Wise in His Generation JOHN ADAMS, second president of the United States, won fame as a financier when he borrowed $2,000,000 from Hol­ land. He was a firrp believer in banking. Every man who hopes to be a success in life has a bank ac­ count. Make up your mind to place a certain amount of your business profits or income in this bank, where it will increase. We invite an inspection of our banking methods. The First National Bank of Forest Grove, Ore A Strong Bank in a Good Town Safe Deposit Boxes for Rent Directors— M. R. Johnson, President; Chris Peterson. Vice President; A. J. Demorest, Cashier; Allan Rice and J. E. Loomis. - THE-- 1 9 4 1 1 - JI j G LJTi0ri.GlTT • y -v • - - | a Truck A Dependable Delivery Capacity, 1 \ and 2* Tons Wiles & Sohler Washington County Agents FOREST GROVE - - - OREGON CONDENSED NEWS NOTES Typewriters fo r rent at (he* Bookstore. 21-tf Public sale bills printed at the Express office. Balky watches and clocks made to work by Shearer & Son. Beautiful Voiles and Silks just received at A. G. Hoffman & Co. j Of course, Buster Brown Shoes for children. First becau e of he Last. A G. Hoffman & Co. If you use one of our alarm checks you will have no trouble getting up in th e morning. Shearer & Son. Gale ('»range No. 282 P. of H. will meet Saturday, June 1st. Routine woik, conferring of 3rd and 4th degrees and an election to fill the offices of M aster and Secretary. Dinner at noon. O. N. Mullikin, with fourteen years’ experience in teaching all three • valve band instruments, slide trombone and clarinet, de­ sires a few pupil«. Residence. Cook property, southeast of high school. 21—It • H. G. King is carrying his good right hand in a bandage today, as the result of getting it mixed up in the fly-wheel of a gasoline eng:ne Saturday. Some of the small bones are either broken or badly bent, he thinks. Captain Peters, who keeps a close watch on the doings of con­ gress, informs the Express that the Smoot pension bill, providing for from $30 to $40 per month to soldiers ot the Civil war, has b>en substituted for the Sherwood bill (not so liberal) and is sure to pas- and become a law. Big Musical Event Next Tuesday Night One of the interesting features The Chevrolet “Four-Ninety” is Popular for It is Complete. The thought of the Chevrolet “ Four-Ninety.” with its electric starting and lighting equipment, “ hits home” more emphatically when you have another kind of car, without this important equipment. And the Chevrolet is not a cheap car in any respect It is not turned out under great pressure in enormous quantities. Each car is given special individual attention, and, for this reason, the Chevrolet "Four-Ninety” compares favorably with cars in the higher-priced class. You should own a "Four-Ninety.” You will like it and will be pleased with it for it is com­ plete in every respect. The new series of this type is equipped with demountable rims, one-man top, tilted wind­ shield and has u number of other refinements. And the price is not prohibitive. I^et us demonstrate this model today. Let us show you what it is able to do. Let us put it to power and speed tests. And, in addition, let us tell you about its splendid econ­ omy record. The Chevrolet is a miser when it comes to using gasoline. We will gladly demonstrate at your convenience. Wiles & Sohler of the Commencenv-nt week at Distributers for Pacific University, Forest Grove, i Washington, Yamhill and Columbia Counties this year will be the Commence-] ment Concert on June 4 h. The NOTES AND PERSONALS Job printing—phone 821. Graham-Christensen string quar­ See Shearer & Son about that tette will give two numbers and Dr. Ward made a professional wrist watch you want. the music lovers of Forest Grove controller, that "If America can­ visit to Yamhill Tuesday. are looking forward o this feature not furnish us another 45 million record of all history, but we must Come to the Book Store for remember that there is a breaking a- a rare treat. Harry Giltner was confined to your commencement gifts. his home with grip several days Mrs. James Nichols of Thatch­ The Pacific University Orches­ bushels of wheat beiween now and point to the most heroic soul—the I cannot be responsible limit of the power of flesh and this week. tra, augmented by members of harvest. er way visited at the C. M. Good FOR OUR REMAIN­ blood to endure longer. the Portland Amateur Orchestra ING IN THE ALLIES We carry a large and complete home Tuesday. WAR.” line of suit cas sand bags. A. G. F Starke, oboeist, and others of The reference was doubtless to They have been, and are, fight­ G. E. Richards, Roy Van Kirk, the ing our battle, the battle of all Portland Symphony Orches­ Hoffman & Co. France and Italy. Harvev Wilson and Gus Gardner Suppose they break. tra, will give some of the music Colonial Sterling dinner sets are left this morning for a two-day from Rosamunde, by Schuber , Our peop'e ought to "get that,” free Can people. you think calamity dishes of which you will feel fishing trip to the Wilson river. und r the direction of William ought to come to a full realization without a sinking of of that the heart? proud. Sold at the Bookstore.; of its awful significance. Roy Watkins and H. L. Chris­ Wallace Graham. It is wheat now, 6r slaughtered Miss Clara Moore of Portland tensen The closing number will be tie went to Wilson river Sat American 'ater. These men Russia collapsed. A sa result, visited Mrs. Benfer and other urday and had fair luck angling Cantata "Fair Ellen” by Bruch, a thousand American boys will go and women boys of Washington Forest Grove friends over Sunday. for trout, bringing home about with orchestral accompanimen', into the battle pits of Europe who selfishly stuff themselves county with Out of respect for Memorial 50 of the beauties. Mr. G-aham conducting. This Thousands of American homes wheat, and refuse to deny their Day, the Red Cross working Arthur Shearer, Frank Smith, will be sung by a chorus of fifty may show a golden star on the taste; who place their stomachs voices Miss (¡oldie Peterson and service flag in the window, and above their patriotism; who 'feed rooms will not be opened today W’alter Sargent and Mr. Haley John Claire Montieth of Portland thousands of American Mothers, the substitutes to hogs;” who (Thursday). made the round trip to Wilson Fathers, brothers, sisters and side-step and quibble and dodge, Miss Marjorie Forbis of Port­ river Tuesday and caught 126 taking the solo parts. sweethearts may mourn the sturdy will bear the burden of Cain if our land spent the week-end at her trout. They report the roads in Al ies fail. boys who will return no more. home near Dilleyand with friend-; fair condition. Those who give their sons to in this city. What, then, if France or Italy, save W. H. Cole of David’s hill this government will not for­ their mora e weakened by four Mrs. Winifred Aldrich, M rs.! Tuesday brought several crates of get. years of awful punishment, should Hazel Carmack and daughter and strawberries to market and, as Ore., May 27th, ’18 collapse I believe that the loyal people because of hunger? Mr. and Mrs. Hibbs of Dilley usual, thev are much larger and To Hillsboro, the People of Washington of this county, when they under­ motored to McMinnville Sunday better in flavor than the Califor­ County: The heroic French, who from a stand, glau'y give up every and report a very pleasant trip. nia berries we have been getting. The Food Administration’s r< - population of thirty five million, kernel will of wheat and pound of have placed s:x million men in flour to save the cause. quest f o r a wheath ss week comes arm*, now nearly a mil­ as a direct result of the di-covery lion and of whom Yours truly, a half sleep in soldiers’ that the available supply of wheal graves, have made CHAS. E. WELLS. sacrifices for in farme s’ hand- is le*s than half home and country far beyond the County Food Administrator. of the estimate of April 1st. Dr. Kerr, just returned from a conference with If not, it’s well worth trying, because there is such a thing heads of the at Food Washington Administration OSSIP! Not many of our customers listen as true sh ir t c o m fo r t —and it can be bought. and other war hoards, also with to gossip. Of that we feel sure. In these -epresentative> of the Allied na­ The Shirt you have on now—does it feel “pully” across the tions, quoted the flat statement history-making days the average mind cannot shoulders? Do you feel like your collar was too high? of Lord Rhonda, the British food grasp the facts that are presented daily and Yes? Then you were more interested in buying just a shirt certainly have no time for gossip. than in buying real comfort, plus a shirt. We read of movements started in different parts of the country to compel idle hands to work. Any re­ straining influence that would at this time make idle snap with style; the patterns are bright and “nifty” and tongues rest would be equally commendable. If you every little detail is just right for appearance. But the un­ hear that our service is less dependable than in the past seen thing—real comfort—is built into these shirts. You treat the remark as gossip. We are equal to a great may not see it, but you can feel it the moment you put one deal more than has so far been demanded of us. on your back. Come here and buy one Beau Brummel Shirt, wear it, then decide whether you want just a shirt, or. another Beau Brummel. Forest Grove, Ore. A Strong Appeal for Wheat Conservation * ------------------------------- Ever “Shop” for Shirt Comfort? G Beau Brummel Shirts C. Men’s E. Furnishings ROY and & Shoes CO. Caples Block FOREST GROVE SCHILTZ’s K STORE Co-Operates with the U. S. “Food Man”~Hoover Service (U. S. Food Ailministration License No. G .14147) Phone OH 1 Satisfaction