JiurcHt tèrmi* iExprpHH Published every Thursday at Forest Grove, Oregon. W. C. Benfer, Editor and I*ublisher. Entered as second-class matter Jan. 12, 1916. at tht oostofliee at Forest Grove, Oregon, under the Act of March 3, 1879 Subscription Rates Paid in advance One year ........... Six months Three Months ... . On Credit $1.00 One year .50 Six months .25 Three months THURSDAY, MAY 23. 1918 $1.50 .75 .40 MICKIE SAYS 1 Government, it represents power, -----------_ labor, and materials in action, on PRETTY LUCKV PER N\E, the firing line, over the top And » C L M M .T W fct EMEUYBOD'* more it repiesents reserve power, DON'T KNOW WHAT CLASS'* energy stored, purchasing power - T conserved for its owner. IN THIS SHOP , ER Vo DE 'ttONNiN 1 T h i s h e r e JOE AN EMBARRASSING PRESS OAO* A K Ï N iO H -r \ QUESTION “Where wuz you last December when we needed you?” asked the old colored man of the sun as it poured its heat down upon nim in July. Help your country NOW. so you will not be embarrassed by a V»tL similar question whe n peace comes and you want to have a part in the important work that will confront the patriot then.— Of I The Commoner p r in t in g we urn out Women and Girls LEARN TO W E A V E — I T’S E A S Y HELP YOUR COUNTRY We pay 20 Cents per hour while Learning. After learning, paid by the yard, at Good Prices. Daylight Modern Workroom-Clean and Sanitary. GOOD OPENINGS ALSO FOR MEN AND BOYS Oregon City Woolen Mills Oregon City, Oregon Miss Jeanette Little, who patient­ ly trained the actresses for their various toles. Vocal solos by Misses Hazel Stockman, Margaret Curtis and Violet. Glasyer and Mrs. L F. Humburg served to admirably en­ tertain between the acts of the play. room annex. The annex was pre­ sented to the membership by Mr. Thrift Stamps and War Savings Andrews, head of the board of Certificates may be purchased trustees, und the speech of ac­ from any of the following-named ceptance was made by Grand firms and individuals: Master Treffren. O t h e r well- The Ptwtoffice First Nat’l Bank known Odd FellowH and Rebekahs W. F. Schultz Co. Forest Grove Nat'l r su o J S * making addresses were Mrs Mary IA Fine Program for Shearer & Son Bank n Lankaster, president of thestute Goff Bros. Caples & Co. y assembly; Mrs Burke, vice presi­ P. U. Commencement VanKoughnet & A G Hoffman & Co. Chas Littler - + t Reder dent; Mrs H. D. Bryant of Gas­ Draft (’all Issued Ottice Shearer E F Burlingham ( Continued from Page One) ton, the fir*t vice president; Sol Washington, May 20. — Upon Gordon & Gordon V I Fuqua grand patriarch of the H T Giltner G G Paterson appioving today the act of Con­ Walker, Monday, June 3 Encampment; F Ryan, John Anderson Copeland & Mc­ gress bringing under the army Dr Williams and Thos. 2:00 P. M.—Senior Class Day Exer­ Cready M J Abbott others. draft law all men attaining the th e first home was built IK cises. College Campus. O M Sanford C V B Russell age of 21 years since the first reg­ That man Alexander made a 8:00 P. M.—Conservatory C S McNutt H R Bernard Recital. Pac. Barber Shop istration day June 5, 1917, Presi­ years ago, near where the present Baldwin remarkable run, considering that Miss Eleanor Petersen, G R H P Nixon Claude E Smith structure is located, dent Wilson issued a proclamation magnificent his name was not printed on the Piano. , W C Benfer Chas Hines but the demand for rooms has in­ ballots. formally fixing next June 5 as the Miss Beth Crandall, so­ J J Wirtz Brady Chowning creased until the structure of 43 W F Hartrampf M S Allen & Co. date for new eligible« to appear rooms was found inadequate prano. The people evidently do not in­ and News-Times Office Good Investmt Co. before their local boards. Marsh Hall. tend to change governors during the annex just dedicated Male persons, whether citizens built to accommodate the was A'k any agent for particulars. June 4 the war, else why the big vote for 3:00 P. M. Tuesday, or not, are required to regis er. mand. There are 31 men. de­ —Reception by Literary So­ Governor Jim? 10 Exemptions under the original act, women and 16 children in the Rebekahs Pleased Crowd cieties. College Campus. Print paper has not only gone Concert, Odd Fellows’ hall was filled to including men already in the mil­ home, each with his or her private to a ridiculously high price, but 8:00 P. M.— G Commencement r a h a m - Christensen the doors last Thursday evening itary service, apply and to these room, besides the kitchens, dining the quality has fallen many de­ the new law adds ministers and and other rooms. The home is String Quartette. by Odd Fellows, Rebekahsand in­ medical grees, as witness the yellow stuff students now pursuing beautifully situated on a hill at Orchestra. guests who hari come to see | their studies. used in this issue of the Express. Cantata: “ Fair Ellen,” vited the corner of 32d and Holgute the members of the Rebekah And it’s the best to be obtain«! Bruch. streets and the grounds cover j lodge put on a farce comedy, en- at present. Soloists—Miss Goldie Pet­ titled “The Social Club of Lonely- Harry Nauffts suffered a nasty seven acres. the people living erson, soprano; Mr. John ville.” The fi-st part showed the fall from a scaffold in the Fuqua at the home All appear happy and THE ECONOMY Clare Monteith. baritone. members of the c ub a-sembled at building last Saturday afternoon, contented. OF VICTORY on his head and shoul Community Chorus. the home of a new comer, bent on alighting No matter what this war costs ders and sustaining severe bruises Marsh Hall. Recital Was Knjovabfc making the new arrival welcome. the Government and the people He is recovering nicely and is Wednesday, June 5 The people who took the time of the United States in the way of 10:00 A. M .- Annual Meeting of the After a little ‘ social chat,” the again on the job. visitors decided to put on a play to attend the recital by pupils of money, it is going to be much Board of Trustees. Ad­ to raise fund- for the poor cattle 1 Pacific University Conservatory cheaper to win this war than to ministration Office. Odd Fellows Home herders ot Madagascar and “Uncle last Saturday night were well re- lose it. Exercises. Tom’s Cabin” was selected as paid for the time spent at Marsh The commercial and financial 3:00 P. M.—Commencement Address, “The Emerging best fitting the talents of the Has Been Enlarged hall, for the music was of high losses that would follow a German Age,” by Professor George members of the club. It was dur-1 with many Forest Grove victory are not to be calculated. Rebec, Ph. D., of the ing the action of this ancient play Through the courtesy of Mr and order, ladies taking part The singers All that we spenr would be lost, University of Oregon. that most of the richest comedy Mrs. Bernard Ortman, the editor were Misses Mabel Kasmusen, indemnities beyond calculation Marsh Hall. was turned loose on an unsuspect­ Katherine Bratzell, Gertrude Pur­ would have to be paid, and along 6:30 P. M.—Alumni and family Snnday enjoyed anhuto Dinnec, followed ing audience. And some of the er and Beth Crandall, while with these losses would come a • trip to Vancouver and to the Odd by Alumni Program. situations developed in the play Misses Aileen Hoffman, Maude continuing loss in foreign com­ Herrick Hall. Fellows’ home in East Portland. Graham, Margaret Taylor, Helen were so ludicrous as io bring, tears At merce iha* would spell disaster. the party visited McEldowney. Lela Barnum, Ruth to the eyes of many in the aud­ Mr Vancouver With these material losses we Commencement Concert and Mrs. W. and son Burlingham, Thelma Mills, Edith ience Those perpetrating the would lose our national liberty Tickets, including Reserved Seat, farce were Me