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About The Forest Grove express. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1916-1918 | View Entire Issue (May 23, 1918)
WORLD m i n e s OF CURRENT WEES 37 KILLED IN AIRPLANE RAID London Bombed by Teuton Flier* and Much Damage Done. STUDY OF THE GREAT WAR STATE NEW S IN BRIEF. E Lataat Pamphlet Give* Quotation* and Reading Reference*. ’’ Before June 28, 1914, Germany willed, If not war, at least another trial of diplomatic strength In which the threat of war should enter as a decis ive factor,” Such I* the conclusion to which Prof. Samuel II. Harding of In diana University come* In the third Tuesday was “ chuck hole day” in chapter o f hi* nluety-slx page pam Baker county, and according to report* phlet entitled "The Study of the Great the people o f all districts co-operate«! War.” Just Issued by the Committee on in its observance, se n d in g the «lay fill Public Information, and distributed free upon application to 10 Jacksou ing holes in the highways in their own Place, Washington, D. C. localities and removing all loose stones. The fact that In 1913, befor? the Completion o f the reclamation of murder of the Archduke Kraus K««r- 1500 fe rtile acres o f tule marsh along dlnand on the fateful 28th of June, Germans Gather Nearly Two Million 1914, Austria notified Italy that she the bonier o f Upper Klamath lake, proposed then to attack Berblu, Is one Men to Begin New Offensive five miles north o f Klamath Falls, is bit o f evidence relied ujkm by Profes announced by J. Frank Adams, who sor Harding. Also a •«•«■ret military Allies Confident o f Ability. has been engaged in this project for report of the OtTinsn army which fell the past two years. Into the posseaslon of the French gov ernment shows that Germany was Secretary Holt, o f the state boanl o f muklng extraordinary preparations In Pari* On the eve o f the great Ger health, was in Salem Monday securing 1913 for an Immediate war. In an liu the governor’s approval to a contem tervlew with King Albert of Holglujii man offensive, say* an official not* ia- plate«] trip o f Dr. A. C. Seeley, presl- In November of the same year, the sqed here Monday, President Wilson, ilent o f the state board o f health, to German kaiser gave the Impression anxious to address a message to the Washington, D. C., to attend a meet that war with Fran«’« was certain, and Major Raoul Lufbery, the first French people, has asked one o f his sought to win Belgium to Germany's ing o f the state and territorial health American ace to be killed as the result side. Various practical measures look person* I friends, James Kerney, direc officers. o f an aerial fight, was buried with full ing to war were also taken before the m ilitary honors Monday by French and One o f the prominent fru it ja r cap Barajevo murders. The uitlltury laws tor o f the Franc«»-American committee American detachments. concerns in a letter to of 1911, 1912 and 1913 greatly Increased on public inf<>rmation, to convey the All Young Men Attaining 21 in manufacturing Mrs. C. H. Jenkins, prominent mem the German army. The reconstruction following to them: . A new top price for cattle was es ber o f the Hoo«l River Womans’ club, of the Kiel Canal was hurried to com tablished at the Sioux City stockyards Past Year Must Register “ The people o f the Unite«! States who has made a reputation for her pletion early In 1914. Steps were taken Tuesday when the Cudahy Packing to *tlr up revolt In South Africa and In are happy to fin«i themselves in the canned products, declares that every for M ilitary Service. company paid C. H. Howdie, o f Par British India. Secret coaling orders brotherhood o f arms with the people o f effort is made to assure housewives o f ker, S. D., $17.75 a hundred pounds dated June 14, 1914, two weeks before reliable rubber rings this year. for a carload o f steers. the assassinations, were Issued to the France in a war in which every man Portland— Wednesday June 5, has Mike Merg, a jitney driver o f Bend, German cruiser Eber at Cape Town who loves right ought to t>e proud to Enthusiastic reports o f the progress been officially designated as Registra which contemplated an Immediate out take part. o f the American Red Cross for a sec tion Day throughout the United States was found guilty Friday o f Imotlogging break of war. ond war mercy fund o f $100,000,000 for all young men who have attained and fined $250 and sentence«l to 90 “ For over one hundred years the There la much evidence, too, relating came to headquarters in a steady the age o f 21 years since draft Regis days in ja il. Frank Massingale, who to accumulation of war materials, the American people have desired this op had purchase«l the liquor and was ar transfer of bunk bulance*. etc., and n stream throughout the opening day tration Day one year ago. rested with it in his possession, was circular dated June 9, 1914. Is clt«*d. portunity, which befalls it today, o f Monday o f the campaign. On Wednesday June 5, every 21- fined $50. The attorney representing ordering all owners of factories to op«*n givin g the French people proof o f its The Spokane Herold, with its asso year-oid man in the United States M ergjias filed notice o f appeal. the mobilization envelopes In their pos- gratitude and friendship. must appear at the registration place ciated publications in Seattle, Everett sesalon. Because the army was short o f sig “ There ia added now in its soul deep and Bellingham, has suspended publi designated by his local draft board Finally, the evidence I* presente«! nal corps men who could take charge showing that a secret conference ol and ardent admiration for the heroism cation. This includes the well-known and register. The only exceptions are men already o f the detachments o f soldier-loggers German and Austrian g«<neruls and of and self-denial whereof the French German-American publication, the in the m ilitary or naval service. Spe sent to Marshfield for work in the ficials was held at Potsdam, near Ber people have given proof in this terrible Washington Staats-Zeitung, o f Seattle. cial arrangements have been made woods, lieutenants o f the infantry were lin. on July 5, 1914, and that It was at and last conflict between liberty and A wheatless diet for Montana until whereby absentees and those too ill to given charge. Now that signal corps this council that the actual steps lead brutal ferocity. July 1 was proposed in a resolution appear at the registration places may men have receive«l proper training ing up to the war were agreed upon. “ American hearts are with the arm passed by a state-wide conference o f register by mail. The following Is quote«! from Maxi ies midst the bloo«l-Mtaine<! battlefields they are relieving the infantry officers. milian Harden In Die Zufcunft for Au food administrators. The resolution But they must all register. Failure o f valiant France. Americans are Ludwig Scholtz, alias Louis Huff gust 1. 1914: for six wheatless weeks, it is under to do so makes the guilty young man your brothers in the great, holy, com man, arrested at Baker several days "In the Viennese note to Serbia, stood, w ill have the practical effect o f liable to imprisonment for one year. ago on a charge o f making seditious whose brazen arrogance has no pre mon cause. ’ ’ an order. And ignorance o f the fact that June 5 remarks, at a hearing before United cedent In history, each phrase b«*ars The beginning by the Germans o f a Instruments at the Victoria, B. C, is registration day w ill not be ac States Commissioner Patterson Wed witness that Austria-Hungary desired formidable offensive, by which they observatory Monday recorded an earth cepted as an excuse. The burden o f nesday afternoon was bound over to the war. Only the war, for which tue expect to achieve final success, now quake, which officials estimated oc informing themselves as to the place the Federal grand jury and taken to best minds of the army were thirsting, depends only on weather conditions. curred about 6000 miles away, prob and date o f registration is placed on Portland by Deputy United States could cure the fundamental Ills of tie The commander-in-chief o f the French two halves of the Austrian Empire, and troops and their allies are waiting for ably in the Pacific ocean. The record the men themselves. Marshal Alexander. of the monarchy. Only the refusal and Registration w ill be in charge o f the the shock with the greatest confidence. was pronounced, and the tremor lasted Concluding what is generally termed not the acceptance of the claims put local boards in their respective dis over an hour. The Petit Parisien says the enemy forward in the note could have prof tricts. They are required to post im one o f the best encampments ever held ited Vienna. has massed nearly all his best troops Russian Bolshevik troops, according mediately a list o f registration places. in Oregon, the Grand Arm y o f the Between the “ The question has been asked: on the attacking front. to a telegram from Constantinople, The registration places w ill be open Republic, Woman’s R e lief Corps and ‘ Where was the plan of the campaign Belgian coast and the Oise, it states, have succeeded in capturing the town from 7 o ’clock the morning o f June 5, Ladies o f the G. A. R. adjourned their elaborated— In Vienna or Berlin?’ And 140 divisions (about 1,900,000 men) o f Petrovsk, on the west shore' o f the until 9 o ’clock that night. They w ill conventions late Wednesday afternoon some hasten to reply: In Vienna. Why have been «li»tributed~ 82 on the front Caspian, 200 miles north o f Baku. be in charge o f officials o f the local at Albany, after successful sessions o f do people tolerate the propagation of line or for direct support and the re Oerentkapoi, another town, has fallen three days. The Dalles was chosen as such dangerous fables? *«ny not say mainder behind the lines, to tie used draft boards. to the Russians. June 5 has ben selected as the date the place o f holding the next annual the thing that Is (because It must be), for augmenting the push at the princi , namely, that a complete understanding pal point o f attack. George Washington Hall, said to for registration day because it is the encampment. in all matters existed between Berlin have been the oldest active circus pro anniversary o f the first draft registra This newspaper says the German The Industrial Accident commission and Vienna?” prietor, is dead at Evansville, Wis., tion day, when approximately 10,000,- is looking for forgers who have stolen Other chapters of the study d«*al plan ia to threaten Amiens, cut the aged 83. He began his showman’s 000 men between the ages o f 21 and 30 four warrants aggregating $150 and with the following subjects: Funda railroad between that ¡mint and Cler career at the age o f 13, and was the years, inclusive, registered for the drawn against the commission’s fund, mental causes of the war, Its historical mont and break up the allietl forces, first to take an American circus to draft. forged indorsements and secured the background, the Austro-Serbian con whatever the cost may be. South America. This registration day is only for money by cashing them at various troversy, the failure o f diplomacy to avert war between Germany-Austrla The San Francisco board o f super men who have reached the age o f 21 places. One was cashed in Vancouver, and Uussla-France, the entrance of years, thus coming within the draft SEEING" ECLIPSE BIG TASK Wash., after being stolen in Portland. Gr?at Britain as n result o f the viola visors has adopted a measure incorpo Another was cashed at Klamth Falls, tlon of Belgium’s neutrality, the spread rating an additional 2 cents in the tax age, since last registration day. another at Albany, and the fourth at of the war and its character, entrance Scientists Getting Ready at Itaker, Or., rate to provide a fund o f $100,000 for of the United States, the course of the the re lie f o f dependent families o f SUGAR WHITE PLAGUE CURE Oregon City. for Sun and Moon Fracas. war from 1914 to April 3rd, 1918, and men in the army, navy or marine corps The Wells Fargo Express company the various peace proposals. Including Baker, Or.— G etting ready for an resident in that city. Italian Scientist Credited W’ith Great last year paid 4| per cent dividends on the Brest-Lltovsk treaty Imposed by eclipse is a big taHk. The uninformed its common stock, or a total o f $1, Germany and Austria upon deluded An agreement tantamount to a con Medical Discovery. who think an astronomer's job consists 438,044, according to its annual report Russia. y tract to build 130 vessels to cost ap Paris— Professor Domenico Lo Mon Space is also given In the final chap filed with the Public Service commis merely in peeking through a big tele proximately $800,000 each, and total ing about $100,000,000 was reached in aco, director o f the Biochemical sec sion Monday. The company’s operat ter to a brief consideration o f the ques scope while the eclipse is passing and tions whether this will be the last Cleveland Tuesday between Charles M. tion o f the Lincei Academy, at Rome, ing revenues for the year were $29,- great war. The requirements are then announcing whether it has been a is credited by the Italian scientific 578,340.55, and ita operating expenses Schwab, director general o f the gov sketched both for a league to enforce success or a flivver, should visit the ernment’s shipbuilding program, and press with a discovery which w ill revo $28,397,532.52, or a net revenue o f peace and for world f«*deratlon, and lutionize the treatment o f tuberculosis. Baker county fa ir grounds and sec $1,180,808.03. W ith other deductions Great Lakes shipbuilding companies. the triumph of the United States nnd Professor Lo Monaco, explaining its net income was $758-,000. the Allies over militaristic and des what members o f the government German submarines have again re his discovery, said he had observed party are doing in preparation for An unusual drouth for this season potic Germany Is regarded d e r iv in g sumed unrestricted warfare on Norwe that sugar had a remarkable effect on “ the best assurance of the emabllsh- their study when the moon gets be whicn has lasted since March was gian fishing boats inAhe A rctic Ocean the secretions o f the human organism. ment of a league of peace ana the prac tween the earth and sun on the a fter north and east o f the Norwegian coast. A fte r seven years o f study o f these broken Tuesday by a fine rain, which tical ending of war.” noon o f June 8. The sub-title as the study describes Fishermen saved from sunken vessels phenomena he became convinced that is general in all sections o f Morrow While the time for actual study ia and landed at Hammerfest report that the secretions o f saliva, bile and the county. While fall sown grain was it as "a topical outline with extensive only 1 minute an«l 52 seconds, five not suffering, the spring wheat was quotations and reading referenc«-s." In the commander o f a U-boat said that gastric and pancreatic juices were weeks o f preparation are require*!, and all vessels met by him would be sunk. modified profoundly by the introduc being badly damaged by thff lack o f each chapter the material Is presented the observers are putting in long hours under systematically arranged head moisture. The acreage planted this tion o f sugar. This gave him the idea at the stati«>n, where, after about 10 Through an opinion which some con o f applying his method to the bron year is the greatest in the history o f ings, and each of these is Illustrated days, order is beginning to come out o f the county, and with favorable weather by one or more quotations of evidence strued as indicating a new attitude chial secretics o f consumptives. taken usually from the original chaos. The carload o f scientific in toward big business and on which the The first experiments made on con conditions from now until harvest all sources. Frequent reading references struments is being distributed and set court divided four to three, the U. S. sumptive soldiers gave results far ex former crop records w ill be smashed. are appended to the topics, many of up about the grounds, which are daily Supreme court refused to order the ceeding his expectations, he reports. Loss estimated at $15,000 resulted them referring to the “ War Cyclope growing to look less like the fam iliar dissolution o f the United Shoe Machin There was rapid improvement in most when the Fisher steam laumlry in Eu dia” published by the Committee on abiding place o f the prize Baker coun ery corrfpany, o f Massachusetts and its cases and he obtained cures which ap gene burne<l Tuesday morning. The Public Information, of which Professor Harding Is one of the authors. In ad ty stock and more like an observatory. subsidiaries, forming the so-called peared to be radical. fire is believed to have resulted from dition, a selected list o f books and With the entennae o f the w ire less “ shoe machinery trust.” Professor Lo Monaco explained that defective wiring and occurred just magazine articles for more general station rising from each end, the Reorganization o f the army air serv the bronchial secretion is an indis t#ter J. S. Grieve, an employe, turned reading Is given at the close of each grandstand from a distance looks like a man-of-war, and the paddock be ice was completed Tuesday by Presi pensable medium for the existence o f on the light switch in the office while chapter. the tubercule bacilli and that by the on his way to the boiler room. Grieve Many o f the quotations o f evidence tween the stables, with numerous in dent Wilson as his first act under the new law perm itting him to readjust injection o f saccharose the secretion built a fire under a boiler and return are from sources not easily accessible struments covered with white tarpaul government departments for the war. diminishes and finally disappears, the ing to the other part o f the building to the general reader. The following ins at night, has the appearance o f a Illustrate the German plans of world spooks’ play ground. bacilli disappearing with it. found it in flames. In an executive order he directed that dominion and reliance upon brute the air service be wholly divorced Soldiers working under the direction force: Ex-Czar to Re Exiled. Army Balloon Escapes.* * from the signal corps and also that the God has called us to civilize the o f the Warren Spruce company are Geneva, Switzerland, Sunday— Nich functions o f producing and operating Omaha, Neb. — A French type ob world; we are the missionaries o f hu busy slashing right-of-way between a ircraft o f all kinds in the military olas Romanoff, ex-emperor o f Russia, Yaquina and Alsea bays for the new man progress.” — (K aiser W illiam I I .) servation balloon broke away from its' and his fam ily, according to reports “ The German race Is called to bind moorings here about noon Sunday, land service be separated. railroad. printed in Vienna newspapers, has the earth under Its control.”— (Lu dw ig ing at Cumberland, Ia., undamaged, A fte r buffeting strong head winds in been given his choice o f exile in The greatest improvement in the Woltmann, 1913.) and its Bole occupant, Lieutenant the ocean o ff the Golden Gate, the con Roumania or Switzerland and has de county roads, apparent for a number In making accessible this mass of White, none the worse for his exper crete steamer Faith returned from a cided to go to Switzerland. This con o f years, has been wrought in different systematically and critically arranged ience. The hag ascended to a height successful trial trip late Friday after cession, it is stated, was granted sections o f the Klamath Falls district material, the Committee on Public In o f 10,000 feet at one point o f is jour noon. The vessel, which made a suc on certain conditions, the principal one in the past few weeks. The highways formation has performed a service not ney. A defective steel cable is as merely to schools and colleges, and cessful trial trip in San Francisco Bay being that he would refrain from mak are being repaired and new grades in a clubs, for which the study Is primarily cribed as the reason for the escape. on Sunday, May 5, was given an ocean ing efforts to return to the Russian number o f instances have been con Intended, but also to every person who Army trucks were dispatched to return test to determine further her worth. throne. structed. seeks to know the facts about the war. the bag to Fort Omaha. London Thirty-seven persons were killed and 155 injured in the Ixmdon area during Sunday night’* air raid. Six persons were injured in the pro vince*. The casualties are divided as follows: London and the metropolitan police district Killed: Men, 17; women, 14; children, 6; total, 37. Injured: Mon, 83; women, 49; children, 28; total, 155. P rovin ces— Injured: Men, 2; wo men, 3; children, 1; total, 6. Considerable damage to property has Evrnta o f Noted People, Government* been reported. Thousands o f persons had their first end Pacific Northwest and Other experience in a raid. They were visi Thing* Worth Knowing. tors from many points o f England, Scotland and Wales, who took advan tage o f the Whitsuntide holidays, which run from Saturday until Tues Charles W. Fairbanks, former vice day, to visit the metropolis. president o f the United States, is crit ically ill at his home in Indianapolis with B right’s disease. Brief Resume Most Important Daily News Items. COMPILED FOR YOU DRAFT REGISTRATION DAY SET FOR JUNE 5 Lemuel Dunham, a' logger, i* in the Washington county ja il on the charge o f being a slacker, and w ill be turned over to Federal officers. His home is at Elma, Wash., and he admit* that he did not register. President Reassures Nation of Determined Purpose. FRENCH HEARTENED