r j â A 3nvt at tëruttp lExpreaa AN IN D E P E N D E N T W EEK LY NEW SPAPER Vol. 3 MONDAY NIGHT FOREST GROVE. OREGON. THURSDAY. MAY 9. 1918 Phillips Home Robbed No. 18 May Festival A Gay Event A fellow giving his name as R. C. Moseley and claiming to be a solicitor for the Portland Tele- By giam is in the county jail at H ill- Next Monday Robert E Smith. boro, charged with robbing the Hundreds of citizens of Wash- KATHLEEN NORRIS. Htate campaign manager for the home of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas j ington county, many from outside ("O f one million nweat«ra fumlHbed by the Re«l Cross to recent Liberty D»an drive, and Phillips, just west of this city,yes American soldiers, half were made by the hands o f the knitting ! the city, made a holiday of Fri Frank U. Irvine, the blind editor terday afternoon Mr. and Mrs women of America."—January Report.) ial writer for the Oregon Journal, Phillips were sacking spuds at the day afternoon and spent several will come to this city as custodians barn and when they came to the W e are the knitting w om en; weaving swift hours enjoying the entrancing of the Honor Flag which wan of house Mosley was leaving the Our webs o f olive drab and navy g ra y ; music and artistic dancing of Pa fered to he town first subscribing front door W e are the women, keeping thought away He merely spoke and cific University and high and pub- its quota of bonds. Seventeen passed on, saying nothing of his By this new work o f love, this eager gift ; lie school, students on Pacific towns ti»*d f o r t h i s Hag and mission. This caused Mr. Phil T hrough which our men, facing the bitter fight University campus. The weather Messrs. Smith and Irvine are es lips to become suspicious and he Under the stars o f fa r and foreign lands, 1 w&s ideal for an out door program corting the flag to the seventeen looked at the family cash box and Shall know that still a million wom en’s hands ! —neither too hot nor too cold. towns and telling the people how discovered that it had b»en re U phold them in the darkness and the night. The program started at 2:45, proud the rest of Oregon is of the lieved of its contents, between $16 W e are the knitting women, knitting fast when Queen Dorris (Mace) and inhabitants of these towns. For and $17. He telephoned for City A web o f lov e; our million hearts are sent her maids and attendants marched est Grove, Beaverton, Cornelius Marshal Watkins and followed A s one, with ev'ry marching regiment. from Collage Way to the west en and Ranks are among the towns the stranger, ove taking him near L ove’s own dem ocracy is com e at last. trance of Marsh hall, where the tied for the honor and the people the VanKoughnet place. After queen was crowned. High over stricken France the black smoke tow ers; of Cornelius have consented to some talk, he started back home,! Beneath it, in the hurry and the noise Miss Donna Mack, as queen’s join with Forest Grove in the vic taking Mosely with him. Before A re eastern, western, northern, southern, boys, messenger, then read the procla tory celebration, which will be they reached the Phillips place1 No longer yours or mine,— forever ours! mation, directing what might and held at the Congregational church they were overtaken by Officer what might not be done with im next Monday night, at 8 o ’clock Watkins, who searched the fellow W e are the knitting w om en; weaving strong punity during the day's festivities. Hanks has also been invited, but and found enough silver on him A web o f prayer; our eyes with tears are dim, the people of that town had al to correspond with that missed by The first number was a garland But, wife or mother, we shall search fo r him ready made plans for a celebra Mr. Phillip-, but a $10 bill was dance, by eight college girls, and A cross the seas, morning and even-song. tion, so they will not join us. this was followed by a wand drill, Lord G od,— we pray— look down on what we d o ! missing. This was later found on sixty grade pupils from the public There will be speeches by Mr. the road by Mr. Phillips, indicat Bless this our work, help us to play our part. schools taking part, under direc The God o f Battles— Father, still Thou art Smith, Mr. Irvine anti other pat ing that the fellow may have tion of Miss Martha Reed of the The G od o f waiting— waiting women, too! riotic citizens, as well as a good thrown it away when he was pur- j (eighth grade. musical program. Every citizen sued. Marshal Watkins tookI is urged to attend thus jollifica Mosely to Hillsboro and turned Twelve college girls took part tion. Oregon oversubscribed her him over to the sheriff. The time in the May Pole dance and their HIGH SCHOOL NOTES Rebekahs to Pat od Play quota 45 per cent and Forest for his hearing his not been set. Forest Rebekah lodge will en performance was both graceful Friday afternoon t h e h i g h Grove went 30 per cent over her The Telegram people report that and dignified. quota. This feat is worth cel a man named Mosely is employed school was dismissed to attend tertain with a program in the 1 .1 One of the most beautiful of the the May Day exercises at Pacific O. O. F. hall, Thursday evening, j ebrating. _____________ by them, but they do not know dances . was University. After the crowning May 16th. . . the “ Skating . . . Dance,” whether the man in jail is Mosely, of the queen a number of dances Many Candidates for Sheriff The "Social Club of Lonely-! PHV3" J ,l? „ e,‘ 8hiS?n * ir s ,rom .tuh<! or somebody impersonating him. girls “ in this were given by t he col ege,*the high ville" will be presented under the Si*A Since ex-Sheriff Applegate has school and the grammar grades. direction of Mias Jeannette Little, ^ by Miss Me- withdrawn from the race, leaving The “ Skating Dance,’’ which was with the following cast: . the name of Grant Mann the only put on by the high school girls Mrs. Jack N ewlywed....... Dee Darling Sixteen carrying one on the republican ticket. John was particularly fine. Miss Helen Miss Magda Peachblow from Boatong IM a ? baskets, next put on a very C. Kuratli and Geo. Alexander, McDonald drilled the dancers and Rosetta Benfer Pretty drill, after which twenty The American Red Cross so both of Hillsboro.have decided to make a try for the nomination, ciety has sent out a call for one is to be especially praised for her Mrs. Inner Steps Z Z L j. Abes Crook I ? lris from the Z™des, dressed in asking the voters to write their hundred million dollars for war splendid w o r k . The costumes Mrs. A. Purseproud Anna Templeton j brown, put On the flower minuet. names on the primary ticket. All relief work and Oregon has prom were stunning white skating togs Mrs. John Goodman.......Maude Buxton > Another unusually pretty num- Ben« Darling | ber was th e minuet put on by 24 these candidates have many sup ised to raise $800,000 of the and were made by the girls in the rtrandma Ustobe The Misa Justa L eftov er________Mary Hill college girls, in colonial costumes. amount. Of this amount Wash- domestic art department. porters, urging their selection. is to come across “ Optimist” bore a portion of the Misa Mary Willynillie Theresa Beahen The music for the dances was The elimination of Applegate’s ington county it with $12,500 Not a cent of this expense of the costumes This is Gladys Upandoing............. Mary Wool I furnished by the College Orches- th claim for a second term has in MinaToike tra and w a s very pretty and duce the friends of J. E. Reeves, money can be used to pay expen the first year the high school has Ellen, the Maid Each Rebekah may invite a few catchy. former sheriff, to urge him to ask ses of the drive, so all the work ever taken part in the May Dav exercises of the college and it is guests. A silver offering will be At 6 p. m. the girls of the Y. for the democratic nomination. will be done by volunteer workers, hoped the practice may be con taken, to be used in “ helping win , W. C. A. served a cafeteria lunch as in the past drives If any Mr Reeves finally consented and j on the campus and took care of his friends are asked to write his thing has to be purchased or paid tinued as it gives an opportunity the war.” the wants of a large number of name on the democratic ballot. for, patriotic citizens will have to for a closer union between the two schools. Local Missionaries Won Banner people. This means a real race for the supply the funds. The junior class had a royal There will be a meeting of Red At the annual convention of the man who gets the republican nom At 8 p. m. there was a com ination, as Reeves is a wonderful Cross workers at the office of good time at their picnic last Sat- M. E. Home Missionary society munity sing on the campus, at the Judge Hollis at 8 o ’clock tomorrow urday. Members of the class fur for the Salem district, held at M c west entrance of Marsh hall, with vote-getter. They’re off I evening to arrange the plans for nished their cars and the crowd Minnville May 1st and 2d, the a mixed orchestra of College, high Grand Army Encampment the drive, which starts a week started on t early in the forenoon Forest Grove auxiliary for the school and other musicians, under They spent the second successive year carried off ’ direction of William Wallace Gra- The annual state encampments from next Monday and last one for Glenwood morning there and after dinner the banner for highest work done ham, violin and orchestra director of the G . A . R., W. R. C. and week, only. Have you planned how you are came on down to Roderick Falls. by any of the thirteen auxiliaries, at the University The songs were Ladies of the G. A. R. will opert going to do your share of carrying at Albany next Monday and Mrs. C . A. Litt 1er was re-elect, mostly patriotic and hundreds of A Good Show Coming quite a number of the members of relief to Pershing’s Yanks? Do ed district secretary and Mrs. M- citizens entered with patriotic zest Come and see Gloriana (5 reels) IW. Patton district treasurer. in their singing. the organizations will attend from your best. this city. and The Spirit of the Red Cross Mesdames Littler and A. G. Hoff All in ail, the event was as suc Passing of Pioneer Mrs. Will Crabtree is the official man represented the Forest Grove cessful as any the writer has seen (2 reels) at the Star Theatre, Frank Henderson, aged 83, and representative from t h e local auxiliary in the convention, which at the College, in spite of the de- a former resident of this city, - Monday, May 13. A matinee for Corps, Mrs. John Anderson is school children at 4 p . m . Even- was one of the most interesting in crease in the number of students, senior vice president and Mrs. passed away at a M cM innville! recent years. due to thejear taking so many to Nora McNamer is color bearer hospital Tuesday of erysipelas ijp8 sh°w will begin promptly at I Europe. The faculty of Pacific and the remains were interred at 1 here will be special music and these, with Mrs. Lilly Buxton To the Voters , University may well be proud of and other Corps members will at Gaston yesterday morning, after in tae charge of Mrs. McEl- Questions of vital State and the showing made and the part services at the Evangelical church. d®wn„ey- Admission for adults tend. National importance, and war the high and public school pupils Something like forty years ago ! '™ rr *“ * children measures, are likely to come be- took in the exercises is a credit to Commander Butler, Adjutant Mr. Henderson conducted a livery C _ ,a taX‘ fore the State Legislature. It is the members of the faculty who Hay, Past Department C om business in this city and before 1 Proceeds are to be used to buy mander Beach, Frank Crabtree important that you take a part trained the youngsters, the railroad came to*Forest Grove materials to make badly needed and a number of other members and vote for your preference for j Various of I he College girls had he drove a stage between this city clothing for the French and Bel- of the G. A. R will represent the candidates a t t h e primaries, girl guests from different high and Cornelius— the terminus of K'an. refugees. Gloriania is pre- J. B. Mathews post. There are four candidates and but schools of the valley, the visitors the railroad. senting Little Zoe Rae, the most three nominations totalling fifteen, and many of The patriotic ladies of the Dil- He is survived by one son, Ar- ta*ented child on the screen, them expressed a desire to come LOYAL M. GRAHAM , ley neighborhood have organized lie, of Portland, a traveling sales- to Pacific as soon as they gradu The board of directors of the Republican candidate for State a Red Cross Auxiliary, with the man, and two daughters, Mrs. ated from high school. Forest Grove branch of the Red Representative. following officers: Mrs. C. N. William Masterson of Portland Cross held a business meeting at Primaries May 17.| Johnson, president; Mrs. T. H. and Mrs. William Matthews of Knights Are Patriotic the office of Judge Hollis last ev Schoolcraft, vice president; Mrs. Philadelphia, Pa Manager Pugh of the Erickson Walter Gleason, grand keeper ening, allowed a number of bills James Pollock, secretary; Mrs. H. For some years Mr. Hender and heard reports of officers. The garage informs the Expr ss that a of records and seals, addressed the Turner, treasurer; Mrs. C . A. son has been living on a farm secretary read a letter from Cap lot of new machinery for the re members of Delpho® lodge, K. of Broderaon, chairman military re near Gaston. tain G H. Atchley of Vancouver pair of cars has just been in- P., in this city last Thursday lief. They meet every Tuesday. stalled and an expert mechanic is night, making a rattling good pat Charley VanKoughnet t h i s barracks, thanking the ladies of Misses Edna Officer and Maude morning found the dead body of the branch for a box containing coming from Portland to take riotic speech. He informed the Barber of Portland and Mr. and his pure-bred collie dog under the approximately “ one million gun charge of the repair department, members that the supreme lodge Mrs. S. E. Fayram of Hillsboro barn, the animal having been wipers.” The branch decided to Next time your car balks, try the 0f their order now owns a half It million dollars’ worth of Liberty visited at the B. T. Whited home missing two days. The members allow an aged and dependent Erickson garage. mother of a soldier $10 per month Sunday. _______________ Grant Bailey of David’s hill Bonds and has given as many of the family were much attached until she received an allottment Found, between Dilley and to the animal and feel none too was in town yesterday and ex soldiers, according to membership, from her son,- paid the rent of a Gaston — Lady’s leather hand kindly toward the person who pressed the fear that the cherry as any , order . in . existence. . u . „ There , dependent wife and decided to bag. Pay for ad, prove property poisoned him._________ crop mu. not going to bo very twenty-five from Gaston and sev hold a public meeting in the near and take same. 18-tf Judge Bagley last Friday grant, future to report to all members good this year. eral from other towns. The meet Harry Goff had business in ed Grace Ryals a divorce from W- what is being done by the local Mr. and Mrs. B. Ortman were ing was followed by a nice Hoover W. Ryals. Portland yesterday. shopping in town yesterday. lunch. branch. Knitting W o m e n Red Cross Drive Starts May 20