(l¿ 3 &trat OkmtT iExpiraa A N IN D E P E N D E N T Vol. 8 Ce U Local Blacksmith Admits Arson . 4-^ WEEKLY N E W S P A P E R FÜHRST GROVE. OREGON. TH U R S D A Y. M A Y 30. 1918 desired, and we have expectations of their hearty and devout re sponse. Of course the church 'membership will respond, and the Epworth D-aguers and th** Chris- tian-Endeavorers will | their pledge of prayer at this time. Hut it is the Peoples’ Hour. The service will be given entirely to Sacred Music and to Solemn Prayer for God’s forgiveness, guidance and saving help in this day of world tragedy. A. H. P A T T E N , for the Committee y Delegates Declare for County Fair remember 21 on these min Graduation Exercises Are Postponed names l>e recorded utes. The recommendations of the committee were adopted and the officers suggested were elected, as Because two cases of scarlet • was a motion that a fair be held John C. Wegner, whose Forty one men and women, rep *’ y ’ fever have been discovered among this fall. The place of holding the acquired residence property. cor resenting the various commercial fair was _____________________________ high school students, the gradua- left to the executive com ner Second street und Second ave and farmers organizations of th e! mittee arid President Westcott tion exercises, which were to have nue, south, hurni d on the morn county, met at Hillsboro Satur-i ban called a meeting of that body been held at the M. E. church to in# of April 4th. admitted in open day and, after a thorough discus- t0 ,je he,d at lhe Rogers'Public morrow Friday) evening have court at Hillsboro Saturday last sion, voted that a county-wide V’lbra^ ’ in this city* on Monday’ n postponed. that he purposely set the building 3 ‘ June 3d. There are twenty-seven girls and on fire, using cotton wa*te and fair should he held at some cen Following are the names of the ten boys in the class, the greatest kerosene, in ordec to collect the tral point in Washington county new directors, the O'ganization number ever graduated from the $1,000 of insurance on the same. this fall. N. C. Jamison, agri from which fhey come, and their local high school. A fine program, This action follows his indictment including an address by Bishop cultural agent, pn-sided at the postoffice addresses: by the Rtgnd jury, on evidence Sumner of Portland, had been meeting and R. R Easter of Hills N. J. Baker, West Dairy Commnnity furnished by employes o f the boro was the secretary p epared and this may be given Club, Forest Grove. Htute fire marshal’s office. The D. G. Lilly, Washington County Cow- la ter. The members of the class , Speaking for the old County case was work up by H. H. Pom are: Whereas. At the request of Con- | .'a¡r Hoard, A . E. Scott of this testing Assn., Forest Grove, eroy, deputy state fire marshal, Frances Benjamin Chas. Buhman, Gale Grange, Forest Mabel Allen who has made several trips to this gross, President Wilson has ap- city offered to turn over the prop- Ilo Brown May Church pointed Thursday. May 30th, as <rty and franchise o f the associa- Grove. city and on one of these trips Edith Darland A. E. Scott, Commercial Club, For- Kathryn Collier managed to secure a written con a day o f humiliation fasting and l ‘on to a new association, if one Clarence Famme Myrtle Ferm . . ! . * could be organized. estGrove. i' d n from Wegner. The p en prayer for our nation, that our _ * . ... . Crystal Hansen , - . , On motion, A E. Westcott, I. John Lotus, Washington Grange, Lora Fiske alty for burning insured property Clarence Hardebeck Banka, R. 3. j Irene Hall arms may triumph and right pre j Crawford, R. G. Scott. A. G. is imprisonment from 3 to 7 years Margaret Hinman Chas. Hays, Sherwood Grange, Sher- Katherine Higby vail m this war. Hoffman and R. R. Easter were in the penitentiary. Relda Mann wood, R. 3. ! Lester Hughes Now therefore, I, George Pat- appointed a commttiee on per- Wegner is following his uxual Ethel Mocroft R. G. Scott, Tigardville Grange, Margaret Martin walk in life in this city, under bad erson. Mayor of the City of.For- manent organization. I,ater this Albert Mott Mary Olmsted Sherwood, R. 1. of $1,000, pending sentence by est Grove, do earnestly recom- committee made the following Mabel Patton Norman Powne John M. Wall, Hillsboro. mend the people of this City lhat recommendations: the court. Nola Ramsey Mabel Rasmuaen Frank C. Fluke. Sherwood, R. 4. (1) That the name of the nres- Another indictment was that uf wv carefully, observe the day so Helen Reeher Lucile Robinson Florence Hill, Winona Grange, Tual set apart by our President, and ent Washington County Fair As atin. Hen Dooley of the Hanks district, Elizabeth Seymour Lyla Short especially that we assemble at sociation be retained and its con- who some weeks ago fired several Mrs. Hattie L. Vail, Green Mountain Juanita Schultz * Cecil Shotwell eight o’clock in the evening for . .. stitution and bylaws be revised to Grange, Manning. revolver shots at Chas. Spiering. j __.... .. Albert Snyder Oscar Snyder prayer and worship at the Meth- conforrn to the following: Dooley is out on bail Cecile Stocker Irvin Thomas Mrs. Clara R. Beck, Riverside Grange, i odist church, to humble ourselves . . . , * Ernestine Tucker Nellie Walker before Almighty God and implore ; a) A board of directors shall Gaston, R. 1. Robert Thompson, Leedy Grange, Ernest W'olf ; his guidance and help for the over- 8 °vern tbe action of the associa- 339, Portland, R. 2. The baccalaureate sermon was ! throw of the forces of tyranny 1 Don. Henry Miller, Hillsboro Grange 73, delivered last Sunday evening by (b) Hoard of directors shall be and oppression and the triumph Rev A . B. Patten of the Congre compost-d of the County Fair Hillsboro. R. 2. of righteousness and freedom. Rev. Patten delivered a mag A. E. Westcott, Jersey Breeders As gational church, and was a very Dated ihis 27th day of M ay, Commission, one representative nificent Memorial address at the 1918 able address. On this occasion a from each farmers and commercial sociation. Banks, R. 1. special anthem was rendered by organization and the County Agri Congregational church Sunday af GEO G. PA T E R S O N , M ayor. the girl>’ chorus under the direc- culture Agent. ternoon in the presence of the Attest: W. P. D Y K E . tion of Miss Anna Taylor and a members of the (J. A. R post, (c) The County Agricultural Recorder. Womun’s Relief Corp-. and a big Agent shall be the *ecrelary of the *>y Mur g . r . i Thomas, formerly a teacher in the audience of interested men, women board. The union Prayer service an The second Red Cross war fund high school here. and children. lauding the heroes (d) The president, vice-presi of the Civil war and the boys who nounced for Thursday evening dent and treasurer shall be elect has reached $150,000,000 in the Owing to the closing of the have gone over the waters to fight will I k * dispensed with and the ed from this board of directors by nation and late estimates indicate schools promotions will be made for liberty and justice, Mer Pat people are asked to observe the the board of directors that Oregon has oversubscribed upon the basis of monthly or six ten declared the Kaiser of Ger day and the hour with prayer in Washington np"E ib ’ # por{ (e) That a paid manager be ful|y 50 P*r cenJ- many to lie a blasphemer of CJcd county was one of the first coun- cards will be filed in the office of their hearts and homes. hired who will have complete and a traitor to the brotherhood of charge of the annual fair and be ties in the state to secure her quo- the superintendent and will be Committee. man. He declared there should responsible to the Board of D i ta and has oversubscribed almost handed out when it is permissable he no discharge from the war un 50 per cent. The Gales Creek for the pupils to assemble. A t the rectors. til Germany iurrenders to the district made the best showing as same time those who have books (ft Five members shall consti union of nations. The speaker de to subscription in excess of its in the buildings will be permitted dared that the soldiers of the Fresh beef a n d v e a l have tute a quorum of any meeting of quota, more than doubling the to get them. Notice will be given Civil war lived that their nation dropped 20 p> r cent in pi ice dur- the Hoard of Diiectors. 'amount asked Following are the in the papers when report cards might not die and the American >*>K the past six days, (2) The officers elected shall figures for Western Washington will b ■ distributed and books may be recovered. soldiers in Europe were fighting I The Hoffman and Caples stores constitute an executive committe county: that liberty and democracy might will d o s e at 10 o’clock this mo*n- who shall peiform the usual duties Quota Subscribed not perish from the earth. , ing and will remain closed all day. of such a committee. $2500.00 25S3.86 Forest Grove (3) The executive committee Gaston 417.55 4‘Hi.OO Mrs. Inlow and Harry Under- Remember ‘ The Barrier.” at ■V.i i.:în .... 300.00 ' hill favored the audience with ap the star Theater Wednesday and -hail report to the former Fair Dilley propriate solos and there was: Thursday nights, May 29 and 30. Board and arrange to take over Cornelius ___ 400.00 487.15 Because several cases of scarlet the property rights, etc singing by a big choir from all | 125.00 178.60 Verboort William M. Martin, formerly of the churches. Rev. Ebert of the fever have been discovered in the . 100.00 100.75 (4) It is recommended that David's Hill M. E. church and Rev. Sias of this city, hut late of Portland, is the following officers shall be Thatcher 101.00 high school and the schools closed 100.00 the Christian church U*ok part in now at Goat Island, having en elected: .... 100.00 185.50 is no reason for people to become Kansas City listed in the navy. the services. 203.75 Gales Creek 100.00 President — A . E. Westcott, j panic stiicken. The b o a r d of 100.00 The meetings of the Food Con Banks, Ore , R. 1. 75.00 Glenwood ... health and school board have servation committee o f th e 132.50 taken proper precautions, by keep .... 100.00 Vice-president— Mrs. Hattie E Watts A t 10 o’clock this (Thursday)' 142.90 ing children from attending pub Woman’s club have been discon Vail, Manning. Ore. Cherry Grove ... 100.00 morning, the members of the G j 30.00 lic gatherings to keep the plague tinued until further notice. ..... 150.00 A R., W’ R. C. and citizens w ill1 120.10 from spreading .... 100.00 j Hillside .... and the only go to Forest View cem etery,' Geo. W. Drorbough, aged 80, | boro, Ore. 148.50 100.00 j Fern H ill...... R. G. Scott— Treasurer. thing necessary to stamp out the where the usual memorial service died at his home at Schofield Sun- (5) It is r commended that Blooming disease quickly is to obey the or and decoration of graves will he day and the remains were interred 170.50 ders of the board of health and enacted. A t 3 o'clock there will in the Cornelius cemetery Tu es-, one of each of the delegates rep- and Iowa Hill ..... 100.00 the quarantine laws. The mem be a patriotic program at Marsh | day, R ev. Crozier officiating. He resenting each organization pres $5602.65 bers of the board of education ent be recognized as the represen hall, to which the adult popula has lived in Washington county c< •Not complete. met Tuesday morning, with Dr. tion is invited. The hanks will be more than 20 years and leaves tative of that organization on the Board of Directors and that their Bishop, health officer, and decid* closed all day and most of the seven grown children. business houses all day after 10 On account o f the scarlet fever epi- e. .? quiC est way to get rid of the disease was to keep the child o’clock. demic in our city the Board o f the M. ren from congregating. To this E. church decided to dispense with the end, all schools are closed for the union prayer-meeting to be held on term. A t noon Tuesday Mayor Thursday evening, as well as all the Paterson and several members of services for next Sunday, June 2d, Sun- * “ l 'r l' v' ,‘ On account o f the nrevalence of Scarlet Fever in met with the health day School, morning service, Epworth J? councJ . . . . , our city, all high school pupils, public school children Ltague and evening sCTvice. officer and a decree (pub- At the Forest (¡rove Methodist Church and all younger children are prohibited from attend The ba.nl l . k „ .he . U n d - S . f . t , ll,h * d *■!“ P M * ) M a i n « ch ild - Auditorium, Thursday Evening, Me ing public meetings or gatherings o f any kind within ren attending public gatherings. First. morial Day, at 8:00 P. M. Today’s Memorial services and the limits o f the City of Forest Grove for a period of JOHN EBERT, Pastor. the Pacific University commence Our president has summoned ten days. This prohibition applies to children con ment gatherings, will be allowed James Wolfe, aged 83, passed all our people, old and young, of gregating at the postoffice ancl other public places. away at Cornelius Monday and to proceed as advertised, except all faiths to such a solemn and funeral services were held at the that children will not be allowed By order of the Board of Health of the City of significant hour: We must make family residence Tuesday, Rev. participate or attend. Forest Grove, Oregon. the occasion representative of our Crozier officiating. Deceased, who Keep cool and don’t run any entire community. Civic and so Dated this 28th day o f May, 1918. has lived in this county for 16 unnecessary risks cial bodies should lx* largely pres-1 years, leaves a widow and several GEO. G. PATERSO N, ent through their officers and per-1 C. A . Deakins. agent at M yrtle grown children. J. S. BISHOP, sonnel. The presence and partic Point, is the successful bidder for ipation of such groups, as the City A. C Key, owner of the truck the local station of the Southern W. P. D YKE , Council, the Commercial Club, which operates between this city Pacific and J. R Spurgeon, now Board of Health of the City of the Red Cross, the G. A. R., the | and Portland, was taken to that in charge here, goes to Rcckaway, Woman’s Relief Corps and the ! Forest Grove, Oregon. city yesterday, suffering from a the changing being scheduled for College Associations, are especially j severe attack of appendicitis. June 1. < Mayor’s Proclamation for Prayer and Fasting Memorial Sermon Was Splendid One Red Cross Quota More Than Secured CONDENSED wa\ 8UnJ NOTES \ Obey the Health Rules and Don’t Get Excited Today’s Sen ices Methodist Church Services A Community Service of Prayer H E A L T H N O T IC E . , , . ,