The Forest Grove express. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1916-1918, May 16, 1918, Image 9

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    Supplement io forest Grove Express
Vol 3
Forest drove, Ore.. Thursday, May 16, 1918.
No. 19
Roy A. Watkins, the expert re­
pair man, had business in Port­
Eddie Mums, a marine from land Tuesday.
Texas, visited his parents in this
W. F. Johnson and aunt, Mrs.
city Sunday.
Lucy Williams, visited friends in 4 Hundreds of people from var­
Dr. Durland, Chiropractic and McMinnville Sunday
ious points in Western Washing­
Nalureopath. Office at *A St. &
I^oren Watkins w as in town ton county assembled at Dilley
1st Ave. N. Phone 676.
Tuesday, enroute to his home at last Sunday afternoon to witness
Khaki pants that fit right. wear “ Mack” after a visit to Portland. the program incident to the un­
right and look tight, men's and
R. C Mo<ely, arrested last furling of the flag awarded that
boys’ sizes. C K Roy & Co
week for robbing the home of Tom town for oversubscription of the
Marrv Stone, (general secretary Phillips, has been held to the Liberty Ix>an. ’ The meeting was
held in the open air, on the lawn
of the Portland V M. C. A., vi-- grand jury.
of the Judge Stevens home, with
ited friends in this city Sunday.
E. II. Cate of Rainier was in
Put away your heavy union town Tuesday, trying to get an- Judge W. H. Hollis of this city
suits for next fall. Spring weights other carload of Chevrolet cars presiding.
The program was opened with
are now in season.
L’ Roy & for hjg territory.
singing of “America” by the
after which Rev. Corn-
Mr. and Mrs I. A. Moore
spent the week-end with their,. Paterson
t ... and
. . H . B. Johnson
.. are stock invoked the divine blessing.
Ten school girls sang a song,
daughter. Mrs. Ceorge A y d e ¡curb
l o line
t t | • of
#tn * their
L laiT
£ !:£ along
J the
after which Chairman Hollis gave
of Kansas City.
business blocks
the flag to the Boy Scouts, who
O Waddle has moved from the |
it on the tall flag pole.
Haber property on the Creenville
Mayor Paterson is having his
road to the Robt McCracken bakery remodeled to accomodate Then came a patriotic song by
farm on N. Main street.
a number of tables, as he has de- the audience, after which Mayor
cided to open a lunch room about Wall of Hillsboro delivered a red-
Miss V' ra Schiffer, who ha' the middle of next week.
hot anti-Hun address. Sixteen
been teaching in the Sherwood
first grade «chool children gave a
schools, is spending her vacation
Special sermons and appropri- very pretty flag drill, after which
by clerking in the Fuqua store
music for “ Mothers’ Day” ten school girls rendered another
. ,,
! was the order of the day at the song and Re v . Comstock pro­
The Forest (.-ove cmnery M ethodist, Congregational and
made a goon run on rhubarb h u t , Chri8tian chu ches last Sunday, nounced the benediction..
The f>eople of Dilley have cause
week and will continue operating wdh unusua||y good attendance
to be proud of their patriotic
all summer, as the various crops a t all three places of worship,
are ready for canning.
work since America entered the
Mr s . Norris Rogers arrived war and the big crowd present at­
New Georgette waist«, stylish
cor-ets, brassiers, silk skirts and Monday from “ Mack” for a visit tested that the people, generally,
ribbons just received; these goods *’ith her parents, Mr. and Mrs appreciate t h e efforts of the
a r e exceptional values. Mrs. H R. Bernard, and Miss Jessie Dilleyites.
Blanche Richards, Pacific avenue. Buxton and other friends. She
A Series of Recitals
returned home yesterday. Mr.
Carl Stribich has so far recov­ and Mrs. Rogers expect to leave
The Conservatory of Music of
ered from the operation which re­ next week for a tour of California. Pacific
University announces a re­
lieved him of a troublesome ap­
be given next Saturday
pendix that he is again at work at
18th, in Marsh
the Tucker- Sehroll- Stribich gar­ of his city and Mrs. Frank Mc­ Hall, at May
eight o’clock, to which
hill musicians in furnishing music j the public is invited. This is the
Dr. E. B Brookbank left la st; Sunday afternoon at a big patri- [ first of a series of recitals to be
Saturday for Seattle, where he I 0tjc ra||y Messrs. Smith and Ir- given in the near future. Those
wi l l practice medicine. M r s . 1 vine, who spoke in this city Mon- to come are a« follows: Thursday,
Brookbank and children will join day night, were the speakers and May 23, recital of violin music by
him shortly.
there was a big crowd in attend- students of Prof. Graham; Friday,
May 24, piano students of Miss
Remember, friends, you must ance.
Wa ker will appear; Saturday,
pay in advance to get the Express
Agree on Drafting
June 1st, the annual anniversary
at one dollar per year. The reg­
M a y 15.—Con­ recital of the Conservatory will
ular price is $1 50. We pay you
ferees agre^i Monday on the be given; Monday, June 3rd, Miss
50c to collect ftom yourself.
c . . -
, measures drafting those who have Waggener and Mrs. Hutchinson
Properly fitted glasses do more become 2 \ since June 5 last. The will present Miss Eleanor Peter-
than improve vision
I hey con- djgpUte was over exemption of son, (piano) and Miss Beth Cran­
serve nervous energy, thereby medical and divinity atudents.
dall, (voice) in a program of much
promoting physical health and in­
Under the compromise, students merit. The annual Commence­
creasing efficiency in all vocations already in the schools will be ex­ ment concert, details of which is
calling for close work with ihe empt from registration, but stu­ announced elsewhere will be on
eyes. Dr. I,owe makes a scien­ dents who enroll from this time Tuesday evening June 4th
tific examination of the "yes, es­ will not be.
sential in prescribing and supply­
The Faculty club members en­
Saturday a number of P. U. joyed a picnic in Naylor’s grove
ing the exact kind of glasses need­
ed. Consult him at Hotel I.augh- students made the Columbia high­ one of the beauty spots of the
lin, Thursday, May 30. Scores way trip, as guests of Mr. Arima neighborhood, last Monday even­
of Portland.
of Forest Grove references.
People of Dilley
Unfurl Honor Flag