I ff ; / r ■ m U P . u * ji y vf>— L et (Ht? Jfanrst droit? iExorraa AN IN D E PE N D E N T WEEKLY NEWSPAPER Voi. 3 FOREST GROVE. OREGON. THURSDAY. MAY 23. 1918 CONDENSED NEWS NOTES nr Red Cross Quota Will Be Raised War Savings Report Washington county is “ Over the Top” in everything except War Sav ings. What does it require to put us “ over the top?” 1st. #44,000 per month in War Savings. 2d. Every man, woman and child cutting out unnecessary ex penditures and investing what he or she can in War Savings. When are we going over the top? In June. The count?-"* o X o f ^ S n u i ' invested in W. S. S. »re Multnomah Marion $168,000. Linn $139,000, No. 20 PREPARING FOR MEMORIAL DAY m n n iA F ii A daughter wan born last week □ ^ Q F Q '1® Mr und Mr* R - A McCurdy. I ULL Ul O U m m u L O * Flag« and bunting of all kind« ...i . - . r, . . , : for Decoration Day. A G . Hoff- Enough solicitors have so far The figure* from last Friday • | man & ( »Q Headquarters James B. Math- reported to guarantee that West ews Post, G . A. R.f Forest primury election are surprising to E U. Cate, the Rainier Chev ern Washington county will raise Grove, Oregon. many, especially to those who had rolet man. had business in this the $4,500 asked of it for the Red We do respectfully solicit the expected new men to be nominat city yesterday. C nss war fund, but complete re City of Forest Grove, also all ed on the republican ticket for lodges. Boy Scouts, Girls’ Honor We have no cheap furniture, turns cannot be published in this governor and United States Sen but wp have good furniture cheap. issue, as some districts have not Clackamas *,:®-0oo. Umatilla $il5,noo, Guard, school children and Forest yet reported. Fol owing is the W a.hington llu .5 0 Q . . Grove bund to co-operate in the It ator. In the republican column C. E. Smith. report at the close of yesterday: Investors in W. S. S. should consider n Prnrat|nn n » v nrnaram THnra Governor Withycombe was an j Orval Howard went to Portland coming in a little heavier. Those who , °[i program, inurtl Quota Subscribed have the limit take the limit for the, day. May 30th. easy winner over Simpson and T UPH<iay and rustled himself a job ... $2500.00 Forest Grove 1967.56 other members of the family. Those Olcott. his nearest competitors i in u Uurwi atfir„ And we would ask those having Gaaton __ 400.00 m o o who have not started buying don t de - 1 automobiles to contribute their and McNary easily defeated Rob- Workmen have started on a Dillcyi ... 300.00 517.80 lay another day. Buy Stamps eri N. Stanfield for the long term Hillsboro arwl ForestGrove have each machines to convey the old sol- new bement walk between Marsh Cornelius .......... ..... 400.00 400.00 nenatorship. with Fred W. Mulkey diers and the W. R. C. to the ! started a $1,000 Limit W. S. S. club. V erboort ..... 125.00 178.60 an easy winner of the short term hall and the Carnegie library. cemetery. We earnestly request all persons who 56.00 Miss 0<ma Finley of Hagerman David’» Hill ......... 100.00 nomination Judge Thomas Ryan are willing to subscribe to the pledge Thy Boy Scouts and the Girls’ . 100.00 and are able to invest this amount in is slightly in the lead for state Idaho, has been visiting in the J. Thatcher Honor Guard will lead the parade, __ 100.00 Kanaaa City 173.50 W. 8. S. this year to have already in treasurer and John S. Coke has S Loynes home in this city. vested this amount to send in their facing west, and forming at the Galea Creek ..... 200.00 probably captured the nomination Miss Beth Potwin entertained .... 75.00 80.00 names as members of the Limit Club corner of A street and Pacific ave for supreme judge. C. H. Gram the P. U. sophomore girls at a Glenwood or apply personally to M. P. Cady, __ 100.00 112.00 Chairman of Hillstairo Committee or tc nue, not later than 9:55 a. m. captures the nomination for labor ¿'inner party last Friday evening. Watts 100.00 Cherry Grove W. J. McCready, Chairman of Forest Following the«e organizations will commissioner and Fred A Wil Grove committee. Probably Banks, be t h e school children, Forest 150.00 laurrlwiKid The members of the ('berry liams will fie the party Candida e Beaverton, Sherwood might easily form Grove band and lodges. Hillside 100.00 graduating class were in Grove for public service commissioner. Limit Clubs. The rrfarch will be continued to 100.00 Ralph Williams is the successful the city yesterday, having their Fern Hill A big W. S. S. meeting of delegates Blooming 73.00 and committee men from all over the the monument to the unknown pictures taken. aspirant for national committee and Iowa Hill .... 100.00 89.50 state wiil be held at the Elks Hall, dead in the cemetery and there man. Miss Carol Phillips and two lit- j Broadway and Stark St., Portland on wait until the old soldiera arrive The vote on the republican tie nieces arrived Tuesday from i Some of tjie districts "have only May 29, beginning at 9:30 a. m. and at the monument, Nehalem for a visit with*^Forest made partial reports, ■•o the fig- closing at 9:00 p. m. county ticket is as follows: , ures in the second column of the After the services the organiza N. A. FROST, Grove friends. leg isla tiv e - above table are not to he taken Chairman of W. S. S. Washington Co. tions will disband and the graves I W 11 sines Furniture will never be any 'will be decorated. as final. Mrs. Chowningand Miss . . _ William G. Hare 19X7 cheaper until long after the war Mary Cor I are looking after the LiOCal MciSOnS I rVlIlC In the afternoon at 2:30 o'clock B. !’ . Cornelius ... 1387 ends. Come in and let us quote p lr ir i/»!il t im r L i n ( K p " ^ I clerical work in the office n of f W W organizations will re-assemble and L. M. Graham 1414 you prices. C. E Smith. It H Hollis and L M. Graham march to Marsh Hall where a pro County Judge The K. of P boyB cleared a where persons who have been gram of music and addresses by J. W. Goodin 1458 : nic" little sum for their war fund over-looked may contribute, if Messrs. W. H. Hollis, A. E. good speakers will be given. 1» B. Kcasoner 1188 from their dance of Saturday ev they desire. Scott, c L and D D Bump ^ Business houses are asked to be County Commissioner- ening and participants reporta closed from 10 a. m. to 3 p. m. j , w i Sen iius 1396 the local Masonic lodge and Mrs very nice time The school children are es Kodell Mutteaon 1140 M J. Abbott and Miss Christine Miss Dora Baker returned t 9 Sheriff — Mackrodt of the Eastern Star pecially invited to gather flowers I02t : her home just east of this city Grant Mann chapter were in Portland last Sat and make wreaths to carry to the 1027 J Friday, from Douglas, Alaska, cemetery for at least 70 graves Geo. Alexander The Washington county draft urday, before the Masonic home- and the grave for the unknown where she h a s been teaching County Clerk - building committee to endeavor board has called sixty men to ap- to convince the committee that d«*d. 2093 | school the past year. H. A. Kurmtli County Recorder — Attested by . Th** faculty of Pacific Univer- P<*ar at Hillsboro next Wednesday Forest Grove was the place for Win. Nelgon 389 sity has awarded Martin Bernards, for examination. From these 49 the home. J. T. BUTLER. How well the local Kd J. Boos 500 a junior, the Witham silver cup, will he selected to go to Fort Me- delegation succeeded will not be Post Commander. Fred A. Everest 1752 given each year to the student Dowell. Calif., to join the artillery, known u n t i l the grand lodge W. H. HAY, County Treasurer— making the greatest progress in Following are the names of those meets, the second week in June, Post Adjutant. James H. Davis 871 debate. summoned: Portland, Gresham and Estacada | PAT CRONIN, K. It. ^’ip[iington 1765 ,w. the w.,w home — and w. Patriotic Instructor, Th" U. S. Employment Service, j John Olds, Jacob Coppens. Al- are also out for Surveyor— , each has its arguments. L. M .' m . f *• , .. , vin Hunger. George Vincent, El- The ■ (,. Reiter 2274 247 Davis street, Portland, is reg Graham 1« a member of the board The t formation o ™ “ “ " °» the parade is Williams, Herbert Syver- istering women and girls for berry 1 mer »• as follows: Coroner - son, Lester Davis, Benjamin List, and he will, no doubt, put up a Mayor and City Council, Geo. J. Limber...... . . . .... 2269 picking and packing in the Hood strong fight for his home town. Picking will liegin Earl Gardner, Herman C. Schind Boy Scouts, On the democratic state ticket, River district ler, John J. Boos. George Reiser. about June 1st, and the work will Honor Guard Girls, Walter M . Pierceof Union county Russell M Burrus. Silas J. Bech last about six weeks. High School Pupils, gets the nomination for governor; en, Louis L. Arata, Alvin W. Lull, Central School, Johnny Mathews reports that Leroy Smith. Cletus Fitzgerald, Oswald West is the candidate for Lincoln School, U. S. senator, and W. H. Homi- his black horses, which were in - Henry N. Christopher. J o h n Band, brook of Linn county is named jured by a harrow last week, are Shaw, John Zuercher. Clemens The trustees and faculty mem-! Forest Grove Rifle Club, recovering nicely under the min Camenzind.John Farthing Loynes. for nationa committeeman bers of Pacific Universiiy havei Masons, Odd Fellows, The only contest on the dem istrations of Dr. Coon. The horse Roy R. Walters, Roy L. Mullin, Knights of Pythias, , prepared an exceptionally attrac- i which was thought to have re ocratic county ticket was for Andrew Jackson Gassett. Andrew Other Lodges and Societies, county judge. R O Stevenson ceived the worst injuries is almost W. Brasesco, Julius Skoggs Ken- tive program for the College’s W. R. C. and G. A. R. in Autos. fifty-sixth annual commencement of this city received 263 votes and ready for work again. nard Dixon, John Conieri, (Ed exeicises, which open at Marsh i All persons interested in the L. L. Crawford of Manning re Having discovered that he is 20 ward J. Rasmussen, Harry G. ceived 64 votes. The name of J. pounds overweight and the photo Boge. Albert Henderling. R oy Hall at 8 o ’clock Saturday even decoration of graves, please bring E. Reeves was written in for sher graph business being quiet at this Glen Simon, Andas Monstis, Earl in g , June 1st. Following is the flowers. G. E. Richards will have charge iff by 270 democrats and some r e -! time of year, Archie Bryant M on -jC . Thurber, Jes-e S. Baker, Al- program: Saturday, June 1 of the parade and the teachers publicans and enough voters wrote j day went to work in a ship yard fred C . . Harrington Roscoe H. will have charge of their pupils. in the names of E. B. Sappington,: axJ’ortland. 8:00 P. M.—Anniversary of the Con ’ortland. Mrs. Bryant, whose Jones, Alva P. Patton, Merle H . A Kuratli and Fred Everest s ^ kj I in the servatory of Music. John Hess Jr — I Thatcher ---------- district --------- | Grub, --------------- Jr., Dudley G. i Memorial Services to give these republicans the dem c ’o-ed Friday, is running the gal- Knapp, Anthony B. I,eis, Homer Marsh Hall. ocratic nominations for county lery. will be h^fcl in the Congregational Sunday, June 2 E. Mayes, Bradford Fowles, Milo treasurer, clerk and recorder, r - 1 church in Forest Grove, Oregon, ^red MatthiesemRay- 11:00 A. M.— Baccalaureate Sermon: on May 26th, 1918, at 3 o ’clock spectively. There may be other | Pacific University students were “ Called to Service,” Rev last Friday sts last Fridav to graduates : i ? 00/ j^re°A u’ p. m. The G. A. R., the W o democrats dominated o n t h e j hosts erend Edward Constant of Waahinofnn 1 * red Cradle. Chester M . Haskell county ticket, hut the scattering from several of the Washington Hans H. Sehaffenberg, Emil F. man’s Relief Corps, the Boy Portland. Congregational After a votes had not h"en counted when county high schools. Scouts, the Girls’ Honor Guard j Sciffert, John George Findlater, Church. dance at the gym, the members the Express got its figures this and the Campfire Girls will at- before the Chris- of the party had a picnic at George Jurgens, William Henry 8:00 P. M. —Address . . .. D .te n d . The Civic * -»Societies, Societies, the forenoon._______________ Duyck’s grove, where large quan I^acy, Julius Caesar Koschnitzkv, » '" 'T ; congregations „1 all churches and The Conservatory of Music o f tities of wieners, ice cream, coffee John R. DeHaan, George Fitzlaff. Herbert G. Crocker of Ore- the generai public are cordially Pacific University announces a and salads were consumed. Congregational gon City. Don’ t forget we carry the invited. Assemble at K . of P. second recital for Friday evening, Church. apron authorized for use in the hall at 2:30. CH APLAIN . Jesse G. Sage, who left this city May 24, in which the piano stu (Continued on Page 4) dents of M iss Walker will appear. three weeks ago with Washington cannery. A. G. Hoffman & Go. High School Graduation The Express hears that J. E. There will also be numbers from I county’s last contingent of select- Art Caples the first of th*week The baccalaureate sermon to the voice department including a men, writes that he is at Camp sheared his sheep and secured Lewton, who lost a son when the the graduates of the Forest Grove Fremont, Calif , and likes camp Tuscania went down and who has number by t he Girls’ Glee club. from 22 ewes 215 pounds of w ool,! high school will be delivered by life firs!-rate, except that tents another son fighting in France, The violin recital by Prof. Gra which, at 60c the pound, will ham’s pupils which was announced are rather chilly bedchambers ! bring him about as much as 22; isn’t satisfied with his sacrifices Rev. Patten at the Congregation for this week will be given on this time of year. He speaks j sheep would have brought five I for world democracy, but has of al church at 8 o ’clock next Sun fered to the Army Y . M. C. A. day evening. Tuesday evening of next week, highly of the food served. He is | years ago. attached to the 62nd infantry. his own services. On Friday evening, May 31, at May 28. Program to begin at , Just received, the latest in 8 o ’clock the graduation exercises 8:00 o'clock. A number of the Methodist The Woman’s Committee of the will beheld at the M. E. church. white Oxfords, high and low heel.i Council of National Defense will Program will be printed next Mr. and Mrs. Clinton McGill ladies last evening made Mrs. I A. G. Hoffman & Co. W. D. Haskell the victim of a sur meet in the Rogers library, Satur week. and four-weeks-old son are ex Mr. and Mrs. E. W. I.amb left day at 3 p. m. All members please pected out from Portland Sunday prise party, the gathering being a Mrs. C. S. Aydelott yesterday to visit Grandpa and Grandma J. farewell for Mrs. Haskell, who is yesterday for a visit to Iowa. be present. By order of the pres going to move to Portland, where Mr. Lamb will remain two or ident. Mrs. J. E. Pogue, Sec. received a letter from her young F. McGill. her husband and son are em three weeks and Mrs. I,amb may est brother, C. C . Newhouse, who New arrivals in Petticoats. is in France with the American A son was born at the Forest ployed. The visitors brought re remain in the east all summer. Grove hotel on Wednesday of last freshments and also a nice ja r Their daughter, Florence, is liv See our line of changeable silk hospital corps. Mr Newhouse en week to Mr and Mrs. Harry Sea- diniere for their sister church ing with Mr. and Mrs. Orval and the new striped Petticoats. listed from Monmouth, where he A. G . Hoffman & Co. worker. bold of Schofield. wac attending the state normal. Hutchens. flF mi PPP To Get Home Here Draft Board Calls for Sixty More Men A Fine Program for P. U. Commencement1