' THE LATEST FARM UTILITY The New All-Steel Thomas Portable Gasoline Drag Saw Cut* logs in the wood«, and by using our Circular Sawing Attachment will cut coni wood into atove lengths. Will drive Pump*, Churn*, Feed Cut- tar*, Grindstone*, Fanning Mill*, Lath«*, A ir Compressor* and any other work within a 4-h. p. capacity. W ill positively last longer than any other Portablr P ow er Sawing Machine on the market. Write tor particulars. The Thomas Engineering Works 12» E A S T W A T E R ST., P O R T L A N D , O REG O N Builder* of High Grade Logging and Farm Machinery Hotel Rowland A Schoolboy's Tip. From London, which plods along in One hundred awl aU tr five Houma. all Mud am expectation of occasional air raids, ImprevamenU. f m phonea un w ary Hour. comes this timely tip from a school­ Ralaai 75c to »1.50 per days $2.50 to boy: "W hat are you doing for your coun­ $5.00 per week. Opposite Courthouse. I blocks from rostufflee. try?" the urchin Inquires rather Impu­ Firs Proof M. I* and Orseun Klartric pass doer. dently of hla father, who la ove- enlist­ ment age. "I'm trying to keep my little boy from being killed by Oerman bombs," re­ Thousands of trained rutin* people ne plied the father. Hahnke Welker tlusinasi I Collesre. I'urtlend 'urtlend. planes "Can't I help you daddy,” responds studente In pueltkms. Unroll anr Urns trie the eager youngster, "by staying home (alakueu* from school?" When the boy started to school, though, he had a chance to hear this; Teacher— Why did the allies and Reeeht. told. Heated end Repaired Germans fight at Arras? W Al.KKM tJ.FX.TRIC WORKS Pupil— liecause that* where they ■a-je Bumelde eor. urth Portland. Ora. met.—Chicago Herald. M ONEY FOR YOU. ELECTRIC MOTORS W illie Was Up to Dats. Ominoua Silence. "One beautiful autumn day," said “ Somelhlng wrong with the ch 11- th.i teacher. ti-llliiK a story. “ L lttl* dren, I don’t see ’em around.” Hod Hiding Hood was walkinK along ‘‘They're probably all right." a path In the woods when she came "N o ; there's something wrong. I to a sharp turn; and whom do you I don't even hear ’em.” — Louisville think ahu saw standing there, with a Courier Journal. row of shining white teeth gleaming at her?" IIAVK YOU A SW EETH EART Up went a little hand. Run or Brother In camp or traln ln * for defenael "W ho was it, W illie?" I f ao. mall him a p a rk a *« o f A lla n '» Knot Kaaa, "M ister Roosevelt."— Exchange. lha entiaetjllr Powdar for Tlrad. A ch ln *. S w ol­ tan * i . 18936367 ---------- a — ■ n ■ 110.00 THE PIONEER HATCHERY Petaluma. Cel. Hides, Pill», °SS£* WOOl fit Motion m . a u Lai I Va aaal ai ta kaaa W«S) Iw Mai a fX e a * Tag* TH E H. r . N O R T O N C O M P A N Y , Parila ad. Or».. HaatUa. Wn . Bal II n* hem. Wn SHIP V «a l, Pork. Baaf. Poultry, Buttar, Egg* and Farm Produca, to tha Old Kalla Ida Kvardln* hour» with a nallnn. ■ recurd of t& yvera of Square l>aalin*a, and 4ARKE ba aaaurad of ----------- TOP M A R K E T PRICES F. M. C R O N K H ITE , 4S-47 Front Slraat. Portland. On our By buyln* direct from oa at wholreale prteaa and aaaa Uia plombar'a profits. Writo ua to­ day your aaada. Wa will *hra you our rook- bottom "direct-to-you" prioaa. I . « k rail or boat. W a actually aara you from Li) to U par oanl All rood■ *uarantaad. Northwaat headquarter» fot leariar Watar Hyatama and Pullar A Johnaon Knrfnaa. S T A R K -D A V IS 212 Third Straat. P. N. U. CO. PartUad. O r .f a a N o . 1$, 1918 l i / f i y ▼fill a good fr ie n d : DRAGGING IN E A R LY SPRING Easiest and Beat Method of Road Maintenance A fter Road Has Been PropoHy Located. 2 Farmers don't realize the value of the drag. I f It costs $25 or $50, and was painted up, and somebody could make money by going around selling drugs, It would be better. For the funner would then think he must use It to get his money out o f It. Its cheap­ ness and simplicity work agulnst It. In ten years’ time, when we have had ex­ perience, we will find that the drug Is j I he euslest and best method of road maintenance after the roud has been j properly located, graded, drained, and | bridges and culverts put In. The drags In a township are worth muny times ns much as the expensive machinery, In the way of graders, which the town- j ship usually buys. I f you really want a good road tills summer, don’t forget the spring drag­ ging. I f you dragged your roads 1 smooth last fall after the last rain, so that they froze up smooth, you have hud good rouda all winter. I f not, you have smoothed them down by humping over them, und then smoothed them only In the tracks, torturing your wife, your children and yourself sim­ ply because you would not follow our advice, says Wallace's Farmer. There will always be trouble about getting the township trustees to drag Steadies nerves A lla y s th irs t 3 4 5 H e lp s digestion 6 ( f s econom ical A id s appetite Keeps te e th d e a n H te e p the soldiers and sailors supplied I S P EM W 1& , T h re e Fla vo rs Leave Wall Enough Alons. Captain — Have you changed the guard yet? The Newchum Junior— No, sir; the old guard was doing the job so well, sir, 1 thought I ’d let ’em stay on, sir. —Sydney Bulletin. W e auerantee safe (r r l n L 415 Sixth Street. reasons len Faal. and pravanta bllatara and aura ipota. Makaa walk In * raay. Hold avarywhara. 24c. • ------------------------------ 0 from heavy layln* (llo*anl*ed) stork. per 100. m ROADS C h ew it a fte r e v e ry m eal A Different Kind. Husband— Can you tell me ot my wife's whereabouts? Maid— Faith, elr, I think you will find them In the laundry.— New York World. BANISHED— pimples, blotches, sores, humors, and efup- tlons, by Dr. Pierce's Oolden Medical Dis­ covery. For a poor complexion, and for the poor blood that causes It, this Is the best of all known rem­ edies. In every disease or disorder of the skin or scalp, In every trouble that comes from Impure blood, the "D iscovery" is the only medicine sold that does what It promises. Scrofula in all Its various forms. Eczema, Tetter. Salt-rheum, Erysipe­ las, Boils, Carbuncles, Enlarged Glands, and Swellings, and every kin­ dred ailment, are benefited and cured by It. Cut this out and mail to us with the name of the paper— wo will mail you free a medical treatise on above dis­ eases. Address Dr. Pierce's Invalids' Hotel. Buffalo, N. Y. Dr. Pierce’s Pleasant Pellets regu­ late and Invigorate stomach, liver and bowela. Sugar-coated, tiny granules, easy to take as candy.— Adv. 20 CORDS A D AY AN EXCLUSIVE FEATURE A Money Saver! A Time Saver! A Labor Saver! The Flavor Lasts! Extensive Repairs. A small western railroad, the Borgs River & Northern, was putting into effect a rigid wartime economy. Lo­ comotives were patched and repaired Useful Drag In Operation. with old parts and pieces until the roads at the proper time. Surely O'Leary, the shop foreman, threatened we shall soon reach a time when every to break down under the strain. To cap the climax, one day & worn- farmer will take pride In seeing the road in front o f his farm kept smooth . out-looking locomotive was placed in the shops. O'Leary was asked to give and hard, whether he Is paid fo r It or it a thorough examination with a view hot. The best work we get done In to ascertaining just what would be this world, the work that counts for required to put It in first class run­ the most. Is that which a man does for ning shape. Tbat same afternoon love o f It, and because o f his own self- O’Leary, having completed his review respect, rather thnn for the money he of the locomotive, dispatched the fol­ may make. This Is true of about every­ lowing laconic note to headquarters: No. 38— In today. T o put in com thing we do. The best work Is work plete repair: Jack up her whistle and that cannot be paid for In cash, but Is , build a new engine underneath.— L it­ the outward expression o f the Inward erary D igest life o f the man. Let’s get over the Idea that we must Its Drawbacks. do only what we are paid for doing, "W h at’s the use of fame?’* and that when we are paid for It, It Is "W h at do you mean?” "W hy, look how the hen is extolled ail right to do less work fo r the same money for the township or county than as a great American institution, and we would do for a neighbor or employ­ ' yet she has to keep on scratching for a er. L et’s develop a loyalty to our­ living.”— Exchange. selves, to our furms, to the township, A Good Reason. to the state, that will lead us to do "W h y don’t you accept him if he things because they should be done, has offered to have his life insured in und not for the gain we get out o f It, your favor?” not primarily for the pay. "Because if he was a good riak for the insurance company, he'd be & bad one for me.”— Boston Transcript. For euttin* cord wood, clearing land or aawln* lo*a. Our machine naturally flta Itnelf to tha d ifferent poaltlona while « t w ­ in * without any adjuntment. THE VAUGHAN Croasbeed or Sawholder SAVES TWO HOURS’ time ■ day. In • Jiffy the saw blade I* put In or taken out of the holder and the operator loaee no time fuaaln* with note or adjuetin* the holder. Thte feature I* covered by patent and I* only on th* V A U G H A N . The holder bolt en *a*m under aide of blade and holda It flrmly up a*alnat lu*m on top and face ot aawplate croaebeed. Write for further information, a pedal term, and price.. VAUGHAN MOTOR |W0RKS, Inc. 461 E u t Main St, Portland, Or. Cuticura Soap Is Id c c l For the Hands Granulated Eyelids, Sore Eyes, Eyes Inflamed by Sun. D u ll and W in d quickly FOP _ _ ___________ relieved by Murine. T ry It in V i k » . ^ T r 5 t C you rE y* * lindin B* by’ * Eye*> TOUR LYLjN oS in artin,. Juit EyeCoaiort Marine Eye Remedy K y « A r | v « , in T u b «« 25«. 'S g& SZV& Z F o r Book o f tka E ve — F r a « . Ask J1 u r in e E y e R e m e d y C m .. £ h l c * * o d tical Self wnnfpnf. Simple and prac­ Full directions with each mop. H C FIXOTH m S CONVICTS W ILL M AKE ROADS State of Missouri to Put 500 Prison­ ers to Work on Columbia-Jeffer­ son City Highway. TW Ontaul l i * W u * Bn* Saa Gentle Candor. “ O f course you don’t believe every­ thing you read?” “ N o," replied Senator Sorghum. “ Modesty would forbid me to indorse fully everything my publicity experts put out about me during campaign time.”— Washington Star. Missouri will employ 500 o f the 2,500 prisoners confined In Institu­ tions of thnt stnte at road work. Prob­ ably the first road to be so built will be the Columbia-Jefferson City high­ way, connecting the seat o f the state university with the stnte capital. The stnte highway department w ill pay the stnte $1.25 for each convict used, a compromise wage suggested by Gov­ ernor Gardner. The stnte will feed, clothe, transport and guard ths pris­ oners for this wage. GOOD ROADS A R E N EC ES S A R Y Without Th«m Farmer la Not Going to * Achieve Success Ho la Justly Entitled To. Good roads, better roads are every­ where needed, not luxuries to be en­ joyed by the classes only, bnt nece» sary for the masses, and without them the progress that the farmer, partic­ ularly, la entitled to and Is going to have, would never be hla. Laugh When People Step On Your Feet Try this yourself then It along to others. It workal pas* Ouch ! ? ! ? ! ! This kind of rough talk will be heard less here In town If people troubled with corns will follow the simple advice of this Cincinnati authority, who claims that a few drops of a drug called freesone when applied to a tender, aching corn or hardened callous stops soreness at once, and soon the corn or callous dries up and lifts right off without pain. He says freesone dries Immediately and never Inflames or even irritates the surrounding skin. A small bottle of freesone will coet very little at any drug store, but will positively remove every hard or soft oorn or callous from one’s feet Millions of America’s women will welcome this announce ment since the Inauguration of the high heels. If yonr druggist doesn't have freesone teU him to order a small bottle for you.— Adv. ■ • M j V