The Forest Grove express. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1916-1918, May 09, 1918, Image 4

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It’« Grandmother'd Recipe to
keep her Ix>ckn Dark,
(¡lossy, Beautiful.
fugitive, shadowy, sympathetic und 1 don't understand how he got away Thou she wrenched It from him, at
C H APTE R X V —Continued.
The old-time mixture of Hage Tea
shrewd smile.
— from Kuiber.
It worries me— ou the same time Jtimplug up and away.
— 18—
and Sulphur for darkening gray,
Hastening back to the farmstead,
“ Must I make talk, then?” she de­ Ember's account. 1 hope uothlug has
“ N o t" she cried, fending him from streaked and faded hair la grand­
he secured a spade from the barn manded at length.
happened to him.”
her with slinking arms. “ No 1 Don't mother’s recipe, and folks are again
and made his way quickly down to the
“ Oh, I hope not I”
“ I f we must. I suppose— you’ll have
touch me! Don't come near me, Hugh I using It to keep their balr a good,
“ You know— I mean about the cause It's . , , It's death 1 My touch 1s even color, which Is quite sensible, as
beach by way o f the road through the to show the way. My mind's hurdly
— the morphine?” •
cluster o f deserted flshermeu's huta.
equal to trail-breaking to-day."
deuth! I know It now— I had begun we are living In an age when a youth­
“ I never guessed until that night, to suspect, now I know I I am ac­ ful appearance la of the greatest ad­
Fifteen minutes’ walk brought him
“ So I shall, then. Hugh , . ."
to the pool. Ten minutes’ hard work She leaned toward him, dropping her after he had come down luto the cursed—doomed to go through life like vantage.
Nowadays, though, we don't have
with the spade sufficed to excavate a hand over his own with an effect of cabin to—to drug himself. . . . It pestilence, leaving sorrow and death
shallow trench In the sands above Infinite comprehension. “ Hugh,” she was very terrible— that tiny, pitching In my wake. . . , Hugh I" She con­ the troublesome task of gathering the
sago and the rauasy mixing at hom.*.
high-water mark. He required as repeated, meeting his gaze squarely cabin, with the swinging, smoking trolled herself a trtlle: “ Hugh. 1 AI1 drug stores sell the ready to-use
much time again to nerve himself to as he looked up. startled— “ what's the
love you moro than life ; I love yon product. Improved by the addition of
the point of driving off the gulls and good o f keepiug up the make-believe? muttering to himself over the glass In more than love Itself. But you must other Ingredients, called “ Wyeth's
which the morphine was dissolving. not come near mo. Love me If you Sage and Sulphur Compound" for
moving the body. There were likewise You know 1"
crabs to be dealt with. .
The breath clicked In his throat, . . . It happened three times before must, but O my dear one I keep awuy about 60 cents a bottle. It Is very
When It was accomplished, and he and his glance wavered uneusily, then the w reck; 1 thought I should go out from me; avoid me, forget me If you popular because nobody oati discover
had lifted the last heavy stone Into steadied again to hers. And through of my own mind.”
<*n. but ut nil cost shun me ns you It has been applied. Simply moisten
She shuddered, her face tragic and would the plague I 1 will not give your comb or a soft brush with It and
place above the grave, he waded out a long moment neither stirred, but
draw this through your hair, taking
For a little site sut, beud myself to you to be your death 1"
into the sea and cleansed himself as sat so, eye to eye, searching each the pitiful.
one small strand at a time; by morn­
bowed, brooding.
best he might, then lay down fo r a other's mind and heart
Before he could utter a syllable In ing the gray hair disappears, but what
“ Hugh!” she cried, looking up to reply, she turned and fled from him. delights the ladles with Wyeth's Sage
time In the strength-giving light, feel­
At length he confessed it with an
search his fuce narrowly— “ Hugh,
ing giddy and faint.
uncertain, shamefaced nod.
and Sulphur Compound. Is that, be­
What the gulls and the crabs and
“ That’s right,” he said: “ I do you’ve not been pretending— ?"
sides beautifully darkening the hair
“ Pretending?" he repeated, thick-
the shattering surf had left had been know— now.”
after a few applications. It sl*o p ro
duces that soft lustre and appearance
She removed her hand and sat back witted.
little, but enough for Indisputable
o f abundance which Is so attractive.
“ Hugh, I could never forgive you
without lessening the fixity of her re­
Orlmly Whitaker ant himself down
If you'd been preteudlng. It would In the kitchen and prepared to wait Thla ready to use preparation Is a de­
Whitaker had burled Drummond.
be too cruel . . . Ah, but you haven't the reappearance o f his wife— pre­ lightful toilet requisite for those who
“ When did you find It out?”
By the time he got back to the
desire a more youthful appearance It
“This morning. That Is It came to becu! Tell me you haven't 1”
farm-house, the woman was up,
pared to watt ns long ns life wns In 1s uot Intended for the cure, mitigation
“ I dou't understand . . . Pretend­ him. so that he were there to welcome or prevention of disease.— Adv.
dressed In the rent and stained but me all o f a sudden—” His gaze fe ll;
dry remnants of her own clothing (fo r he stammered and felt his face burn­ ing whut?”
her when, her paroxysm over, she
“ Preteudlng you didn't know who I would come to him to he comforted,
all their defects, infinitely more be­ ing.
The Bishop's Psrable.
“ Hugh, that’s not quite honest. I was— pretending to fall In love with soothed and reasoned out of her dis­
coming than the garments to which
Bishop Paul Jones o f Utah was ask-,
ed by a committee the other day to
she had been obliged to resort the know you hadn’ t guessed, lust night— me Just because you were sorry for torted conception o f her destiny.
me, to make me think It was me you
previous day) and busy preparing I know it. Hugh, look at me 1”
He pondered the situation for hour* support a rather extreme Sunday ordi­
Unwillingly he met her eyes.
loved and not the woman you felt then he rose, ascended the stairs, nance.
"Gentlemen,” said the bishop, “ the
to take care of, because you'd— tupped gently on the locked door.
“ Well, s ir!” she called heartily over
w ife of one o f my ministers saw her
He was an inexpert liar. Under the you had—’’
her shoulder.
"And where, pray,
“ Mary,” he called, with his heart tittle boy last Sunday morning chasing
witchery o f her eyes, his resource
“ Mary, listen to me," he Interrupted. In his mouth— "M ary I”
have you been all this long time?”
the hens all over the farmyard with a
“ I went for a swim,” he said failed him absolutely. He started to “ I swear I didn't know you. Only,
llrt- answer was Instant, In accents club.
evasively— “ thought It might do me repeat, stammered, fell still, and then that night on the stage, ns Joan sweet, calm and clear.
" T i l learn you,’ he was shouting.
in a breath capitulated.
Thursduy, you were that girl again.
The breathless seconds spun their I'll learn you to lay eggs on the Huh
“ Before you were up— I meant to I never dreamed of associating you golden web of minutes. They did not bath!’ ”
“ You’re not feeling well?” She
turned to look him over. He avoided keep this from you— down there on with my wife. Dear. I didn't know, move. Bound them the slleuce snag
the beach— I found Drummond.”
Pimply Rashy Skins
believe me. It was you who bewitched like the choiring seraphim. . . .
her eye. “ I had a bad n ight”
“ Drummond!”
Quickly soothed and healed by Cull-
me— not the w ife for whose sake I
“ Still got the hump, eh?”
It was a cry o f terror. She started fought ugalnst what I thought Infntua-
cura often when all else falls.
“ Still got the hump,” he assented,
back from him. eyes wide, cheeks tlon for you. I loved— I love you only,
Soap to cleanse and purify, the Oint­
glad thus to mask his unhappiness.
you as you are— not the poor little L O V E ’ S C O D E BY S E A R C H L I G H T ment to soothe and heal. For free
“ Breakfast and a strong cup o f tea whitening.
girl o f the Commercial House."
samples address, "Cutlcura, Dept. X.
or two w ill fix th a t” she uuuounced
you ought to know. . . . His body
“ I have loved you nlways,” she said Ferryboat Captain Nightly Signals Boston.”
with confidence.
At druggists and by mall.
Little Deaf and Dumb
. . .
I burled it. . .*
softly between barely parted lips—
His stout attempts to match her
Soap 28, Ointment 25 and 80.— Adv.
She gave a little smothered cry, “ always, Hugh. Even when I thought
cheerfulness during the meal fell dis­
Dutiful to tha Last.
mally short of conviction. A fter two
Searchlight (lushes, mysterious and
"Daughter, did you give back that
or three false starts he gave it up burying her face In her hands— an In- you were drowned out there. Hugh I
baffling, seen nightly for several weeks young man everything he gave you.
You know that, don't you."
and took refage in his plea o f indis­
off the Richmond and Berkeley water aa I told you?”
She humored him with a
“ I have never for au Instant ques­
“ Yea. pa. 1 did exactly as you told
fronts, which hnve puzzled East Bay
covert understanding that surmised
tioned It.”
residents and even mude them uneasy me—even his kisses.”— Exchange.
more in a second than he could have
“ It wouldn't be like you to, my
are now explained. They Indicate no
compressed into a ten-minute confes­
dear; it wouldn't be you, my Hugh.
Early Training.
fell p lo t; they reveal no piratical ac­
No other man I ever knew— no, let me
"W hen the bank was struggling In
tivities. They ure simply a "love code" the teeth of the financial storm, that
suy I t !— ever measured up to the
The meal over, he rose and sidled
standard you had set for me to wor­ between a lonesome daddy and bis financier advocated their filling with
awkwardly toward the door.
But Hugh— you’ll understand, lonesome little girl, the San Francisco gold."
“ You’ll be busy for a while with the
Chronicle states.
"H e must have started life as a
won’t you?— about the others— ?”
dishes and things, won’t you?” he
The daddy Is Capt. II. F. Dunnlngun dentist."— Exchange.
asked with an air meant to seem guile­
“ Please,” he begged—“ please don't
o f the Santa Fe ferryboat San Pedro,
harrow yourself so, Mary I”
and the girl Is hts twelve-year-old
Dr. Pierce’s Pellets are best for liver,
“ Oh, yes; for some time,” she re­
“ N o ; I must tell you. . . . The daughter Florence, a patient In the bowels and stomach. One little Pellet
plied quickly.
world seemed so empty and so lonely, State Institute for the Deaf, Dumb and for a laxative—thjee for a cathartic.
" I — I think Til take a stroll round
Hugh: I tried to lose myself In my Blind at Berkeley.
Happily she re­
Her Class.
the island. There might be something
work, but It wasn’t enough. And those tains the faculty of sight, and nightly
once came stealing si­
like a boat bidden away somewhere
others came, beseeching me, and—and she sits, her nose flattened against the
lently Into my life----- ’*
along the beach.”
I liked them. I was starving for af­ pane o f her window, waiting for the
" I know. It was the girl you want
“ You won’t go out of sight?” she
fection. Each time, Hugh, it wns messages that come to her across miles to marry.”
pleaded through the window.
the same. One by one they were o f lund and water.
"N o t much. It was a female pick­
“ It can’t be done," he called bjick.
taken from me. strangely, terribly. . .
There appears a Anger of light, pocket.” — Exchange.
strolling out o f the dooryard with
Poor Tom Custer, firs t; he was a dear
painting a half-circle against the
much show o f idle indecision.
8ource of Pleasure.
boy, but I didn't love him and couldn’t
clouds; daddy Is saying: “ Hello."
His real purpose was, in fact, de­
"Bllgglne entertains a good opinion
marry him. I had to teH him so. He
Three short flashes. “ Love from dad­ of himself.”
finite. There was another body to be
killed himself. . . . Then Billy Ham­
dy.” Then, as the San Pedro swing*
“ No,” replied Miss Cayenne; “ his
accounted for.
ilton ; I became engaged to him; but
out o f range, the light sweeps the sky; good opinion o f himself entertains Mr.
To his Intense relief, he made no
he wns taken mysteriously from a
Bllgglns.”— Exchange.
further discovery other than a scatter­
crowded ship In mid-ocean. . . .
A that meuus “ Good-night, with love and
ing drift o f wreckage from the motor-
man named Mitchel Thurston loved
But the most welcome of all the alg
He turned at length and
me. I liked him ; perhaps I might
trudged wearily back toward the farm­
have consented to marry him. He was nuls Is the stream of light held stead­
ily against the window, through which
assassinated—shot down like a mad
Since breakfast he had seen noth­
dog in broad daylight— no one ever peers the little fuce. That indicates
ing of the g irl; none o f the elaborate­
knew by whom, or why. He hadn’t that daddy Is coming on his weekly
ly casual glances which he had from
an enemy In the world we knew visit, und then little Florence Is In the
time to time cast inland had discov­
of. . . . And now Drummond . . .1” height o f bltss.
ered any sign of her. But now she
“ Mary, Mary I" he pleaded. “ Don’t
“ Don’t Come Near Me, Hugh!
appeared in the doorway, and after a
Dog Too Intelligent.
— don’t— those tldngs were all acci­
slight pause, as of Indecision, moved
Tommy ilownrd Is no better and no
dents— ”
down the path to meet him.
congruous, huddled shape o f grief,
She paid him no heed. She didn’t worse than the majority of men of his
He was conscious that, at sight of there upon the gray stone wall, set seem to hear.' He tried to take her age, but his maiden aunt, who keeps By taking Lydia E. Pinkham’s
her, his pulses quickened. Something against all the radiant beauty o f the hand, with a man's dull, witless no­ him In supplies at Oxford and to
Vegetable Compound, One
swelled In his breast, something tight­ exquisite, sun-gladdened world.
tion o f the way to comfort a distraught whom he looks to leave him some­
of 1 housands of Such Cages.
ened the muscles o f his throat. The
He was patient with her, though the woman; but she snatched It from his thing worth while, takes for granted
that he Is the embodiment o f all the
way o f her body in action, the way slow-drngglng minutes during which touch.
o f the sun with her hair . . I
Black R iver Falls, W is. — " A s Lydia
she neither moved nor made any sound
“ And now” — her voice pealed out virtues.
She went to see him recently and E. Pm kham ’s V egetable Compound
Dismay shook him like an ague; he brought him Inexpressible distress, and like a great bell tolling over the mag­
saved me from an
felt his heart divided against itself; he seemed to age visibly, his face, nificent solitude o f the forsaken the dutiful Tommy toek her and his
!j operation, I cannot
he was so glad of her, and so afraid settling In iron lines, gray with suf­ Island— “ and now I have It to live dog for u walk through the city. Tom­
Il| sny enough in pra
. . . He could not keep his eyes fering.
through once again; the wonder and my hadn't given u thought to the In­
jj o f it. 1 suffered fr rom
from her, nor could he make his desire
At length a moan— rather, a wall— terror and beauty o f love, the agony telligence o f the canine creature, but,
I organic troubles and
be s t ill; and yet . . . and yet . . . came from the stricken figure beside and passion of having you torn from as the event proved, the dog nearly
j my side hurt me so
For he
They paused beside one o f the low him :
me I . . . Hugh! . . . I don’t believe upset the whole business.
' could hardly be up
stone walls and the girl sat down
from my bed, and I
“ Ah, the pity o f it ! the pity of I can endure It again. • I can't bear trotted ahead, stopped at the door of
was unable to do my
upon the lichened stones, then looked lt l . . . What have I done that this this exquisite torture. I ’m afraid 1 the Brown Cow and looked around as
housework. I had
up to him with a smile and a slight should come to m e !”
shall go mad! . . .
Unless . . . If expecting his master to follow.
the best doctors in
“Thomas.’’ said his aunt, “ what does
movement o f the head that plainly in­
He ventured to touch her hand In unless” — her voice shuddered— “ I have
Kau Claire and they
this mean?”
vited him to a place beside her.
the strength, the strength to— ”
gentle sympathy.
wanted me to have
“ I watched you, off and on, from
“ Stop I” he cried In desperation.
“ Mary,” he said, and hesitated with
an operation, but
tho windows. You might havs been a little wonder, remembering that this “ You must not go on like this I Mary I you see, my dog Is a wonderfully In­
Lydia E. Pink ham's
looking fo r a pin, from your pains­ was the first time he had ever called Listen to m e!”
V egetable Compound cured me so 1 did
taking air. off there along the cliffs.” her by that name— “ Mary, did you
This time be succeeded In Imprison­ horrid plnce, thinks It’s a dairy, and, ro t need tho operation, and I am telling
Ho nodded again, gloomily.
Her care for him so much?”
ing her hand. “ Mary,” he said gently, liking milk, wants ma to buy him all my friends about i t ” — Mrs. A . W.
B I n ze r , Black R iver Falls, W is.
comment seemed to admit o f no more
She sat, trembling, her face averted drawing closer to her, “ listen to me; some.”
Explanations accepted, but it was
compromising method o f reply.
It is ju st such experiences os that o f
and hidden.
understand what I say. I love you ; I
Mrs. Binzer that has made this famous
"Then you’r e nothing to tell me?”
“ Don't blame him,” she said softly. am your husband; nothing can pos­ a close touch.— London Answers.
root and herb remedy a household word
H e pursed his lips, depredatory, “ He wasn't responsible.”
sibly come between us. A ll these other
from ocean to ocean. Any woman who
lifted his shoulders not quite happily,
“ I know.”
things can be explained.
Don’t let
sutlers from inflammation, ulceration,
and swung one lanky leg across the
“ How long have you know?" She yourself think for another Instant— "
I f light Is I d a man, he shines; If displacements, backache, nervousness.
other as he slouched, morosely eying swung suddenly to face him.
Her eyes, fixed upon the two hands darkness, he shades; If his heart glows Irregularities or ” tho D lues” should
the sheets o f sapphire that made their
“ For some time— definitely, for two In which he clasped her own. had with love, he warms; If frozen with not rest until she has given it a trial,
prison walls. There was a little silence or three days. Ember took him sway, grown wide and staring with dread. selfishness, hr chills; If corrupt, he and for special advice w rite L vd ia E .
She watched him askance with her | meaning to put him in a sanitarium. Momentarily she seemed stunned. poisons; If pure-hearted, be rltan su Pinkham Medicine Co., Lynn, Mai