CONDENSED NEWS NOTES Congregational Church Mr. Patten announce* the following judgment order, decree, interest, coet *nd accruing coate. GEO. ALEXANDER, Sheriff of Washington County, Ore. Dated thi* 2d day of May, 1918. l.ANCl.KY A L a NOLKY, Attorney* for Plaintiff. Fir*t publication, May 2d, 19IH. Laat publication May 30, I91H. L. M. Graham had business at Sunday evening aerie* of War Sermon* Sherwood yesterday. for May: May 5 “ The Kind of Church We Miss Virginia Roy v i s i t e d Mu*t Have When the Boy* Come friends in Portland Sunday. Home.” Billy Ives of Vancouver had May 12 "The Wider Battlefield; Notice of Sheriff'* Sale business in the city Sunday. Getting Every Man on the Firing Line Notice la hereby given that by virtue Mrs. C. H. Sprague is still ill at of the Social Revolution.” M*y 19 “The Greater Humanity: of an execution, judgment order, de­ the VanKirk home, but is slightly cree and order of aale i**uer tht, „ ,,„ 1 ,,f the Circuit Court W*r or Because of It.” of Washington Countv, Oregon, to me If you must leave the city buy the M»y 20 "Our High School Youth, directed and dated Muy 2, 1918, U |a > n your Suit Case or Bag from A. G. and the New Preparedness.” (High a judgment rendered and entered in Hoffman & Co. said Court on April 5, 1918, in favor of School Baccalaureate.) William Joaae, plaintiff, ami against Grant Hughes Sunday took a The theme of Mr. I’atten'a next Sun­ R. C. Haldra and Sarah J. Baldra, de­ of Forest Grove, Ore number of the 4 Line is Busy” day morning sermon will be “ The fendants. for the sum of $500.00 with girls up the Columbia highway. Church a* a Community, and the Rower interest thereon at H per cent per an warn from January 26, 1917. and tin- M EMBER A Strong Bank Prof Frank C. Taylor, who has of ita Spirit or E*prit de Cor|>*. *’ sum of $75.(Ml attorney's fee and the Safe Deposit FED ER AL RESERVE costs and disbursement* herein taxed been confined to his home for in a Good Town Boxes for Rent S Y S TE M Methodist Church Services at $19.00 and the co*ts of and upon three weeks with pneumonia, is so Sunday School 9:45 a. m., preaching *aid writ and commanding me to make far iecovered as to be able to by the |>a*tor at 11 a. m. Male of the following described real Directors—M. R. Johnson, President; Chris Peterson, walk about the house. property, to-wit: The Epworth League will meet at Vice President; A. J. Demorest, Cashier; Allan Rice and Being a portion of the D. L. C. of Friends of Dr and Mrs. H. W. 7 p. m., classmeeting at 7:30 and at 8 William H. Bennett in T. 1 N. and T. J. E. Loomis. Vollmer will regret to learn that o ’clock a report of the State Sunday 1 S. R. 2 W. of the Will. Mer.. de­ they lost their eldest son, Merle, School convention will be given by the scribed as follows; Beginning at a 1 i aged 6, of diphtheria, at their delegates, Thos. E. Isaacs, Mrs. Rhoda point 20.552 ch*. W. and 8.932 cha. N. the S. W. corner of the Isaac Butler new home, Loma Linda, C alif, Rennison and Miss Mary J. Curl. All of NOTES AND PERSONALS Job printing—phone 821. and wife D. L. C. No. 48. in T. 1 N. recently. are invited and every member of the R. 2 W. of the Will. Mer., thence N. Found — Dealer’s auto license 1.026 chs., thence east 6.212 ch*.; A daughter was born yesterday New Georgette waists, stylish Sunday school is urged to attend. plate No. 313B. Inquire at this thence S. 4.026 oh*.; thence W'. 6.212 to Mr. and Mrs. V. I. Fuqua. The Women'* Foreign Missionary so­ corsets and ribbons and lit le office chs. to the place of beginning contain­ boys’ $1.00 wash suits in end ess ciety will meet next Wednesday after­ ing 2 1-2 acres; Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Good vis­ For Sale- Select Burbank po­ profusion at Mis. Blanche Rich- noon in the church parlor*. leader: I will, on Saturday, June 1, 1918, at ited friends near Witch Hazel tatoes; $100 per cwt. H. NT. j ards, Pacific Avenue and Council Mrs. H. S. Benjamin. 10 o'clock A. M. at the south door of Sunday. the m art house in HlUsboeo, O ngsa. Robinson, Phone 0224. JOHN EBERT. Pastor. I street. 17 tf sell at public auction (subject to re­ Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Thomas of We carry a large stock of men’s demption) to the highe*t bidder for Notice of Sheriff's Sale Prof. Bates, Rev. Ebert and Portland visited the C. M. Good in hand, alt the right, title ami and boys' Work Shoes for sum­ : Judge Hollis attended a confi r- In the Circuit Court of the State of cash family Saturday. interest which the within nsmitl de­ mer. A. G. Hoffman & Co. ence of Red Cross workers in Oregon for the County of Washing­ fendants, ami each of th,oint on the East line j of $100 attorney's fee and the rosts of Section Six (6) Town One South, and disbursements herein taxed at city, Monday morning, after an 50c to collect from yourself. Range Four (4) West of Willamette $41.95, ami the costs of and upon said Brotherhood Takes Rest illness dating almost from infancy Meridian, One Hundred Twenty (120) writ, and commanding me to make Gale Grange will meet Satur­ Funeral services were held at the The April meeting of the Broth­ rod* South of the Northeast corner sale of the following denCYibed real Verboort Catholic church at 9:30 day, May 4th, at the I. O. O. F. erhood was held at the Congre­ thereof, running thenre South Eighty property, to-wit: yesterday morning and the re­ hall; 3rd and 4th degrees to be gational church Tuesday evening (80) Vods; thence West Eighty (80) All of Lot 50 in North Tigardville rod*; thence North Eighty (80) real*; Addition, in Washington County, Ore- mains were interred in the Ver­ given at eleven o’clock; 1st and and consisted of a good supper, thence East Eighty ioo (80) ; ruu» rods to the Kon> H8 per amended I plat thereof duly i 2d degrees at 1:30 o’c ock. Lec­ .1 pixniji io me boort cemetery. prepared by Mrs. O. S. Higby pllfp of 0 beginning, containing forty recorded in said County, except a strip ture hour.) and served by her, with the as­ (40) acre* i; all in Washington County, yo feet wide across the northwest end Mrs. R. O. Stevenson went to sistance of several of the member.-, Oregon of said lot; Portland Saturday and accom and routine business. It was de­ Said writ further commanding me I will, on Saturday, June 1, 1918, at of the proceeds of said sale to first 10 o ’clock A. M. at the south door of panied her si-ter, Mrs. Ella I xjus cided to discontinue the regular out the judgment of said Nena L. the court house in* Hillsboro, Oregon, ignant of The Dalles to ihis city meetings until the September satisfy King Judson, and secondly to satisfy sell at public auction (subject to re­ Dress Shirts, soft cuffs $1.25 to $5 Mr. Loudgnant brought a carload meeting, the president having the the judgment of said IX S. McBride. demption) to the highest bidder for of 100 hogs to Portland receiving power to call -p rial meetings if Now therefore, by virtue of said ex ­ cash in hHnd, all the right, title and in­ With Laundered cuffs $1 to $2 $3,975.45 T h e largest h o g needed. Secretary Simpson re­ ecution. judgment order, decree and terest which the within named de­ o f sale, and in compliance with fendants. and each of them had, on Sport Shirts, neat effects $1 & 1.25 j weighed 570 pounds and the value signed and John Dopp was elect­ order the commands of said writ, I will, on May 17, 1913, the date of the mortgage was $85 25. ed in his stead. Saturday, June 1, 1918. at ten o'clock, herein foreclosed, or Bince said date Blue Sport work Shirts A. M., at the South front door of the had in and to the above described real A dispatch from Hillsboro to Union-Alls, grey, khaki and County Court House in Hillsboro, property, or any part thereof, to sat­ No Lives Lost the Oregonian states that officers Washington County, Oregon, sell at isfy said execution, decree and order of blue ............... $2.50 to $3.50 from the statP fire marshall’s of­ Forest G r o v e people were public auction (subject to redemption) aale, interest, costs ami accruing costs. fice are investigating that fire cheered when they learned that to the highest bidder for cash in hand, Dated this May 2, 1918. Union Suits, short sleeves all the right, title and interest which no Oregon boys were lost in the which several weeks ago de­ GEO. ALEXANDER. ankle len g th s......$1.25 to $1.50 within-named defendant, Allen A. stroyed a house in this city, owned recent sinking by U-boats of the the Sheriff of Washington County, Ore- hail on the 16th day of February, Athletic Union Suits ....... 75c up by John Wegner. There is a sus­ steamer Orissa, carrying 57 Y. M. Dale, 1914, or since that date had in and lo gon. picion that the fire might have C. A. workers to Europe, for Rev. the above described property or any H. T. BAGLEY, Attorney. Balbriggan Shirts and Drawers, per garment 65 & 75c been incendiary and the grand John Taylor of St. Helens, a son part thereof to satisfy tne execution, First pub. May 2; last May 30. of Mr. and Mrs. John Taylor of jury may investigate. Blue Work Shirts, full cut Ernest Stegleider, field artillery­ this c:ty, was among the 4,Y” Grey and blue Work Shirts, coat man at Camp I>ewis, visited his men aboard. Mrs. Taylor and style, extra long sleeves, lined mother, Mrs. Rilda Stegleider, in daughter are still at St. Helens. collars and cuffs, extra full cut; this city Sunday. Mrs. Steg Artillery Recruits Feasted leider Saturday received a letter see them. Jesse G. Sage, Clifford Brown, from her son, Clarence, a sailor, Sox, Silk, cotton, lisle, fibre, two who has just returned to an At­ Chas. Pesterfield, Her man A M e, for 25c to 65c the pair. lantic port from a trip to Eng- Harry D Johnson, Logan Moad, Alick VV. Wilson and Chris Hoff­ Hats, new blocks and colors, $3.00 1 land. Clarence mentions having man left Hillsboro at an early i met Mr and Mrs. G. G. Makin to $3.50 at Hampton Roads, Va. Mrs. hour this morning for Ft. McDow­ Shoes, mule skin____ $2.50 and $3 Makin was Mona Mallory before ell, Calif, to sw**ll the ranks of the coast arrilleiy. Jesse Sage is Shoes, street and work $3.50to $6.50 her marriage. from this city. The Hillsboro Shoes, Tennis white, fine for sum­ Two per cent of the enlisted Club last night gave the boys a personnel of the divisions and de­ farewell banquet. mer wear. tached units of the Regular Army. Men’s Khaki Trousers ........ $2.00 National Guard, and National Cut-Worm Control Army, excepting the Coast. Ar­ Agricultural Agent Neal Jami­ Boys’ Khaki Trousers .......$1.50 tillery and various staff corps, will son recommends this mixture for Boys’ Union-Alls, in khaki and be designated to attend the fourth poisoning cut-worms: 16 pounds series of officers’ training schools, coarse bran, blue, with grey stripe, lb. Paris green, >4 which will open May 15. Ad­ lb. salt, 1 qt cheap syrup. Mix mission has also been granted to as moist mash, not sloppy; scatter Co-Operates with the U. S. “ Food Man”~Hoover some men who have had at least in evening around plants. Very (U. S. Food Administration Licenae No. G 34147) one year’s military training under poisonous to fowls and animals. Army officers at educational in- Phone 0 6 1 Service Satisfaction istitutions which haveearm d Gov­ Public sale bills printed at the Caples Block Forest Grove ernm ent recognition. — Express office. Third L iberty Loan B onds will be here for delivery to pur­ chasers Friday, May 10th The F irst N ation al B ank You Can Buy w. S. S. S A L E ! N e x t Monday we will give one 25c Stamp with every $5.00 Purchase for Cash. Get your Share. AT C. E. ROY & CO. SCHULTZ’S pood STORE