No Established Wheatless Days, but Pound and Half Should Be the Very Limit Our Army and What it Costs Mont People Figure Expansion Much Less and Cost Much Greater T han Facts Warrant Mimt people uiiilcrstitrnl thnt tli«< United Miste* army ha* beeu tremeo- itnaaly espande» in (he yenr America ha* been ut war. All bave secn tli«; imiiy grow, In un« Senne they bave wntchei] tbe tuea go iiwuy, bave wrltten Ivi ter* and «m i package* to (ha Imy*. l'Vw reali/,.*, bnvvever, (bai tbe army ha* liirrcnscd 700 per cent, In round nuinl>.*r*, In Ibnt mie yenr. oitlelnl ligure* from \Ya*lilugtou abow tbat It ha*. " ben America entered tbe war un Aprii ». 1017, tbe totul strength o f all brunelle* or tbe servire (Hcgular army, National (iuard and rcaervee) » » » 212,034 9.524 oilleer* and 202,fi 10 men. i»n Aprii », 1018, ih., grand total strength o f tbe American army (all brunelle*) wu* 1,uni',720- -12».801 oilleer* and 1,028,02» men. I lie delulled figure* of tbe old and tbe new iirmle*, whleh are wortb pre- »e r»ln «, are a* follows: April, 1918 April, 1917 I »licer* 1 Men Officer* Men Begiilar army ............ 503,142 10,01*8 121.71*7 National (¡m ini ......... 431.583 10,808 78,718 Reserve corps (In service) ....... 77,300 4,<*t0 90.219 ....... ' 0 National army ......... 610,839 0 0 The United Htale* fo o d iidmlnlHtra* lion bn* made wheatI ck . day* arid wbeatb’NN meal* optional In prlvata homes. Kut Ibat dor - not mean the lid hn* been taken off I only menn* that Hit- question o f which day or meal n I iii II be wbeatlr*** I* l e f t t o the Indi­ vidual houMohold, MM PDf ROADS In other word*, the food iidmlnl*tra- tlon bn* marie the reduction of wheat eoiiHUmptlon a te*t of .-.. ih | ettlzeo- *blp. Kiieh citizen In t h e land I* nuked, a* a good Amerh un, to r-ut Id* COMFORTABLE COOP FOR HEN Imllvltlnnl wheat e o iiH U m p tlo n to a pound ami a hnlf a week. Tbat means Need Not Be Expensive, but Should GOOD ROADS IN NEW ZEALAND Be Dry and Roomy— Freeh Air to cut tbe ordinary, p e n c e time con- Concrete Declared Mo- t Satisfactory le Essential. Humptlon In two. It do* n’t matter on In Land of Heavy Rains— Cheaper whnt rjny or what meal* that I* done, In Long Run. Ju*t no It I* done. In that regard the (Prepared by the United State* Depart­ _____ ment of Agriculture.) fond arlmlnlMtratlon any*.: In order to be more *ucee**ful In The New Zcalnnd authorities, both “ In innklng optional the oh*ervnnce raining chicken* tbe poultrymen Hhould local and national, are carefully study­ of wbentle** day* In private home* provide a houne which meet* certain ing the subject o f good roads, reallz- the food ndniinlMtratlon lifted no re­ requirement*. It need not be an ex- 1 !ng that this Is the best way to open striction* upon the conMiiriptlon of pennlve structure but It Is essential up the hinterland o f the dominion. The wheat products. It I* merely linking — that the hens have a comfortable roads of the country. In the main, are Total ................................... 1,528,1*24 the American people to reduce their bouse which Is dry, roomy, and 123,801 not In Very good condition. There are 'I In* coat of the urniy during the llr*t year of tbe war I* a thing that I* per r-nplta consumption t o not more abundantly supplied with fre*h air some good stone roads, about the larg­ generally overe*tlmsted. 1’eople are prone to think of tbe billion* that have than 1V4 pound* per week. . . . and nunllght. It never pays to over­ er centers, hut few of them extend out “'I'hl* 1* an absolute military ncees- crowd the fowls. tx-eii appropriated Inateud of the aetual umount* that have been expended. more than 25 or 30 miles. Their up­ OthetaI ligure* from Waatilngton allow that the total expenditure* on tha *lty. The method of Mining I n being No particular style o f house Is pe­ keep has been found very expensive, left entirely to the Individual. If It army for tbe year America bn* bean In tbe war Including everything from new culiarly adapted to any section of this es)*-clally In the northern part o f the cantonment* to *boe lace* and a good many thing* not properly chargeable to run be tlone without fore -.lug the uxe country. A bouse which gives satis­ country, since the rainfall Is heavy o f wheat *at any *pedfb d meal or no tbe w a r- were $8.006.701.91*7.15. faction In Maine will also give good and washouts are numerous because Ibat hiiiii doc* not Include, of courue, the obligation* o f tbe war depart­ any day. the food arlrnlul-tratlon'* ur­ results In Texas or California, but It tbe stone used Is soft and grinds up m ent- contract* made for tin* billion* of dollar*' worth of Kupplle* tbat will gent plea for further con-.-rvutlon will raptdly, the Scientific American states*. be furnlMhcd till* year; It I* tbe *um actually paid out for material* already de­ be carried out to the letter." O f late much has been said In re­ livered and pay of the men for tbe time they have ulready Nerved. There are gard to the construction o f concrete Included river and harbor and civil e*tabll*bment expenditure* tbat would have highways, and It Is thought thnt this e bees nuule bad there been no war. The detailed oftlelul ligure* o f wur depart­ e will be far cheaper in the long run e ment appropriation* and ex|a-mllture* for the year are a* follow s: than the stone roads as they are now e Mince the declaration of war congre** bu* müde tbe following appropria­ e constructed, for the reason that the e tion* for tin* war department : upkeep will be so very greatly reduced. s C ivil estnbllabment ................................................. y .f 10.205, 148.00 It Is eitlinaterl that a mile of 12-foot • e ••••••••••••••••••••••••a* concrete road four Inches thick could Military e*tabll*hmènt ............. 7.413.835,468.48 Itlver* and harbor* ...................................................... 34,731,150.00 be built In New Zealand fo r $2.000 One must plan ahead in order to he more than a mile of ordinary stone successful In any line of endeavor. road, on which there would be a saving Total .................................................................... 97,464.771.706.48 Poultry keeping I* no exception, write* in upkeep for the first five years o f at Withdrawal* from tbe trea*ury have been made under tbe*e appropria­ an authority. 11 you do not have the least $1,200, while at the end o f ten tion* during the period from June 15, 11*17. to March 9, 1PI8, a* follow *: breeding bird* ™u need for the seas­ years there would be a saving o f $7,- civ il eNtiildlNbllii-nt . . . .$ 0,517.1*18.70 on of 1018, now I* a good time to get 000 or $8,000. Military eatahlUbinent . 2,801 ,»00,885.85 them. There l* a country-wide scarc­ Itlve r* and harbor* . . . . 18.687.102.60 ity o f good bird* for breeding purposes, and one must expect to pay somewhat FEDERAL AID FOR HIGHWAYS higher price* than In past years. It $8,006,7«1,007.15 will not pay to get Inferior birds In or­ Organization Arranged by Secretary of der to save a little of the purchase Agriculture Described In Re­ until It I* realized thnt ».ouo words Manager George Stallings price. cent Publication. set In type will nil seven and n half If you are Just starting, or If you Is in the Game Heart and standard magazine page*. Detail* of want new blood, you can buy either (Prepared by the United State* Depart­ Soul on the Ball Diamond • «h a t appears to he qn epoch-making stock or egg* for hatching. Men are whickens Do Better When Made Com­ ment of Agriculture.) achievement must he withheld for fortable In a Well-Constructed The organization that has been ar­ Fred Mitchell, manager of the Chi­ military reason*. It I* n war Inven­ more likely to buy stock because they do not usually handle eggs so care­ House. ranged by the secretary of agriculture cago Cubs, delight* to tell *tor!e* of tion and hn* for It* chief purpose the to administer the provisions of the hi* former ho**. Miracle Muu Stallings liberation of hundred* o f expert oper­ fully a* women and nlso been use usu­ ally they have more money to spend. is preferable to build more open, and federal-aid road act o f 1916 Is de­ ator* for the signal corps without dis­ To buy »lock Is the safer plan, of consequently less expensive, houses In scribed In a recent publication of tbe organizing our much-needed commer­ course, and on the whole Is better, but the South than In the North. The best department. cial lines. No secret I* divulged, how­ It costs more money. For both stock site for the poultry house depends prln- Ten district offices, each directed by ever, when the apparatus I* described anil eggs prices are high and will con­ eipally on the local conditions. The a district engineer, reporting to the a* n printing telegraph system, de­ tinue so. One cannot cxjrect to buy location should have good water and director of the office of public roads, trending upon a universally used re­ eggs for hatching In 1918 In quantities, air drainage, so that the floor and have been established. The district cording Instrument thut ha* never be­ at 55 per hundred Such low price* yards will be dry. while the house offices are located In Portland, Ore.; fore been associated with telegraphy. are now absurd for eggs from stock of should not occupy a low pocket or hol­ San Francisco, C al.; Denver. Colo.; Messages are handled In any language low In which cold air settles, and It Minneapolis, Minn.; Omaha, N eb.; any decent quality at all. or cipher with equnl facility and ra­ should be situated for convenience in Fort Worth, Tex.; Chicago, 111.; Mont­ Most poultry breeders, except those pidity,— Popular Mechanics Magazine. who have a large number o f birds of management anil adapted to the nvnll- gomery, Ala.; Troy, N. Y., and Wash­ superior quality, are compelled to re­ able land. Wherever possible n south­ ington. D. C. England to Grow Sunflowers. The procedure adopted calls for the plenish their flock with new blood al­ ern or southeastern exposure should most every year. Our flocks either be select I'd, nlthough this Is not essen­ submission o f an application, known The production of sunflowers Is go up or go down. Just because prices tial If there Is nny good reason for fac­ being encouraged In Knglnnd. The nre higher than normal we must be ing the house In a different direction. ministry o f food and production de­ careful to get good qunllty In what Poultry can be raised successfully on partment hn* Issued Instructions on we buy. This Is a time when poor any well-drained soli. A light loam how to grow sunflowers nnd advises stuff will not pay. There never was which will grow good grass Is well all persons to grow them, explaining u time when It was so true thnt “ the adapted for this purpose, while a very thnt the seed I* rich In oil and makes best Is none too good.” It does not light sandy soil through which the wa­ nil excellent chicken food. pay to keep inferior fowls now. ter leaches freely will stand more In­ tensive poultry conditions, but most of the green fin'd fo r the fowls kept on " I f I had n weak heart do you think such n soil will have to he purchased. 1'<1 want to go Into this kind o f a A heavy clay or adobe soil is not as war?” well adapted to poultry raising, as : ’ ÿ A -iS such land does not drain readily, and Early Crop. : : ■'> V \ 'Si «: it Is much more difficult to keep the His Temptation. “ So you own a good many suburban stock healthy. Long stationary houses, * ■■ ; " I hope my husband won't get In­ houses a nil small farms. L ive on any or the Intensive system, saves steps, R .% 'srtf.x. « v' veigled Into any games with those card of them?” but It Is easier to keep the birds healthy * “ No.* sharks.” i \' nnd to reproduce the stock under the George T. Stalling*. “ Oh, he'll know when they are try­ "Then you don’t raise anvthlng your­ colony system, where the birds nre al­ H r v : s p i self.” ing to cheat him.” lowed free range. Breeding stock, nnd o f the Braves. When Mitch wa* Stall­ f'’ ' ' . y 'T m not afraid of thnt, hut you "Oh, y e s ; every spring I raise rents." especially growing chickens, should ing'* assistant In lloston hr* bad many ' know, he’s u sharpshooter.” have nn abundance of range, while a run-in with tin* manager, and be ad­ "i- Mental Industry, hens used solely for the production of mits now that Stallings thinks more of A Victim of Fate. "It's wrong to market eggs tuny be kept on n very n mini who will answer him back on "When I began say I don’t work. small area with good results. The col­ Sand-Clay Road, If Well Kept, Is Sat­ occasion. business,” said ! mister," said ony house system necessitates placing Stallings Is n firebrand In bnsebnll; isfactory for Moderate Traffic. plutocrat wearily. I’loddlng Pete. the houses, holding" about 100 hens, never laughs, rarely smiles, doesn’t "1 made a solemn "Whnt work do from 200 to 250 feet apart, so thnt the as a project statement, by the state Jest, and roasts the daylight out of n vow that when I you do?" s to c k will not kill the grass. The col­ highway department to the district en­ man who makes a slip. He I* also a hail made nn even ‘‘Brain work. I ony system may be adapted to severe gineer, who examines the road It Is nervous person, and I... rimes enrap­ million I would have to think up winter conditions by drawing the col­ proposed to Improve, and transmits tured on the bench while be Is watch- quit." n terrible lot of ony houses together In a convenient the project statement with his recom­ Ing a game, and plays the whole con­ "B u t you’ve excuses for not place nt the beginning o f winter, thus mendations to the headquarters office test over, solo, as he sits on the play­ mnilu thnt many acceptin’ Jobs." reducing the labor during these months. In Washington. I f the secretary of ers' coop. times over," said Stallings Is merciless In cnlllng down agriculture approves the project the other man, A Patriot. statement, the plans, specifications and n player and criticizing his work. "and still you are FAVOR SPREAD OF DISEASES estimates are then submitted by the “ He’s a real patriot, nnyhow." “ A fellow made n bobble once while accumulating.” "W hat makes you thing so?” Stnlllngs was watching from the state highway department to the dis­ "That’s t h e "H e’s taken a big government con­ Damp, Poor Ventilated Quarter« En­ trict engineer, who transmits them bench,” said Mitchell. “ ‘Look at thnt curse of It. When­ tract for the same profit he’d charge, courage Such Alimenta as boob,’ said Stallings. ‘What a bone- with his recommendation to the Wash­ ever I think I’ve a private corporation." Roup. head ! No, he Isn't a bonehend; his ington office, and when they are found mnde nn even mil­ head Is made o f Krupp steel.’ ” to be aultable fo r approval, a formal lion I find on figuring It up It’s either (Prepared by the United 8tate* Depart­ An Excusing 8plrlt. certificate to that effect Is Issued by ment of Agriculture.) a little more or a little less, and I’ve "Didn’t I sec the grocer’s boy klsa Six Thousand Words a Minute Cold, damp, poorly lighted and ven­ the secretary o f agriculture to the sec­ got to renew the heart-breaking strug­ you this morning. Susan?" tilated poultry quarters favor the retary o f the treasury and the state By New High-Speed Telegraphy gle." And the unfortunate man sighed "Y es’m. But he ain’t to blame» spread o f such diseases as roup. Such highway department, nnd a formal heavily. ma'am. T w a s the Iceman set him contagious diseases as these are diffi­ project agreement Is entered Into be­ A seven-league stride ha* recently the had example." cult and sometimes Impossible to con­ tween the secretary o f agriculture and O f Course Not. been made In high-speed telegraphy. trol unless given attention In the early the state highway department. As the "W hy am I rejected?” asked the An apparatus which In actual test* Up-to-Date. stnges. Whenever preventative meas­ work progresses or upon Its comple­ applicant for military service. hn* proved Its ability to transmit "Has your cook anything deleteri­ tion, payment on a special voucher ap­ "W eak heart,” replied the exam­ ous In your dally diet, Mrs. Comeupr ures fall, separate sick birds from the over n single grounded wire 0,000 proved by the comptroller o f the treas­ flock as noon ns there Is evidence of ining Burgeon. word* n minute hn* been evolved. The “ Sure, she has. We have everything disease, and then consult expert advice ury la made o f the federal funds ap­ "W eak heart?” retorted the youth. now that's the style." real significance of thl* escape* on« portioned to the state. to effect a cure. PLAN AHEAD FOR BETTER POULTRY : HAVE A LAUGH • HSi 4 8 * * r