The Forest Grove express. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1916-1918, May 16, 1918, Image 1

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Stye Iterai (êrrntp lExprraa
Vol. 3
The recond Red Cross caiff*
paign to raise a hundred million
dollars for war work starts next
Monday morning and local mem-
ber* of the society have been
meeting frequently during the
past six days to plan the work and
select the workers. At a meeting
held Friday night, Judge Hollis
was selected as chairman, L. M.
Graham as campaign manager,
Mary Corl as secretary and M .
R Johnson as treasurer.
A. E. Scott, J. E. Bailey and
Allan Rice are a committee on ap­
portionment; Samuel Randall, J .
E. I>oomis and B F. Purdy will
look after the advertising; Rev.
John Ebert will furnish speakers
for meetings and A G. Hoffman.
F. S. Whitehouse, G. G. Paternon,
S. G. Hughes and C. L. Bump
are the committee on transporta­
tion. The men whose names are
given above constitute the execu­
tive committee and they met last
evening a n d
apportioned the
$4,500 to be raised by Western
Washington county and selected
the captains, as follows:
Fores* Grove — Mrs. M . R.
Johnson, Mrs. G. G. Paterson,
Mrs. F. S. Whitehouse. Mrs. A.
U. Marsh, and Messrs. J. M. Bar­
ber, C. A. Littler, J. A. Wiles and
R. W. Reder, captains; appor­
tionment $2,500.
Gaston—J M. Bell, $400.
Dilley—Mrs. C. A. Brodersen,
Cornelius— L. C . Mooberry,
Verboort — Martin Bernards,
David’s Hill — Grant Bailey,
Forest Grove Gets
An Honor Flag
down and run over. However.the
wheels did not pass over her body,
to which fact Mrs. Dixon un
doubtedly owes her life. The in­
jured woman was taken to a
physician’s office and her wounds
were given attention.
It was
found that no bone« were broken,
but her face and head were sev­
erely cut and bruised. She was
Thatcher— L. T. SilU, $100.
later taken to her home, where
Kansas City— Chaa. Buhman, she is recovering Mr*. Hughes,
naturally, feels very badly over
Gales C reek -N ick Lilly. $200. the Occident, although she does
Glenwood— Wm. Busse, $75.
not feel that she was wholly to
Watts—A S. Dilley, $100
blame, as she was not driving at
Cherry Grove— H. W. Scott, unreasonable speed and tried to
avert the collision.
Laurelwnod—Prof. Kay, $150.
Hillside -N oa h Baker, $100
War Veterans and Ladies Elect
Fern H ill- W. J. Griffin. $100.
During the closing hours of the
Blooming -Carl Phfall, $100.
state encampment of the G. A.-R.,
In this city each captain is to held at Albany this week, the vet­
draft five men or women, as the erans elected T. H. Stevens of
case may be, but in the other Portland department commander,
towns the captains may select E. P . Cox of Albany senior vice
the number most desirable.
and C. A. Williams was reappoint­
During a conference between ed adjutant and quartermaster.
Forest Grove and Hillsboro Red
Mrs. Bertha Gillman of Hepp-
Cross workers, held Tuesday ev­ ner is the new president of the
ening, it was decided that Forest Relief Corps, Mr*. S. Watts of
Grove should take the territory Corvallis is senior vice. Mary Sim­
mentioned and raise $4,500, while mons of Portland junior vice,
Hillsboro takes the remainder of Mary Barlow of Oregon City is
the county and raises $8,000
treasurer, Helen South wick of
The captains are urged by Salem is chaplain and Mrs. Stella
Manager Graham to select their Cornelius of Wapato, a daughter
workers as early as possible, get of John Baldwin, is a member of
them together in a meeting and the executive committee.
prepare them o start work early
Mrs. Eva Carnegie of Albany
k next Monday morning. He d e ­ is the new head of the Ladies of
sires to see how quickly his por the G. A . R.
tion of the county can get its
The several bodies will meet
quota, and he is ready to advise next year at The Dalles.
with those who may desire ad •
ditional information.
Saturday Is Butter Wrapper Day
Manager Graham has confi­
Hereafter the Express will make
dence enough in the people of a special rate on butter wrappers
Washington county to feel that t o be printed o n Saturdays.
will do their part when the solic­ Heretofore the prices on quanti­
itors call on them.
ties less than 100 have been higher
On this page appears a map than the woman with but one
which shows where the money cow felt she could afford to pay
raised in the first drive was spent. and for the benefit of those pat­
rons the Express makes the fol­
A Narrow Escape
lowing prices, Saturdays only:
Sunday afternoon, while Mrs.
50 Printed Wrappers
$ .75
J. W. Hughes was driving a car 100 Printed Wrappers
west on Pacific avenue, she ran 500 Printed Wrappers
over Mrs. Jennie Dixon, inflicting
Place your orders, either by
a number of paififul cuts and
or telephone, not later than
bruises on the victim of the ac­
Saturday morning; the
Mrs. Dixon was crossing
would suit better.
the avenue between the two
banks, going south, and when she Phone 821.
saw the Hughes car approaching
Fred Everest, republican candi
became confused and started back date for county recorder, was
toward the First National Bank. looking after his interests in the
M 'S . Hughes ran her car onto the city today. He has many friends
sidewalk in an effort to miss the here w|ho are with him in the fight
woman, but she was knocked tomorrow.
No. 19
For the remainder of this week,
the honor flag sent to Oregon by
Secretary McAdoo for the city or
town first selling its quota of Lib­
erty Loan bonds will be displayed
on the walls of Uncle Sam’s post-
office in this city. Eighteen towns
tied for the flag and it will remain
a week in each town. The state
campaign manager, R o b t . E.
Smith, hopes b y t h e e n d of
eighteen weeks to have solved
some way by which the flag will
be awarded a permanent home.
The emblem of “ get-up-and-get”
was brought to this city Monday
afternoon b y M r . Smith and
Frank B. Irvine, the blind editor
of the Oregon Journal, and pre­
sented at a meeting held in the
Congregational church Monday
evening. About one hundred men
and women were gathered to re­
ceive the flag and enjoy the ex­
cellent program of songs and
W. J. McCready, Forest Grove
Liberty Loan chairman, preside«!
at the meeting, which opened
with the singing of “ America” by
the audience, led by Thomas E.
Isaacs, with Russell Beals at the
piano. After the song, Chairman
McCready stated how the banks
and public-spirited people of the
city had authorized him to an­
nounce one minute after the drive
Funeral of George G. Dickson
started that the loan had been
The funeral of Geo. G. Dickson subscribed. He then introduced
F. T. Johnson of Buxton visited was held on Monday afternoon at Mr. Smith, who explained that
his brother, W. F., and wife yes­ the Forest Grove Undertaking seventeen other towns, three of
Parlors, Rev. Ebert of the Meth­ them (Banks, Cornelius and Beav­
Mrs. Frank Emerson visited odist church officiating. A large erton) in Washington county, had
her daughter, Una, at Sheridan number of friends and relatives taken the same steps to get their
were in attendance.
loans subscribed beforehand, in
in order to win the flag. Oregon
W. H. Greer hat been auite ill
was the first state to subscribe its
for the past two week.; ana, while
quota, and the first state in which
he is slightly improved today, he
years, was well represented, six every town and county had done
is still very weak.
members acting as pall bearers. likewise. He thought this infor­
Pacific University commence­ Two solos were rendered by Mr. mation would do the boys in
ment exercises begin June 1st and T. E. Isaacs, in a very impressive Europe more good than anything
end June 5th Program will be manner.
else that could have been done.
published next week.
Interment was made in Forest They had known for some months
Until further notice the Can­ View cemetery, t h e impressive that they had the moral backing
nery will receive Rhubarb at one Masonic committal service being; of the folks back home, but now
and one-half cents per pound. conducted by Judge Hollis. Mr. i they knew they had the American
We also want your Gooseberries, Dickson was a Mark M aster, dollars behind them also. He
Mason in Union lodge of Glasgow, thought the people of Washing­
Raspberries and Loganberries.
ton county were to be congratu­
Tuesday, when Miss Scheuer­ Scotland, where he was raised in lated for their enterprise and pat­
mann of Blooming went to a
riotism. He then presented the
Hillsboro hospital to visit a sick the stone c u t t e r s ' union. A flag (12x16 feet in size) and the
friend, she fell on the steps and ¡mother, 83 years old, two sisters, same was accepted by Mr. M c­
broke her arm, thus making an­ and four brothers survice him.
Cready, with a promise to try and
other patient.
keep it.
Card of Thanks
If you are invited to the Re-
The undersigned desire to make ' After the audience had sung
bckah entertainment tonight, be public announcement of their ap- j "Marching Thru Georgia,” Chair­
sure and go. for there is going to i predation of the many acts o f , man McCready. introducing Ed­
be a lot of fun in connection kindness extended them by friends j itor Irvine, stated that he (the
A silver offering will during the illness and after t he ! chairman) never went to bed at
be taken for war work.
death of their son and brother, the night without having first read
The I. O. O. F. grand lodge late George G. Dickson E spec-, the editorials in the Journal and
and Rebekah assembly convene at ially do they feel grateful to the he promised the people a fine ad­
Seaside next Tuesday and Messrs. members of Holbrook lodge N o., dress. Mr. Irvine thanked the
L. M. Graham, Bernard Ortman 30, A. F. & A. M ., for courtesies chairman for his kind words of ap­
preciation and proceeded to make
and J. H. Shearer go as delegates and floral offerings.
good Mr. McCready’s promises
from the local subordinate lodge
Mrs M. A. Dickson
by delivering one of the most
Mesdames Graham and Ross go
and Family.
and most patriotic ad­
to the assembly and Mr. Ortman
dresses made in Forest Grove in
Prof. West Has Enlisted
is delegate to the grand Encamp­
Prof. E. D. West, for the past { years. He stated, very emphat­
ically, that the war was a struggle
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Wirtz, Mrs. six years an instructor in Pacific between Christianity and pagan­
Robert WMrtz and J. J. Wirtz yes­ University, has enlisted with the ism, with all the pagan nations on
terday attended the funeral of Army “ Y ” and will leave to­ one side and all the Christian na­
their grandniece Theda Wilkes, day for Camp Lewis to assume tions on the other. If the Stars
the two-year-old daughter of Mr. the duties of an educational sec - 1 and Stripes failed to find a haven
and Mrs. Bert Wilkes, who died retary. Mr. West has had several i over the towers of Berlin, there
at Corvallis Monday as the result good offers as an instructor for | was grave danger that the black
of injuries received when she the next school year, but felt th at; eagle of Prussia would eventually
pulled a motorcycle * over on her­ he could do more for Uncle Sam j fly over the national capitol at
self. Mrs Wilkes 1s a niece of by entering Y. M. C. A. work. Washington. This was no idle
the Wirtz boys and the funeral He has many friends in this city, threat, for if the allies failed to
in and out of the College, who
was held at Mountaindale.
will wish him a large measure of render Germany harmless, she
Miss Jessie Buxton yesterday success in the field of usefulness would keep on growing (by an­
afternoon entertained a few mar he has chosen and who will pray nexation) until o n l y the two
ried ladies at a party given in that he may be spared to his Americas stood between her and
honor of Mrs. Norris L. Rogers of chosen work after the war is over. world dominion. South America
McMinnville, who has be*m her Since coming to this city, Prof. was so honeycombed with German
guest for several days. The in­ West has been an active church intrigue that not much could be
vited guests were Mesdames W. and Sunday school worker and he expected from her in a fight
Pollock, A. B. Caples, F. S. Gor­ vvill be sadly missed in these fields. against Prussian ism.
don, C. W . Mertz, W. C. Schultz,
The speaker gave quotation af­
Prof. I. M. Grover, a teacher in ter quotation from German pro­
C. E. Smith and J. S. Buxton.
The hostess served a delightful the McMinnville College, visited fessors, teachers and preachers to
lunch and her guests voted her a at the W. P. Dyke home over show why the German people so
capital entertainer.
(Continued on Page 8)