Stiff .Sffnrrai (group iExprrofl Published every Thursday at Forest Grove, Oregon. W. C. Benfer, Editor and l*ublisher. Entered as second-class matter Jan. 12, 1916. at the poetotflee at Forest Grove, Oregon, under the Act o f March 8, 1879 Subscription Kates Paid in advance $1.00 One year . .50 Six months ......................... 25 Three Months On Credit One vear Six months Three months $1.50 .75 .40 THURSDAY, MAY 16. 1918 Because they consider lots of other things more .important dur­ ing war times, the people of Port­ land will not hold a rose show this spring. Sound sense, that. —r— r r , , Prize-fighters should make good soldiers and they can be spared easier than some o f . the hard­ working boys now with Pershing. Why n o t s e n d the whole “ caboodle,” including Jess Willard, to the front? for governor, was in the city Mon­ day and predicted that he wil win the nomination tomorrow and beat the man the republicans nominate. H e admits h is op^ ponent, Mr. Starkweather, is a flne man> says he will beat him> just the same ____________________________________________________________________________________ mm mmmmmamm J *' .' L ET US T E L L Y O U what a Silo, a Harn, a House, a Gar­ “ Yellow Dog” friends of Kaiser age or a Chicken House will cost you, complete. It won’t Bill are circulating rumors in this country to the effect that Amer­ cost you anything to talk and we can beat all comers on SI I A) ican soldiers in Europe are losing quality and price. their morals, suffering from vener The head camp Modern Wood eal diseases, etc Dan Poling, as­ men of America has one million sociated president of he United doHare* worth of Liberty Bonds, of Christian Endeavor, re­ bought with reserve funds, to say cently returned from the front, Phone 531 Forest Grove, Oregon nothing of what individual mem­ ¡says the American soldiers at the bers of the order have purchased. (front have no rum ration, as is the That’s sure going some. MY SWEET LITTLE MOTHER IV. case with the British and French dered to their country by their , Our Father, who art In Heaven. Kaiser Bill doesn’t want you to soldiers and they are more free consistant, unselfish, and naiient (The following beautiful poem help the Red Cross, because the from venereal diseases than the support of the successive Lib rty was written by First Sergeant List to a lone soldier’ s plea Red Cross is helping in the fight same number of civilians in Amer Loans, which have been offered Enoch I. Will, a Forest Grove Thy Kingdom come. Thy will be done. But be kind to the likes o ’ me. against H u n despotism. The ica. General Pershing makes it by the Treasury Department. boy and grandson to W. J R “ These loans could not have Beach of this city, and was pub­ For mine is a mission o f juatice more you give the more you dis­ his personal business Mr. Poling please the Kaiser and the more says, to safeguard the morals of succeeded without the support of lished in the “ Tale Spin,” (official To rid the world o f the Hun, the soldiers, so they can come the newspapers, and it gives me Leaving hearts and home and loved you please Pershing’s Yanks. ones; back home as clean as they went great pleasure to make this ac- organ of the Ellington Field, Texas, aviation field:) With the primary election cam­ away. When you hear a man say know edgment. To the mercy o f Thy only Son An enlightened paign closing tomorrow, we will the American soldiers are low in public opinion is the chief asset I. Jesus the Rock o f Ages get a rest from political dope for a morality, just ask him how he of a democracy. By keeping the Born near the great western ocean —Hallowed be Thy name. few months The “ friends of the knows and insist on an answer. people of America informed on Pacific—the grave o f our heroes; dear people” will revive in about Smoke out the Hun propagandists. public events and transmitting ‘ Neath shadows o f ancient pine trees, three months, however, and again word of the financial and other That battled the storms through the I desire to announce to the legal flood the mails with pictures AUTOCRAT ages; needs of the Government, the voters of Washington County that of themselves BADLY BEATEN American newspapers have per Lulled to sleep by the murmur I am a candidate for the office of O f breakers grown faint from the dis­ The list of casualties from the ormed a public and incalculable The city team last week hauled Sheriff al the Republican pri- tance; Dead, service to the Nation. I know to the garbage dump 1250 sacks battle in Michigan is in mari**s to be held May 17. The Waked in the glorious morn of tin cans, bottles, etc., besides a 3285 saloons and 62 breweries; that the service will be continued vacancy in this office did not oc­ By the lark songs’ thrilling cresendo; large number of barrels and boxes 1 slightly wounded, 8400 employes. and that the newspapers will do cur in time to have my name Such is the land of her birthplace. The wounded are already on their full share in assi-ting Amer­ filled with rubbish. Most of this printed upon the ticket, hence it the high road to recovery. The ica to win this war for democracy Pacific—the Gateway to Heaven. rubbish was tin cans, indicating will be necessary for my friend* II. that in spite of this section being war creates such a demand for and justice.” and supporter» to write my name Breath o f the spirit o f life, a fine fruit district, people con­ workmen that idlers run the risk in the ballot. Your support will That is borne on the zephyrs o f heav'n; sume large quantities of food of being mistaken for German be appreciated. Sweeter by far than the pen coming out of tin cans. All of spies. Of mortal artist can picture; J. C. KU RATLI. which should make Kaiser Bill But, in the closing up of De­ Lighter her step than the moonbeams Pd. Advt.) smile. _______________ troit we notice that there were Corvallis. Ore., May 14 —Grain That kiss the flowers in the valley; several places of heavy patronage About noon Monday, while Republican voters of Forest smut can be controlled only by Clearer and sweeter her voice Grove and vicinity should remem­ under whose regulations women exact methods of seed treatment. Than silver-toned bells o f the Father’s; Johnny Mathews was preparing to harrow a lot in the rear of the ber when they go to the polls to­ could enter unattended bur no man This has been brought home to Such is my girlie from Loveland, new Hoffman block, hi» team be­ morrow that L. M. Graham is the could enter unless accompanied tundreds of farmers by the field Polly—my sweet little mother. came frightened and »taried to only candidate for the legislature I by a female. The police of any men in the ^mut control campaign III. run. The harrow w a s thrown from the west end of the county city who permit a public place— carried on by the O. A. C. Ex First she beheld the devotion, Let us have one of the three rep­ call it saloon, cabaret or club—to periment Station. My eyes could not hide in their rapture, onto the heel» of the horse» and both were painfully cut, one of resentatives to be nominated. The run under such regulation* are Like a frightened fawn she fled me, All over the state farmers have Straight to the breast o f her mother. the animal» falling on the over­ others are E. W. Haines of North simply promoting ruin of innocent turned harrow and becoming so Plains and W. G Hare and Ben girls and catering to professional jeen found using lax methods of But love, the despot o f ages, seed treatment, many of which Drew forth my sweet little maiden badly impaled that he had to be Cornelius of Hillsboro. Vote for i prostitution.—Portland News. were not effective in controlling To the claHp o f my tender embrace, lifted off the teeth The animal» Mr. Graham and any two others. THE DEBTS OF THE the smut, and a great many cases And the soul-waking warmth o f my were taken to Dr. Coon, the vet- Be loyal to your town. were found where the treatment W ARRING NATIONS | erinary, who fixed them up and kisses. Reports come from the east to The London Economist for Feb- killed the smut all right, but it Such, was my darling's first wooing— ha» hopes of bringing them out the effect that financial sharks a>e I ruary places the total gros* debt was so effective that it killed a Heaven true love and our home. not much the worse for their ex- making big money buying Liberty 1 of Great Britain at $27,736,000,- large portion of the grain also. ! pericnce. One of the animals was IV. Bonds at 95c on the dollar from 000 . That farmeis are awaking to Sunny the pathway o f life. | pulled out of serious illness two people who feel they cannot af­ years ago by Dr. Coon, when it The French m inis'erof Finance the necessity for proper care in Contented -our love in a cottage. ford to keep their bonds With in presenting the budget for 1918 this matter is attested by the fol­ had stepped on a nail and suffered Blessed the day o f our son born the discount and the interest on estimated t h e public debt of lowing report sent to H. P. Barss, | blood poisoning. The eve o ’ the great war o f nations. the bonds, they are the best France on December 31, 1918, at Plant Pathologist at O. A C., by Cursed the arch fiend o f ages, money makers the sharks can $22,227,000,000. Dr. W. J. Kerr, president of O. Arthur L Dickinson, near Mt. Who crusheth the hearts o f our loved buy. Keep your bonds if you A. C., will speak at the court View, Benton county, Oregon, a ones; The public debt of Italy at the possibly can. If they are good house at Hillsboro at 8 o ’clock volunteer reporter in the Oregon Like a vintner crusheth the grapes enough for the big bugs they are end of 1917 is estimated at $6,- Crop Disease Survey: this (Thursday) evening, discus­ For the ne’er ending thirst o ’ the 676,000,000. good enough for you. sing lhe question, “ What Do We “ We sowed some oats that was rabble. The debts of the Central Pow­ Expect of the Government and With its excellent climate, good ers are estimated as follows: Ger­ not treated with formalin to finish Sweet little home in a cottage, schools and churches, unexcelled many, $25,408,000,000; Austria, a piece and this strip was affected Crushed by the Hun’s deadly vintage. What May the Government Ex­ pect of Us?” The meeting is un­ V. water and a good electric light $13,314,000,000; a n d Hungary, very bad with smut, while the der the auspices of the Washing­ rest had very little, if anv. Tonight she sits by the fireside, and gas service, Forest Grove $5,704,000,000. ton County Patriotic league and would be an attractive place to “ We also sowed some wheat A-singing her babe’s lullaby;! Our own public debt is now everybody is invited. home seekers if we but had a de­ around $8,000 000,000, but more that had been treated a couple of Dreaming the while o f her lover, cent telephone system. Whatever than ha f of this amount has been weeks or more, which did not' Who fighteth the Hun from the sky; Public Notice the cause, it is doubtful if there is loaned to our Allies and will be grow well, and t w o or three' Breathing a prayer to the Infinite Father - the Spirit o f Love— Dr. Brookbank is leaving he another town in the United States repaid us. It is estimated that of neighbors al o noticed that the \ “ Mercy!’ ’ She pleads “ Oh, have city and all accounts due the firm the size of Forest Grove with so the total net expenditures of the grain that had been treated and mercy!” of Ward & Brookbank have been rotten a telephone service. Please, United States for the fiscal year stood for a tim°, did not grow as List! -Oh, ye angels above. left at the First National Bank Faithful and true is the love o f Mr. Hughes, don’ t try the patience of 1918. exclusive of our advances well as that which was treated Polly—my sweet little mother. for collection. 18-2t* of your patrons to the breaking to our Allies, more than one-half just before planting.” point. _______________ will be defrayed by taxation. To the Voters Next Monday dozens of Forest Questions of vital State and Grove men and women will leave McADOO LAUDS National importance, and war their homes and places of busi­ THE PRESS measures, are likely to come be­ ness to canvass the town in the Under the new management, this market has been The relation of the newspapers interest o f t h e American Red of the country to the Liberty fore the State Legislature. It is stocked up with a tempting line of Cross society, which is carrying Loan and other governmental ef-1 important that you take a part aid and comfort to the boys “ over , forts is expressed in the telegram and vote for your preference for there.” When these solicitors call of Secretary McAdoo to the edit­ candidates a t t h e primaries. on you, treat them as if they ors assembled in New York last There are four candidates and but were doing you a favor; not as week in attendance on the meet­ three nominations. LOYAL M. GRAH AM , Hams, Bacon, Sausage, Hamburger, Wieners, etc. though they were beggars. The ing of the American Newspaper solicitors are making sacrifices, Publishers’ Association. Republican candidate for State Also Bread, Cookies, Pickles, Spices, for they not only give their time, Representative. Fruits and Vegetables. “ Will you be good enough to but they will also ask each other Primaries May 17 express to the members of the Fresh Fish Tuesdays and Fridays for contributions — and receive American Newspaper Pnblishers’ Mrs. Ernest Olson of Gales Free Deliveries We pay Cash for Veal them, too._________ ' Association, now in session, my Creek, who was recently operated 9 a. m. and 3 p. m. Pork, Hides, Poultry’ Walter M Pierce of LaGrande, sincere and warm appreciation of on for cancer, is recovering nicely Phone 0 3 0 1 and Eggs one of the democratic candidates the great service they have ren- in a Portland hospital. COPELAND & McCREADY J. C. Kuratli for Sheriff Exact Method Needed to Control Grain Smut The Pacific Market Fresh Beef, Veal, Pork Mutton and Poultry. . .