©typ Jinreat (frinir üxpreßa f’ ubliahiMi «very Thun«lay Ht Forçât drove, Oregon. W. C. Henfer, Editor uml l'ubllah«r. Knlertvl an ««iroml-claNH mutter Jan. 12, 1916, at the noatoffh'e at Forest drove, Oregon, under the Act o f March 3, IK79 Subscription Rat en Paid in ailvance One year Hix month« Three Month« On Crwlit One year Hix month« Three month« 11.00 .60 .26 TH U RSDAY, MAY SO, 19IH While nome people didn’ t (five a gov* rnrnent mul , $2 60. as much to the Red Crons fumi as] «Kcferrinit to the deceased ci» - the rent of un thought they should, z,,n as on<1 who is mourned by the we must be eareful in our criti­ •-ntire community, when we ki know cism an«l not set ourselves up as he will only be mis-ed by the ,fw“ judges of what other people should poker circle, $10 13. do. And we mustn’ t believe all “ Referring to «ome galavatin’ j we hear about our neighbors, female as an estimable lady whom ET US TELL YOU what a Silc, a Barn, a House, a Gar­ either. During the last, drive the it is a pleasure to meet, when ev writer was told a prominent mer­ age or a Chicken House will cost you, complete. It won’t ery business man in town would chant had refused to give any­ rather see Satan corning, $8.10 cost you anything to talk and we can beat all comers on SILO thing. Investigation showed that “ Calling an ordinary pulpit he had given liberally and stated quality and price. that if the city fell short of its pounder an an eminent divine, 60 cents. quota, he would give again, to “ Sending a doughty sinner to make up the deficiency. Very heaven. $6.00. patriotic citizen, that It is al­ “ Referring to a diseased mer­ right to condemn the financial Phone 531 Forest Grove, Oregon slacker, but before you condemn chant who never advertised in his; he sure the object of your con­ life as a progressive citiz,en, MICKIE SAYS $4.98." state organizer, Miss Margaret should be made permanent. In demnation a slacker. I Copeland, Portland, re-elected; support of this statement, Prof. To which should be added: if peoPLe’ o jt s T stop 'recording ‘■ecretary. Mrs. Edna C. G. R. Hyslop, of the O. A. C. Ex­ Again have Forest drove and For making any mention of the *T* T h i n k . T K a T a d v e r t i s i n ' I Brownton, Ladrande; corre-pond- periment Station, quotes from a Washington county made good in feltow who does not take his home IS T h S fAAN’S ing secretary. Mrs. B'anche Mur­ letter received from the famous a patriotic financial drive and, as pap r, $2.79. STOCK IN T ttA D t , T h e V o N f V l A -r a w T O O l T i t F 6 « . phy, Portland ; treasurer, Mrs. Ar H. J. Heinz plant, makers of the usual, some peculiar charac er­ n o t h in ' u k e t n e > o o istics have been brought to light. MR. IRVINE WILL j lotte Lawrence, Woodburn. well-known 57 varieties of pure S O M E T I M E S , N O MiOVtE In this city men and women who COME A d A lN The convention adopt«d the food products, as follows: ■THAN T h e y ' d a s k t h e owe more Ihun they own have When B. F. Irvine, the blind war slogan “ A Liberty Bond for “ We did not get opportunity to on ocea per a free given more than they could posai- erf of the Oregon Journal, Every Chapter,” and voted a con-1 buy any of ihtne beans, but we S A C K O F FLOU«- \ / bly afford, while people who are an address in this city Mav iribution to the Salem Red Cross have some «amples. However, considered well to-do, many of 13th. on the occasion of the prt- p ,. . «j- „ J ^ we are inclined to think they them drawing interest from loans, s t a t i o n of the Liberty Loan LlCCt .lGW i would be very good for canning have not given as much as som e, honor fl:,K the (,dltor 0f the Ex I A V D J* purposes, and naiurally are inter- r* wage-workers, who pledged money press was please«! with the gentle­ 1. U . U . r . ested in knowing the outcome of not yet earned. Somewhere in man’s address and said so in the ----------- last year’s efforts.” his writings, A b e Lincoln said Express, quoting some of the Forest Grove s delegates to the “ This statement of quality corn- that “ God must love th** poor most important parts of the lec­ various I. O. O. F. 'tate meetings, ing from the manufacturers of people or He wouldn’t have made ture. M r. Irvine written the held at Seaside last week, re- bean products of the very highest so many of them.” While imbued editor, thanking him and promi - turned home Thursday evening, quality should be very encourag- with a great love and respect for ing to come to Forest Grove at somewhat tired, but all glad they |ng _ to Oregon _growers,” says the great emancipator, the editor some future date and give the city went. They were Mr. and Mrs. Prof. Hyslop. “ The bean crop is of the Express doesn’t believe a writeup. Th<- writer b pleased if Bernard Ortman, Mr and Mrs. too valuable a cultivated crop to God “ makes” people either poor*1 yrotp anything that pleases L. M . Graham, Mrs. Edna Ross be on any other than a firmly es­ or rich; all come into the world Mr. Irvine and e«p«cial'y so if tablished basis. The largest prob­ and J. H. Shearer empty-hand»d. but the financial the gcntl»‘man will favor Forest Salem captured the 1919 meet- lems for us are the choice of early condition and temperament of the Grove with another and longer ing of the Rebekah assembly, the JUBturing var*eties, harvesting and parents has much to do with shap­ visit. l i v e is what Mr. Irvine grand encampment and the grand freshing promptly and careful ing the child’s future walk in life. says: lodge grading and standardizing to get For instance, miserly parents are Portland, Ore., May 20, 1918. The new Rebekah officer* are| thf.,a,dvsn' a» f .eautiful city last Monday night. villifying the government or of­ president; Ethel Fletcher. Salem,, ? n<^ fol-owing right methods of warden; Ora Cosper, Dallas sec- harvesting a^d grading, Oregon need of help. If more people were I could not get into my subject satis- ficials, or tending to incite resis­ Edna Jacobs, Portland, may.become famous for bean pro­ by wur«. word ur or retary; miserly wouldn't m .seriy there m e re w u u.uu i be ue so s „ many fHct<,ri|y to myse|f that njKht and j re_ tance to them, or who «,y j - , i- duction. Because t h e y are a poor people, but who would care ^ U) Mr„. Irvine on my ri.turn j deed favors the cause of Germany treasurer, leguminous, cultivated ca«h crop, to live in a world of tlght-wads? h)irne that it wa« a failure. Butyour ° r rh" r a,l,es- .. ' Officers of the I O. O. F grand they are particularly desirable in T h e writer believes the world abU? ami uplendid report o f it make» me ^ fakes away mail privileges lodge are Grand Master, W. M Oregon cropping and rotation loses more when the Huns kill a thjnk after , did not fai, from persons convicted of violat Walker, Springfield; Deputy systems.” R**d ( ross^ nurse than it would if i The faithfulne«« o f the report report a« as to *^g them. I a man violates the Grand Master, M. L. Hubbard, a dozen miserly millionaires were While L. L. Langley was visit­ Were thinir»» I «aid i« a good standard to be act, no mail addressed to him and Raker; Grand Warden. Dr A H. taken hence. ing his mother in this city Satur­ none sent out by him will be de- Johnson, Portland: Grand Secre- set for the big city dailies. The fulness livered _______________ I tary, E. E. Sharon, Portland; day, he learned that he had been ; o f it is excellent enterprise, not always SHOULD PAY FOR IT * n _ A „ ~ . Grand Treasurer, A. D Doane, the successful candidate for the | characteristic o f upstate papers. Every honest person knows that r. b. 0. Hoses Session Portland; Grand Representative, democratic nomination for circuit 1 thank you for your kind words. I the editor of his newspaper 're­ regretted that I was not in Forest By vote of the state convention | W . Trefern; Trustees Odd Fellows’ judge in district 6 of Multnomah turns more good for evil” than Grove long enough to get information of the P. E. O. Sisterhood in its Home, H J. Taylor, Pendleton; county, having beaten Judge C. any other individual Regardless on which to give your city an editorial doling session at Salem Thurs ■ R. L. Harris, Portland. ]U. Gantenbein, present incum- __ of the fact t h a t ingrates and writeup. 1 will come back and do that day. Eugene was chosen as the ~ bent, knockers may criticise the editor, some other day. meeting place of the convention Preparations for the removal of he seldom uses the opportunity next year Mrs. Emma L. Me Fraternally grid sincerely, f o r f a n n i n f f PlinW K PS ®ase Hospital No. 6, equipped by that is his to put his slanderers Caw, of Portland, was elected B. F. IRVINE. IUI U d llim ig r u i p u b e b the Oregon grand lodge of Elks. out of commission, but rather, president of the grand chap er, . from Camp Lewis to Europe are wraps the mantle of sweet charity A DRASTIC MEASURE and other officers were elected a« I O- A. C. Experiment Station, now in progress. Hill Templeton, around the poor fellow and says Enemy propagandists i n t h e follows: Corvallis, May 28. — The table son of Mr. and Mrs. John Tem­ good things about him tha^ he in United States today find them First vice-president. Mrs. Lena quality of Oregon beans is equal pleton, is a member of the corps. no sense merits on general princi- selves in a clo-e-mesh«d net, due Odell, Portland; second vie - pres­ to those of any other part of the pies and certainly not for any-1 to the signing by President Wilson Job printing— phone 821. thing he may have done to show , of the "sedition bill.” This meas ident, Mrs. Mary Logan, Albany; country, and the bean industry his support of the editor. ure is the most drastic ever eiiact- An