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About The Forest Grove express. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1916-1918 | View Entire Issue (May 30, 1918)
U. S. Ulli 2 MILLION 56 U. $. BOYS A R E MISSING ROADS GET BIG SUMS STATE N EW S IN BRIEF. work or nr, is LATEST WOO EDICT British Transport Moldavia Sunk by Money Will Be Spent This Yenr for Enemy Submarine. Additions, Equipment and Bet The British mercantile cruiser Mol terment on All Lines. davia. carrying American troops from The two alleg«sl slackers who were arrested recently on board the motor America to Europe, has been torpedoed Washington, D. C. Railroads under schooner Evelyn, at Astoria, have been and 56 American soldiers are reported government operation this year will relcu8«>d and allowed to rejoin the ves All Men Within Draft Age Must 1316 Airplanes Now on Battle missing. The liner was sunk Thurs | spend nearly $1,000,000,000 for addi sel on signing their questionnaires. day morning, according to an official tions, betterments and equipment, or John Adams, former student at the Serve Somehow. Fron t- Many at Home. statement by the British admiralty. approximately three times as much as Chemawa Indian school, who was re The Moldavia is the thin! transport ported us killed in a recent cusualty in any one o f the last three years. carrying American troops to be tor list from France, is alive. A letter Total capital expenditures approved from him has been received by friends. pedoed ami the 15th troop ship sunk by the railroad administration as an •by the Germans. L. P. Branstetter, o f Cotjuille, is ex- nounced Wednesday are $937,961,318. pected home from California soon with That German submarines are operat Of this big sum $110,071,000 will be two trainloads o f Hereford cattle to ing off the South coast o f Ireland is spent for additions ami betterments, stock a large ranch on the Coquille July I Date o f Enforcement o f New Over 200,000 Will Arrive in France in evidenced by the sinking o f the such as stations und other property river, within u few miles o f the county steamer Inniscarra o f Cork, with loss Order Many Unes o f Non-Useful Course o f l*resent Month Huge improvements; $479,686,000 for equip seat. o f life. Occupations Are Affected. At u meeting o f the city council Army Budget is Reported. . David Lloyd George, speaking at ment — cars and locomotives already Friday night Dr. Clara Dunn was Edinburg, said that the submarine is ordered through the railroad adminis still unconquered, but that it is no tration; and $18,203,000 for track ex named city h«>alth officer for Medford. This is the first time a woman physi longer a vital menace to the entente Washington, D. C. Every man o f Washington, D. C. — The full allies. He said that the U-boats are tensions. cian has held the position since it was draft age must work or fight after The figures disclose Director General created many years ago. strength o f the army, including Na being destroyed faster than they can July 1, under a drastic amendment to tional Army, National Guard and reg be built by Germany, while the allies McAdoo’s determination to let the The Intercollegiate Prohibition asso- the selective service regu!ati«>ns an- are building ships faster than the sub KirUUy by Provost Marshal railroads make many improvements ci.tion o f Willamette university elect- ulars. is now 2,000,000 men, chairman marines are sinking them. which they had neglected during the ed officers Tuesday noon for the co m -, General Crowder. Not only idlers hut Dent, o f the house military committee, ing year. The newly elected officer* announced Monday in his report on the London — The British armed mer- last three years, and postponing all are: Fred McGrew, president; Faye uli draft registrants engaged in what army appropriation bill. are held to be non-useful occupations possible projects requiring big expen- chant troop ship Moldavia, with Amer- The total number o f officers in the ican troops on board, has been torpe-, «litures. It also is shown that the rail- Bolin, vice president; Myrtle Mason, are to lie haled liefore local ksiards and secretary; Ralph Thomas, treasurer, given the choice o f a new job or the army was given in the report at 140,- d.HHl official road administration .s not encouraging doed and sunk, according to an an official and Evaiine McCully, reporter. 133, while the total o f men before the bulletin issue«! by the admiralty. many extensions of lines during the army. April draft was 1,506,152. The drafts Gamblers, race track and bucket Arthur S. Benson, cl«>rk o f the Su war emergency, and in some coses The text of the admiralty statement since that time carry the total of en follow s: projects already under way have been preme court, announced Friday that shop attendants and fortune telling listed men slightly above 2,000,000. the case o f the city o f Portland head the list, but those who will be “ The armed mercantile cruiser Mol discontinued. There are 504,667 men in the regular davia was torpedoed and sunk Saur- The railroad administration elim against the Oregon public service com- reached by the new regulations also Army, the report said, 510,963 in the day morning. inated $349,247,000, or nearly one- mission, known us the 6-c«*nt fare inrlude waiters and bartoftdere, theater National Army; 411,952 in the Na In paring case, has lieen set for hearing June 18. ushers and attendants, passenger ele ‘There were no casualties among fourth o f the proposals. tional Guard, and 78,560 in the Re the crew, but o f ■ the American troops down the budget to this extent the ad The city ’s brief has been filed und the vator operators und other attendants serve Corps. on board 56 up to the present have not ministration made it plain that most brief o f the state will lie filed in a few o f clubs, hotels, stores, etc., domestics “ While some mistakes and delays been accounted for. It is feared they o f its decisions are tentative. and clerks in stores. have occurred, ” the report said, “ on were killed in one compartment by the Deferred classification granted on In general, the eastern trunk lines Dwight Wilson, o f The Dalles, who the whole we think the country is to explosion.” were given generous sums for im was recently elected president o f the account o f dependents will lie disre be congratulated that after a little provements and equipment, to enable student body at the University o f Ore garded entirely in applying the rule. more than a year from the date o f the them better to handle the great flood gon, was drafted Saturday at Eugene. A man may l>e at the bottom of declaration o f war our country has o f traffic to the Atlantic seaboard for Wilson is a prominent member o f the class 1 or even in class 4, but if he constructed a wonderful military es movement to Europe. Part o f the junior class. He played end on the falls within the regulations and refuse tablishment.” capital necessary w ill be suppliai by football team last fall and guard on to take useful employment he will lie “ While it has been generally ru the govenment, from the $500,000,000 the basketball five during the past given a new number in class 1 that mored that we had no airships with revolving fund of the railroad adminis season. will send him into the military service our army in France, the fact is that Ministers Are Recalled From Various tration, although advances will be re forthwith. I,ocal Ixiardu are author we have between 1300 and 1400 o f Mrs. Lillie R. Trumbull, o f Port- ize! to use discretion only where they Posts—Washington Sees Indirect paid eventually by the individual rail them, at least 200 o f which are fight roads. Wherever possible, railroads land, was thiB week reappointed by find that enforc«*d change o f employ Aggression Towards U. S. ing machines,” the report says. will finance their ow n enterprises, but Governor Withycombe to membership ment would result in disproportionate The report o f the committee dis the railroad administration may buy on the state board o f child labor in hardship upon his d«-|>cndenta. closed that the exact number o f Amer Mexico City — Mexico has severed the bonds or other securities issued. spectors to serve five years. The It has been known for some time ican airpanes in France is 1316, of diplomatic relations with Cuba. Examination o f the roads' budgets other members o f the board are that some form o f “ work or fight” which 325 are combat planes. There This was learned officially late Sat had been directed by Robert S. Lovett, Stephen G. Smith, Portland; Mrs. plan had been submitted to President are 3760 planes in the United States, chief o f the railroad administration's Sarah A. Evans, Portland, and Miss Wilson, but there had l»een no intima urday after a report that Mexican the report said. I division o f capital expenditures, and Pauline Kline, Corvallis. tion that it was so far-reaching in More than 200,000 Americans will Charge d'Affaires at Havana and the John Skelton Williams, director of scope. Both military authorities and Deschutes county remains as a valid be sent abroad during May, and that Cuban minister here had been recalled { finance and purchases. department o f labor officials believe political entity o f the state, and the number probably will be much exceed from their respective posts had been opinion to that effect is affirmed in an that it will go a long way toward solv ed next month, members of the sen opinion of the Supreme court Wednes ing the lalxir problem for farmers, confirmed at the foreign office. ate military committee were told that day, written by Justice Burnett. A l shipbuilders and munition makers ami at their weekly conference with Secre leged irregularities in the election held will end for the present at least talk Washington, D. C.— In M exico’s tary Baker and his assistants. The an in Crook county in November, 1916, o f conscription o f labor. sudden breaking off o f diplomatic re nouncement today gives notice signifi- to determine whether Deschutes coun lations with Cuba is seen an indirect Wheat— Bulk basis for No. 1 grade: ty should be carv«jd out o f Crt/ok re | cantly that the list o f non-useful oc Hard white, $2.05. Soft white, $2.03. RA ISE V O L U N T E E R A G E LIMIT action against the United States. cupations will be extended from time suited in the proce«Mling sdecided. Those here most familiar with Lat- White dub, $2.01. Red Walla, $1.98. to time as necessity requires. in-American affairs profess to see in No. 2 grade, 3c less; No. 3 grade, 6c The department o f I,abor, United Provost Marshal General Crowder’s Secratary Drafts Bill Which Will Open it the forerunner o f more direct ac less. Other grades handled by sample. States employment service, has opened new regulations may require profes Army to Men o f 55. tion, possibly an interruption o f inter Flour — Patents, $10 per barrel; an employment office in Medford, un sional baseball players either to en Washington, D. C. — Another move course between the United States and whole wheat, $9.60; graham, $9.20; der the supervision o f M. S. Jaynes, a gage in some useful occupation or to barley flour, $14.506515.00; rye flour, local rancher. The business o f this join the army. toward full utilization o f the country’s Mexico. Although without official informa $10.756/ 12.75; corn meal, white, $6.50; bureau wi^l be to assist in every way man power was made Saturday when Baseball players, as well as jockeys, possible local orchardists, ranchmen professional golfers and other profes Secretary Baker sent to congress the tion o f a detailed character, it is un- yellow, $6.25 per barrel. that M exico’s real Miilfecd— Net mill prices, car lota: and stockraisers. All able-bodied per sional sportsmen, General Crowder draft o f a bill proposing to raise the derstood here maximum age limit for voluntary en grievance against Cuba is the recent Bran, $3".00 per ton; shorts, $32; sons, male and female, not usefully said, will be affected by the regula listment in the army from 40 to 55 incident in which the Mexican minis middlings $39; mixed cars and less employed, are requested to register at tions if strictly enforced. General years. All men over 40 so enlisted ter to Argentina, Senor Ysidor Fabela, than carloads, 50c more; rolled barley, this bureau. Crowder said he did not desire to make would be assigned to non-combatant was delayed in Havana while some $756576; rolled oats, $73. The case o f State vs. Jess Fox. "Pec'fic nilings at this time and would official, ostensibly a Cuban customs in Corn— Whole, $77 per ton; cracked, service. Harry Martin and Elmer D. Paine has ma'<e rulings only when cases come to In a letter to Speaker Clark asking spector, searched his baggage and $78. been set for trial in the Lane county ^rom Lx***I boards after July 1. Hay — Buying prices, delivered: circuit court during the term begin- that the bill be pushed, Secretary probably removed some papers said to Theatrical performers were excepted be o f an international character. Eastern Oregon timothy, $296/30 per Baker said: ning June 3. The defendants are fr,,r? th,? regulations at the direction This incident is believed here to be ton; valley timothy, $256/26; alfalfa, “ Every man above the age o f 40 chargtsl with burning a warehouse at "T Secr«^tary o f War Baker, who is the real cause of the break and those $246/24.50; valley grain hay, $22; years who is enlisted in non-combatant Coburg belonging to the Eugene Mill said to feel that the people cannot do branches o f the service will make avail who entertain this belief are firm in clover, $19 m 20.00; straw, $9.006/10. & Elevator company for the purpose of without all amusement in war time. the conviction that Mexico was con Butter—Cubes, extras, 37Jc; prime able for duty with the line troops a defrauding insurance companies. The man within the prescribed age limit vinced that the United States was re firsts, 37c; prints, extras, 42c; car building was destroyed together with sponsible for the incident. tons, lc extra; butterfat. No. 1, 41c for all troops. 4000 sacks o f potatoes last Februray. W O R K E R S W A IV E H O L I D A Y S When Senor Fabela’s luggage was delivered. “ Many men whose long experience searched it was maintained by some Eggs Ranch, current receipts, 34c: as mechanics and artisans will make Lawrence Middleton, aged 20, was Portland Shipbuilders Offer Recreation them particularly valuable to the vari- that the person who did it was not a candled, 35c; selects, 36c per dozen. instantly killed when the work truck Hours to Government. ous staff corps and departments may Cuban official at all, but some other Poultry Hens, 27c; broilers, 40c; he was driving was struck by a pas be thus secured instead o f younger men agent in disguise o f a Cuban inspector ducks, 32c; geese, 20c; turkeys, live, senger train at a crossing al>out a mile Washington, I). C. The customary without such experience and the effi or gendarme. Later, however, it is 266/27c; dri -ed, 37c per pound. west o f Merlin. Jack Beears, aged 9, Saturday half-holiday during the Veal Fancy, ] 8 £ 6 z; 19 e. ciency o f the staff corps and the de seemed to have been satisfactorily es- j who was riding with Middleton, was months o f June, July and August has tablished that the man really was a i Pork— Fancy, 236523$c per pound. partments thus will be increased.” badly hurt, but it is believed he will been waived by unanimous vote o f the Sack Vegetables— Carrots, $1.15 per recover. There are probably 7,500,000 men Cuban inspector. Portland, Or., Metal Trades Council in A break between Cuba and Mexico, sack; turnip*, $1.50; parsnips, $1.25; between the ages o f 40 and 55 and order to speed the work o f building A man named Coon, said to live at many thousands o f them have already it is felt, disrupts practically nothing beets, $2. The Dalles, was but a long-standing friendly relation. I dr owned a few days i J * ? ’ . , Th" . to. Potatoes Oregon Burbanks, 75c6/ attested desire to serve by bombarding In the opinion o f those in clo se , $1 per hundred; new California, 10c ago in Snake rive r, below Huntington, ' " l * ? / 1 o f time Rn'' n half the department with applications. h'*>'<lay work if m/cessary While the great majority of the men touch with the subject it may actually per pound; sweet potatoes, 10c per With his brothe er, E. R. Coon, a 1 fl'r Notification o f the council s action, rancher, with whom he was visiting, in this class undoubtedly will be re give Cuba a free hand, as the Mexican pound, telegraphed Friday to the shipping foreign minister says in is announce and John Tucker, he was fishing, their Onions Jobbing prices, 16/l i e per strained from enlisting by family and boat being tied to a cable running board, resulted in the adoption o f a business ties, the number at liberty to ment, but perhaps not in the manner pound. across the river. The l/oat was over resolution thanking the representa join the colors is expected to be more suggested. tives of organized labor for their pa Cattle— May 25, 1918. American agents for some time have turned by the sw ift current. The other than sufficient to meet the purpose in triotic and co-operative spirit. Prime steers.................... $13.006514.00 been reporting Gearmn agents operat-, „ , . , . two men managed to reach a small view. 11.506/12.50 If labor councils in other cities t'ho,ce H ,teers- • • • island whence they were rescued by Staff corps positions include many ing in Cuba, some of them crossing g® *! 10 . 006 / 11 .00 should follow the example set in Port frequently to the United States as Medium to good steers.. witnesses o f the drowning, but the vic duties behind the front. Every head Fair to medium steers 8.506/, 9.50 tim ’s body was carried down the river land, the result would mean the ad quarters unit includes a number o f po Cuban citizens or Mexican citizens. Common to fair steers dition o f many ships to the board’s 8.006/, 9.00 and has not been recovered. A severance o f diplomatic relations sitions for which the older men would Choice cows and heifers. 10.006/11.00 building program. As more than 300,- be just as well suited as the present probably would leave [the Cuban gov Com. to good cows and hf fi. 506/2 8.00 According to farmers near Browns 000 men are now employed in Ameri ernment feeling more at liberty to in occupants, who, under the new plan, Cannera............................ 3.0065 5.00 ville, grain suffers more from aphis can shipyards, the total result o f their vestigate their activities. would be released for line duty. Bulls.................................. 6.506510.00 than ever before. Not content with labor for even half a day is enormous. Calves................................ 8.506512.00 having half ruined many a likely-look Drafter’ s Father in Jail. Noted Tenor Passes Away. Stockers and feeders. . . . 8.006510.00 ing war garden, the little green crawl Woman to Rush Campaign. Salem, Or.—Charged with offering a Akron, Ohio. — Evan H. Williams, Hogs— ers have also been busily devouring Reno, Nev.— Miss Anne Martin, can bribe to Sheriff Needham, o f this noted tenor, died Saturday morning at Prime mixed..................... $17.406517.50 the fields o f vetch, and several farmers didate for the Urrited States senate county, to arrange matters so that his the city hospital after an illness o f one Medium mixed................ 17.156517.35 in that community report that their from Nevada, has resigned as chair son might have his draft call delayed, week. The death o f Mr. Williams Rough heavies................ 16.156516.35 vetch crop is a total loss. What is man o f the National Woman’s party L. P. Laidon, a farmer o f Pratum, means the passing o f a national figure Pi*9................................... 16.006516.00 more serious, they are now said to he in order to center her attention on her is in the county jail awaiting arrival in the musical world. Recently his Bulk................................... 17.35 attacking the grain itself in widely campaign, it was announced here Sat o f a federal officer. Sheriff Needham work has been among the soldiers, who Sheep— separated localities. In Brownsville urday. asserts Laidon said he would give him will remember him for the way he Prime spring lambs........ $17.006517.50 every gardener is busy with spray Two thousand names have been se $50 to arrange the matter. Needham sang “ Tim Rooney’s at the Fightin’ . ” Heavy lambs.................... 16.506517.00 pump and lime cup trying to save his cured for Miss Martin's nomination took Laidon before District Attorney Mr. Williams was born September 7, Yearlings.......................... 12.506513.00 peas and beans. Even the grass in petition. Three thousand, three hun Gehlar, to whom he is said to have ad 1867, at Mission Ridge, and lived in Wethers............................ 11.500212.00 the streets and alleys is covered with dred names are necessary for her nomi mitted the attempt to bribe the sheriff. Akron most o f his life. Ewes.................................. IO.OOO 2 IO. 6 O aphis. nation. NEW CALL IS ISSUED TROOPS POUR ACROSS MEXICO AND CUBA SEVER RELATIONS NORTHWEST MARKET REPORT