Supplement to Forest Grove Express Vol ft Forent Grove, Ore., Thursday, May 30, 1918. NOTES AND PERSONAIS Yellow Aberdeen turnip seed $1.50 per pound, at the Pacific- Market. 19-tf i The Express prints butter wrap­ pers with non-poisonous ink. Straw hats for dress and work wear at Anderson’s clothing store. M S. Allen & Co. Saturday de­ livered Paige autos to C. A. Litller and E. G. Mills. No. 21 New creations in Motor Hats. See them at A . G. Hoffman & Co. Dr. E. Crockett of Portland visited the M . S. Allen family last Friday evening. Summer weight sweaters for men, women and children at John Archie Bryant, who is em­ Anderson’s. ployed in Portland, visited wife Dr. Darland, Chiropractic ^nd Chas Strong of Corvallis spent Natureopath. Office at A St. & and children in this city Sunday. the week-end at the M. S. Allen 1st Ave. N. Phone 676. Clarence Kelsey came out from home in this city. Portland Saturday night and Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Creel have John Anderson, t h e leading rented the Jo Hurley residence spent Sunday with his family. clothier, is showing a new line of and are now at home there. Go to the Erickson garage, K . hose for men, women and boys. of P. building, for your auto re­ See the Pyrex transparent bak­ Good values, too. ing dishes at the Book Store. pairs, accessories, tires, gas and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wilson of Every woman should have an as­ offs. Vancouver visiter! Mr. and Mrs sortment. To keep the automobile looking Claude Smith Sunday, the lady clean and nice use one of our Oil Dr. Ward is continuing his being Mrs Smith’s sister. practice and is prepared to answer Tanned Chamois skins on it. To get good, salable fruit from calls both day and night. Office Littlers’ Pharmacy. your trees, spray the .trees often hourR, from 9 to 11 a. m. and 2 to Judge W. H. Hollis of this city with Sherwin-Williams Arsenate 4 p. m. 18-tf is the principal orator at the Cor­ of Lead, for sale by Lit tiers’ Miss Emma B. Penfield is out nelius Memorial day exercises this Pharmacy. from Portland to spend a two (Thursday) afternoon. Until further notice the Can­ weeks’ vacation. She will be at James West of the Forest Grove nery will receive Rhubarb at one her home here for a few days and planing mill returned Thursday and one half cents per pound. will go to Rockaway for a short! evening from a business trip to We also want your Gooseberries, stay. Wheeler and Brighton. Raspberries and I/oganberries. Vinton Robinson, son qf Mr. j Prof Eugene Hall of North Former residents of Nebraska and Mrs. H. N. Robinson, has won and Kansas were given a touch of i a commission as a second lieuten­ Powder. Ore., is visiting his “ home” wiather Sunday, when a ant of cadets of Corvallis, accord­ daughter, Miss Irene Hall, at the heavy thunder storm passed over ing to a list published in a Port­ J. L. Van Kirk home. this section, followed by a light land paper Sunday. O. N. Mullikin, the gentleman hail storm. The hail did no dam­ who offered his services several age, so far as the writer has heard. Mrs. L. S. Phillips of Nehalem, months ago to the Commercial H. T. Buxton and sister, Mrs. formerly of this city, has an­ club for the purpose of organiz­ Ed Harrison, returned Monday nounced the engagement of her ing a band, has moved from Gas­ from u visit with their brother, daughter, Carol, to Mr. Richard ton to this city and is still ready Austin, and family at Molaila. C. Spring of Lindenwood, III. to carry out his original design, if They found Austin in good spirits I The marriage is to take place in given any encouragement. He is and in better general health than Chicago about the middle of June advertising in this issue of the and Mr. and Mrs. Spring will Express for pupils for band and they expected to find him. make their home, temporarily, at orchestra instruments. For the purpose of organizing a least, in Illinois Washington C o u n t y Guernsey I At a meeting to be held in Kin- Breeders’ association, Wm. Good­ One of the pleasing features of ton school house Saturday, June in of Cornelius invites all the the last day of school at Fairview 1st, at 8 p. m., the onion growers Guernsey breeders and interested was a flag-raising, with t h e of Washington county will discuss dairymen to attend a picnic at his teacher, Miss Martha Allen, and the control of onion mildew. H. farm June 15th. Several outside the pupils swearing allegiance to P. Barss, plant pathologist at the Old Glory. Mr. Oglesby, one of Oregon Agricultural college, has speakers will be secured. Cecil Hughes, who is with the i the directors, made a speech, in consented to be present and he engineers in France, writes his which he expressed appreciation will discuss plans for the control parents that he is well and fre­ of the excellent work done by of this a n d other diseases of quently hears from the other For­ Miss Allen and regretted that she onions. est Grove boys over there, al­ had been elected to teach else­ The interior department an­ though there are some in the ser­ where next term. nounces that 150,000 acres of vice there whom he has never Miss Ruth Austin, who several Oregon timber, agricultural and seen since he left home. mont he ago enlisted as a “ yeoman- dairying lands will be thrown W. T. Buxton, a former resi­ ette” in the navy, has been noti­ open for sale at $2.50 per acre on dent of this section, but for the fied to appear at the recruiting o f­ July 2d. Applications must be past fourteen years a resident of fice in Portland tomorrow, so it is made between June 22 and July VVashington, arrived Sunday from fair to presume she is going to be 17 to the United States land of­ Walla Walla for a visit with his taken into the service at once. fice at Portland. The land lies in brothers and sisters. He finds Mrs Anna Hogue has rented her Washington, Multnomah, Yam­ many changes have occurred since residence and is now living with hill, Polk, Clackamas, Marion, A u s t i n , Ruth’s Benton, Linn, Columbia and Till­ he left this section, especially in Mrs. Nettie mother. amook counties. the city of Forest Grove. (