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About The Forest Grove express. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1916-1918 | View Entire Issue (June 6, 1918)
ARSENAL FIRE LOSS LARGE Two Warehouses at St. I<ouitt Horn Knemy Alien in Custody. WORLO H ffllG S OF CURRENT WEEK MILLS FACING CRISIS Must (¿rind Stock Feed or Shut Down, NEW REVOLT PLOT IN RUSSIN FOUND Ultimntum Presented to Heads St. Louis Warehouses Nos. 23 and o f Agricultural Bureau. | 24 at the United States arsenal here were destroyed by tire shortly before Either Northwestern mills must la« midnight Saturday with a loss o f nrmy permitted to grind wheat and supply equipment stored there estimated by Brief Resume Most Important stock feed for Northwestern farmers Huge Conspiracy Extends to All the police at more than 13 , 000 , 000 . or the latter w ill 1 m forced to sell Numerous other warehouses were their cattle and hogs and go out «if Parts of Country. Daily News Items. American Coasting Ships At threatened by the tire, and the flames that industry. That ultimatum was threatened more than >6,000,000 worth presented at the agricultural bureau at o f army supplies within the large de tacked Off Jersey Coast. its meeting in Sp«>kaiie Winlnemlay by pot. John H. Roberta, chairman o f the sjie- A report was current that the origin cial committee that is investigating o f the tire was incendiary and sub the situation. stance was given to this belief by the The bureau w ill busy itself at once j taking into custody by the police o f an bringing pressure to tiear on the grain Austrian enemy alien, who was cap- Events o f Noted People, Governments and milling division authorities at Csecho-Hlovak Troop« Mutiny Cap I tured within the stockade shortly after Washiugon, D. C., for relief. It is ture Railway« M«•««**«• Tell« o f and Pacific Northwest and Other an explosion was heart), which is be declannl that Northwestern wheat is lieved to have started the tire. Things Worth Knowing. Scheme« o f Kevolutlunlat«. being ship|ie«l into the Middle West An explosion is said to have par for grinding, depriving the Northwest o f the stock feed. It is further con Destroyers, Airplanes and Dirigibles tially wrecked one o f the warehouses. Details o f the conflagration’s extent tended that the Miildle West has corn or cause are meager, as military au Flock to Scene From Maine to More than 140 indictments, charging f«>r stoi'k feed and does not require London — Tim «llocovery in Moscow thorities immediately took charge and, violations o f the espionage law, have Western millfeed, which is vitally anti Potrograd o f u large counter revo- Florida— Convoyed Ves throwing a heavy guard o f soldiers been returned by the Federal grand needed here. Many Northwestern around the enclosure, refused to admit jury at Milwaukee, Wis., involving mills are already shutting down lie- luti«>nary plot which Htrotches through sels Are Avoided. the whole o f Uussiu 1« announced in a ! only the fire fighting units. prominent men. cause they have ground the maximum Officers o f the quartermaster’s de Russian wiroles« message receive«! hero Captain Archie Roosevelt, who was allowed them. partment said that more than 15,000,- R. R. Rogers, chairman o f the farm Suntlny. 000 yards o f khaki-cloth for army uni wounded in action in March, is making To this plot is attributable in part Washington, D. C. — Ten American forms, valued at more than $3,000,000 excellent progress. His arm has been lalnir committee, announced that a special session would bo held at Daven removed from the sling and he walks the mutiny o f the Cwscho-SIovak vessels were known Tuesday to have was destroyed. port’s hotel to investigate the plan to several miles duily. troops, which have capturo«! im|>ortzint Fifteen thousand soldiers’ service been sunk by German submarines off use boys o f the United States working hats were also lost. 'fhe Lord Lieutenant o f Ireland is railway junctions and lines. boys’ reserve. the North Atlantic Coast since May 25. sued a proclamation Tuesday night R. Insinger, chairman of the bureau, The s«>viet executive d«cid«*d on May The largest to fall prey to the raid- asking for 60,000 voluntary recruits read a letter from Max II. Houser, 1 29 to undertake the partial culling to ers, which are seeking to prevent the and thereafter 2000 to 3000 monthly to government grain buyer, Portland, in arms o f several classes o f workmen sailing o f transports with troops for maintain the Irish divisions. which he announce«! that the govern the battlefields o f France, was the und the |HM>rer peasants in Pctrograd Naval officers at Norfolk, Va., said ment was shipping 4,000,000 grain N ew York and Porto Rico liner Caro sacks from Calcutta, India, to a Pacific and Moscow and the Kuban and Don Tuesday their reports indicated five lina, o f 8000 tons, which was attacked p«irt to relieve the situation in the German submarines had been «>|>ernt- regions. Sunday night about 125 miles south Liberty o f Country is Lost and Sub ing along the Atlantic coast and that West. It is estimated that 5,000,000 A t the same time Moscow has been east o f Sandy Hook. jugation o f Dual Monarchy Made two had been sighted off the Virginia sacks w ill lie needed in the Northwest. «ledared in a state o f sedge. Counter The fate o f her 220 passengers and Complete by Kaiser. capes. revolutionaries have been arresUnl in crew o f 130, who took to the boats _____ Forest’ s Wealth Vast. considerable numbers and energetic Loss o f the naval mo(or launch when shells began to fall about the R. L. Fromme, forest supervisor o f measures have lieen taken against the Washington, D. C. — Complete sub Ozark, with one member o f her crew, vessel, was unknown late Tuesday night, but there was hope they had jugation o f Austria-Hungary to Ger Charles E. Richards, fireman, o f Chip- the Olympic National Forest, which press. These measures nre necessary, contains more marketable spruce tim it is announced, owing to the situation been picked up by some passing ship man domination and the elimination o f ley, Fla., in a heavy sea off the coast or would reach shore safely in the any hope for even semi-independence May 12, is announced l»y the Navy de ber than an, other national forest in in which the Russian revolution has the country, arrived in the Portland been placed. that may have been entertained by the partment. small boats. district he/ulquarters Wednesday to re The «picstion dominating all others Not a life was lost in the sinkings, Czechs, Jugo-Slavs and other anti- Federal courts have no jurisdiction port on conditions there. In the Olym is that o f supplying the pe«»ple with German elements in the dual monarchy according to the late reports. over the selective draft boards, the pic Forest, which covers 1,500,000 bread, now that RuMsiu has been de Besides the Carolina, the known vic ; is seen here as the certain result o f Supreme court in effect decided Mon acres o f territory, is more than 33,- prive«! o f the Ukraine granary. The tims o f the U-boats are the Alantic the new military treaty between Ger day, in denying mandamus proceedings 000,000,000 feet o f timber. Kuban and Don regions are, according Refining company’s tanker Herbert L. many and Austria-Hungary. to have an order o f a local board in In the Lake Quinault region five to the Russian scheme, menaced by a The State department has just re- Pratt, the steamship Winneconne, o f Milwaukee, W'is., reviewed. sawmills are already cutting spruce counter revolutionary band, which 1800 tons, and six schooners, the larg J ceived through its own sources what is W’ar risk rates took an abrupt jump for government use and more mills are hopes by means o f complications to est o f which is the Hauppaugue, a new : believed to be the text o f this remark expected to locate there. The sales to provoke intervention by foreign (low ship o f 1000 tons, and the Edward H. able document, and it is said to con upon receipt o f the news o f submarine these mills are made on condition that ers and thus drive the Russian masses warfare on this side o f the Atlantic. Cole. The crews o f these eight ves firm the general statements o f its pro the lumber lie cut on the ground. So toward famine. sels have been landed at Atlantic ports. visions already announced in the press. Marine underwriters advanced insur* far the sales o f timber have average«! ance from one to two per cent to all In most regions the large owners /ire Among other things it shows that i f The steamer Texel was sunk by a from 1,000,000 to 4,000,000 feet. mobilizing the well-to-do (x-asants German submarine Sunday afternoon there ever was a common ground upon ports, coastwise as well as trans-At with the object o f resisting the efforts 60 miles off the coast. The crew o f 36 which the United States might have lantic. o f the government to commandeer the discussed peace with Austria, it has Woman suffrage for Hawaii is au men landed at an Atlantic port. flour depots, and are trying to conceal Reports brought ashore by the sur disappeared along with what liberty o f thorized in a senate bill passed Tues their stocks for purposes o f future vivors indicated that the Winneconne action had been le ft to the dual mon day by the house and sent to President speculation and Anally agents o f the Wilson for approval. I t empowers the and nearly all the schooners were sunk archy by her ally. counter revolution in the various cities In this treaty, as officials here in Hawaiian legislature to provide that by the same U-boat which had been Wheat— Bulk basis for No. 1 grade: lurking in the path o f shipping off the terpret it, Austria-Hungary surrenders women may vote in all territorial and Hard white, $2.05. Soft white, $2.03. throughout the country, says the state ment, “ are seeking to excite the New Jersey coast and the Delaware ' to Germany not only for the present, municipal elections. White club, $2.01. Red Walla, $1.98. starving masses against the soviet ! but for the future as well, the com capes since last month. The Austrian Social Democrats, ac No. 2 grade, 3c less; No. 8 grade, 6c The stories told by the skippers o f plete control o f her m ilitary establish cording to the Socialist Arbeiter Zei- less. Other grades handled by sample. government.” the schooners indicated that the com ment, in time o f peace as well as in tung, o f Vienna, have decided that the F lo u r— Patents, $10 per barrel; T«>kio- - I t is umlerstoo«! that the mander o f the submersibles was unus j war. time is inopportune for strikes. The whole wheat, $9.60; graham, $9.20; United States government is studying This carries with it the right to or conference warned against rash acts barley flour, $14.50(r/15.00; rye flour, ually humane for a German submarine the feasibility o f extending economic officer. ganize the Austrian army even to its which would lead to disaster and “ de $10.75(b12.75; corn meal, white, $6.50; assistance to Russia. The pnqtosal In no instance, so far as is known, personnel, which means that the Ger prive labor o f power in the future.” yellow, $6.25 per barrel. to assist the Russians in an economic was a lifeboat shelled, and in all cases mans w ill hold to military service, un M illfeed— N et mill prices, car lots: way was made as a jiossiblc solution Tw elve o f a fleet o f 30 or more fish reported the crews were given oppor der her own commanders, i f necessary, ing vessels were sunk by a German Bran, $30.00 per ton; shorts, $32; o f the problems now confronting that tunity to escape or were taken aboard every fit Slav, Czech, Italian, Pole and submarine, says a Belfast dispatch to middlings, $39; mixed cars and less country. Asstisance from the Uni the submarine, where some o f them Roumanian comprising the population the London Daily Telegraph. The than carloads, 50c more; rolled barley, ted States would take the form o f pur were kept prisoners for eight days be ! o f the Austro-Hungarian empire. It submarine ordered the fishermen to $75(«,76; rolled oats, $73. chasing and assembling them in Eu fore they were turned adrift to be follows that there can be no political take to the boats and row ashore. It Com — Whole, $77 per ton; cracked, ropean Russia. j independence o f the people. picked up by a passing vessel. then sank the vessels by shelling them. $78. It also is proposed to purchase f<io«l Secretary Lansing recently formally Germany at last has brought her Hay — Buying prices, delivered: in Japan for distribution in Russia. Validity o f Federal statutes prohib submarine warfare to the shores o f the declared that the nationalistic aspira- Eastern Oregon timothy, $29(o30 jier United States, apparently in a forlorn ; tions o f the Czecho-Slovaks and the iting sale o f alcoholic liquors to sol ton; valley timothy, $25*/26; alfalfa, Stockholm G«Tmany is so well sat hope o f striking telling blows on this Jugo-Slavs for freedom have the ear diers was in effect sustained by the $240/ 24.50; valley grain hay, $22; isfied with the progress o f events in Supreme court, which Tuesday de side o f the Atlantic and o f drawing nest sympathy o f the American gov clover, $190/20.00; straw, $9.000/10, the Ukraine that she has decided to home some o f the American naval ernment. This message has gone to clined to review proceedings convict Butter— Cubes, extras, 37Jc; prime withdraw two-thirds o f the German ing Cornelius O ’Sullivan, a hotel pro forces from the war zones, where the the ambitious, oppressed races as a firsts, 37c; prints, extras, 42c; car troops now in the east. The troops U-boat menace is being slowly but further assurance o f the purpose o f the prietor, o f Sault Ste. Marie, Mich., o f tons, lc extra; butterfat, No. 1, 41c withdrawn w ill lie used on the wpstern violating the law. ; United States to enter into no peace surely strangled to death. delivered. front and they w ill lie replaced in the Representatives o f 500,000 railway treaty with their oppressors that does Eggs Ranch, current receipts, 34c: east with Austrians. N ew York— Scores o f United States not concede their right to separate na shopmen have asked the railroad ad candled, 35c; selects, 36c per dozen. ministration not to put into effect the warships are ranging the waters off tional existence. Poultry — Hens, 27c; broilers, 40c; Stockholm—How little power re new wage scale without an upward re ducks, 32c; geese, 20c; turkeys, live, the North Atlantic coast in search o f mains to Finland and how completely vision for their crafts, saying great 260/27c; dressed, 37c per pound. U-Boat in Mid-Atlantic. the German submarines which made the Germanization o f Finland has been their long-expected attack on Amer-1 An Atlantic Port — Officers o f a dissatisfaction would be created and Veal— Fancy, 18jO/19c. effected, is indicated by announcement ican shipping in home waters late steamer arriving here Monday from a intimating that it might be impossible Pork— Fancy, 230/ 23Je per pound. Sunday that all licenses for import in Monday afternoon. foreign port report that the vessel was to avoid many strikes. Sack Vegetables— Carrots, $1.15 ¡air to Finland must be approved by Ger One hundred men enlisted in the sack; turnips, $1.50; parsnips, $1.25; man officials. The Deutache bank has While the details o f naval opera fired on by a German submarine in tions were withheld, it is known th a t' mid-ocean and that a torpedo missed Naval M ilitia between the hour when beets, $2. established a branch office at Helsing destroyers, fleets o f submarine chasers the boat by only two feet. As a warn news o f the U-boat campaign off the Potatoes— Oregon Burbanks, 75c0/ fors for the control «if affairs. and other vessels are flashing their j ing was shouted by the lookout, the New Jersey coast first became known $1 per hundred; new California, 10c searchlights over the waters along the | steamer swung about and took a zigzag on the street and the closing o f the re per pound; sweet potatoes, 10c (>cr coast and far out at sea from Maine to | course. The next moment a torpedo cruiting office in New York Monday pound. Florida. was seen heading toward the ship, night, according to an announcement Onions— Jobbing prices, 10/lJo (>er Hydro-aeroplanes and airplanes barely missing it. Before a shot could made by the enrollment officer for this pound. branch o f the service. arose like flocks o f huge birds from be fired the submarine dived. Cattle— June 4, 1918. every naval station along the Atlantic Tobacco has been classed by the gov Prime steers....................$14.00/15.000 New York The Unite«! States now coast when the warning was flashed to German Towns in Terror. ernment as a necessity and producers Good to choice stee rs., . . 12.500/13.50 has a lurge numlier o f first-class bat them, and soon were scouting over the will be given preferential fuel sup Washington, D. C.— Allied air raids Medium to good steers.. 11.000/ 12.00 waters where it was believed subma on German towns are demoralizing the plies. Senator Swanson, o f Virginia, tleships “ preparing side by Bide with Fair to medium steers .. 10.500/11.50 rines would be most likely to be lurk German people. Advices to the State was informed by the War Industries Common to fa ir steers .. 9.000/10.00 the best ships o f the Rritish navy for ing. Foreign aviators and American department Monday said that the effect board in response to an inquiry that seas, Choice cows and heifers. 11.000/12.00 nn engagement on the high students as well as the regular A m eri upon the populations o f cities bombed the board was working out with the Com. to good cows and h f 6.500/) 8.50 which is expected to occur at any can flyers eagerly volunteered for serv was far greater than heretofore re Fuel administration a plan for supply Canners.......................... 4.00(?/ 6.00 ice. time, with the German fleet,” accord ing the industry with coal. ported. Bulls................................ 6.500^10.00 ing to a statement made in nn nddress Two hundred thousand men o f draft Calves.............................. 8.500/12.00 Comfort to Cross Alone. Paris— Paris was again under fire here Sunday by Rear Admiral A lbert Stockera and feed ers.. . . 8.000/10.00 Washington, D. C.— The naval hos Sunday. The bombardment by long- age, who, because o f minor defects, Hogs— Cleaves. have been held by examining surgeons pital ship Comfort, formerly the War range guns wasjresumed Sunday mom- ” 1 am going boy«md the Imrder line over the country for limited service, Prime m ixed....................$17.000/17.25 Line steamer Saratoga, has been se I ing. are to be employed in producing or Medium m ixed............... 16.500/16.85 o f secrecy,” declared Admirul Cleaves, lected for service as an ambulance ship Rough h e a v ie s ............... 16.000/16.25 "when I say that a few days ago there handling equipment fo r the army. Ship Employes Get Raise. between this country and the American P ig s ................................. 15.500/15.75 came an alarm to the heads o f the naval base abroad. She has been spe Washington, D. C.— Flat increases German airmen Wednesday night Bulk................................. 17.25 Rritish anvy that the German battle cia lly refitted to bring home sick and o f $20 a month to all chief stewards deliberately dropped bombs on hospi Sheep— ships were about to come out for the wounded sailors and marines. The and chief cooks and $15 a month to all tals in which there were scores o f Prime spring lambs........$17.000/ 17.50 expected engagement on the high seas. present plans are to send the Comfort other members o f the steward’s de American and hundreds o f French sick Heavy lambs................... 16.500/17.00 “ I know that the British navy heads across without convoy, notifying the partment on Atlantic and Gulf vessels and wounded. The hospital is in a Yearlings........................ 11.500/12.00 gave the first-class American battle German government o f her intended were announced Monday by the ship town many miles in the rear o f the Wethers.......................... 10.500/11.50 ships a post o f honor in preparation voyage and its purpose. ping board. front. Ewes................................ 10.000/10.50 for the attack.” COMPILED FOR YOU MOSCOW UNDER SIEGE AMERICANS START SUBMARINE CHASE AUSTRIA-HUNGARY GE R MA N PROVINCE BIG NAVAL BATTLE EXPECTED A NY TIME