The Forest Grove express. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1916-1918, May 23, 1918, Image 7

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$500,000 FOR CANAL
Nearly Hundred Employee in H oaplU l Senator Jones Wires Government W ill
nnd 31 HUH Missing Country
Spend That Hum in Development
Miles About Devastated.
Work on Wapato Project.
Pittsburg Fifty-six men are known | Yakima -The government w ill spend
to 1 m * dead, 94 injured and in hospitals 1 $500,000 in developing canals on the
and 31 employes o f the Aetna Chem -1 Wapato project within the next year. TRACTOR AIDS ROAD MAKING
Tht* total slocks o f wheat in commercial tiiiinala on December HI, 11)17, aa ical company are miaaing aa a result o f A telegram from Senator Jones Friday
aaid congress had made that sum avail­ Successfully Used In New Hampshire
Indicated tiy u imrilal tabulation of the food surat-y of (ha latter data, were
nine explosions Saturday that wrecked able to be spent immediately.
in Conjunction With Regulation
approximately one-half na large aa the commercial stocks on hand December
F. A. W iggins o f Toppeniah and
Road Machine.
81, 1918, according to u statement Issued liy the United States department of this company’s exploaive manufactur­
agriculture, In thla connection It la pointed out tliut the commercial vlalhle ing plant at Oakdale, 16 miles from others in touch with the situation say
this will mean 20,000 more acres put
Jn Atkinson, N. II., the farm tractor
aupply figures puhllahvd hy the ('I i I chko hoard of trade allowed atocka on hand this city.
in cultivation on the reservation for has been successfully used In making
January ft, 11*18, about 80 per cent o f the commercial vlalhle aupply reported
Throughout the night and ail day 1919.
and prepalrlng roads, doing away with
for Jnnuary ij, 1917, while the vlalhle aupply reported hy Brudstreet for Jan­
men were extinguishing Area in the
Superintendent L. M. Holt, in charge horses.
uary ft, 11*18, uus approximately ,'td per cent of that reported for January 8.
debris and bringing out remnants o f o f irrigation development, w ill proceed
A 20-horse-power tractor, as shown
to organize crews to In the picture, was used In conjunc­
In most cases there immediately
The commercial atocka o f wheat at the end of December, 1017, compared human bodies.
speed up construction, and w ill put on
more favorably with thoae o f a year earlier than did the atocka at the end of was nothing to indicate the identity o f at once three drag line excavators and tion with the regulation road machine
A ll day a blue-brown order another. The main canal w ill be for rounding off the surface o f the
August. 11* 17. the holdings of Iiecemher 81, 1017, heliiK ftO per cent o f thoae the victim .
reported for the corresponding dale In 11*18, while the commercial atocka of amoke hung over the ruins, impeding extended several miles and the main road and cleaning out gutters. It was
August 31, 1017, were only 37 |x-r cent o f thoae for the aume date In 1010. At the work o f the searchers. Its deadly lateral o f the new system constructed found that the tractor not only easily
does the work of six or eight horses,
the annte time It la Indicated that there wua only a alight change In the rel­ fumes are feared by the retudenta.
this summer, as work on these w ill not
Thousands o f , person* streamed into interfere with the (JTesent distributive but better and in less time. Tw o men
ative Importiui<i. of the commercial atocka o f flour on the datea of the two
only sre required as compared with
■ na compared with the corresponding datea a year earlier. On August the temporary morgue all day to view system.
One machine working on
The country is drainage continuing work laat fall was four required with the former system.
81, 1017, the commercial atix-ka o f flour were uhout 7ft per cent of the atocka the gruesome finds.
reported on hand Auguat 81, 1010, white on December 31. 1017, the ntockn of desolate for several miles around the discontinued recently because the ap­ Besides, double the ground Is covered.
When the tractor Is used with the
flour were 7<i per cent o f thoae r<*|xtrted for the correaimndlng date In 1018. plant. The meadows and fields have propriation was exhausted.
drag, one man, driving the trac­
The total wheat crop of 11*17 »n a approximately 060,000.000 buahela. na com­
This decision o f congress to expend
pared with 040,000,000 huahela for the prevtoua year and with 808,000,000 bush­ blasted.
this sum for immediate construction is tor, can round up and smooth as much
due to the fact that more acreage can state road In half a day as one man
els, the average for the flte yenr period 1011-l01ft.
with a pair o f horses In one (lay and
The final flgurea for the Auguat HI. 1017, food aurvey nhow that the total LIB E R TY LOAN $4,170,019,650 be developed for crop production on
half. The tractor hauls four to six
the Yakima reservation for the same
commercial »tocka of wheat on that date were 7ft,000,000 huahela, or leaa than
money than for any other place in the
a two inontha' aupply, while the commercial stocks of flour were about 12,000,-
Oversubscription o f 39 Per Cent An­ United States. The plan was approved
000 harrela, representing approximately n alx weeka' aupply.
nounced -17,000,000 Subscribers.
by Charles Hebberd, food administra­
The elevntora, mllla, and wholeaale grain dealera held 88.4 per cent o f the
commercial atocka of wheat reported for Auguat HI, 1917, and 30.8 per cent of
Washington, D. C.— The total o f the
the total commercial atocka of flour reported for that date. In the cane of third liberty loan is $4,170,019,650, an
Traffic Records Broken.
flour, retail dealera held 24.0 per cent, hakera 20.3 per cent, wholeaale grocere oversubscription o f 39 per cent above
Wash. — Laat Sunday
9.7 per cent, and storage warehouaea 0.3 per cent.
the three billion minmum sought. The
Mlnneaotn and California reported the largeat commercial atocka o f wheat number o f subscribers was about 17,- was a record-breaker for inter-state
The receipts on the
on Auguat 31. 11*17. their holdings being 7,290,000 and 8.801,000 huahela. re 000,000. Every Federal reserve dis­ bridge tolls.
Sportively, while Mlaaourl. Illinois. and Knnana each held nlxiut 0,1*00.000 trict oversubscribed, the Minneapolis bridge, exclusive o f streetcar revenue,
buahela. The combined hnldinga *»f theae five atat(*a amounted to 28,000,000 district going to 172 per cent, the which w ill run between $500 and $600,
Receipts one Sunday
buahela, or more than 4ft per cent o f the total for the United States. In the highest, and the New York district to were $931.10.
several weekB ago were $930.30. Re­
case o f flour, eight states refxtrted about one-half o f the total atocka o f the 124 per cent, the lowest.
ceipts from the streetcars w ill bring
'country. New York leading with 812.800 barrels, followed by Pennsylvania
In announcing these figures the
the total up to more than $1500, it is
with 809,438, Illinois with 839.128. and Nebraska with 834,1*15 harrela. while treasury explained that the total may
thought. The fine weather was largely
California. Texas, Minnesota, and Missouri each rejx.rted alxiuf BOQ.000 barrels. he changed slightly by later reports
Efficient Aid in Road Repairing.
responsible for the unusually heavy
from Federal Reserve banks.
traffic across the Columbia river.
cartloads o f gravel In the same time
'T h is is the most successful loan
that a two-horse team requires for one
the United States has offered, both in
Carries His Own Bones
Women Study Tractor Driving.
load. Figured in dollars and cents,
number o f subscribers and in the
Around as a Mascot for
Yakim a— Twenty-two women, rang­ the tractor could easily do $24 worth
amount realized, ” said Secretary Mc-
Coming Diamond Season Adoo in a statement. “ 1 congratulate ing from high school girls to mothers o f work at a cost o f only $8, with an
o f families, enrolled in Yakim a’s first additional saving o f from 25 to 50 per
the country on this wonderful result, i
All hall players believe In luck and which is irrefutabe evidence o f the class in truck and tractor driving, as­ cent In time.— Popular Science Month­
most carry a talisman o f some sort, strength, patriotism and determination sembled at the at the Y , W. C. A. ly.
Thursday, donned overalls and proceed­
but It remains for Forrest Cady, o f the American people.
The class! n i n u y C V C T C U n c UlPbl\A/AYQ
(By tha United Bl»l«-a Department of A g­ Mack's new big catcher, to carry
“ This great result was achieved not­ ed with the first lesson.
was organized by the Y . M. C. A. and R I G H T S T o I t M U r h l u n W A T o
riculture )
around with him the strangest token withstanding the fact that the country
The distinct varieties of cheese num­
of nil. It Is nothing less than two has been called upon to pay since the Y . W. C. A. as a war emergency
ber probably utxiut 18, although the
measure, and is part o f the associa-, It Should Include Everything From
bones from his own body.
second liberty loan, and to and includ­
Expensive Concrete to Minor
names given to the manufactured kinds
tion’s “ win-the-war” campaign.
!.ast winter Cady wns In a motor ing the month o f June, income and ex­
Dirt Wagon Ways.
total several hundred. Thla statement
accident and had his shoulder broken cess profits taxes to the amount o f ap­
la made In the United States depart­
proximately $6,000,000,000, which w ill
What we need and In time will hare
ment o f ngrlculture’a bulletin No. 808. In several places. Tw o pieces o f bone
make a total amount turned into the
Is a system o f highways which will
“ Varieties o f Cheese, Descriptions and
treasury o f tha United States from
ramify from the largest dtles to the
Analysis.” which la a revision of for­
such taxes and the third liberty loan o f
doorway o f the humblest citizen— vil­
mer government publications on the
about $7,000,000,000.”
Wheat— Bulk basis for No. 1 grade: lager or farmer. Such a system of
subject. More thnn 40 names of cheese
Hard white, $2.05. Soft white, $2.03. highways will Include trunk lines with
are given In the bulletin and are of lo­
White club, $2.01. Red Walla, $1.98. expensive concrete or brick surfaces
cal origin, usually having been derived
DUTCH W ARSHIPS TO CONVOY No. 2 grade, Sc less; No. 3 grade, 6c for
the very heavy traffic. Including
from towns or communities.
less. Other grades handled by sample. trucks and automobiles. Less used but
A Hat of the best-known names ap­
F lou r— Patents, $10 per barrel; Important roads may be o f waterbound
Holland to Send Merchant Vessels to
plied to the distinct varieties or groups
wheat, $9.60; graham, $9.20;
Colonies in East Indies.
macadam or gravel. Perhaps In cer­
Is na follows:
barley flour, $14.50(9; 15.00; rye flour,
tain regions where stone and gravel
Washington, D. C. — Announcement $10.75® 12.75; corn meal, white, $6.50;
not at hand oiled roads may prove
Cheddar, cottage, dty, ednn. einmental,
from Amsterdam o f the - determination yellow, $6.25 per barrel.
most economical and practical. Minor
gouda. hand, holateln. Ilmhtirg, notif-
o f the Dutch government to dispatch
M illfeed— N et mill prices, car lots:
wngon ways must remain of native
chntel, pa r mesa n. roquefort, on pan go,
three o f its merchant vessels to the Bran, $30.00 per ton; shorts, $32;
sennno and trnpplst. Descriptions nnd
East Indies under convoy o f Dutch middlings, $39; mixed cars and less soil, built and maintained with the
chemical analyses o f the foreign and
warships has aroused keen interest in than carloads, 50c more; rolled barley, road drag. Meanwhile antagonism to
road dragging breeds In a lack o f In­
naval and diplomatic circles here.
domestic cheese mentioned In the bul­
$75(976; rolled oats, $73.
formation or a narrowness which fails
It is believed this decision is likely
letin nre given alphabetically.
Corn— Whole, $77 per ton; cracked,
to comprehend the facts.— D. Ward
to bring about a situation that would $78.
Attempts to make einmental and
plunge Holland into the war. Inter­
Ilmhtirg cheese In thla country hnve
Hay — Buying prices,
national law, officials pointed out, fully Eastern Oregon timothy, $29®30 per
been very successful, the bulletin soya.
Forrest Cady.
warrants the dispatch o f an armed ton; valley timothy, $25(926; alfalfa, BENEFIT OF IMPROVED ROADS
Theae varieties are being made hy ftOO
factories In Wisconsin alone and hy were removed, and now Cndy Is never j convoy by a neutral state on the high $24@24.50; valley grain hay, $22;
Make It Possible to Consolidate and
seas to its own colonies, and this was clover, $19(920.00; straw, $9.00@10.
factories In Ohio, New York ami north­ without them.
Establish Graded Schools in Ru­
done by nearly all maritime powers
ern Illlnola.
Investigation also has
"They nre n part o f me or were,"
ral Districts.
shown that camembert and a cheese Cady explains, "nnd Pm only carrying
So far as the entente powers and tons, lc extra; butterfat. No. 1, 41c
o f the same general nature as r(*que- them ns near where they belong ns
(Prepared by the United States Depart­
fort or stllton, enn he made success­ I can. My arm's ns good ns ever, America are concerned, it is said that delivered.
ment of Agriculture.)
the Dutch convoys would be treated
Eggs— Ranch, current receipts, 34c:
fully In this country.
although I thought for a time thnt I j
That Improved roads would benefit
‘T h ere Is no reason,” says the bul­ would never piny ball again.
Poultry — Hens, 27c; broilers, 40c; our country-school system there would
letin, "to believe that any variety o f somehow I feel thnt If I lost those international law. But it is not prob­
32c; geese, 20c; turkeys, live, seem to be no doubt. Good roads make
cheese Imported cannot bo made here, two little pieces of bone my arm
It possible to consolidate or centralize
ders would act with any such consider­ 26® 27c; dressed, 37c per pound.
although with present knowledge It would go back on tne."
the schools and to establish graded
would not he ndvtsnhle to try to mnke
schools In the rural districts. Such
treatment o f Dutch and other neutral
Pork— Fancy, 23®23ic per pound.
many -kinds.
Probably selentlfle In­
schools centrally located will accom­
vestigation would show how to Im­
I f a German naval commander at­ sack; turnips, $1.50; parsnips, $1.25; modate all o f the children within a
prove on the average quality of the
By Various States of Union tempted
radius o f four or five miles. In mnny
to search, sink or make prize beets, $2.
cheese made In the old countries, for
o f any convoyed vessels, the Dutch
Potatoes— Oregon Burbanks, 75c® j communities having the advantage of
It must he remembered that only the
Governors o f Vermont nnd Nebraska
commander would be obliged to defend $1 per hundred; new California, 10c Improved roads commodious buildings
very best la shipped hy the Kuropenn receive $2,ft00 n year, the governors
them forcibly, and the first shot fired per pound; sweet potatoes, 10c per have been provided, more competent
makers, the .rest, or poorer grades, be­ o f Arizona, Maine, New Hnmpshlre,
teachers employed, nnd modern facili­
would amount to a declaration o f war, pound.
ing consumed at home. Unfortunate­ New Mexico, Rhode Island nnd South
ties for teaching supplied at a mini­
in the opinion o f officials here.
ly a feeling prevails In the United Dakota receive $8,000 n year; the gov­
mum cost.
States that cheese eqtinl to the best o f ernor o f South Carolina receives $3,-
Early Sentence is Asked.
the European product cannot he pro­ 600 n year; the governors o f Arkansas,
I-os Angeles — W illiam H. Carlson, P r fr '.'S .r ,..............."*»i£ooi?!5:oo EXPERIMENTS TO BE TRIED
duced here. This feeling Is based upon Connecticut, Delaware, Nevada, North
o f San Diego and a banker Good to choice steers. . . . 11.500? 12.50
a lack of knowledge of actual condi­ Carolina, Texns, Utah and Wyoming
Improvement of
tions In Europe nnd o f the renditions receive $4,000 a year; the governors here several years ago, was sentenced Medium to good steers.. 10.00(911.00 Temporary
Roads to Be Made by Use of Straw,
nffectlng the qnnlltles of chts-se. Cer­ o f Maryland, Mississippi nnd Okla­ Saturday to four years’ imprisonment Fair to medium steers .. 8.50(9 9.50
Hay or W ire Grasa.
tain parts o f Europe probably nre bet­ homa receive $4,500 a year; the gov­ for using the mails to defraud in the Common to fa ir steers .. 8.00(9 9.00
ter favored hy desirable ellmntle con­ ernor of Iowa receives $4,000 a year; sale o f Imperial Valley land.
Choice cows and heifers. 10.00(911.00
Carlson pleaded hia own case. He Com. to good cows andhf 6.50(9 8-00
For the first time an experiment In
ditions nnd hy more general dissemina­ the governors o f Alabamn, Colorado,
convicted Friday, and asked Judge ' Canners..........................
tion of the bacteria or molds necessary Florida, Georgia, Idaho, Kansas, Lou­
3.00(9' 5.00 temporary Improvement o f deep sand
6.60(9110.00 roads by use o f a carpet o f straw, hay,
to the characteristic ripening o f dif­ isiana, Michigan, Missouri, Montana, B. F. Bledsoe, in the United States Bulls................................
ferent vnrletles, hut even the best aver­ Oregon, Virginia, West Virginia and District court, to impose sentence at Calves.............................. 8.50(912.00 or wire grass, sprinkled with tar or
age natural conditions can he Improved Wisconsin receive $5,000 a year; the once, rather than Monday, to shorten Stockers and fe e d e r s .... 8.00@10.00 bituminous produce, will be tried on
- •
Wisconsin highways In the vicinity o f
on hy nrtlflclnl means since necessnry governors of N'orth Dakota and Wash­ the nervous strain o f waiting.
Prime m ixed...................$17.40® 17.50 Rla, Columbia county. It Is hoped to
molds or bacteria can he grown In pure ington receive $0,000 a year; the gov­
Wolves Destroy Sheep.
culture nnd utilised anywhere. How» ernor of Kentucky receives $0,500 a
Medium m ixed............... 17.16(917.35 devise methods which w ill fit the road
Plains, Mont. — Thompson River Rough h e a v ie s ............... 16.15® 16.35 fo r travel at small expense, and It Is
ever, the cost mny render It Imprac­ year; the governors of Minnesota nnd
ranchers report that
wolves, from P ig s ................................. 15.00® 16.00 predicted that this straw carpet will
Tennessee receive $7,500 a year; the
whom there has been little trouble in Bulk.................................
17.35 last three years where traffic la not
governors o f Indlnnn nnd Massachu­
that district for years, are on the
heavy. Other experiments In resur­
The Better Way.
setts receive $8,000 n year; the gov­
“Do you tell bedtime stories at ernors of California, New Jersey, Ohio rampage again and have destroyed nu­ Prime spring lambs....... $17.00®17.50 facing highways are to be tried on
merous sheep.
Mountain lions had Heavy lambs ................. 16.50® 17.00 the Raraboo-KIlboum road.
your house?"
nnd Pennsylvania receive $10,000 n been blamed for i >sses, but when a de­
Yearlings........................ 12.50® 13.00 four hundred sections have been
" I used to until my w ife got next y e a r ; the governor of Illinois receives
termined effort was made to corral the W ethers.......................... 11.50®12.00 staked out. nnd treatment ©f each
to me. Now I either get home In good $12,000 a year; the governor o f New
robbers they were found to be wolves. Ew es................................ 10.00® 10.50 w ill be different.
•eason or sn.v nothing about It."
York receives $20,000 n year.
Varieties of Cheese