WORLD m i n e s OF CURRENT WEES 37 KILLED IN AIRPLANE RAID London Bombed by Teuton Flier* and Much Damage Done. STUDY OF THE GREAT WAR STATE NEW S IN BRIEF. E Lataat Pamphlet Give* Quotation* and Reading Reference*. ’’ Before June 28, 1914, Germany willed, If not war, at least another trial of diplomatic strength In which the threat of war should enter as a decis­ ive factor,” Such I* the conclusion to which Prof. Samuel II. Harding of In­ diana University come* In the third Tuesday was “ chuck hole day” in chapter o f hi* nluety-slx page pam­ Baker county, and according to report* phlet entitled "The Study of the Great the people o f all districts co-operate«! War.” Just Issued by the Committee on in its observance, se n d in g the «lay fill­ Public Information, and distributed free upon application to 10 Jacksou ing holes in the highways in their own Place, Washington, D. C. localities and removing all loose stones. The fact that In 1913, befor? the Completion o f the reclamation of murder of the Archduke Kraus K««r- 1500 fe rtile acres o f tule marsh along dlnand on the fateful 28th of June, Germans Gather Nearly Two Million 1914, Austria notified Italy that she the bonier o f Upper Klamath lake, proposed then to attack Berblu, Is one Men to Begin New Offensive five miles north o f Klamath Falls, is bit o f evidence relied ujkm by Profes­ announced by J. Frank Adams, who sor Harding. Also a •«•«■ret military Allies Confident o f Ability. has been engaged in this project for report of the OtTinsn army which fell the past two years. Into the posseaslon of the French gov­ ernment shows that Germany was Secretary Holt, o f the state boanl o f muklng extraordinary preparations In Pari* On the eve o f the great Ger­ health, was in Salem Monday securing 1913 for an Immediate war. In an liu the governor’s approval to a contem­ tervlew with King Albert of Holglujii man offensive, say* an official not* ia- plate«] trip o f Dr. A. C. Seeley, presl- In November of the same year, the sqed here Monday, President Wilson, ilent o f the state board o f health, to German kaiser gave the Impression anxious to address a message to the Washington, D. C., to attend a meet­ that war with Fran«’« was certain, and Major Raoul Lufbery, the first French people, has asked one o f his sought to win Belgium to Germany's ing o f the state and territorial health American ace to be killed as the result side. Various practical measures look­ person* I friends, James Kerney, direc­ officers. o f an aerial fight, was buried with full ing to war were also taken before the m ilitary honors Monday by French and One o f the prominent fru it ja r cap Barajevo murders. The uitlltury laws tor o f the Franc«»-American committee American detachments. concerns in a letter to of 1911, 1912 and 1913 greatly Increased on public inf<>rmation, to convey the All Young Men Attaining 21 in manufacturing Mrs. C. H. Jenkins, prominent mem­ the German army. The reconstruction following to them: . A new top price for cattle was es­ ber o f the Hoo«l River Womans’ club, of the Kiel Canal was hurried to com tablished at the Sioux City stockyards Past Year Must Register “ The people o f the Unite«! States who has made a reputation for her pletion early In 1914. Steps were taken Tuesday when the Cudahy Packing to *tlr up revolt In South Africa and In are happy to fin«i themselves in the canned products, declares that every for M ilitary Service. company paid C. H. Howdie, o f Par­ British India. Secret coaling orders brotherhood o f arms with the people o f effort is made to assure housewives o f ker, S. D., $17.75 a hundred pounds dated June 14, 1914, two weeks before reliable rubber rings this year. for a carload o f steers. the assassinations, were Issued to the France in a war in which every man Portland— Wednesday June 5, has Mike Merg, a jitney driver o f Bend, German cruiser Eber at Cape Town who loves right ought to t>e proud to Enthusiastic reports o f the progress been officially designated as Registra­ which contemplated an Immediate out­ take part. o f the American Red Cross for a sec tion Day throughout the United States was found guilty Friday o f Imotlogging break of war. ond war mercy fund o f $100,000,000 for all young men who have attained and fined $250 and sentence«l to 90 “ For over one hundred years the There la much evidence, too, relating came to headquarters in a steady the age o f 21 years since draft Regis­ days in ja il. Frank Massingale, who to accumulation of war materials, the American people have desired this op­ had purchase«l the liquor and was ar­ transfer of bunk bulance*. etc., and n stream throughout the opening day tration Day one year ago. rested with it in his possession, was circular dated June 9, 1914. Is clt«*d. portunity, which befalls it today, o f Monday o f the campaign. On Wednesday June 5, every 21- fined $50. The attorney representing ordering all owners of factories to op«*n givin g the French people proof o f its The Spokane Herold, with its asso­ year-oid man in the United States M ergjias filed notice o f appeal. the mobilization envelopes In their pos- gratitude and friendship. must appear at the registration place ciated publications in Seattle, Everett sesalon. Because the army was short o f sig­ “ There ia added now in its soul deep and Bellingham, has suspended publi­ designated by his local draft board Finally, the evidence I* presente«! nal corps men who could take charge showing that a secret conference ol and ardent admiration for the heroism cation. This includes the well-known and register. The only exceptions are men already o f the detachments o f soldier-loggers German and Austrian g«n, where, after about 10 Through an opinion which some con­ o f applying his method to the bron­ year is the greatest in the history o f ings, and each of these is Illustrated days, order is beginning to come out o f the county, and with favorable weather by one or more quotations of evidence strued as indicating a new attitude chial secretics o f consumptives. taken usually from the original chaos. The carload o f scientific in­ toward big business and on which the The first experiments made on con­ conditions from now until harvest all sources. Frequent reading references struments is being distributed and set court divided four to three, the U. S. sumptive soldiers gave results far ex­ former crop records w ill be smashed. are appended to the topics, many of up about the grounds, which are daily Supreme court refused to order the ceeding his expectations, he reports. Loss estimated at $15,000 resulted them referring to the “ War Cyclope­ growing to look less like the fam iliar dissolution o f the United Shoe Machin­ There was rapid improvement in most when the Fisher steam laumlry in Eu­ dia” published by the Committee on abiding place o f the prize Baker coun­ ery corrfpany, o f Massachusetts and its cases and he obtained cures which ap­ gene burne