The Forest Grove express. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1916-1918, June 06, 1918, Image 4

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Cawl Cawl
Peter Mcnkln Brown, Berlin corre­
spondent, said In Baltimore lu s lec­
ture on the blockade:
"T h e Germans are suffering from
our blockade more than they’d hsve
us think. There’s a resl dearth of
foodstuffs and there’s a real peat of
"Think of It— the Germsns are now
eating crows!
More than that, the
profiteers have cornered the crows of
Germany, so that the government has
had to fix crow prices, which range,
1 believe, from 60 to 86 cents, accord
lug to the weight and age of the bird.
"Hut Imagliio It. Cornering crow!
That is no way to help your country’s
ca w s!"— Detroit Free Press.
Simultaneously he saw Mux spring | troubled, perhaps— but happy,” she smoking a cigarette nnd conferring
C H APTE R XX—Continued.
towurd the box, with a distorted and { said,
with the doormun while subjecting
He was tug-
'“Then I am very glad,” he said, sintl- Whitaker to a curious and antagonis­
Aside from him, the only other occu­ snarling countenance.
pant o f the stuge was Sara Law. She glug at something in his pocket. It tug ut the delicate color that enhanced tic stare. The muffled rumble of their
*at on a stone bench with her profile appeared In the shape o f u heavy her exquisite beauty as she mude the voices wns the <uily sound audible,
confession. “ I had hoped ns much.” aside from nn occasional racket of
to the audience, her back to the right pistol.
Instantly Whitaker wns caught nnd He looked from the one to the other, bootheels lu the gnngwuys ns one actor
of the proscenium arch; so that she
could not, without turning, have no­ tripped by Ember and sent sprawling “ You have . . . made up your after another left his dressing room
ticed the entrance of Ember and her on the floor o f the box. As this hap- minds?”
nnd hastened to tho street, keen set
The w ife answered for both: “ It is for the dash of gossiping tongues In
A shy, light, deathlessly pened. he heard the voice o f the tire-
youthful figure In pale and tlowing arm, sharp and vicious— a single re- settled, dear friend: 1 can struggle no theatrical clubs and restaurants.
I thought myself a strong
garments that molded themselves flu port.
Gradually the building grew more
Unhurt, he picked himself up in time woman; I have tried to believe myself nnd more empty und silent, until at
ently to her sweet nnd girlish body
to catch a glimpse o f Max, on the j a genius bound upon the wheel o f an length Whitaker was left alone with
In a posture of pensive meditation
she wns nothing less than adorable. stage, momentarily helpless In the eni- ill-starred destiny; hut 1 find I am” — the shadows and the two employee».
Whitaker could not take his eyes from brace of a desperate and frantic worn- the glorious voice trembled slightly— These last betrayed signs of Impa­
You reckless men and women who
an who had caught his arms from b<y “only a woman in love and no stronger tience. He himself felt u little sym­
her, for sheer wonder and delight.
sre postered w'th corns and who have
He was only vaguely conscious that hind and, presumably, hud so deflect- than her love.”
pathy for their temper. Women cer­ at least once a week Invited an awful
“ I am very glad,” Ember repeated, tainly did take an unconscionable time death from lockjaw or blood poison
Mas. at length satisfied, barked a word ed his arm. In the same breath Em-
to that effect to an unseen electrician her. who had leaped to the railing “ for both your sakes. It’s a happy to dress I . . .
sre now told by a Cincinnati authority
off to the left, and waving his hand round the box, threw himself across consummation of my dearest wishes.”
At length he heard them hurrying to use s drug called treasons, which
“ W e owe you everything," Whitaker nlong the lower gangway, and turned the moment a few drops are applied
with a gesture indelibly associated the footlights with the lithe certainty
with his personality, drugged a light of a beast o f prey and, seemingly in I said with feeling, dropping an nwk- to Join his wife ut the stage entrance. to any corn or callous the soreness Is
cane-seated chair to the left of the as many deft motions, knocked the ward hand on the other's shoulder, Elise passed on, burdened with two relieved and soon the entire corn or
pistol from the manager’s hand, wrest- "It wns you who threw us together, heavy handbags, and disappeared Into callous, root and all, lifts o ff with the
proscenium and sat himself down.
“ All ready?" he demanded in a sharp ed him from the arms o f the actress, down there on the Great West bay, so the rain-washed alleyway. The elec­ fingers.
Freezone dries the moment It is ap­
laid him flat nnd knelt upon him.
that we learned to know one another trician detuehed his shoulders from
and irritable voice.
plied. and simply shrivels the corn or
The woman on the marble step nod­
the wull, ground Ids clgurette under callous without Inflaming or even Ir­
lowed him to the stage; In another he
“ I plead guilty to thnt little p l o t - heel and lounged over to the switch­ ritating the surrounding tissue or
ded imperceptibly.
yes," Ember laughed. "But, best of board.
“ Go ahead,” snapped the manager.
skin. A small bottle of freesone will
An actor advanced from the wings, soothing her first transports of semi- nil, this comes at Just the right time—
Mary Whitaker turned her face, cost very little at any of the drug
the Tightest time, when there can no shadowy and mystical, touched with stores, but will positively rid one’s
paused and addressed the seated hysterical terror. . . .
longer be any doubts or questions or
woman. HIST lines were brief. She
her faint and inscrutable smile, up to feet of every bard or soft corn or
hardened callous.
If your druggist
It wns possibly a quarter o f an hour misunderstandings, no ground for fur-
lifted her head with a startled air,
her husband's.
he can get it at
listening. He censed to speak, and
“ W alt," she tugged In a whisper. any wholesale drug house for you —
her voice o f golden velvet filled the door in the ground-floor dressing-room ‘the destroyin'; angel’ of your •111- "I want to see"— her breath checked— Adv.
house with the flowing beauty o f its gangway o f the Theater Max— a door stnrred destiny ’ my dear” — he turned “ the end of it nil."
unforgettably sweet modulations. Be­ distinguished by the initials "S. L.” to the womau— “ Is exorcised— ban­
They heard hissings nnd clickings
That's the Question.
yond the footlights n handful of so­ in the center of a golden star. With ished— prose rl bed— ”
She— Anything that 1* worth win­
at the switchboard.
The gangway
phisticated and skeptical habitues of
lights vanished lu a breath. The single ning is worth working for.
the theater forgot for the moment diffidence, he lifted a band and sively.
He— Yes, but the question la, will
cluster stand on th6 stage disappeared
“ — is on his way to the police sta-
their ingrained incredulity nnd thrilled knocked.
— and the house was blotted out utter­ your father loosen up. or wilt 1 have
At once the door wns opened by the t'011- well gunrded," Ember affirmed
to keep on working for you after I've
In sympathy with the wonderful rap­
ly with Its extinguishment. There re­
ture of that voice of eternal Youth. maid, Elise. Recognizing Ember, she | w*t*1 n n<K^ wn,I n xrlm smile. “ I have mained alight only the single dull bulb won you?— Boston Transcript
his confession, roughly Jotted down,
, Whitaker himself for the time forgot
Soothe Baby Rashes
signed, and attested by several in the doorinnu's cubicle.
that he was the husband o f this worn-
Whitaker slipped un arm round his That itch nnd hurn with hot bnths of
. . . I ’m glad you were
nn nnd her lover; she moved before
out o f the w ay; it was rather a pain­ wife. She trembled within his em­ Cutlcurn Soap followed by gentle
his vision in the guise o f some divine
ful scene, and disorderly; it wouldn’t brace.
anointings o f
creature, divinely
unattainable, a
"Black out,” she said in a gentle Nothing hotter. For free samples nd-
dream woman divorced utterly from
W e had the deuce of a time nnd regretful voice: “ the Inst exit: dress, "Cutlcnra, Dept. X, Boston.”
any semblance o f reality.
clearing the thenter: human curiosity Curtain— End o f the I’ lay I"
Sold hy druggists and by mall. Soap
That opening scene was one perhaps
“ No,” he Raid In a voice of sublime
Is n tremendously persistent and re­
25, Ointment 25 nnd 50.— Adv.
unique in the history of the stage.
sistant force. And then I had some confidence— “ no; It’s only the pro­
Composed by Max in some mad, poet­
trouble dealing with the misplaced logue curtain. Now for the play, dear
High Visibility.
ical moment of inspired plagiarism, it
"O fficer," said a lady much above
loyalty o f the staff of the house. . . . heart . . . the real play . . .
not only owned a poignant and en­
the usual avoirdupois, “ could you see
However, eventually I got Max to my­ life . . . love . . .”
thralling beauty of imagery, but it
me across tho street?”
self—alone, thnt Is, with several men
moved with an almost Grecian certi­
’’ Madame, I could see you half a
I could depend on. And then I heart­
tude, with a significance extraordina­
lessly put him through the third de­ O R IG IN O F P O T A T O U N K N O W N block!”— Judge.
rily direct and devoid o f circumlocu­
gree— forestalling my friends, the po­
tion, seeming to lay bare the living
lice. By dint o f asserting ns truths Strong Reasons, However, for Belief
A lto n '« Foot-Knar, tho anti«*|>Ur pwwdor Mahra
tissue of immortal drama.
nnd personal discoveries what I mere­
tiltht o r now ahooa fori may.
K rliw m (Vjrna.
That It Is Native of Mountainous
But with the appearance of other
ffuniona. Hot, H w o ltr n , 1,-riil ,-r. A c h in g Foot. Hold
ly suspected, 1 broke down his de­
any aulwtituto.
characters there came a change: the
nials. He owned up, doggedly enough
Kamplo F k K K .
Addroaa. A llo n H. Olnmtod. In>
rare ntmosphere o f the opening began
and yet with that singular pride which
The question o f where the potato Is Roy. N . Y.
to dissipate perceptibly. The action
I have learned to associate with some indigenous and where Introduced by
Judas Didn't Last.
clouded and grew vague. The auditors
phases of homicidal mania. . . .
I man hus never been strictly answered.
Comparisons of profiteers to Judas
began to feel the flutterings o f uncer­
won’t distress you with details: the It seems sure, however, that the potato
are hardly fair, as the latter eventual­
tainty in the air. Something was fail­
truth is that Max was quite mnd on is u native of the mountainous dis­ ly developed symptoms of remorse
ing to cross the footlights. The sweep­
the subject of his lu ck; he considered
tricts of tropical und subtropical Amer­ and bumped off.— Washington Star.
ing nnd assured gesture of the accom­
it, ns I suspected, i.idlssolubly associ­ ica, from Chile to Mexico, and even ns
plished playwright faltered: n clumsy
ated with Sara Law. When poor Cus­
far north as the southern part o f Colo­
bit of construction was damningly ex­
ter committed suicide, he saved Max
rado. Data concerning the known use
posed ; faults of characterization mul­
from ruin and Innocently showed him
of the potato for food are not very
tiplied depressingly. Sara Law her­
the way to save himself thereafter,
definite. It probably was first taken
self lost an Indefinable proportion of
when he felt in peril, by assassinating
to Europe from Peru by Kpnuiurds
her rare and provoking charm ; the
Hamilton and, later, Thurston. Drum­
In the sixteenth century, und
strangeness of failing to hold her au­
mond only cheated a like fate, and
spreud from Spain to Holland, Bur­
dience In an ineluctable grasp seemed
“ I Want to See the End of It All.”
you” — turning to Whitaker— "escaped
gundy und Italy, though cultivated
at once to nettle and distress her.
by the narrowest shave.. Max hndn’t
Mrs. Godden Tells H o w It
Max himself seemed suddenly to wake smiled and stood aside, way meant to nyi the risk o f putting you only as a curiosity in u few gardens
M ay be Passed in Safety
to the amazing fact that there was for him to enter the small, curtained out of the wny unles8 he thouKht ,t and little known or thought of. In the
and Comfort.
something enormously and irremedi­
absolutely necessary, but the failure
Madam and monsieur, she said 0f j,ls silly piny in rehenrsnl tonight, it Is not mentioned. As u food It wua
ably wrong; he began with exasperating
frequency to halt the action, to Inter­ with smiling significance, “ told me to C0lJpied with the discovery thnt you first used for pigs und cattle; then,
Fremont,O. — “ I wns passing through
rupt scenes with advice and demands show you in at once. Monsieur Em- were |n the thenter. drove him tem- on account of its great yield. It wua the critical period o f life, being forty-
fo r repetition. He found it impossible
pornrlly insane with hate, clmgrin and
six years o f age and
the poor and prevent fumlne, due to
From behind the curtains, Whlta- jealousy."
to be still, to keep his seat or control
had all the symp­
Concluding, Ember rose. "I must
his rasping, irritable voice. Subordi­ ker’s voice lifted up impatiently:
toms incide nttothnt
change—heat (lash­
nate characters on the stage lost their
Thnt you, old man? Come right in I” follow hlrn now to the police station. ns 1063 the Royal society of London
es, nervousness, und
heads and either forgot to act or
Nodding to the maid, Ember thrust
I shall see you both soon adopted measures to encourage Its cul­
tivation In England. It spread quickly
was in n general run
overacted. And then— intolerable cli­ nside the portieres nnd stepped Into a8nln ?”
down condition, so
max !— of n sudden somebody In the the brightly lighted dressing room,
^^e woman gave him both her in Ireland, but it was not until the mid­
it was hard for me
orchestra chairs laughed in outright then paused, bowing nnd smiling his : l»nnds. There's no wny to thank you,’ dle o f the eighteenth century that It
to do my work.
derision In the middle of a passage self-contained, tolerant smile: in ap-
our dear, denr friend!"
Lydia E. i ’lnkham's
continent o f Europe. O f Its first cultl-
meant to be tenderly emotional.
pearnnee as Imperturbable and well-
*',*° wny- Whitaker
” , '* " 1
“ l “■* regret-
V e g e t a b l e C om ­
.vntlon as a crop in North America even
The voice o f Sara Law broke and groomed ns though he had Just
pound was recom­
She stood trembling nnd un­ escaped from the attentions of a valet, i
Einber laughed quietly,
mended to me ns the
‘ 0 " n> -
best remedy for my
strung. Max, without a word, turned rather than from" a 'fürïous'hand-t^ I i™ld,DK f" ’r hnnda « « » '» 'y clasped.
troubles, which it
Wrong Figure of Speech.
But I see you together— happy—
on his heel and swung out o f sight into hand tussle with a vicious monoma­
“ In your sermon this morning you sorely proved to be. I f.-. l bett.r nnd
Oh, believe me, I am fully thanked 1”
the wings. Four other actors on the niac.
stronger in every way since taking it,
Bowing, he touched his lips gently spoke o f a buby ns ‘a new wave on the
stage, aside from Sara Law, hesitated
and the annoying symptoms have disap­
Mary Whitaker, as yet a little pale
nnd drew together in doubt and be­
to both hands, released them with a ocegn o f life,’ ’’ said tlie church war­ peared.’ ’ — Mrs. M. G odden , 925 Na­
and distrait, and still in costume, was
wilderment. And then, abruptly, with
Utile sigh that ended In a contended den, who bad recently become a fa­ poleon St., Fremont,Ohio.
reclining on a chaise-longue. Whita­
no warning whatever, the illusion of
chuckle, exchanged a short, firm grasp ther, to tin; vicar in the vestry.
Such annoying symptons as heat
ker wns standing close beside his w ife;
“ I did,” replied ttie vicar; “ It wns a flashes, nervousnsss, backache, head­
gloom in the auditorium nnd moonlight
with Whitaker, und left them. . . .
his face the theater of conflicting
in the postscenium was rent away by
ache, irritability and “ the blues,” n ay
Whitaker, following almost Immedi­ poetic figure o f speech,”
emotions; Ember, at least, thought
“ Don’t you think ‘a fresh squall’ be speedily overcome and the system
the glare o f the full complement of
ately to the gangway, found Ember
would have hit the mark better?”— restored to normal conditions by this
electric lights installed in the house.
had already left the theater.
famous root and herb remedy I.ydia E.
A thought later, while still all were pulsating light o f Joy benenth a mask
For some minutes he wandered to Stray Stories.
i ’inkham’s Vegetable Compound.
blinking and gasping with surprise, o f Interest and distress nnd n flash t»f nnd fro In the gangway, pausing now
I f any complications present them­
Max strode into view just behind the
and again on the borders of the desert­
“ I am Intruding?” he suggested ed stnge. There were but few o f ‘ he
“ What makes Jinks so proud o f bis selves write the I’inkliam Medicine Co.,
footlights. Halting, he swept the ar­
J ynn, Maas., for suggestions how to
ray o f auditors with an ominous and gravely, with a slight turn as i f offer- house staff visible, and those few were ancestors? I never heard any of tln in overcome them. The result o f f >rty
ing to withdraw.
“ Thut’a exactly Hie years experience is at your service ur.d
truculent stare.
methodically busy with preparations did anything.”
point. So many persons’ ancestors did your letter held in strict confidence.
“ No.”
So quickly wns this startling change
to close up. Beyond the dismal gutter
do things which got them Into trouble
The word faltering on the lips o f 1 0f
consummated that Whitaker had no
the footlights the nudltorlum
with the police.” — Richmond Times-
more than time to realize the reap­ Mary Whitaker wns lost In an cm yawned
shadowy, Dispatch.
pearance o f the manager before he phatlc Iteration by Whitaker.
peopled only by rows o f chairs ghost­
Low -priced,
caught his wrathful nnd venomous
“ Sit dow n!" he Insisted. "A s If we’d |y |n their dust-cloths. The street en-
frrsh. rHUMe i (
Typhoid Fever.
p r e f e r r e d l»y 1
glance fixed to his own bewildered let Jou escape now, after you d kept trances were already closed, locked
western stock*
“ Typhoid fever hns been mastered.”
men. because they !
face. And something In the light that us here In suspense!
| and dark. On the stage a single clns-
protart where other
flickered w ildly behind Max’s eyes re­
VMcIftM fall.
He offered a chair, but Ember first ter stand of electric bulbs made vis-
■,m, ,'”’f "«.
minded him so strongly o f a slmllnr advanced to take the hand held out Ible the vast, gloomy dome of the files
10 - d a i s p k ( . B I « * l « t P illi, i t .00
80 d i t s pk|. B la c k lif n i l * . $4 00
expression he had remarked In the to him by the woman on the chaise- | nnd the whitewashed wnlls against for smallpox. Typhoid fever Is no
longer a menace where the wonderful
t'sr any Inje. tor, but ('utter’s almplcat n d tt ron feat«
eyes o f Drummond, the night the lat­ longue.
Th« superiority of Cutter prodwM it due to over 11
serum Is obtainahle.» g | ipe» (allying In VA( ( INKS ANI» ftl’ KDM*
ter had been captured by Ember und
“ You are feeling—more composed?” | like cards. An electrician In his street
ONLY. I * M I T ON UTTTEH *. If un< tituirraMe.
orda» direct.
Sum Fat, that In nlnrm he half rose he Inquired.
clothes lounged beside the doorkeep-
Florida’s highest point Is 300 feet
T k e C s t t e f l e k e r i t e r y . B s r k s U y . C a lifo rn ia
from his sent.
Her gaze met his bravely. “ I am— | er’s cubicle, at tho stage entrance, above sea level.
Sure! High Heels
Cause Corns But
Who Cares Now