/ An Oregon Boy Sees Historic Ruins THE DAY HAS COME meeting came to a close. The meeting had been adver­ Der Tug! in secret, year on year. tised for 3 o’clock, but was called The German navy toasted; almost an hour ahead of time, The Day! of Teuton victory! thus depriving many of an op­ And fulsomely they boasted; Writing to Miss Perry Ward of portunity of hearing the program. Of the conquest of the seven seas this city from s o me point in To crush Britannia's power; France, Private Pierre Miller, NOTES AN1) PERSONALS Fruits and Vegetables in Season In pride they prayed company D. 1(>2 infantry, de­ For the hand unstayed; scribes a visit he recently made to Mr and Mrs. Paul Beck of The Day—and yet the Hour. an ancient monvstary in France, Dilley were in town Friday. Well, the Day hascome, and gone again, P H O N E 701 as follows: Mr. and Mrs Bernard Ortman In weeks and months receding. Yesterday being Sutubty and a hull- motored to Portland Saturday. And never a sound assails the ear South Main Street Forest Grove, Ore : day I went for a short hike into the Of a navy’s fretful pleading; Money to loan—Valley Realty country. In spite of the fact that we But the ships lie dark in the Kiel Canal. Co., Forest Grove, Oregon. 19-tf are drilled hard every day in the week With hawsers idly sagging, The Express prints flutter wrap­ when Sunday come* the only diversion Mr. and Mrs C. L. Peterson of Their ensigns furled, pers with non-poisonnus ink. la to go out in the country on another Gaston were shopping in this city While a war-torn world Friday. hike. I had heard that there was a Straw hats for dress and work Reviews their coward lagging. very old ruined ahhcy aome eight kilo­ Yellow Aberdeen turnip seed wear at Anderson’s clothing store. The arrogance of the days gone by. meters (f> miles) from here. After at­ per pound, at the Pacific George G. Hancock, real es­ The patriotic p e o p l e along tending church I decided And the pride of the wardroom brag- ! $1.50 visit it. Market. 19-tf tate, farm loans and fire insur­ Gales (’nek are not satisfied that The ruin proved to lie well to worth ger, vis­ Mr. and Mrs. Otto Parsons ance, new Anderson block. 50 they .subscribed twice as much iting. It was inhabited about the year Are gone to join the chivalry 1 were in from their Gales Creek- M rs. W. B. Pot win and daugh­ for the Red Cross as was asked of 1130. It was a monestary founded by And the royal navy swagger; ter, Beth, visited Mrs. Glenn Pot- them, hut they are going to cele­ Benedictine monks who came here Gone, deep down from whence no prize home Saturday. win and baby in Pi riland over brate Uncle Sam’s birthday on from Italy. It is now very much of a Has ever been recovered: Dr. Darland, Chiropractic and Sunday. And in their place ruin though a portion of it serves as ' Natureopath. Office at A St. & Thursday, July 4th, in a manner Is the rank disgrace the walls of a farm house. The child­ 11st Ave. N. Phone G76. The Forest Grove Planing Mill befitting a patriotic people Old Tirpitz has uncovered. ren there very gladly consented is now taking orders for wooden Mrs Lester N. Bennett of Phil­ boxes uf all kinds and sizes Ask Bud White and R. B. Lilly are to he living The rank disgrace of the submarine, omath my guide. At first a|i|M•> eail . mi ted may at sister, Mrs. Rose Olmsted and , ing forces, nr Marsh Mar-h hall hnll and listened lisronZri tn nn :J nd Mrs _ M ary Hughes Visit her at to an some time in the near future lie called friends at Timber Decoration day, her mother, M-s. Tewalt, who is Caddie Hutch ns of the Banks upon to take active part in the struggle appropriate program, w h i c h ; driving ill with pneumonia. up in the Smith car opened with thesinging of ‘Amer­ district writes his brother. Orval. at the front. 1 shall try and inform ica” by the audience, led by T. New Georgette waists, stylish Remember, friends, you must of this city, that h<* has completed you when that time comes. cor-ets, brassiers, silk skirts and pay in advance to get the Express three trips acro-s the | on I in a E. Isaacs. PIERRE. H. T. GILTNER Staple and Fancy Groceries Will Celebrate Nation’s Birthday Memorial Exercises Were Rather Quiet just received; i these goods one - i s dollar per . A year. \\r.. The r*g convoy fo American v ssels and President Clarke of Pacific Uni­ ribbons _ _ ____ ____* • * n ular l o e n price w i is tM ___ ______ Elections and Refreshm ents §1 r 50. We _ pay you hasn’t been hit yet. exceptional values. w Mrs versity delivered a very cordial a*-e 50c to collect f om yourself. At a meeting of th** local Re address of welcome and Com­ Blanche Richards, Pacific avenue. Uncle Sam ’s Agents bckah lodge, held Wednesday mander Butler responded in a Go to F A. Moore’s store, cor­ Dudley Knapp was the only very able manner. After a solo ner Pacific Avenue and Third Forest Grove boy who lef with Thrift Stamps and War Savings night of last week, two candidates were admitted one by initiation by Mr Isaacs, Rev. Patten of the street, for up-to date hair cu's the Washington county boys Sat­ Certificates may be purchased and one by transfer, new officers from any of the following-named Congregational church delivered_________ urday for Ft. McDnwell, Calif., and shaves Also ice cream, cold were e'ected and the refreshment an eulogy on the glorious fight the! drinks and lunches. Phone 181 John Shaw and Kennard Dixon firms and individuals: First Nst’l Bank committee served strawberries veterans made for an undivided Mrs Douglas R R line of Gold having been excused, fir the The Postoffice W. F. Schultz Co. Forest Grove Nat’l and cream arid cookies. The now nation and the freedom of the Beach, Ore., was calling on her present officers are Mrs. Ida McGi I. Shearer & Son Bank black race. He called attention Miss Dee D e ling’s music pupils ' Caples noble grand; Miss Marcia That­ & Co. Goff Bros. to the fact that recent dispatches ?laI^ p ^He,lds \ » ^ - ^ v - ‘y.’ Mrs. Raine was M ss Annie New­ in Hillsboro gave their spring re VanKoughnet & A G Hoffman & Co. cher, vice grand; Miss Mary from Europe indicated that the man cital las' Satu day evening ton Chau fattier Reder before her marriage and for Woel, recording secretary, and colored soldiers from America were j a number of years was a popular very large and appreciative and Ottice Shearer E F Hurlinghiim Miss May Cooper, treasurer. as brave as any of « the fighting * ,IU"1U V I Fuqua Gordon & Gordon ience. account county. t thu u and „„a in- i teacher G riwrwn Paterson H T Giltner The members of Washington forces. It was a mistake „ . . in this , part r W of the ir -----------" nno On ;n t?«,, , of scarlet „ fever u. . i I G uu justice, he sad to refer to the Her sister, Mu* Eva Newman of ^ o n e 'n Fo,,‘St Grove has been Copeland & M c- John Anderson lodge, I. O O. F.f elected the bil­ M J Abbott colored neonle ' O M Sanford . people as enminir coming from an I ortland, was al o here Saturday. P P • lowing at their meeting last week: C V B Russell inferior race. Booker T Wa-h With a class of 187 graduates Mr. and Mrs. John Frisine have H R Bernard Georg* Oilman, noble grand; C S McNutt Baldwin ington and his nephew, Roscoe in the 1918 class at the Oregon s°Id their six and a half-acre tract (i R H P-Nixon Pac. Barber Shop Julius Wehrley, vice grand; H. R. Claude E Smith Conkling Simmons, were shining Agricultural college only 99. a lit­ north of town o Mrs. Laura M Chas Hines Bernard, recording secretary; W. W C Benfer examples of what colored men had tle more than one half, will ap­ Haage of Illinois, who expects to J J Wirtz Chowning K Curtis, financial secretary. made of themselves under diffi pear for graduation. The remain­ take posse sion in the near futu e. W F Hartrampf Brady M S Allen & Co. Notice culties. While negroes had. in der. 88, will be graduated in ab Mr. and Mrs Frisbie expert to Good Investmt Co. News-Times Office common with other races, com- sentia. Most of them are absent spend the summer in and near A-k any agent for particulars. Dr Erwin of Hillsboro will be mitted crimes, it could not be)on military service, but a f-w are Arapohoe, Neb. They have a in my office from 9-11 a. m. charged against them that one of in the civil service and a few in grandson who goes to war soon Summer weight sweaters for daily, 7:30-9:30 p. m. on Mon­ them had ever assassinated a educational woik in other institu- and want to see him before he men, women and children at John days, Thursdays and Saturdays. goes. Anderson’s. president or betrayed his country, tion-. The doctor is doing this as a p r- The claim of the soldiers of the sonal favor to me and any con- north that negroes weie human side ation you may show him beings worth fighting for had been will be appreciated by me. justified by many noble acts by Uncle Sam will Hand Him H. R KAUFFMAN, M. D. black men. The present war was Real GRAVELY Chewing Plug characterized as a fight between DR. H. C. FORTNER In a Pouch from You civilization and barbarity and the Successor to speaker decla ed th civilized t The U. S. Mails will reach any man in DR. H. W. VOLLMER world could no more enjoy fellow Uncle Sam’s Service. When you send him ship with barbarian Germany than tobacco, let it be good tobacco—tobacco OFFICE a human being could enjoy fel­ worth sending all that long way—the flat, In First National Bank Building lowship with a tiger Rev Patten compressed plug of Real Gravely. Telehones paid as glowing tribute to Persh­ Residence 332 Office 333 Give any man a chew of Real Gravely Plug, and ing’s heroes as he did to those he will tell you that’» the kind to «end. Send the belt I who followed Grant and Sherman Ordinary plug is falie economy. It coiti leu per D. D. & M. B. BUMP in their fight for the preservation week to chew Real Gravely, because a imall chew of it laata a long while. of the union Attorneys at Law If you amoke a pipe, dice Gravely with your knife Commander Butler made a few and add a little to your imoking tobacco. It will give Loans and Real Estate remarks, during which he stated flavor—improve your imoke. I). D. BUMP. that, at the recent state G A R. M. B. BUMP, SEND YOUR FRIEND IN THE U. 8. SERVICE Residence encampment, a black man, born a Residence Hillsboro A POUCH OF GRAVELY Forest Grove. slave, who later served in the D ia lin ill »round her* carry it in 10c. pouches. A 3c. Phone 414 Offices HILLSBORO •(am it into hands . ---- in any Trainin« < . . p . will s . put _ hia ------ ---------------Camp or Sa «pert union army, was elected depart­ of the u. U. i . T a A. . - Even ............... over th ere” - a 3c. stam p will take it to ment chaplain and he desired to j him. Your dealer will supply envelope and live you official direc. »ioni how to address it. attest that the honor bestowed by •I I d N.HOFFMAN P. B. GRAVELY TOBACCO COMPANY, Danville, Va. the encampment was deserved. Attorney At F,aw keep» With the singing of “The Battle it R oot P ro tection Soal Patent Office Business Solicited Hymn of the Republic” and the E e ta b lis h e d I S S I benediction by Rev. Patten, the For«*st Grove, - Oregon i ms Thm P a t in i P o a c h it F ro th a n d C loa n a n d G ood —i t not G r a v tly w ith o u t th is