CONDENSED NEWS NOTES Third L iberty Loan B onds will be here for delivery to pur­ chasers Friday, May 10th The F irst N ation al B ank Job printing phone 821. When you buy a Chevrolet, you buy a certainty. Mrs. M. T. Bates of Gaston was shopping in town Monday. We have suits to suit prices from $14.50 up. A. G. Hoffman & Co. O. P. HOFF, republican, for S tate Treaaarer. Read The Political Puzzle, I pageti 26-27, election pam phlet. (Pd Ad) Veterans Elect Officers (i rangers Buy Bond At the semi-unnual meeting of the Washington County Veterans' association, held at Cornelius last Thursday, the following officers were elected for the term of one year: E. F. Sins. Hillsboro, president; J. T. Butler, Forest Grove, and Mrs. Sarah McNutt, Cornelius, vice presidents; J T. Butler, sec­ retary und chaplain The next meeting will be held in this city the first Thursday in October. Memorial services for departed members were held in the morn­ ing, at noon there was a bountiful basket dinner and the election and other business came after dinner. Gale Grunge No. 282, P. of H., held un extra good meeting Satur- duy. Two members weie ad­ mitted by demit, three by initia­ tion und two were given the first anrl second degrees. A $50 Lib­ erty B o n d was purchased by the Grange also $10 in W S Stamps. Chan. Hays, buying and selling agent f o r t h e Oregon granges, was present und trans­ acted considerable business. N. A Frost of Hillsboro und W. A. Williams of Portland were present and gave some unusually good talks on “ What Is Most Worth Whi e at the Present Time." Next meeting is June 1st and ev­ ery Granger lx* ready. Prettily-decorated windows, in honor of May Day, were exhibited la I M R A L RCSK RV 1 SECRETARY. in a Good Town Boxes for Rent SYSTEM A. G. Hoffman & Co. We have a nice assortment of Voiles at Attendance Was Poor Methodist Church Services prices to suit everyone. Directors—M. R. Johnson, President; Chris Peterson, Only a few local women took Sunday School 9:4f> a. m., preaching Vice President; A. J. Demorest, Cashier; Allan Rice and Some men are born grouches, the pains to attend the Conserva­ by the puHtor at 11 a. m. N ext Sun­ but an awful lot of others achieve tion meeting of the Woman’s club day in M other»’ Day and the sermon by J. E. Loomis. a chronic grouch through having at Langley hall last Monday, but the pastor will be in keeping with the to crank an automobile engine. those who came got some pointers day. on the canning and drying of The Epworth league will m eet a t Found — Dealer’s auto license Huh? NOTES AND PERSO NA LS fruit. Miss Minnie Myers was! 7 p .m ., cla*»meeting at 7:30 and a t M New Georgette waists, stylish j plate No 313B. Inquire at this the principal speaker and fur- the pastor will preach, corsets and ribbons and little office A week from tomorrow' is the nished some samples of canned The Ladies’ Aid society will m eet in boys’ $1.00 wash suits in endless Mrs. A. J. McCoy of the Kansas date of the primary election. and dried fruits. A general dis- \ the Red Croaa roum# next Wednesday City neighborhood was in the city profusion at Mis. Blanche Rich Shoes for dress and work, a Saturday. ards. Pacific Avenue and Council cussion and swapping of experien­ afternoon. large stock always on hand at A. street. 17 tf ces proved beneficial to those in The mother» and father» are eapec- Suit Cases and Bags of all G. Hoffman & Co. The Chevrolet company has in attt*r,dance. Unless the women '»by invited next Sunday morning. If any that cannot walk to the O. P. HOFF, republican, for S tate 8»z e 8 ' ■When ,n n c e d see A - G - itsengin ering and manufacturing of the city take more interest in | there T reasurer. Read The Political Puzzle, Hoffman & Co. departments men who have been the'? ™«’t»ng, they may be dis- church phone the Paator or Mr». M S. pages 26-27, election pam phlet. ^ Dr. Darland, Chiropractic and associated with the industry since ‘-ontinued. | Allen, the Lad.e. Aid president. Let (Pd Ad) the young |>eople be prepared to do Natureopath. Office at A St. ¿ S i, its inception These men know The Star Theater is now in its 1st Ave. N. Phone 676. th at day to honor Mother ¡bow. new quarters, on lower Main O. P. HOFF, republican, for S ta te ther with a carnation, the cm- I w a „ h 1 i n H I nnw w e street, and appears to be enjoying Treasurer. Read The Political Puzzle, I desire to announce to the legal blem of Mother» day. ^ D ‘.Ln . 1 n0W S*e ’ That 8 J°Y- TO improve your voters of Washington County that S|H-eial addre»» in the evening to the better patronage than heretofore. pages 26-27, election pam phlet. (Pd Ad) vision, o r relieve e y e-strain . I am a candidate for th** office of younger people aa well a» older. Miss Mildred Woodruff of Port­ Go to the Erickson garage, K. T hat’s pleasure. We a r e “At I Sheriff at the Republican pri­ land visited her aunt and cousin, JO H N EBERT, Paator. of P. building, for your auto re- Home’ during Ma y . “Safety maries to be held May 17. The Mrs. Sherett and Miss Hanson, at Congregational Church the Laughlin hotel, last Sunday. pairs, accessories, tires, gas and First” suggests “Do it now.” vacancy in this office did not oc­ oils. j Dr. Semones. Tel. 464. 18-3t Mr. P atten announce» the following cur in time to have my name Dr. Ward is continuing his Sunday evening »erie» of W ar Sermon» Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Lyons and Levi B. Dixon, an account of printed upon the ticket, hence it practice and is prepared to answer for May: , 1 will be necessary for my friends calls both day and night. Office two children of California visited whose death appears on page 3, May 12 — ’’The Wider Battlefield; and supporters to write my name at the J. A. Elder home la-1 Mon- was a member of the Forest Grove hours, from 9 to 11 a. m. and 2 to day. camp, Woodmen of the World, tin the ballot. Your support will G etting Every Man on the Firing Line 4 p. m. 18 tf of the Social R evolution." and curried insurance to the i be appreciated. There will be an illustrated lec­ Mrs F. N. Bellinger and Mrs. May 19 "T h e G reater Hum anity: J. C. KURATLI. S. J. Thompson were called to ture on India, by returned mis­ amount of $1,000, in favor of one The World Growing B etter in Spite of Pd. Advt.) Scio Monday morning by the sionaries, at 8 o clock this even­ of his sisters. the W ar or Becau»e of I t . ” Sunday’s Oregonian had the sersjus illness of their sister, Mrs. ing. at the Advent church. The See Gloriana d o i n g charity May 26 "O ur High School Youth, public is invited. picture of Mildred Frances Wirtz, J. B. Couey. and the New Preparednea«.“ (High ------- Remember, friends, you must baby daughter of Postmaster and ' Mrs. Luella Walker was visiting School B accalaureate.) Notice in Portland Saturday with Mrs. pay in advance to get the Express Mrs R P. Wirtz. who, in the re- M other»’ Day will be obaerved Sun­ at one dollar per year. The reg­ cent eugenic contest, scored 99»-41 fh ere will l>e a meeting of the day morning with fitting muaic and Byron LaMont and Mrs. Charles Walker, the latter at the Portland ular price is $1 50. We pay you points. Gertrude, the two and a | Woman's Com mi nee o f t h e with a me»aage on "M o th erin g .” 50c to collect fiom yourself half year old daughter of Mr. and Council of National Defense, Fri- At the 8 o'clock evening service, Mr, Surgical hospital Mrs. C. L. Smith, was another day, May 10th, 3 p. m. at rest P atten will »peak on "T he Social Rev­ Mr. and Mrs. Ed Dixon ar­ almost Jim McGill h a s accepted a perfect baby, scoring 9 8 room of ‘ the Library. All women olution, and the Firing Line of the rived Tuesday from Wheeler, night job in the blacksmith shop points in the same contest. that were present at the organiza­ Wider B attlefield.” of the Foundation company, Port­ where Ed has cha ge of a big tion meeting in August are re­ See the s e v e r a l Chevrolet A. B. PATTEN. Paator. land, and his shop is now closed, dredge. Ed expects to go back models today. Pass jqdgment on quested to be present, as there is Monday, but Mrs. Dixon will re­ except Monday forenoons. them. Inspect each one closely; important business to transact. When you buy a heavy car, you W’hen Vic Fuqua gets moved main a few weeks. ask questions. We are only too roll your dollars away. By order of the president. During t h e five years that anxiou« to be given the opportun­ into his new room, he expects to Mrs. J. E. Pogue. Sec. When you buy a cheaply con­ equip his clerks with roller skates Pakro Seedtape has been on the ity of proving to you the claims structed so they can manage to cover the market it has gained great popu­ we make for pach of our cars; See Gloriana, a child of the away. car. you roll your dollars larity. Why spend your time $756 85 to $1543 25 f. o. b. Forest stage. big room at least twice a day. _____________ When you buy an underpow­ with the old inconvenient bulk Grove; Touring cars, Roadsters, Saturday Is Butter Wrapper Day ered car, you roll your dollars seeds? Littler’s Pharmacy. Coupes and Sedans — Wiles & Hereafter the Express will make away. Mrs. C. H. Sprague, who was Sohler, distributers for Washing­ a special rate on butter wrappers Buy wisely—but a Chevrolet. trken seriously ill during the ton, Yamhill and Columbia coun­ t o be printed o n Saturdays. Christian Endeavor convention on ties, Forest Grove, Ore. It Public Notice Heretofore the prices on quanti­ Dress Shirts, soft cuffs $1.25 to $5 April 19th, was taken to Portland Lyle Hutchens,aged three years ties less than 100 have been higher Dr. Brookbank is leaving 'he With Laundered Cuffs $1 to $2 Sunday, having been at the Van- and fourteen days, eldest son of than the woman with but one city and all accounts due the firm Kirk home until she was able to Mr. and Mrs. Orval Hutchens of cow felt «he could afford to pay Sport Shirts, neat effects $1 & $1.25 be moved. of Ward ¿Si Brookbank have been this city, pas-ed away at St. Vin­ and for the benefit of those pat­ left at the First National Bank New line of Summer Neckwear Your investment lasts when cent’s hospital, Portland, last rons the Express makes the fol­ for collection. lH-2t* you buy a Chevrolet, for you se­ Thursday e v e n i n g of spinal lowing prices, Saturdays only: just received. cure the fullest value for your trouble. About a year ago little Orlando Rornig of the radio Blue Sport Work Shirts 50 Printed Wrappers $ .75 money. Y o u purchase a c a r Lyle had a severe at tack of spinal school at Seattle and Irvin Baren- 1.25 Union-Alls, grey, khaki, and which possesses power, mechanical meningitis and it was thought he 10 > Printed Wrappers drick of Camp Lewis, former P. 500 Printed Wrappers 2.75 blue__________ $2.50 to $3.50 dependability, good looks, eco- would eventually recover entirely, U. students, attended the May Place your orders, either by exercises Friday. nomical qualities and all the es­ but new complications set in and Union Suits, short sleeves, mail or telephone, not later than sential appointments — a thor­ he was taken to the hospital ankle lengths..... $1.25 to $1.50 oughly trustworthy car. (Advt.) Wednesday morning and every­ 10 o’clock Saturday morning; the The Chevrolet company is in position to build a superior car— day before would suit better. Athletic Union Suits 75c up About t e n o’clock Saturday thing possible done for him, but and it does it. It Phone 821. morning the residence on the to no avail Funeral services were Balbriggan Shirts and Frank Vandehey farm, in the held at the local Christian church Drawers, per garment 65 & 75c Spring Hill section, was totally at 10 o’clock Saturday morning, Blue Work Shirts, full cut consumed by fire, together with ReV. Sias officiating, and the A WORD for the Food Administrators who are pro- Grey and blue Work Shirts, coat the household goods and wearing remains were interred in the tecting the American people today as a mother of the family of Walter Banks cemetery. style, extra long sleeves, lined apparel Burke, the tenant. Neither the would protect her child: collars and cuffs, extra full cut; owner nor the tenant carried fire Dr. Kauffman Has Grip see them. The editor of the Express has insurance, Frank being sore a' all Sox, silk, cotton, lisle, fibre, two insurance companies because one just learned that Lieut. H. R. j went “bust” on him several years Kauffman, who left this city sev- i for 25c to 65c the pair. ago. The fire started in the ceil­ eral weeks ago for F t. Riley, Kas , Hats, new blocks and colors, $3.00 ing, but just how and why is not to serve his country in the medi­ to $3.50. known. cal department, has a good case | Shoes, mule skin ...... $2.50 and $3 B. J. Simpson left Sunday ev­ of the grip; not the LaCrippe of Shoes, street and work $3.50to$6.50 ening for Bay City, where he be­ the French or the Influenza of the Shoes, Tennis white, fine for sum­ comes agent for the Southern Pa­ Russians, but a really, truly cific company. Mrs, Simpson and calf-skin grip, or bag, which was mer wear. AT VERY LOWEST PRICES presented to him on the eve of his ‘ Men’s Khaki Trousers ___ $2.00 children are still here, waiting un- departure by a group of admiring „ , w ri i • rn « m - A j til Mr. Simpson gets settled in his patients, who believe that to D r.1 Boys’ Khaki Trousers $1J0 job. f R §puri(eon |ate of Boys’ Union-Alls, in khaki and Riddle, ¡s the temporory agent Kauffman’s experience and care is here and will probably p u t i n a |iluf- l,he fac‘t that they (the blue, with grey stripe. bid” for the position, which will 1 ing. P*‘,en£2 r e *t,n . amon,* ¿he b to Ym - - 10th The a said grip would have be given out between May Co-Operates with the U. S. “ Food Man”—Hoover and 25th. When a vacancy oc be a large one to hold all the good (U. S. Food Adm inistration License No. G 34147) wishes Dr. Kauffman's former curs all desiring it apply and the patients entertain for him. company gives it to the man most Phone OH1 Service Satisfaction entitled thereto by term of ser­ Don’t forget Gloriana Monday Caples Block Forest Grove vice and standing in efficiency. night. of Forest Grove, Ore J. C. Kuratli for Sheriff You Can Buy “ H elp S ave Our Food" Special-For Friday and Saturday S u b stitu tes AT C. E. ROY & CO. SCHULTZ’S J88S STORE