NOTES A N D PERSONALS Treat Potato Seed o f land, more or less, all In Township one South o f Range 5, West Will. Mer. which mortgages were given by the dufendsiits as follows: Jan. 29, 1914, for the sum o f $200.00. recorded in laaik 71 o f the mortgage records o f Washington County, Ore­ gon, at page 6 thereof. May 11th, 1914, for the sum of $200.00, recorded in book 71 o f said records at page 49 thereof. Plaintiff prays for s decree furclosing said mortgages, anil that said real es­ tate be sold in the manner prescribed by law to satisfy said judgment, at­ torney fees and costs, and that the proceedn o f said sale be applied to the payment o f the several sums found to be due plaintiff, and to the costs and disbursements of ssid sale. That the defendants, and all |ier*nna claiming by, through or under them, or either o f them, be forever barred and pre­ cluded from any interest or title in or to said premises, and for sueh other and further relief as may be just and equitable. Not one potato should be plant­ Farmers, get your blue stone ed this spring without previous at M cN u tt’s. 11-if treatment with corrosive subli­ Money to loan— Valley Realty mate, says Prof. M . B. M cKay, Co., Forest Grove, Oregon. 19-tf the potato disease investigator of Dr. Darland, Chiropractic and the Experiment Station at Cor­ Fruits and Vegetables in Season Natureopath. Office at A St. & vallis. Nearly all potatoes carry the spores of disease-producing 1st Ave. N . Phone 676. fungi on the skin The simple George G. Hancock, real es­ method of treating the seed pota­ P H O N E 701 tate, farm loans and fire insur­ toes with corrosive sublimate dis- ance, new Anderson block. 50 , , . . , solved at the rate of two-thirds in South Main Street Forest Grove, Ore Good Jersey cow ’i . « • aR >Ut 5 gallons of water will kill these April 20, for sale. J. J I. W. Dur spores. Do not use same .o solution ston. Route 1. Forest Grove, Ore. more than four times as it weak at Hillsboro, Washington County, O re­ der, decree, interest, cost and accru­ Judge and Mrs. R. O. Steven­ ens. Used four times. 5 gals, will gon. as the place for hearing u|ion suiil ing costa. son of Gales Creek attended the I treat about 2 bushels. Treat only petition. You are required then and J. C. A P P L E G A T E . county spelling contest at Hills­ sound uncut tubers. Treat for there to ap|>ear ami show cause, if any Sheriff o f Washington County, Ore. you have, why the prayer of sakl pe­ Dated this 80th day of March, 1918. boro Saturday. one and one half hours. Treat tition should not be granted. • We have on hand all sizes of sacks also. Do not use metal Done by order o f D. H. Keasoner. U nolky A I. anoi . ky . Attorneys for Plaintiff. drain tile for farm drainage Let container for the solution. Plant Countv Judge, this 22nd day o f April First publication. April 4th, 1918. u< quote y o u p r i c e s . Forest in disease free soil that did not A. 0.. 1918. Last publication May 2nd. 1918. [S k a i .J H. A. KlJKATl.l. grow potatoes the pn vionsycar Grove Planing M ill Co, 9-tf County Clerk. SUMMONS I,. M. GRAHAM, Attorney, Mrs. H. R. Bernard returned With proper care and cultivation Forest Grove, Oregon. 16-6t In the Circuit Court o f the State o f thi< will insure a good crop on the Friday from a visit with her Oregon for Washington County. right sort of land d iughter, Mrs. Norris Rogers, at i Notice o f Sheriff’ s Sale This summons is served u|xui you by George Wise, Plaintiff, McMinnuille. publication by order o f the lion. Geo. Mr. and Mrs. Fred B.atty of In the Circuit Court o f the State of vs. Oregon for the County o f Washing­ Pakro Seed tape is the simplest Vancouver visited fri. nds in this R. Bagley, Judge o f the above en­ Henry Staveley Waudby and ton. and most effective labor saving city Sunday. Mrs. Beatty was titled court, which order was made at Maria Waudby, Defendants. method of planting seeds. For Jessie Reynolds befoie her mar- Nona L. King Judson. Plaintiff, To Henry Staveley Waudby and Maria Hillsboro) Oregon, on the 25th day o f I .. V8’ sale at Littler’s Pharmacy. March, A. D. 1918. ; riage. _______________ Waudby, Defendants: Allen A. Dale # L. M. G RAH AM , Byron LaM ont and son, Har- IN THE NAMK OF THE STATE Buy your groceries, fish, veg- ’ L. A. May, and Attorney for Plaintiff. ley, who a r e working for the etables and second-hand house D. S. McBride, Intervener, Defend­ OF OREGON: You, and each o f you. ants. Residing at Forest Grove, Oregon. are hereby required to Hppear and Standifer shipbui ding concern, nold goods of the Economy store By virtue o f an execution, judgment answer the complaint tiled against you First pub. Mar. 28; last May 9. North Portland, spent Sunday in Doaige bldg., cor. 3d street and ; order, decree and order o f sale issued this city. Pacific avenue. 6-lf ! out o f the above entitled Court in the in the above entitled court ami suit on above entitled cause, to me directed, or before the last day o f the time pre­ Joe A. Wiles would like to Political Announcements and dated the 27th dav o f March. 1918, scribed in the order for publication o f Notice o f Sheriff’ s Sale write your insurance. W ill give ! upon a judgment rendered ami entered Notice is hereby given that by virtue this summons, to-wit. On or before you service that will be to your ANNO U NCEM ENT f an execution, judgment order, de­ in said C ourt on the 7th day o f March, the expiration o f six weeks next from advantage. West side Main St,, o cree To the Republicans o f Washington and order o f sale issued out o f 1917, in favor o f Nena L. King Judson, north of Tucker's garage. and under the seal o f the Circuit Court plaintiff, and against Allen A. Dale, and after the date o f the first publica­ County: for the sum of $522.00, and tion o f this summons, via., the 28th Miss Manche Langley left Sun­ o f Washington County, Oregon, to me de^-ndant, I hereby announce myself as a can­ and dated April 11, 1918, upon the further sum of $75.00, and the day o f March, A. I). 1918, and if you day for Sacramento, Calif., where j j directed a judgment rendered and entered in further stim o f $28.25, all with interest i fail so to appear a n d answer the didate for the nomination on the Re­ she goes to begin her work with I said Court on April 5, 1918, in favor o f at the rate o f 8 per cent per annum j publican ticket for the olllce of State the Ellison - White Chautauqua l William Josse, plaintiff, and against from the 7th day o f March. ¡917, and a ! l plaintiff will apply to the court for the Representative. judgment in favor o f D. S. Mi- | relief prayed for in hia complaint, to- system She will bring her show R. C. Baldra and Sarah J. Baldra, de­ further I seek the nomination because I am fendants, for the sum o f $500.80 with Bride and against Allen A. Dale, for wit, That plaintiff have judgment willing to work, to work hard, and to to this city July 12th. . , interest thereon at 8 per cent per an­ the sum o f $312.75, and the Yurtherl H. T. GILTNER Staple and Fancy Groceries ' 11 35 on sum o f $t0.00. all with interest at the >’ou for the sum o f work ail the time to win this war for rate o f 8 tier cent per annum from the note and mortgage with interest there­ the free voice and rule o f the |>eople o f 7th day o f March. 1917. arid upon Ihi- on from March 23rd, 1918, at the rate the world, to promote the I>est inter­ w rit commanding me to make sale o f o f eight per cent lier annum as a first ests o f the State o f Oregon, and t.. the following described real property, to. wit: !!e " . and f ” r - l! r f; ,r 1," U~ ,,f ,th* j the home Are# burning brightly in Beginning at a point on the East line mortgage upon the following described Washingion County. o f Section Six (6) Town One South. real estate securing said sum as a first 1 seek the nomination because I have Range Four (4) West o f Willamette cause o f suit; and for judgment had experience in legislation, and lie- Meridian, One Hundred Twenty (12») against you for the sum o f $229.86 on scribed as follows: Beginning at a rods South o f the Northeast corner note and mortgage and for the sum o f lieve 1 can give “ value received” for Clarence Kelsey, who is em- thereof, running thence South Eighty every effort ex|>ended in my behalf. i , , , c, r» c l - i point 20.552 chs. W. and 8.932 chs. N. . ployed by the Smith- Porter Ship Gf the S. W. corner o f the Isaac Butler (80) rods; thence West Eighty (SOI $16.8.3 for tuxes with interest oil both I seek the franchise o f the |ieople company, St. Johns, visited his | and w ife D. L. C. No. 48, in T. 1 N. rods; thence North Eighty (80) rods, sums since March 23rd, 1918, ut the and. if chosen, I will serve them hon­ thence East Eighty (80) rods to the rate o f eight |a*r cent per annum, and family over Sun iay. His com­ R. 2 W. o f the Will. Mer., thence N I place o f beginning, containing forty for the foreclosure o f the mortgage estly und economically, chs.; thence east 6.212 chs.; pany recently broke the record 4.026 L O Y A L M. G R A H A M . thence S. 4.026 chs.; thence W\ 6.212 (40) acres; all in Washington County, upon the following described real es­ tate securing said sums as a second A dvt) for completing a ship, having chs. to the place o f beginning contain­ Oregon. Forest Grove, Oregon. Said writ further commanding me cause o f suit, and for coats and dis­ launched one 50 days «.iter the ing 2 1-2 acres; | out o f the proceeds o f said sale to first bursements and for attorney fees. I will, on Saturday. May 11. 1918, at satisfy the judgment o f said Nena L. keel was laid Last Friday a fel­ That the mortgages descrilied in low employed by the company 10 o ’clock A. M. at the south door o f King Judson, and secondly to satisfy plaintiff's complaint were executed by the court house in Hillsboro, Oregon, the judgment o f said D. S. McBride. was given a ride on a rail (“ Liber­ sell at public auction (subject to re­ the defendants to Emma W. ('ox and | Now therefore, by virtue o f said ex- by said Emma W. Cox assigned to the ty Rail” they call it) for refu-ing demption) to the highest bidder for ecution, judgment order, decree and j plaintiff, thereby conveying the follow- I to buy a Liberty Bond After the cash in hand, all the right, title and order o f sale, and in compliance with mg described real estate located in ride h ' was canned, too. Mr interest which the within named de­ the commands o f said writ, I will, on Washington County, Oregon, atsl de- fendants, and each o f them had on Kelsey says one morning last January 26, 1916, the date o f the May 6th, 1918 at ten o'clock. A. M., scribed as beginning at the northwest week the nam^s of 12 men who ftiortgage herein foreclosed, or since at the South front door o f the County , corner o f the southwest quarter o f the House in Hillsboro, Washington northeast quarter of section 13, thence had not bought bonds were placed said date had in and to the above de­ Court County, Oregon, sell at public auction South along center line of said section on a bulletin board and before scribed real property, or any part I (subject to redemption) to the highest 13 160 rials, to the southwest corner of thereof, to satisfy said execution, noon they all came through and judgment bidder for rash in hand, all the right, the northwest quarter o f Ihe southeast! order and decree, interest, title and interest which the within- quarter o f section 13; thence East 20 had their names erased. When it costs and accruing costs. ■ named defendant, Allen A. líale, had rods; thence North 160 rials to the line j is known that the company em­ Dated this April 11, 1918. ' on the 16th day o f February 1914, or on the south side o f the northwest | ploys 2501 men, this is a pretty : since that date had in arid to the above quarter o f the northeast quarter o f J. C. A PP L E G A T E , good record. Sheriff of Washington County, described property or any part thereof section 13; thence West 20 rial# to the ______________________________________________ i to satisfy the execution, judgment or- place o f beginning, containing 20 acres Oregon. H. T. B AG LE Y, D e c l a r a t io n o f P r in c ip l e s Attorney for Plaintiff. Cheer up, A Just Administrator o f Labor Laws Kamerad; no- First pdb. April 11; la*t May 9. A Square Deal to Employee and Em- j tody’s going to kite you! Take ployer alike Notice to Creditors a little chew of Safety for A ll Based on Practical Ex- j In the County Court o f the State o f C ra iely and Oregon for Washington County. perience y o u ’ll fea t In the matter of the Estate o f Ernest tetter E. Willis, deceased. Wm. A. D ALZIEL, w Notice is hereby given, that the un- REPUBLICAN CANDIDATE ‘ dersigned has been duly appointed by FREI) A. EVEREST the County C o u r t o f Washington FOR A t present Deputy Recorder County, Oregon, Administrator o f the LA B O R C O M M IS S IO N E R R E P U B L IC A N C A N D ID A T E estate o f Ernest E. Willis, deceased. All persons interested or having claims | for Nomination for Primaries May 17, 1918 as against said estate are hereby re­ RECORDER OF C O N V E YAN C E S quired to present the same to me at Primary Election May 17, 1918. the office o f J. N. Hoffman in the City j o f Forest Grove, Oregon, properly ver­ (Paid Advt) ified as by law required, within six months from the date o f this notice. Dated this 18th day o f April, 1918. and The first date o f this publication of DR. H. C. FORTNER notice being April 18th, 1918. N. T. W IL L IS , DR. H. W. VO LLM ER Administrator o f the estate o f Er­ from one o f the heaviest win­ nest E. Willis, deceased. A. L. Lovett, entomologist at num from January 26, 1917, and the o f $75.00 attorney’s fee and the the O. A. C., says state and fed­ sum costs and disbursements herein taxed eral experts expect to plant a at $19.00» and the costs o f and upon knock out punch in the ^olar j said writ and commanding me to make plexus of the clover midce thi- ■ sale o f the following described real year. Much clover seed has here­ ! property, to-wit: Being a portion o f the D. L. C. o f tofore been destroyed by the William H. Bennett in T. 1 N. and T. midge. 1 S. K. 2 W. o f the Will. Mer., de­ Baby Chicks Every Few Days Send Him a pouch of Real GRAVELY Chewing Plug* H atch in g Eggs ter - laying strains o f S. C. W hite Leghorns on the coast. Trap-nested, line -bred, pedi­ greed and culled. Our chicks are vigorous, will grow into layers in 5 to 6 months, when the price o f eggs is high ; 1500 chicks to be hatched May 21st and June 14th. Price, 15c each, 25 per cent cash with order. E ggs $7 per hundred or $1.50 per setting o f 15. Order now, or you may be too late. F. H. Robinson Route 1 C A R LTO N , ORE. Legal N oti • In the County Court o f the State o f Oregon for Washington County. I In the matter o f the estate o f Earl Ott, Presumed deceased. | To Earl Ott and all persons concerned: I The petition o f Bessie L. VanAnt-1 | werp having been filed in the County ! I Court o f Washington County, Oregon, praying for a decree o f said court that the legal presumption exists of the death o f said Earl Ott on account of not having been heard from in seven years or more from his last kn?wn | place o f residence, and for a further I order o f the court appointing H. T. I : Buxton administrator o f the estate o f ! said Earl Ott in the event the legal j presumption exists o f his death, you are notified that said court has fixed ! Monday the 10th day o f June, A. D. I 1918, at the hour o f ten o'clock A. M. | o f said day as the time, and the I County Court room in the court house Successor to Think of the welcome he will give if—this con­ densed plug of fine tobacco that slips flat into hia pocket, ready to give him tobacco comfort and satis-' faction anywhere, all the time I Give any man a chew of Real Gravely Plug, and he will tell you that’» the kind to «end. Send the belt! Ordinary plug U false economy. It costs less per week to chew Real Gravely, because a small chew of it lasts a long while. If you smoke a pipe, slice Gravely with your knife and add a littlo to your smoking tobacco. It will give flavor—improve your smoke. SEND Y OU FRIEND IN THE U. S. SEKVICE A POUCH OF GRAVELY Dealers all around here carry it in 10c. pouches. A 3c. stamp will put it into his hands in any Training Camp or Seaport of the U. S. A. Even “ over there” a 3c. stamp will take it to him. Your dealer will supply envelope and give you official directions how to address it. P. B. GRAVELY TOBACCO COMPANY. DanvUle, Va. The Patent Poach keepa it Freak and Clean and Good —It is not Real Gravely without Mis Protection Seal Established 1S31 © OFFICE In Fi rat National Bank Building Telehones Residence 332 Office 333 D. D. & M. B. BUM F Attorneys at Law Iioans and Real Estate D. D BUMP, Residence Forest (irove. Phone 444 I •I« M. B. BUMP, •Residence 11 il laboro Offices HILLSBORO N .H O F F M A N Attorney At Law Patent Office Business Solicited Forest Grove, . Oregon