— Will Advise War-Risk Claimants community and to «ecure other member« for this society, and r( w - W . - WOWIIS, r n t n fro« j r , and ts o a c tu a l powor of a vaot der the war ri«k insurance law M A F r o s t D I f , U H O ri^ r 7 military «atabMahmont controllod by an f N. A . r r o s i , I J . It It. ivasorier, a . Irr.,„ 0 ; , lbi, g . v ornm # nt. wmes. hiving are paid directly by the Trea«ury It. Sluman, C. E Hyde, C I . »«cr«tly p lanned to d om in ate tho worl/, ... I i. . t ' .. L’ ii u . proc««d«d to c a rr y out tho plan w ithout Department to the p e te o a s n H l i . l . g . I l o W , K o .s e 1/uVe, r . . 1» Sap- regard eith er to the ooerod obligation« titled thereto; claims for insurance iington, Niel Jamison. George JTÎS: taken out under the law should «•mattonai actio n and honor ; . . . T h le Mauley. be addressed to Bureau of War . , . «• - i i cow er la not tho G e rm a n pooplo. It le 100 per cent of the official« and tno rutm««» matter of the o«rman p«o- Iti«k Insurance. Treasury Det>ar - pio. . . . It lg p'*’ th a • t • tho • ' * hlotory '« 40 of ••• tho *• It of hu,,n*“ the rcct ment, WashinKton, I). C.; claims employ. es in I he court house world It no lon ger loft to Ito h a n d lin g ." ____ N. A. Fro.-t was elected pretd- — P r e t ld o n t W lla o n , A u g uot 27, 1*17. for arrears of pay, ex ra _ pay and travel pay of deceased soldiers dent. OKit.MAN RIJTIILK88NKH8 AN I N ­ and sailor« and all other claim« W. F. Boley was elected «ecre- C U L C A T E D BARBARISM should be addressed to Auditor *ary A government a»aertlriK Ita righ t to for the War Department, Wash- The first Monday after the first conquer the world, denying any duty ington, D. C . Wednesday of each month at 3 except that of Increaulng Ita own p. m. was appointed regular meet­ power, and a people drilled In thle theory, produce a nation whose arts ing lime. _ . n l Any band of ten or more people horrify humanity. Yet those acta are can organize on this simple plan. but the loKlral reault of a ruthless- ness In war deliberately planned. It ___ 1 J A report of the organization must was at first said by Americans: "Yes. Corvallis, Ore., April 30. Po- be sent to ihe State D i’ ector of there are occasional German atrocities, tiitoes may l»e liberally fed to lay W.ir Savings. 300 Journal Bldg, no doubt, but so there are In every ing hen< at a profit at present Portland. Ore., applying for affil- w*r.» w* now knew that cruelty and prices, say« Prof. James Dryden, .ation wilh the National War barbarism are a definite pari of the head of the 0 . C. C. ExjH*nment Saving« Commit!« e, and giving German method of making war. Station poultry work. One dol the name of their local organ iza -1 First th ' taachers ami profmuiom lar will buy 133 |x>und« of pota- tion, name-* and addresses of pres ¡'W h e r e German souiiers had to s<-i*e to«*«, or more. Tin -ame dollar ident and M-cretary and date of ] *he tncendlary »orf a War Savings society, German warrior reprtraems a higher help the poultry-keeper (o get a The government booklet ex­ lntell«x-tual and moral life-value than profit fiom the hens. plaining War Savings -ocieiies hundreds of the raw children of nature And, inasmuch as I have received many thousands o f A hundred pounds of potatoes and how to organize th- m will be whom England and France. Russia letters and other assurances from the Republican voters, as­ Even If contain 21 pounds of dry matter, | sent on application to N A . and Italy, oppose to them " there were no question of vengeance, suring me o f their support, I most respectfully d e c l i n e the and a hundrtxl pounds of corn 89 Frost, County Chairman Hills . . . the crim e o t opposing the de­ proposal o f Mr. W est that all other candidates withdraw and pounds At 75 cents a hundred a boro, Ore. velopm ent of Germany Is so great that dollar will buy 28 pounds of pota- Directions for carrying on the the most trenchant m e a s u r e s are give a clear field to C. L. McNary. to«*«, minus the moisture; and at society and promoting its work scarcely a sufficient punishment for $1 a hundred for corn, a dollar will ix* ent after the application It." "The more pitiless is the vae I feel that I have the confidence o f the Republican vot­ will \\ nn,,n'1 pounds “ ‘-'*rn corn. victie. the greater Is the security of “ ,'i| buy h,,v " 22 U for affiliation has been filed. the ensuing peace. In the days of old, ers and the people o f this great state and I will serve them The chemical composition of N . A FRO ST. potatoes doe« not vary gr«-atly on Chairman War Savings, Wai-hing conquered peoples were completely an­ honestly and efficiently as a Senator and at this critical time nihilated. Today that Is physically a dry matter basis, from corn or they are inclined to support a man from th e , business walks ton Coun y. Impracticable, but one ran Imagine wheat. conditions which should approach verP o f life. The potatoes should be boiled closely to total destruction.” George Bacon Died in Portland Next the army officers: "B v steep- and then mixed wilh bran and! George W. Bacon, a former r«*s- Oswald West has heretofore asserted that he only de­ short«, the whole fed a* a mash t; ¡den, of this city, sired to be a candidate that he might oppose me if I should once a day. After boiling, pour the home of his daughter, Mrs olf most of the water and mix as H S. Nutter, Portland, O e., against excessive humanitarian no- be successful in defeating McNary in the primaries. tlons; It will teach him that certain much bran and shorts a« the Thursday, April 25’ h aged 57 severltl«?« are Indispensable to war. moisture will take up. This mash years nay, more, that the only true humanity His interference is intolerable to me, as I believe it is to rhould be fed preferably in the Deceased was born in Ohio very often lies in a ruthless applica­ evening about two hours before the Republican voters o f the state, and I will welcome the tion of them." "The warrior haa need dark. The hens should have all March 12th, 1861. and came to of passion. I t must not . . . be opportunity to oppose him in the general election, if he they Will eat. In th«* morning Or«*gon 35 years ago. For some regarded aa a necessary evil; nor con­ should be successful in defeating nis Democratic opponent, give them a light feed of coarse yeats he resided in this city, being demned as a regrettable consequence engaged in the livery business, Mr. King. R. N. STANFIELD. of physical contact: nor must w grain- corn, oats or barley, just what they will clean up in an hour but about ten y«*ars awo he moved eeek to restrain It and curb It as a or two when it is thrown in a lit­ to Cornelius. He later wt-ni to savage and brutal force.” Last the clergy: one Incident, and ter of straw 8 or 10 inches deep Portland, where death claimed one quotation from an address on the him. Mr. Stanfield makes the above reply to the proposal o f Alxrut three times as much mash Serm on on the Mount Is enough for Deceased i s survived by a Americans. "Whoever can not prevail by weight as of dry grain shou'd Oswald West that all candidates for senator withdraw in fa ­ _t__ himself _ to approve from the he fed after the fowls btcome ac­ widow and six children, as follows upon vor o f Mr. W est’s candidate. The whole activity o f the Mrs. Bessie Simon, Ralph Bacon, bottom of his heart the sinking of the customed to the ration democratic machine in attempting to stem the tide o f dis­ nr o • si | Mrs. Edna Nutter, and Harold' Lusitania. . . . and give himself satisfaction against their candidate now in the senate is laid W a r Savmg8 News , Bacon, all Of po tland; Walter | up to honest delight at this victorious Report of Jes-e A. Currey, | Bacon of Gaston and Mrs. Geor-1 '«p io it of German defensive power bare in this last supreme attempt o f Mr. West to bolster up him we judge *- to be no true n German ” Slate Distributor, of stamps sold kia Sand if er of Wheeler; also one h,m a forlorn hope. German teaching has borne fruit and in Washington county u p t o brother in California and two sis- the world Is aghast Yet we have be April 29th, $lt 3,692.29. This is ters in Ohio. come so accustomed to "German about as g«K>d a showing as any Funeral servic«*s were held at ________ ___ _ some of our horror at The question is, do the people and the Republicans want atrocities" that of the counties are making but the Buxton chapel in this city, at i them ha» waned, it is wiser to re this sort o f bossism in Oregon, or do they want 100 per cent not good enough for Washington 10:30 Friday morning. Rev. Pat- ‘ member. Volumes are needed to list, Americans and 100 per cent Republicans, such as Mr. Stan­ county. We will be “ over th«* I«»n preaching the sermon and merely, the protxrrf rases of barbarity field, a successful, energetic, patriotic self-made man, whose top” when we are on a bads of Mrs. Eleanor McEldowney sing- —for Germany by refusing tnvesttga every act has added to the progress and growth o f Oregon, sales amounting to $-14,500 per ing a *o!o. Burial was under the tlon through a neutral jury proposed a man who gets results, accomplishes something, who has month. auspices of Washington lodge, I. by Cardinal Merrier, has confessed guilt. No, rather, »he acknowledges As a means of promoting this! O. 0 . F.. and the ritualistic burial the arts charged against her and glo- worked and knows how to work, and who will work. campaign wt* are maxing patriotic ceremony of that order was ren-: rlflp(l them members of every lodge, grange,1 dered at t h e grave by Past But let ms not forget that German Stanfield is 100 per cent American and 100 per cent Re­ church, R e d Cross, Women’s Crands S. A. Walker and R. C. soldiers. In 1914 icifA tio restraint, raped the women of Belgium and clubs, business house, factory, Hill. publican and he wrould support the President in winning this mill, school or o her place where All the children were at the France In the flrat advance; that they war. 10 or more people meet or work ______ r_. .... ___ ___ ___ funeral _____ except the youngest son. (p,l^ d .r*T".. °_f__r,h^ dren befor* together regularly to otganize a who was p prevented by illness from them; that they «* » «corn ing agalnat a feared Belgian rising, Which do you want? A man who can stand on his own War Savings society. attending. fifty Innocent Catholic priests and feet, or one who cannot. This campaign has started by „ . ~ thouaands of Innocent citizens; that Reports ri*ceived from state and they gave themselves up "In a hun the organization of the Court (Paid Advt., by Stanfield Senatorial League. 203 Northwest­ House War Savings society. The Federal employment bureaus by dred different places, to plundering, ern Bank Bldg, Portland, Oregon) following is the form of applica­ the United States Employment Incendarlsa. Imprisonment, massacres, tion and pledge and will serve as Service, Department of Labor, in­ and sacrileges" (Cardinal M errier); j a model for other’ war savings .-o dicate a shortage of women labor that In France they have deliberately made a desert of territory In retreat, cieties: ' I hereby apply for mem­ in 34 cities. The greatest demand with an object, not of thie war. but bership in the Court House War is for domestics and, next, factory of-destroying productivity for at least Savings society of Washington workers. Twenty of the 34 cities a generation to come; that Germany Tftt« trar t* lost, and a greater will Making Fruit Boxes county and pledge myself (1) to report a scarcity of domestics. openly applauded Turkey upon the follow it, unless it i* fought to the A t great expense, we have in­ systematic savings; (2) to refrain Nine report a demand for factory massacre of nearly one-half the popu­ point where Germany knows for all lation of Armenia; that Germany, by time that such acts are. in the end. stalled a machine for making from unnecessary xpendiiures workers. the cruel starvation and deportation fatal to the government that commits ¡.Fruit Boxes of all sizes and we and the purchase of noncssentials, Dr. Darland, Chiropractic and of conquered populations Is attempt­ them. in order that labor and materials would like to quote prices to box Natureopath. Office at A St. & ing to "Germanize" the lands of Po now employed in the production Forest Grove Planing 1st Ave. N'. Phone 676. land and Russia; that she torpedoes Thle la the fourth of a aerloa of ton users. of articles not necessary to my M ill Co. 9-tf h o s p i t a l ships with "defenseless artldoa by Profoaaor Adam». health and efficiency may be re­ Millions of dollars, it is esti- beings, wounded or mutilated In war, Wanted— Fire proof office safe, leased for the production of those mat«*d by revenue officials, will be | an d women who are devoting them t h e five years that them - 1 During articles and supplies which the added to the Government funds selva» to the work of relief and char- ! Pakro Se«*dtape has been on the must be cheap, for cash. Inquire United States needs for the sup­ in penalties as a result of the Ity” ( protest of the International Red market it has gained great popu- at Express office. tf port of ita army and navy; (3) to round-up of income-tax delin- Croea Committee at Oeneva); that no |a rit y . Why Spend your time lend my earnest efforts to encour­ uents by the Bureau of Internal other government. In the world , bio- f wi,h tj,e 0|d inconvenient bulk The Express prints butter wrap­ pers with non-poisonous ink. age thrift and economy in tpy evenue. \OT7J . 7 * r ord*r*d or * pproTed * see ls? Littler’s Pharmacy. WHY WE ARE AT WAR WITH GERMANY c. K Boiled Potatoes as Poultry reed j . ■ . . , __________ I e . I . j U IC A t IB L u s i t a n ia . LU I . Why Is Oregon’s Self- Appointed Boss AFRAID of STANFIELD?