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About The Forest Grove express. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1916-1918 | View Entire Issue (May 9, 1918)
WORLD HAPPENINGS OF CURRENT WEEK HUNS OFFER PEACE ALLIES MADE TARGET PLEDGES HUGE ARMY To Keep However; Holsheviki Declare Kntente Attempted Congress Aaked for l a i t Man to Win to Interfere in Russian A ffairs— War Department Now Able to ia Report —Hal four Denies. Recall o f Consuls Aaked. Handle 8.200,000 Recruits. Austria Alsace-Lorraine, to Make Coneeaaiona, London Germany’s peace emissary, according to the Daily Mail, has been busily working here, but has made no progress in any direction. There is reason to believe, it says, that the German agent, who has been report ed to be a Dutch financier, returns to FAB OVER TOP Moscow Foreign Minister Tchitch- Washington, I). C. Secretary Baker erin has addressed the representatives carried to congress Thursday the army in Moscow o f the United States, Eng land and France, requesting the increase« program mapped out by Presi speedy recall o f their consuls at Vladi dent Wilson and his advisers und bused vostok, and an investigation o f their on the determination to win the war, alleged participation in negotiations i f it takes the whole man power o f said to have been conducted between the Nation to do it. There arc indica the Pekin embassies o f the powers Germany to report that there is noth named ami the Siberian autonomous tions that he w ill ask that all restric ing doing. tions on the number o f troop* to I k * government. A Central News dispatch from The They are asked to define their atti raised be removeu ami the government Hague says the Dutch intermediary is tude towanl the soviet government Events o f Noted People, Governments reported to be Jonkheer Colyn, former and explain what the minister refers authorized to mobilize as many men ns Official Estimates Place Number o f minister o f war. to as the attempts o f their representa it can equip, train and send to the bat and Pacific Northwest and Other Hubscribers at Over 1 .'1,000,000 The proposals made by Jonkheer tives to interfere with the internal tle front in France. Colyn, the dispatch reports, are said life o f Russia. Things Worth Knowing. Delaware Doubles tjuota. Secrteary Baker is expected to dis there to have been as follows: M. Tchitcherin submitted copies o f close that the department has reason 1. Germany to renounce all claims the documents^cized on the person o f to believe it can handle during the in the west. M. Kolodoff, a member in Vladivostok Two women spies, Josephine A lvar 2. Restoration o f Belgium. Washington, I). C .- For the third o f the Siberian autonomous govern- present year at least double the exist ez and Victoria Faucher, ctAylemned 8. Alsace-Lorraine to be autono- ' merit who recently was arrested, which ing force under arm s‘ o f appoxiamtely time within a year the American peo to death by courtmartial January 25, mous, within the German federation. the minister declares “ establishes in- 1,600,00» men. That would mean a ple have heavily over-aubscribed a war at Nantes, France, were executed 4. The status in the east to remain controvertibly that the consular repre total o f 3,200,000 soldiers for whom credit. Tuesday morning. as at present. sentatives o f Great Britain, France As the third liberty loan was closing clothing, equipment and trar.s|s>rtation 5. Austria to make certain conces- i and America participated in the plot, A Reuter dispatch from Tokio says Should additional Saturday night, the Treasury an and that the diplomatic representa are now in sight. that the Russian authorities at Irkutsk sions to Italy in the Trentino. have arrested the Japanese vice consul | 6. Balkan question to be solved by 1 tives o f those powers in Pekin negoti facilities become available, however, nounced the campaign had !>een “ an and another prominent official on the 11,1 international conference, ated with the counter revolutionary it is indicated that President Wilson overwhelming success.” charge o f being military spies. ! '• A ll colonial questions affecting organization calling itself thp “ Siber wishes to lie able to call out more men Although $3,000,000,000 was the without delaying to seek authority. A frica and Asia Minor to be settled by ian governm ent.” May 6 was the hottest in the history a conference o f all the belligerents, The President's war cabinet met formal goal o f the campaign, official (These reported negotiations have o f the New York City weather bureau. g. Germany to abandon all claims previously been declared in Bolshevik with him Wednesday at the White reports, including only a small propor- A t mid-afternoon, the official thermo- her form er Chinese protectorate of quarters to have been projected with a House and went over the ground thor meter registered 84, breaking by four j£jao Chau, but in exchange to receive view to the recognition o f Siberia by oughly. Sec to ary Baker remained tion o f Saturday’s avalanche o f degrees the record established on May certain economic concessions in China. the allied powers. ) more that an hour with the Preisdent pledges, showed the total as $3,203,- after the other member* o f the war 655,400, and there were indications 6, 1896. | Jonkheer Colyn came to England M. Tchitcherin also addressed to the that the aggregate would lie increased, A thousand young women, students last week at the head o f a mission Japanese representative in Moscow a cabinet had left. In the house Chairman Dent, o f the at high schools and colleges in New whose purpose was said to be to ex communication stating that the letters to nearly $4,000,000,000 when banks York City, raised about |50,000 for plain to the British the difficulties taken from M. Kolodoff establish the m ilitary committee, introduced a bill have time to tabulate the multitude o f the relie f o f Belgian babies by selling caused by Germany’s demand on Hol extensive participation o f Japanese that would authorize the mobilization last-minute applications. forget-me-nots Tuesday. Nearly 400,- land concerning the transfer o f Ger officials in the counter-revolutionary and organization o f 4,000,000 selective The ’ exact result o f the campaign man materials across Holland to Bel movement, notwithstanding repeated service men, instead o f the 1,000,000 000 purchased the flowers. probably w ill not be known until late to which the government is limited by gium. | official assurances o f non-interference Roberto Boring, aged 21 years, died the existing act. Mr. Dent said the in the week. Foreign Secretary Balfour told the | with the internal life o f Russia. in Stockton, Cal., Tuesday from the house o f commons Monday that no ’ Official estimates placed the number “ Such actions," continues the com* measure was his own and he had not o f subscribers lit betw een 13.000.0M) effects o f an onslaught from a viciqus peace offers had been made recently consulted the War department on it. I munication, “ prompt us now to clarify gamecock in the yard o f her parents. by the enemy. He added: Under the new classification scheme and 15,000,000 far above the,- J in a manner beyond doubt the position The beak o f the fowl penetrated to the 000 o f the second loan or the 4,500,- “ There is no representative o f a o f the Tokio cabinet regarding the there are understood to be 1,800,000 000 o f the first. base o f the skull, injuring the brain. men immediately available for active neutral nation in this country who has government o f the Russian federated Some officials expressed the ladief E. J. Purcell, American railway en made tentative or informal sugges republic and to, ask in particular i f the m ilitary service in class 1. That esti that the roll o f bond buyers would be mate is based on the returns o f numer gineer, who was captured and robbed tions o f peace negotiations.” Japanese government intends in the even greater. To them this was one by a band o f Chinese bandits in the in futqre to support the counter-revolu ous states and the law o f averages. It o f the encouraging features o f the excludes all men rated as fit only for Rome— No favorable occasion for a terior o f China last month, arrived at tionary elements in Russia or wishes loan. a Pacific port Tuesday from the Orient, further peace move by Pope Benedict immediately to institute a public in limited special servicq, all delinquents, A ll 12 Federal Reserve districts, slated for immediate induction into has presented itself, nor does one accompanied by his w ife and three vestigation o f the activities o f some which were the largest campaign seem near, it was stated at the V ati o f its agents, recall those incrimin class 1 when apprehended, and alt o f children. can when inquiry was made there re ated and g iv e definite instructions to the so-called remedial cases, the men units, oversubscribed, and a majority Miss Anna Held, an actress, who is garding the report that his holiness the others. In the contrary event, the who w ill be fit for active service after o f the states made the same record. critically ill with anaemia in’ New Delaware doubled its quota. would make a new peace offer on W hit government o f the Russian federated operations or medical treatment to York, has undergone an operation for Sunday. Bond selling continued actively in correct minor physical defects. republic w ill have to take the meas transfusion o f blood, which had an im many cities up to a late hour and Behind that also stand the men who ures used against Russian counter-rev mediate good effect. Ernest Lane, a have reached 21 years sine« the draft "t*yed open in a final effort to olutionary citizens.” motor truck driver, volunteered to act was passed and who w ill be brought ro UP rnor,! subscriptions than the $4,- H i « / «oil _# t^e aecon<| liberty loan give his blood. in under pending amendments. Prob 616.000,000 of ably the total o f effectives in class 1 last October. Mrs. La Mira V. Kendig, said to Hope Each Day W’ill Bring Decision — Brief Resume Most Important Daily News Items. COMPILED FOR YOU Nearly Four Billions Subscribed by American People. LAST DAY IS RECORD HUN CIVILIANS SEE NO PEACE ALLIES ADVANCE AT YPRES will prove to be 2,500,000 men when have been a motion picture actress, Speak o f Battle as Wicked. the definite figures are available. was found shot dead Monday in her W ith the British Arm y in France, High Ground Retaken to Depth o f 500 This is the first reservoir from home, in Los Angeles, after Patrolman Yards Rains Hinder Huns. which men w ill be drawn to fill up the G. L. Stowe had staggered out with a Sunday— Interesting comments by Ger British Headquarters in France new arimes. It is conceivable that Army W ill Need 15 Billions to Carry bullet wound in his head, probably fa man civilians have been furnished from an enemy mail bag captured by the Franco-British forces, in the course o f class 1 w ill lie exhausted in time, but on War Next Fiscal Year. tally wounded. British on a section o f the Flanders a successful operation between Ix>cre not that it would fa il to furnish all the Washington, I). ('. Simultaneously Alexander Effman, private in the front. Almost without exception, ref and Drancourt, advanced their jx>si- men who can be shipped to Frnnce be , with the announcement Saturday that Provisional Squadron, U. S. Signal erences are made in the letters to the tions on a 1000-yard front to an aver fore congress meets again. For this 233,000 men from 45 states had been Corps, was accidentally killed on the stoppage o f leave and the parcel post age depth o f 500 yards Sunday. The reason it is regarded as probable that called to join the bolors in May, Secre south beach near Newport, Or., Tues from the front. The tone is resigned British took 48 prisoners and the the question o f increasing age limits tary Buker indicated the scop«« o f the day, while engaged in railroad work. rather than recalcitrant. One letter | French captured 32. o f the draft act or o f drawing upon government’s plans f«ir increasing the Effman was caught beneath a falling from Berlin dated A pril 25 said: The enemy was driven from two or class 2 can be deferred until congress fighting forces by stating that con- tree and crushed. “ Peace does not seem to be coming three ruined farms and the allies took again convenes. , gress had lieen asked to appropriate A ll this some high ground near Koutkot. A wounded British airman back in along, as we fondly hoped. approximately $15,000,000,000 for the The French, continuing their opera London from France reports that the in the West is too wicked for any army for the next fiscal year. That thing. W e hope every day it will tion, carried some strongly-held build squadron operating in an important amount is exclusive o f fund* provid<*d sector on the Amiens front has prob come to a decision and the British ings in the neighboring sector. in the fortifications bill, which not A ll the enemy counter efforts were Established Coast Yards to Get Most only cov««rs coast defens«.«s but as a ably established a record by bringing w ill be driven into the North sea, but broken up with considerable loss. down 106 enemy machines in six they stand firm .” j rule provides the bulk o f heavy field o f New Order. “ We have such a scarcity o f shoes These local successes are o f distinct weeks, including 21 in one day. ordnance. in Ettlingen it is impossible to get value, strengthening the allied de Washington, D. C. Expansion o f Last year the army estimates aggre Fire which started Monday after them. I f there are any in Belgium fenses o f the approach to Scherpen- the shipbuilding program to provide gated $6,600,000,000, to pay for a noon in a warehouse o f the Independent please send me a pair,” says a letter berg and Mont Rouge. for the construction o f 200 additional force o f 1,500,000 men, which already Packing company in North St. Louis, dated in Ettlingen on A pril 26. Some disorganization is indicated woixlen vessels o f 4500 or 4700 dead has been exceeded. destroyed five storage houses o f the “ A re you not coming home on The call for 250,000 men during packing company, the Rogers grain soon? How much longer is it leave among the enemy troops, who are hin- w eight tons was announced Thursday going dered by heavy rains. There is. little by Chairman Hurley, o f the Shipping May goes to all states except Californ elevator with several hundred thousand to last?” reads a third letter. doubt but that the new German tanks Board. This w ill increase to 580 the ia, Oregon and Nevada, which, with bushels o f wheat, the four-story build A note from Rhumsfringe, dated are proving a disappointment, develop numlier o f wooden ships completed, the District o f Columbia, already have ing o f the Union Packing company, A p ril 23, ¡says: ing various defects in' actual service. building or planned. supplied so large a part o f their and a number o f storage sheds. “ The mustering o f the 1920 class Their ponderous w eight makes maneu The vessels, which w ill lie either o f quotas that it was decided not to in The senate postoffice committee re took place here last Friday. Most o f vering over bad ground difficult. Gen the Dougherty or Ball in type, w ill lie clude them this time. fused Tuesday to consider legislation them were accepted.” really they are much inferior to those constructed in shipyards already estab The movement in most states will to suspend or modify increased second- o f the British. lished and w ill be allotted, Mr. Hurley begin May 25 anil w ill be completed class postage rates, which become Bond Printing Expedited. said, among yards which are most effi in five days. effective July 1, and which newspaper Washington, D. C.— To supply liber ciently managed. Mining Profits A re Huge, By this order the War department publishers have attacked in connection ty bonds to subscribers promptly, extra Consturction o f the ships w ill be abandons the plan o f assembling men Spokane, Wash. — N et profits o f $2,- with the pending postoffice appropria shifts o f printers were set to work 413,683 were made by the Bunker Hill started as soon as vessels now building in even monthly increments o f approx tion bill. Individual senators plan an Tuesday by the Bureau o f Engraving & Sullivan Mining company in 1917, are off the stocks. imately 100,000. The call for 150,000 effort later to suspend or reduce the and Printing and it is planned to de The board aslo decided to authorize in Apri 1 and 233,000 this month w ill according to the official report filed at increases. liver all bonds within two weeks. Wallace. This is besides the -money the construction o f 25 new sea-going bring out in two months half o f the With scarcely a flicker o f the white About 18,000,000 bonds already have expended during the year on the smel tugs, increasing to 100 the numlier o f number originally contemplated for lights to mark their passing, every been printed and more than 10,000,000 ter. The company reports better such craft now building for the board. the year. Officials made it clear that cabaret in Chicago officially ended its have been distributed. ments and repairs totaling $1,056,618, The tugs w ill lie employed in Coast it is now the purpose to mobilize all existence at 12:01 o’clock Monday Secretary McAdoo formally announ most o f which was spent on the smel traffic, replacing those diverted over the men for whom equipment anil night. A t this hour the new ordi ced that he would make allotments o f ter. This makes the total profits for seas. training facilities can be provided. nance divorcing intoxicating liquors all subscriptions in full. A new American wooden ship con the year far above $3,000,000 a close “ L e t us avoid specific figures,” Sec and entertainment and barring dancing The total o f subscriptions tabulated second to the profit« o f the Hercules. struction record was reported to the retary Baker again said. “ They im and practically all forms o f amusement by the Treasury department Monday Shipping Board by the Supple & Baltin ply limits. There is no limit. We in places where intoxicating liquors night was nearly $3,500,000,000, near company, o f Portland, Or., which w ill call out enough men to make vic Consul at Moscow Dies. are sold went into effect. ly $500,000,000 more probably w ill be Washington, D. C. — The death o f claimed the assembling and placing o f tory certain. W e w ill call them as A total o f 113 sick and wounded reported before the total is announced, Maddin Summers, United States consul 79 frames in a new vessel in a total rapidly as they can be trained and soldiers were returned to the United some time after next Monday. sent forward.” general at Moscow, was announced working time o f 44 hours. States from France in the week ending Sunday in a cablegram to the State A p ril 26, the surgeon general’s office Great Mine Field is Plan. R od it Souvenirs Deadly. department. Mr. Summers collapsed Germans Favor Big Guns. announces. London — According to Archibald under the strain o f long months o f With the American Arm y in France London A dispatch to the Exchange The War department was asked to Hurd, in the Daily Telegraph, the area overwork, the message said, and was — Knowing that the Americans are Telegraph from Amsterdam from a close saloons in Vernon, adjoining Los in the North Sea recently announced ill but one day. persistent souvenir hunters, the Ger frontier correspondent asserts thnt the A ngeles on the south, in resolutions by the British government as prohibit mans in the Toul sectors have been Germans are constructing long range Roumania Making Peace. adopted by the Los Angeles city coun ed as dangerous to shipping after May strewing No Man’s Land with all sorts guns o f the type used in the bombard- Amsterdam— The delegates o f Rou o f infernal devices. These consist o f ent o f Paris at Seraing, five miles cil and ordered telegraphed to Wash 15, w ill be the greatest mine field ever ington. I t was said that Vernon had laid for the special purpose o f foiling mania and the central powers have re electric wires attached to bi lls, hel southwest o f Liege, in Belgium, and become a menace to soldiers and sail submarines. It w ill embrace 121,782 sumed peace negotiations, a Bucharest mets, rifles and other paraphernalia that they have requistioned the Cock- ors. Vernon is a small incorported square miles, the base form ing a line dispatch reports. Several o f the out connecting with concealed bombs. erill works for the purpose. In a number o f instances American city, noted for resorts since Los An beween Norway and Scotland, and the standing questions have been settled, The dispatch says that all the work geles abolished saloons and limited peak extending northward into the and the conclusion o f the negotiations soldiers have tripped over these and men in the factory have refused to A rctic circle. escaped. is being approached rapidly. liquor sales. . work and w ill be deported this month. 233.000 MORE MEN CALLED 200 WOOD SHIPS ORDERED