fl EARTH, SAND-CLAY AND GRAVEL ROADS " • (ü v r .t o ( 1 Keep Kid» Kleen TH* M* pulirai, H m I i M h I, pltriiw •a* ianp|«l la* cHrloim ' Mi* part* 1 *l*#tj7l>*A >two|>riairl)r Inminrii will «4 «al.l-a. AU yanomlr la Olirli Mil with i*r*ntee asfe arrival. THE PIONEER HATCHERY 415 Sixth Street. SHIP Petaluma, Cel. Veal, Pork, Beef, Poultry, Butter, Egg* and Farm Produce, to th* Old R oliabl« E venting houa* with a record o f 46 ycara o f Square Daallnra. and b* aaaurrd o f T O P M AR K E T PRICES. F. M. CRONKHITE, 4S-47 Front Straat, Portland, O r**on FRED DUNDEE MOTOR CAR REPAIRING MACHINE W ORK MAGNETO SERVICE STATION ALL KINDS OF W E L D IN G CYLINDER GRINDING PROMPT ATTENTION T O ALL ORDERSI Brood way at Flanders, Portland, Or. P. N. U. No. 21, 1918 Absolutely too I H otel H oy t Corsa* Sixth aad Hoyt St*.. Paetlaad. Ova. LOU HIMES. Manager. RATES:— 75 * to * 2 . SP E C IA L—Week or Month ä*_____ If Swift & Company Made No Profit The cattle raiser would receive only Y q cent a pound more for his cattle So small is Swift & Company’s profit on any single transaction that if it were turned over to the cattle raisers of the country, they would receive o nl y Vs cent a pound more for cattle than they receive now. Swift & Company pays for live cattle about 90% o f the amount received for dressed meat and by-products. The remaining 10% pays for packing-house expense, freight to market, operation o f distributing houses and profit. Swift & Company’s actual figures per head for 1917 on over two million cattle were as follows: From may be desirable In order to afford drainage when the surface is frozen. Itut sand muds must be surfaced with some other muterlul if they are to be Improved to any extent, and in that case the surface of the traveled way would have to be crowned as usual. Also, where curves occur In the align­ ment it is desirable to “ bank” or ele­ vate the outer edge of the roadway nnd thus make the crown one way. EMBLEM M ONEY FOR YOU. MonoA« Si rue ted wherever It Is necessary to carry water across the road. 0. Avoid turning water from one In­ tersecting rond down the side ditches o f another. Also avoid draining adja­ cent Helds Into the side ditches. Crown. The proper crown to give the cross section of n rond surface depends on two opposed factors: (a) It Is desirable to get water away THIS MR. PA KM KK— You'll enjor'koepinr our Very- Simple Farm Record, with changeable column*, Tbouianda of trained people n covering one year Sent postpaid. 11.00. Bahnka-Walkar Buri I. Portland. K. C. Smith Co.. Denver.'Colo. rtud^. '- In position*. any time. Fran Catalogue. Good Advice. Inattention. Visitor—My poor friend, pause to consider when next you are tempted. “ I am always being misunderstood,” Take time, my dear man, take time. remarked the man who complains. "You are not misunderstood,” re­ Convict—That’s wot I done. I did take time— I took a watch.—Exchange. plied Mr. Rufnek. “ You have been making the same complaints for years and people have simply got tired of More Grub. “ What we need,” declared the first listening.”— Washington Star. Russian, “ la a man on horseback.” "Yea.” assumed the other one, "we To keep clean and healthy take Dr. could use a little horse meat, that's Pierce’s Pleasant Pellets. They regu­ true.”— Kansas City Journal. late liver, bowels and stomach. R eceipts Self w rin g in g S im p le and p rsr- l u ti dire«tsuiM w ith r e c h m o s. FIXOTT POST OFFICE roadway icnvrtlv«» 1 1riiInaic** usually should I hi the v«*ry first consideration In connec­ tion with the locution und design of any road. This statement requires no •ixplunutlon, because the action of wa­ ter In changing ctuy Into rnud und In causing all kinds o f soils, except sand, | to give way when a load Is applied. Is familiar to every person living In a humid climate. The following aurn- | mury supplies u few suggestions as to how water may best be removed from a road bed: ]. The road surface should he crowned so as to shed water off to the side ditches us rapidly as It falls on the road. li. Wherever the r.ind Is In an exca­ vation, sultiihle side ditches or gutters should he provided along the sides so $ 1 .0 0 t h e s u i t Il y«i» iUU « mao « nipplr y< «V« WlU S»*d lh#w». -U.fr* Ut9\m on i tempri <4 prie*, t f 00 **