high prices, even iis relativ ely cheap ns they hnve o rdlnnrlly been. T he only possibility o f cheap eggs fo r the city fam ily, ac­ cording to the U nited S ta te s d e p a rt­ m ent of ag ricu ltu re, lies In keeping enough hens In th«> buck y ard , w here th e y enn bd support»»!! prin cip ally on k ltrh e n w nste, hi supply th e fam ily ta ­ ble. T he keeping of hens In hack y ard s Is a t once nn econom ic oppor­ tu n ity , fo r city fam ilies nnd nn ossen- J tlnl p n rt of the cnm pnlgn fo r Incrons- Ing poultry production. W hat may he done w ith fow ls In a bnck yard depends upon th e size «-»f the yard, the ohnrnoter of th e soli, the conditions of sunlight, shad e nnd ven- tllntlon, nnd the In terest and skill of H STATE N E W S ! i; IN BR IEF. | Animal Cemetery. P ro bably th e largest nnd b est ap ­ pointed nrlm nt cem etery In th e world Is th n t which still rem ains a tta c h e d to th e ruined sum m er palace In Pekin. H ere rep o te In coffins of polished o rris wood elab o rately cnrv»«d, m ore th an a thousand dogs th n t w ere th e p ets of fo rm er em perors nnd .em presses of China. a rem ark ab le degree, and th e birds them selves much less su b ject to colds th an w hen an effort is m ade to keep the houses a re w arm as Is practical. Except when th e w in ters a re long and severe, hens m ay he kept com fort­ able and productive in a house of th e lightest du rab le construction, provided the house has a w a te r and w ind-tight roof, re a r and end walls, and a fro u t The Eugene city council, in accord- which can he opened as much as Is nec­ | ance with the state-wide plan decided essary to give thorough ventilation, o r upon at a recent meeting in Portland, closed as much as Is necessary to keep Friday night passed an ordinance pro­ out rain or snow. F or v entilation in sum m er It Is ad- viding that all able-bodied men must work at some useful occupation 36 | visable and often necessary to have hours each week, regardless of their ! ap ertu res In the re a r w all o r In th e financial circumstances. A fine of not I ends—tow ard the rear, which can be to exceed $100 is provided as a penalty closed perfectly tig h t In w in ter and opened as much a s required a t o th e r for violations of the ordinance. seasons. Grocers of Umatilla county may form an organization on the lines re­ cently formed by the grocers of Pen- , dleton for the purpose of obtaining uniform rulings on the food regula­ tions during the war. Invitations ; have been sent to all grocers in the county by the officers of the Pendleton organization, asking them to unite in the new county-wide plan. Resources of Portland banks in­ creased $15,495,947.17 since May 1, 1917, and $8,605,061.21 since March 4, 1918, according to a statement pre- paretl by Superintendent of Banks Bennett Saturday. The total resources as of May 10, this year, were $126,- 275,233.18. Savings deposits increased $4,541,609.61 and time certificates of deposit decreased $1,971,657.47 since May 1, 1917. Loans and discounts showed an increase of $5,125,406.73 since a year ago. INCREASE OF POULTRY URGED Appeal Made to City and Country Peo­ ple Alike to Help the Meat and Egg Supply. ( P r e p a r e d b y t h e U n ite d S t a te s D e p a r t ­ m e n t o f A g r ic u ltu r e .) O w ners of buck y ard s In cities nnd tow ns nre asked to do ev erything In th e ir ptover to help the m eat nnd egg It has now become settled that Mo- supply by raisin g sm all flocks of poul­ lalla is to be the site for the new fac- j try In hack yards. F a rm e rs a re re ­ tory of the Molalla Fire Clay company, quested greatly to Increase th e ir farm work on the erection of which will be flocks o r hens so th a t 100 on every started at once. Citizens of Molalla farm w ill be th e averag e fo r th e n a ­ have raised the money for the purchase tion. of a 27-acre tract located between the T he follow ing statem en t regarding Southern Pacific and the Willamette th e poultry needs Is taken from th e Valley Southern railways. Dishes will official a g ric u ltu ra l program fo r 1018 lie the first articles manufacture«!, al- lssu«»«l recently by th e U nited S ta te s | though it is the plan to manufacture d ep artm en t of a g ric u ltu re : j other lines later. The clay mine is lo- “P oultry production should he In- I cated seven miles s«>uth of Molalla and | creased g reatly, especially In back ' auto trucks will be used to convey the vnrds nnd on fa rm s w here w aste m a­ clay to the factory. This will be the terial is available and the purch ase of only factory of its kind west of the expensive grains and o th er m a terial Is Mississippi river. not required. A. J. Johnson, of Corvallis, was in j “In creased poultry production muy Toledo Satunlay en route to his spruce sawmill on the Lower Siletz at Mill- be a tta in e d m ost econom ically by early port. Mr. Johnson says his mill has h a tc h in g ; hy confining m other hens nt cut and shippe«i 11 cargoes of airplane lenst ten days n fte r th e chickens nre spruce to Vancouver since it began hatch«*«l; by reducing l«»sses on nc­ operation, a shoyt time ago. He is in count o f ra ts, w easels, nnd thieves, need of more boats, as the spruce lum­ nnd from cold, dam p con d itio n s; hy ber on hand is greater than the present 1 thorough san itatio n ; by discouraging transportation facilities can handle. th e m ark etin g o f early-hatched pullets It is the opinion that Mr. Johnson has j ns b ro ile rs; by «»Uniinating nonproduc- sent out more spruce airplane stock ing hens nnd keeping good layers than all other agencies combined since through a t least tw o laving se a so n s; nnd by th e poutrym an raising his own the drive started in this country. feed as fa r as possible."