NOTES A N D PERSONALS # (ieorge G . Hancock, real es- Job printing— phone 821. ; tate, farm loans and fire insur­ ance, new Anderson block. 50 H. T. GILTNER all thè right, title and interest which thè within-named defemlant, Alien A. Dale, had on thè 16th day of February, 1814, or aineg that date had in and to thè above described proparty or any pari ttirreni' to satisfy thr r«. . ninni, judgment order, drcree, interest, coat and arcrutng costa. GEO. A L E X A N D E R . Sheriff o f Washington County, Ore. Date«! this 2d day o f May, 1918. Gordon & Gordon last week Ed Tatro of Dilley had business j sold J. S. Little one of the finest in town Saturday brought to Washing- Money to loan— Valley Realty { “ n countyF Fruits and Vegetables in Season Co., Forest Grove, Oregon. 19-tf j Forest Grove Planing M ill Bert Hines of (tales Creek had js now taking orders for wooden L a n c i . k v & L a n c i . k y , business in town Saturday. ' boxes of all kinds and sizes Ask Attorneys for PlaintifT. . P H O N E 701 First publication, May 2d, 1918. Jeff Hayden of Strassel was f ° r particulars. 18-tf I.ast publication May 30, 1918. transacting business in town Sat- Ladies, come in and see our South Main Street - Forest Grove, Ore urday. i line of spring and summer skirts. Notice o f Sheriff's Sale Dr. Darland, Chiropractic and You’ll feel and look stylish in one Notice is hereby given that by virtue o f an execution, decree and order of Natureopath. Office at A St. & 1 John Anderson. RIDICULE sale, issued out o f and under the seal The pupils of Miss Grace Daw- 1st Ave. N . Phone 676. of the Circuit Court o f Washington son s room in the Lincoln build- n County, Oregon, to me directed and 1 ridiculed a friend in jest, Charles Mertz has purchased a P . U . (o m n iC n C P n iP lU dated May 2, 1918, up«>n a judgment 1 did not know the pain I caused, Chevro'et delivery car to serve ing had a picnic Friday afternoon and decree ren«lere«l and entered in at Naylor’s grove. But smiled to note the heaving chest his laundry and ice customers. said Court on April 13, 1918, in favor The trustees and faculty mem­ When bantering tongue had pause«!. o f B. L. Buy your groceries, fish, veg­ Scneckla, plaintiff, and Choice stove-wood length kind­ against J. E. Summers, Mabel Sum­ ling wood $2.00 the load at the etables and second-hand house­ bers of Pacific University have I did not realize that hearts mers and J. W. Tigard,- defendants, May ache beneath u burden hidden, Forest Grove Planing Mill. 18-tf hold goods of the Economy store* prepared an exceptionally attrac­ said judgment being against the de­ Dodge bldg., cor. 3d street and Nor realize that hearts may break tive program for the College’s fendants J. E. Summers ami Mabel Chester Buell, who is book­ 6-tf i fifty-sixth annual commencement Beneath a stab, unchidden. Summers for the sum o f $1200, with in­ keeper in a Tacoma bank, was in Pacific avenue. terest at the rate o f 7 (>er cent per an­ Mr. and Mrs. L L. Langley ; exercises, which open at Marsh To other friends I passed the jest, the city Saturday to take his auto num from May 17, 1916, ami the sum and two children of Portland vis- And it was told with thoughtless glee; o f $100 attorney’s fee and the costs to Tacoma. i Hall at 8 o ’clock Saturday even­ And he who suffem l knew it t>est iinil disbursements herein taxe«l at Remember, friend,, you must '« « * ¿ Y r J Ä L î ‘ d Ï T f e í ing, June 1st. Following is the $41.95, and the costs o f and upon said As all could plainly se e! pay in advance to get the Express the former’s mother, Mrs. William program: writ, ami commanding me to make 1 learned too late, that what I said at one dollar per year. The reg­ Langley, in this city. sale o f the following descril>ed real Saturday, June 1 Men, it’s time to put on your Had touched a sorrow deep and old; property, to-wit: ular price is $1 50. We pay you spring underwear. If you haven’ t 1 8:00 P. M.—Anniversary o f the Con­ Regrets were vain; friendship was dead; All o f I.ot 50 in North Tigardville 50c to collect fiora yourself. Addition, in Washington County, Ore­ servatory o f Music. My g r ie f’s untold ! New Georgette waists, stylish the right weight, let us fix you up gon, as m feet wide across the northwest end I Kisses were auctioned off at o f said lot; a r e exceptional values. Mrs. A baby daughter, Doris Irene, t 11:00 A. M.— Baccalaureate Sermon: I will, on Satunlay, June. 1, 1918, at Blanche Richards, Pacific avenue.1 was born to Mr. and Mrs Walter “ Called to S t r r iM ," R ev­ Walla Walla, Wash , the other 10 ««’clock A. M. at the south door o f erend Edward Constant o f day for the benefit of the Red the court house in Hillalioro. Oregon, Go to F A . Moore’s store, cor- Webber at the Forest Grove hos- Cross, some of the smacks bring­ Portland. Congregational ner Pacific Avenue and Third plta* Friday, : lay »4. I arents. sell at public auction (subject to re­ ing as high as $22. Isn’ t that the demption) to the highest bidder for Church. street, for up-to-date hair cuts Brand Part>nts and baby all doing 8:00 P. M .—Address before the Chris­ town where Rev. Holmes is now cash in hand, all the right, title and in­ and shaves Also ice cream, cold nice*y- terest which the within name«] de­ tian Associations, Reverend loc i ed? drinks and lunches. Phone 181., The officers of the Cornelius K fendants, mu) each o f them had. on Herbert G. Crocker o f Ore­ Seventeen elk which have been of P. lodge la^t Thursday even- Public «tie bills print* d at the May 17, 1913, (he date o f the mortgage herein forecliauxl. or since said date gon City. Congregational K x p r,,ss office. in the Portland ci y park were ing brought four candidates fo- [ hail in ami to the above describe«! real Church. Sunday last taken to a point near' the Page rank to this city and property, or any part thereof, to sat­ Monday, June 3 Notice o f Sheriff's Sale isfy said execution, decree ami order o f Estacada and released. The an- had the degree staff of Delphos 2:00 P. Vi.—Senior Class Day Exer­ In the Circuit Court o f the State o f sale, interest, coats and accruing cueta. imals ate so much it was thought lodge confer the degree. Oregon for the County o f Washing­ Dated this May 2, 1918. cises. College Campus. a waste to k<*p;them » captivity. A ^ WoM1 ^ [lama(, „ ton. 8:00 P. M.—Conservatory Recital. GEO. A L E X A N D E R . A. Baldwin, the dealer in sec „.. . ou . c„ Nona L. King Judson, PlaintifT, Sheriff o f Washington County, Ore­ Miss Eleanor Petersen, ond-hand household goods and , ^ ^ ^ h u t e , age (»9, is vs. gon. Piano. Allen A. Dale grinder o f agates, invites his plaintiff in a $150,000 damage suit II. T. B AG LE Y, Attorney. Miss Beth Crandall, so-1 I, A. May, and friends to call at his new place, filed Saturday morning in the cir- First pub. May 2. last May 80. prano. D. S. McBride, Intervenor, Defend­ west of the Brodersen paint shop, leuit court against her former hus- ants. Marsh Hall. Notice o f Sheriff's Sale First Avenue, south, near S. P. band, J. W. Shute. a wealthy r e -! By virtue o f an execution, judgment Notice is hereby given that by virtue Tuesday, June 4 tired banker and landowner of order, decree and order o f sale issued 18-4t depot. o f an execution, iudgment order, de­ 3:00 P. M .—Reception by Literary So­ out o f the above entitUxi Court in the cree and order o f sale issue«! out of On Saturday, June 8, between Hillsboro. She claims heavy dam- cieties. College Campus. above entitled cause, to me directed, 3 and 4 o'clock, there will be a ages* alIe8in8 that Shute caused 8:00 P. M. Commencement Concert, and dated the 2nd day o f May, 1918, and under the seal o f the Circuit Court upon a judgment rendered and entered o f Washington County, Oregon, to me partial eclipse of the sun visible hf r arre?t and. examination on a directed and dated May 2. 1918, upon G r a h a m • Christensen lay A t Baker, this d,iarge °J '« ^ n it y fche was f.eed from this point, a judgment rendereti and entered in String Quartette. 1917, in favor o f Nena L. King Judson, state, the eclipse will be total and of the charge in the Washington , plaintiff, and against Allen A. Dale, said Court on April 5, 1918, in favor o f Orchestra. William Josse, plaintiff, and against astronomers are gathering from county court December 26, 1917, Cantata? "F a ir Ellen," defendant, for the sum «if $.'>22.00. and R. C. Baldra and Sarah J. Baldra, de­ she says. the further sum o f $75.00, an«l th<* far and near to take observations. Bruch further sum o f $28.25, all with interest fendants, for the sum o f $500.00 with Shute secured a divorce from Soloists Miss Goldie Pet­ at the rate o f 8 |>er cent per annum interest thereon at 8 per cent per an­ By rail and auto, over the his wife about 20 years ago on num from January 26, 1917, and the erson, soprano; Mr. John from the 7th day o f March, 1917, an«l a sum o f $75.00 attorney’s fee and the trails that their oxen broke in the charges of incompatibility, she as­ further judgment in favor o f I). S. Me Clare Monteith, baritone. days of long ago, ttie pioneers of serts. About three years ago. she j Bride and against Allen A. Dale, for costs and disbursements herein taxwl Community Chorus. Oregon will journey to Portland said, attorneys advised her that ' the sum o f $312.75, and the further | at $19.00 and the costs o f and upon Marsh Hall. sum o f $40.00, all with interest at the said w rit and commanding me to make on June ___ 20, for the observance of the divorce proceedings had been rate o f 8 per cent per annum from the sale o f the following desrnlx-d real their 46th annual reunion, spon- ¡rreg U|ari saying that her husband Wednesday, June 5 the!r4btn | 7th day o f March, 1917, and up«in this property, to-wit: sored by the__Oregon . Pioneer As- harj not. been legally divorced, j 10:00 A. M. Annual Meeting o f the writ commanding me to make sale of Being a portion o f the D. L. C. of sociation. The sessions will be Acting on thisadvice, she brought i Board o f Trustees. Ad­ the following describe«! real prop«-rty, William H. Bennett in T. 1 N. and T 1 S. R. 2 W. o f the Will. Mer.. de- to-wit: held in the Auditorium. ministration Office. suit against him for substantial Beginning at a point on the East line acribed as follows: Beginning at a 3:00 P. M. — Commencement Exercises. John A. Thornburgh of the support money This suit was 20.552 cha. . N. o f oeruon Section oix Six (6) Town One ootiin, South, point town une # m cha. W. ami * Y7 8.932 • Address, “ The Emerging oi Forest Grove National bank and later dismissed by her attorneys ( Range Four (4) West o f Willamette [ . ?orn* r the Isaac Butler A ge,” by Professor George Meridian, One Hundred Twenty (120) pn\>'w, " #’ A. J . Demorestof the First Nation­ without her knowledge, she says, i u/ n^°»a * K’ Rebec, Ph. D., o f the rixls South o f the Northeast corner , »? " i l l . Mer., thence N. al bank Thursday attended a Last fall she went o another 4.026 rhs.; thence cant 6.212 rhs.; thereof, running thence South Eighty University o f Oregon. meeting of the State Bankers’ As­ Portland attorney who again ad­ (80) ro«ls; thence West Eighty (80) thence 8. 4.026 cha.; thence W. 6.212 Marsh Hall. sociation for Multnomah. Wash- vised her that her husband’s di- rials; thence North Eighty (80) nais; chd. to the place o f beginning contain­ ington, Clackamas, Columbia, vorce suit had been irregular, and 6:30 P. M .—Alumni Dinner, followed thence East Eighty (80) rials to the ing 2 1-2 acre«; by Alumni Program. I will, on Saturday, June 1, 1918, at place o f beginning, containing forty Clatsop and Hood River counties she went to Hillsboro to si e her Herrick Hall. 1 H 40) acres; all in Washington County, 10 o'clock A. M. at the south door of and Mr. Thornburgh was elected husband in an effort to m ake; the court house in Hilliiboro, Oregon, i O Oregon, president of the district embraced some settlement out of court, she Said w rit further commanding me well at public auction (aubject to re­ Commencement Concert out o f the proceeds o f said sale to first demption) to the highent bidder for by the counties mentioned. alleges. She asserts that he re -: Tickets, including Reserved Seat, satisfy the judgment o f said Nena L. ca«h in hand, all the right, title and Miss Martha Allen closed her fu-ed to talk to her and swore out Thirty-five Cents King Judson, and secondly to satisfy interest which the within name«! de­ school in the Fairview district a warrant charging her with tres- fendant«, and each o f them had on the judgment o f said I). S. McBride. Now therefore, by virtue o f said ex- January 26, 1916, the date o f the last Friday wi;h an ice cream and , pass. Thi warrant was not served, Alumni Dinner i ecution, judgment order, decree anil mortgage herein forecloned, or since cake picnic, the directors furnish- ' but he then charged her with in- (Plates Fifty Cent*.) order of sale, and in compliance with said date had in and to the above de­ ing the eats. There was a nice sanity and with being unsafe lo All friends o f the College are invited. ; commands o f said writ, I will, on scribed real property, «>r any part literary and musical program, be at large, she charges. Reservations may be filed with the ; Saturday, June 1, 1918. at ten o ’clock. thereof, to satisfy said execution, which was enjoyed by many of A son, A. C. Shute, is president President o f the Association, Principal A. M., at the South front disir o f the judgment order and decree, interest, a i p -;, i 0„,,„ ur __u c„k __i ; County Court House in Hillsboro, costs and accruirfy costs. the patrons of the school. Miss of a bank at Hillsboro, and the A. J. Pndeaux Woodstock School, , w »*hin*ton County. Oregon, sell at Dated this May 2, 1918. Gertrude Allen closes her term of family is prominent in Washing- Portland, or with the Vice-President, public auction (subject to redemption) GEO. A L E X A N D E R . school in the Hillsboro school next ton county— Portland Jou nal. Miss Margaret Hinrnan, Forest Grove. ! to the highest bidder for cash in hand. Sheriff o f Washington County, Friday and the sisters will a t t e n d -------------------------------------------- Oregon. summer school at Monmouth. H. T. B AG LE Y, Staple and Fancy Groceries A Fine Program for “ Uncle Billy” Johnson and son, Frank, living three miles west of town, were looking after business' here Saturday. Sixty-six years ago the 4th of this month “ Uncle B illy” left Missouri, with an ox team and« arrived at Salem in September of the same year, hav- j ing walked most of the way. He was in Portland when there was ! just one house on the east side of ] the river. A t one time he owned the big Newell ranch at Seghers and sold it for $11.000. which was considered a big price in those days. ______ ______ ___• Notice Dr. Erwin of Hillsboro will be in my office from 9-11 a. m daily, 7:30-9:30 p. m. on Mon­ days, Thursdays and Saturdays. The doctor is doing this as a per­ sonal favor to me and any con­ sideration you may show him will be appreciated bv me. H. R . K A U F F M A N , M . D. W tir*" " i tri.’« m a rt to b th t — ikem c t c h m ) o f ¡{cu i uruj*. Attorney for Plaintiff. First pub. May 2; last May 30. « q m*J the comfort* of a liuti See That He Never Lacks a pouch of Real GRAVELY Chewing Plug DR. H. C. FORTNER Successor to DR. H. W. VO LLM E R Your fighting man will go to oh-nozt cny lengths to get good tobacco. Many a man has paid $5 for less good tobacco than you will send him in a pouch of Real G ravely Chewing Plug. Only costs you 10 cent.. O FFICE In First National Bank Building Give any man a chew of Real Gravely Plug, an. Lit will tell you tha t'* the kind to send. Send the best I Ordinary plug it fal»e economy. It cost l : u ycr week to chew Real Gravely, because a small ebew o* it lasts a long while. If you smoke a pipe, slice Gravely with your knife and add a little to your smoking tobacco. It will give flavor — improve your smoke. S E N D Y O U H F H IE N D IN T H E U. S . S E S V IC B A POUCH OF G B A V E L Y Dealers a ll arouixt h er* carry 8 in 10c. poerhee. A 3r. staeift will put it into his hands in a n r T rain in g Cam p or Saaport o f lha II. S. A . E m " s t a r th ere'* a 3c stamp w ill take it to him. Your daalar w ill supply en velop e aad give you o ffic ia l diructions how to address it. P. B. GRAVELY TOBACCO CO., D anville. V s . The Patent Poarh kt*p s it Frtth and Oran and Good - $ is aat Real Graoalj uitAoat tkh Protection Scot IM S © Ttdehones Residence 332 Office 333 D. D. & M. B. BUM P Attorneys at Law Loans and Real Estate D. 1). BUMP, Residence Forest Grove, Phone 444 M. B. BUMP, Residence Hillsboro Offices -H ILLSB O R O N . HOFFM AN Attorney At Law Patent Office Business Solicited Forest Grove, - Oregon