The Forest Grove express. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1916-1918, June 06, 1918, Image 5

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    ff a f . U.
. R a t. O ff
Keep Kids K leen
(Cuiiiluctail ley N ation al Council o f tie* Hop
H< lent* o f A marina.)
---- ------- _[ N o feffii d u n e U w h
+ 4 1 c u i uUkM. M a ja l* UoxUnim.
and aanuioa IJua ami wktta ho korr
Unpaa A l-'lig *
I . . I ..J i
• • «anatrai |daa«a(i|ao(ii>
xopf 1 * 1 . 1 * t lim m r j will
fa ta la * . A U aatmaaiu
'a la li Back «aldi altana
a m toali aark aiul ton* Jaaaaa
oklaa (in caJaaa) aluiwin* dii
I alani ■ * lana la aant I l a * oa
T h a r* lan’ l a lad but w an t* to (r o w
M anly and trua at haart.
And avary lad would Ilk * to know
T lia aacrat wa Impart.
H * doaan't ilaalra to ala< k or ahlrk,
tUe. havan’ t you haard him plaadT
H a 'll follo w a man at p lay or w ork
I f only lha man w ill laud.
$1.00 the suit
I l TOMI daalaa • ana.rf w p p ir r*ai
w a w ill «a») liiaan, chaifaa wapaid
un iftmfA a I pena. $ 1.00 «aak
W hara ara th# man to laad tod a y?
Mparln* an hour or two,
T r a o h in « tha lada t ha Kama to play
Juat aa a man ahould dee?
Vlllair* and aluma ara calling, "C o m a ,"
Mare ara tha lada. Indacd,
W h o ran tall what thay m ight b aojiri*
I f only th* m f ] will l*ad ?
dt* u v m a t orr
C 4 T
Look U l t a . U M
Moda hu -
sTpAijss tea
» bn f uaw ;
M otor and r t f f , and w inter «p o rt,
Kill up th r ttma a lot,
ftut wouldn't you Ilk* to fa r) you'd taught
Kvan a boy a knot?
Country and horn* dapand on you,
C haracter moat wa n r o d ;
fleew ran a boy know whnt to do
I f there lan't a man to |rad?
L E V I S T R A U S S A CO?, S o . I W I k .
M i r . o l ‘ '/ rw a e io m -A / / .'#
• M w farmaat far woman
Thuuaanda o f tralnad ro u n « paopla naaelail.
liohnko-W alk** llualnao* ('«llawn. Portland. pianta
•tintant* In puait Iona.
Knn.ll anr Ulna.
tVharee ar* th r men to land a hand.
Ouldlng at boyhnod’a alda?
M m who will rlar In r v a rv land,
flrld g ln g th* " (I r r a t Dlvld# "
N otion and (lag and tongur unit*
Joining aarh r-laa* and r r r r d
I f r r r ara th * b oy* who would do right.
But w h rrr a rr th* m *n to laael?
Ca la lu «u t.
llo o fk l, S o ld , R a n i od a nd R bo * tro d
-a n / l
Humaieia. ear. 1UU>. 1‘urtland. Ora
Hotel Rowland
Scouting la not the result of mere
clisnee, n«»r o f artificial stimulus. It
R a t» *: 75 c to $ 1.50 p a r d ay: $ 2.50 to 1« n norinnl outgrowth o f the times,
through which the boyhood o f this civ­
$ 5.00 p a r w eek.
ppaealta C ou rt he eu a*. I blorka fro m I ’uotofflro. ilization. developed fnr beyond thnt of
Piro 1 I l ’ neuf H. I ’ and Oraaren Klartrtr paaa door. any previous age, may find Ita own
naturul expression.
It Is the only movement In recorded
history through which this has ever
done. Its oath and law are the codifi­
cation of the essential principles of
this civilization Into thi* language of
the Isry.
O m hundrod anal alaty-Ava Room*. all Mudarle
ImpnevaneanU. fraa phaenaa on t r a r r flour.
Boys and Girls
Clear Your Skin
With Cuticura
T h e y p la c e b e fo r e hint, a t h is m ost
c r it ic a l tim e o f life , th«- s g e o f ch o ice ,
a d e fin ite , c o m p r e h e n s ib le g u id e, fitte d
to his n a tu re, h is y e a r s an d h is d e v e l­
Seeap 2 Sc. Ointm ent 2 5 a n d ¡K iev
Up In tha Air.
Corp. (name deleted by cengor) I*
the champion optlmlat In the (deleted
hy censor) regiment. On his firat visit
to Paris an air raid was In progress,
and as he observed the Parisians, all
Intent on tho taubes, he aald to hit
“ There's one fine thing about this
air stuff.”
"And that la— T”
“ It keeps you looking up.”
(R eply deleted by censor).— Car­
toons Magazine.
P ro m in e n t D ea ler In Food Sup plies
O ppo sed to P ra c tic a of H a n d lin g
T h e m by Dozen.
A prominent dealer In food supplies
has gone on record as opposed to buy­
ing and selling eggs hy the dozen.
" I am strongly In favor of selling
eggs hy widget,” he »ays. “ R
only Just way for both seller and pur­
chaser. A n Illing» are now, one man
may buy u carton o f eggs, very good,
hut very »mall, while another may
buy a carton of fine big <ggs. Yet
both will pay the »«m e price. It I»
not fair.
The only fair and Ju»t
method I» to buy and sell them by
Eggs vary so In »Ize (hat a dozen
large and a dozen »mall egg» pur­
chased at the same price per dozen
____ _
E sse n tia l In S u c c e ssfu l G ard ening—•
Beat W a y Is to Patron ize Some
R elia b le Houae.
V / .,
H o ld s D o o r Open.
Sun, Du «r*nd Wind quickly
' V J V C your Eye* and In tU bya Eye*.
C .ltO N a S a ia rtia g .J a a t EyaCasdart
Marine Eye Remedy
w ili.«il, .' ■* i»*’ i i - n i ' «wwi
»n Ttil*c« 2Se. F-tr Hook of IA* A'y# ft
Aak M u r in e E r a K r m r d y C e ., C k l a a f « t
N<> Im« k hrrakinc IT mhjmim I* now in
utr Sill wringing tMinptr and prar-
tu*l Full dirrttxMi« with rtth mop.
•awe o» a cana* ai m l is
moruaw mm ornar
Hides, Pelts, c Eurkla Wool & Mohair
V i n a l * w km.
V ik iw frit** o C t a W I I « o
T H E H . T. N O R T O N C O M P A N Y ,
Portland, Or*.. Srattla. W n„ Bellingham. Wn.
White Leghorn Baby Ghix
from heavy laying (Hoganiaoil) Block. $10,00
per too. We guarantm aafa arrival.
415 Sixth Street.
Petaluma, Cal.
Veal, Pork, Beef.
Poultry, Butter, Egga
and Farm Produce,
to the Old Keliahle Kvrrriing houae with a
record of 4S year* of 9<|uere Prallnga. and
bo naaured of T O P M A R K E T PRICES.
45-47 Front Straat,
Portland, Oregon
Do Your Own Plumbing
By buying direct from ua at whnkwal« prte «*
and aava tho plumbnr'a profit*. W rit» ua to­
day your n«N"d*. Wo will giro you our rock-
bottom "diroet-to-you" price*, f. n. b. rail or
boat. Wn actually aavo you from 10 to M per
cent. All good* guaranteed.
Northwoat headquarter* foi trader Water
SyaU rn» and Fuller A Johnaon Knit In«*.
212 Third Straat.
P. N. U.
Portland. Orogna
No. 22, 1918
I’rohnhly no service that the mem­
bers o f the Boy Scout» o f America
have been called upon to render ha»
created ho much genuine enthusiasm
throughout the length and breadth of
the land a» the War Savings »tamp
campaign, and certainly no other »ent­
ice can he more helpful to the govern­
ment or beneficial to the hoys. Individu­
ally or a» troop m< her».
Each »cout 1» provided by the gov­
ernment with franked red poatenrds
on which to note the sale» o f »tamps,
and the money 1» collected hy postman
and rural carrier». This work 1» In
accordance with the plan definitely
outlined In the »pedal manual for the
Roy Scout» of America Issued by the
treasury department’s national war
savings committee.
The work can he carried on without
in any way Interfering with school
work, other war-time activities, or the
regular scouting program.
All awards for this service will he
based upon the red post enrd returns
Any scout who takes orders
from 25 people will get an “ Achieve­
ment” button. When he has sold $250
In stamps the government will send
him nn “ Ace” medal, and n bronze
palm will he added for each extra $100.
There can ho no doubt thnt every
hoy scout realizes that the war ngninst
Germany and her allies Is a war for
hoy scouts ami hoys who are not scouts
and for their sisters and mothers too.
The Roy Scouts of America enn take
off their coats, roll up their sleeves
and pitch In ns bravely ns they did a
few months ago to help their country
gather the Liberty bond money to fight
on for freedom.
The third Liberty loan finds the
scouts carrying the pledge Into every
home. Their work was so valuable In
the two cnmpnlgns that the govern­
ment hns given them a special jmster
In the third one, and one million copies
have been printed.
The Iloy Scouts o f America have
been tested and found true. They have
shown their love for their country.
• n o c h M o s c a i * *
fo r
tive every natural means of repair­
ing and nourishing your system. For
pale, puny, scrofulous children, noth­
ing approaches it. It builds up com­
pletely their flesh, their strength, and
their health.
In the most stubborn Scrofulous,
Skin or Scalp Diseases, Eczema, Salt-
rheum, and every kindred ailment. It
effects wonderful cures. Contains no
alcohol or harmful drugs. In tablet or
liquid form.
Dr. Pierce’s Pleasant Pellets regu­
late and Invigorate stomach, liver and
bowels. Sugarcoated, tiny granules,
easy to take.— Adv.
S u ita b le P u n ish m e n t.
Dr. Pierce’ s Pellets are beat for liver,
“ What do you think ought to be
bowels and stomach. One little Pellet done with this train robber?”
for a laxative—three for a cathartic.
"W hy, railroad him to prison.”
&SQ a
Good garden seed Is an essential In
successful gardening. I f we are going
to plant something, we want It to
grow. The worst thing possible 1« to
plant seed thnt won’t germlnnte, and
It Is almost a» had to find that the
seed which has been planted U untrue
to name.
In order to nvold all annoyance It Is
best to secure good seed. When buying
garden seed demand that It be fresh;
likewise Insist that It he true to name.
The easiest way o f avoiding poor seed
Is to purchase the product of some re­
liable house.
S C O U T S K E E N O N W. S. 8. S A L E S .
rrllrved by Murine. Try It In
Scouting appeared at the most cru­
cial time In the history o f the race,
and was the prophecy o f the type of
H a lf-In c h Piece of B oard, E ig h t Inchee
man soon to he needed for the preser­
L o n g and T h re e W id e Is E a s ily
vation of our civilization. Thnt man
A rra n g e d .
Is now coming on the stage of action.
It Is vital that his preparation should
<Ry R. P H I L L I P 8 . W a sh in g ton .)
begin with the hoy.
A simple device may be made which
The world movement was at first
Is useful for holding doors open when
*|Miiitnhenus and sporadic. It noon be­
the old-fnshioned lock 1» used. Take
came necessary to organize It to save
a half-inch board, eight Inches long and
Its wonderful possibilities to the world,
three Inches wide und shape It like the
Good O p p o rtu n ity .
ami In 11107, In Glasgow, Scotland,
“ In tho railroad collision I was In this was done hy the man whose gen­ above cut. Screw It to a 2 by 4 on
I tall you I suw sta rs!“
the barn where the stick on the lock
“ W ell, you had a fine chance when ius had unconsciously brought the
tho cars wore telescoped.”— Exchange.
den-I’ow ell.
Granulated Eyelids,
Join Now!
A F T E R “T H E G R I P , " o r in conva­
lescence from pneumonia, fever», or
other debilitating diseases, your quick­
est way to get flesh and strength Is
with Doctor Pierce's Golden Medical
Discovery. That gives purity to your
E g g s o f V a r lo u * Size*.
blood, plumpness to your body, and
may differ a» much a » 2.~ per cent In puts every function Into perfect work­
the value o f the forni element» fur­ ing order. It makes thoroughly effec-
nished. Perhaps the fairest way to
buy or »ell eggs Is hy weight. Rccause
J u d g in g F ro m A p p e aran ce .
N o n e Needed.
of the wide variations In the size of
liokus— She spends all her hus­
“ What walk in life do you intend to
eggs. It I» also coming to he recognized band’s salary on her back.
select for your son?’’
that more accurate results In recipe»
Pokus (at a fashionable function)—
“ Oh, we can afford to Luy him an
cun he obtained hy weighing or tncas-
automobile now.”— Exchange.
much.— Buffalo Express.
urlng the eggs out o f their shell».
o p m e n t.
SoreEyet, Ey*» Infl.mrd by
Sapolio doing its work. Scouring
for US.Marine Corps recruits.
Nall I f so the projecting
stick hits the lock about one-fourth of
an Inch above the point. With a little
pressure, the slope of the lock w ill
make the projecting stick move up.
When it comes tn the notch in the lock
It will drop dow'n. locking the door
hack securely.
C o st ly M is ta k e to U se T h o se F ro m
U n cu lle d F lo c k — Best to Hava
S m a ll B reeding Pen.
It Is a costly mistake to hntch egga
front the whole unculled flock, and
to keep mnles enough the year around
so thnt the eggs will be fertile.
Fnr better get the eggs from a neigh­
bor who culls his hens for hatching
eggs, or send to some breeder who
does. It Is not an expensive thing to
have n sninll yard for one’s own best
hens and mate.
A n n u a l W a ste of Food.
The nnnuul waste in the United
States of foods available for cattle
hns been estimated at $100,000,000 by
department o f agriculture experts.
Hatching Eggs.
Do not Incubate any eggs o f Inferior
market quality. The character may
he Inherited, ns Is the size, shape and
color o f the eggs.
G etting C o w s Into B arn .
Some feed In the manger and a little
kindness nre hotter for getting the
cows Into the bnrn than Is sicking the
dog onto them.
Raspberries Are Neglected.
Many people plant raspberries, giv­
ing no nttentlon or core nfterwnrd ex­
pecting them to- hear well Just the
Hatch Chicks E a rly .
Hatch your chickens enrly and havs
eggs all fall and winter.
H a v e E g g s in F all.
Have eggs to sell nil fall by hatcJH
Ing early.
The Farmer’s
Live stock is m arketed from
farm er to consum er at a lower
cost than alm ost any other farm
Th e United States Departm ent o f
agriculture reported in 1916 that the
farm er gets for his cattle "approxi­
mately two-thirds to three-fourths" o f
the final retail price paid by the con­
sumer for the resulting beef.
Under normal conditions, the farm ers
share o f retail prices o f various farm
products is approximately as follows:
71 per cent
66% to 75 per cent
65 per cent
55 per cent
45 per cent
35 per cent
T h e difference between farm er’s price
and retail price represents the necessary
expenses o f packing, freight and w hole­
sale and retail distribution.
Sw ift & Company not only performs
the manufacturing operations of pre­
paring cattle for market in its well-
equipped packing plants, but it pays the
freigh t on meat to all parts o f the
United States, operates 500 branch
distributing houses, and in most cases
even delivers to the retail butcher. A ll
this is done at an expense o f less than 2
cents per pound, and at a profit o f only
about *¡4 o f a cent per pound o f beef.
L a rg e volum e o f business and expert
management, make possible this indis­
pensable service to the live-stock raiser
and to the consumer, and make possible
the larger proportion o f retail prices
received by farmers.
Year Book of interesting and
instructive facts sent on request.
Address Swift & Company,
Union Stock Yards, Chicago, Illinois
Swift & Company, U.S. A.