EDSAGE 48232353485323534853235323234853235323235323 She mixed Sulphur with it to Retttore Color, GI ohh , YouthfulneHH. There Is No M onopoly A «ardali ORANO FRI/C al Ih* F. R. I F KpVERAILLS I >r?222mamar ***** I um rwffiiTf I m «, (Itti'« 0 T Common Harden aage brewed Into a heavy tea with sulphur added, will turn Kray, atreaked and faded hair (lOOUKiftlrtlS U U l beautifully dark and luxuriant. Just a few application! will prove a revela s u it- ta V M t tlon If your hair la fading, streaked or Kray. Mixing the Bag« Tea and Bui phur recipe at home, though, la trou­ blesome. An easier way Is to get a 60 jltWAlU o n M HATIONS : j cent bottle of Wyeth'a Bage and Bui H ytmt lir t lr i r« n »« 4 M |i|Jy ftm , wm w ill trivi i t * « , phur Compound at any drug «tore all « h«ig<* t«rt«»-L ifi rtffiH «•! f #M 0 , L 1.1/0 Mih, ready for use. This la the old time Lavi Sim uli &e Co., San r rancUco recipe Improved by the addition of other Ingredient« d m a Orwolaled Eyelids, While wispy, gray, faded balr la not #. iurc tO WMi Irdil 10(1 Wind sinful, we all desire to retain our K t' _ _ quickly relieved by Maria« | youthful appearanc# and attractive­ ness. By darkening your hair with ■2 V C S No Smarting, AT w ^ J u . t Eye Comfort. At ; Wyeth's Bage and Bulpbur Compound, Dniniiti or by mail JOc per Bottle. Marias no one can tell, because It doea It v tjraSalva in Tub«« 21c. For Seek e4fbe Eye naturally, ao evenly. You Just dampen a sponge or soft brush with It and r S U aak Maria« Eye Bemedy Ce.. draw thla through your hair, taking one small strand at a time; by morn Ing all gray balra have disappeared, and, after another application or two. your hair becomes beautifully dark, glossy, soft and luxuriant This preparation is a delightful toll et requisite and la not Intended for the cure, mitigation or prevention of disease.— Adv. a new suit RiEL il thijy rip s o r e s;r.oiSrsiibz,d ,^2 Don’t Use Any Other Than Cuticura Soap To Clear Your Skin With the Fingers! Says Corns Lift Out Without Any Pain You reokleea men and women who are pestered w'th corns and who have at least once a week Invited an awful death from lockjaw or blood poison are now told by a Cincinnati authority to use a drug called freesone, which the moment a faw drops are applied to any corn or callous the aoreneaa la relieved and soon the entire corn or callous, root and all, lifts o ff with the fingers. Freesone dries the moment It !s ap­ plied. and simply ahrlvels the corn or callous without Inflaming or even Ir rltaling the surrounding tissue or skin. A small bottle o f freesone will coat very little at any of the drug stores, but w ill positively rid one’s feet of every bard or soft corn or hardened calloua. If your druggist hasn't any frnexona ha can get It at any wholesale drug house for you — Adv. Ths Judge and ths Expert. Mayor Ilylan of New York has no belief In efficiency experts and haa banished them from the city hall. An efficiency expert undertook to teach Judge Ilylan, as he then was, a lesson some years ago. “ I observe, judge," the' man said, "that you've given potlce to your of­ fice boy. Jimmy. That'a a great mis­ take." "Hut he's the most worthless lit­ tle- ”** ''Judge," the expert interrupted, with a superior smile, "I'm going to give you an efficiency leason. Take Jimmy back, for he Bings at hla work, and there's no surer sign of efficien­ cy." "Humph, that's no sign," said the Judge. "A mosquito does that." To keep clean and healthy take Dr. Fierce’s Pleasant Pellets. They regu- Iste liver, bowels and stomach. A One-Man Job. Ferdinand De Footlltea was billed for a one-night aland at Mallow-on- the Marsh. So he sent a telegram to the proprietor of the local theater: "W ill hold a rehearsal tomorrow night. Have stage manager, stage carpenter, property man, assistant electrician and all other stage hands there without fall." Now Hie Move. Within a few hours he got a reply “ W ife, I'm afraid I can't afford now from the proprietor, who wired back: clothes for you this spring.” "H e will be there."— T it Bits. “ Well, then, Dick, we must move. I don't mind wearing my old clothes In Hard Worked. a now neighborhood, hut I won't stay "Th ere goes the hardest worked here and wear them."— Boston Tran­ man In town." script. ‘'Nonsense! He's rich and Inde­ A bholutrly pendent" N w Both «oo R "Yes, but he has three daughters Flrmprool D *p «to 100 who work him for the support of their husbands."— Kxchange. I Hotel Hoyt C i n w 3 i»tK and H a rt Sis.. N r t l i s t l . O r». L O U HIMRH. M snsrsr. KATKS 7 k t a IX. H I'B C IA I. W «sk m Month M O N E Y FOR Y O U . Thousands o f trained »n un * people needed. K a h n We-Walker Business f u l l « * » . Portland, plsors students In positions. Enroll an * Urns. Eras Catalogue. White Leghorn Baby Ghix from h e a v y la y in g (H ogan ll« d ) sto c k . p e r 100. «10.00 W e g u a ra n te e s a fe a rriv a l. Weary. Actress (to her fia n c e )— Please don't ask me to kiss you for a week or so, dasiing. You must remember I took over £200 yesterday selling kisses for the Red Cross.— Passing Show. • A Saving Theory. "Billings Isn't very generous with all his money, la he?" "N o ; he holds that wealth is a bur­ den. and that It Is not fair to put one's burdens on other people’s shoulders.” — Baltimore American. SUITABLE HOUSE FOR FOWLS Hens Should Be Comfortable, With Floor Space of 3 or 4 Square Feet for Each Bird. (Prepared by the Unit*'! Htatas Depart­ ment o f Agriculture > The poultry flock should be comfort­ ably but not expensively housed. A house which provides n floor space of 3 or 4 square feet per bird lx ample for the purpoae. and fowls are often suc­ cessfully kept with an allowance n«> greater than 2V4 to 8 square feet. Houaes must be dry and free from draft, but must allow ventilation. Often there lx an onuaed shed or xmall building on the place which can eaxlly be converted Into a chicken houxe. The front o f the poultry houxe xbould I** faceti toward the south, If possible, so that the aim will xlilne Into it. Per­ fectly xatlafa«*tory houses can be made cbeuply from piano boxes or other packing cases. Tw o plsno boxes with the backs removed can la* uniteti to­ gether and a door cut In the end. These hoxea should be covered with n roofing puper In order to keep the house dry j and to make It wind-proof. A portion o f the door should be left ojwn or cov­ ered with a piece o f muslin, so as to allow ventilation. Similar houses can be constructed o f packing cases at a relatively small cost. A small amount" o f 2 by 4 or 2 by 8 lumber can be pur­ chased for framing. The box hoards can he applied for siding or sheathing and then covered with roofing paper. Where there Is a board fence It Is sometimes [tossitile to take advantage o f this by building the [siultry house In the corner o f the fence, and making the fence Itself, with the cracks cov­ ered by atrips or battened, serve as the hack and one side o f the house. A cheap house 8 by 8 feet square can bo made by 2 by 4-Inch pieces and 12- Inch boards. The 2 by 4 pieces are used for sills, plates, corner posts, and three rafters. No studding Is required except that necessary to frame the SHIP Swift & Company, al­ though the largest packer, handles not to exceed one-eighth of the total meat production of the United States. The five large packers do not handle to exceed one-third of the total meat production of the United States. # S w ift & C o m p a n y is n o t in c o m b in a tio n w ith any o th e r p a c k e r o r p a c k e r s to c o n tr o l p ric e s . T h e r e is v e r y active com pe­ tition in th e b u y in g o f liv e - s t o c k a n d e q u a lly k e e n c o m p e t itio n in th e s a le o f d re s s e d m e a ts and b y -p ro d u c ts . 1918 year book of interesting and instructive facts sent on request. Address Swift & Company, Union Stock Yards, Chicago, Illinois Swift & Company U. S. A. 53484853485348534823235353234848235353235353 E N O C H M O R G A N 'S SO N S CO Good Type of Poultry House. d«air and window space. The bourda are run up ami down ami add suffi­ cient stiffness to the house. They are Buy used also for the roof ami covered with roofing paper. The back and sides of For For the house also can he covered with roofing paper, or the cracks can be covered with wooden battens or strips 1 * to 3 Inches wide. In the front of ‘‘A c t io n s s p ea k lo u d e r than the house there should he left a win­ words-A c t - Dont Talk - Buy Now dow or opening which can he closed, when desired, by a muslin screen or curtain which serves ns n protection against bad weather hut allows venti­ Botanical Notes. A New W ay to 8have lation. In the side a door should he Tender «kins twice a day without Irri­ Poetic Sub— Do you understand the provided which will ullow entrance. A tation by using Cuticura Soap the | language of flowers? shed or single-slope roof Is best be­ “Cuticura Way.” No slimy mug. germs, W orldly One — Only that a two- cause easiest to build. A height o f 6 waste o f time or money. For free sam­ guinea box of roses talks heaps louder feet In front and 4 feet In the rear Is ple« address, "Cuticura. Dept. X, Bos- ; to a girl than a six penny bunch of ample. I f desired, the house may be : ton.” At druggists and by mall. Soap « violets.— Passing Show. built higher, so that It is more conveni­ 25, Ointment 25 and 50.— Adv. Sarcastic. ent to work In ; the Increase In cost “ I hope I'm not taking you from will be slight. The ventllntor In the Up to Date. 1 your work?" rear Is not needed In the northern part "N o,” said the man wearily, “ I just Teacher— Name the five xones. o f the country, but la desirable In the Pupil— Temperate, intemperate, war, come down to the office to receive South, where summers are very warm. visitors.”— Exchange. postal and o.— Exchange. Such a house would be ample for n flock o f 20 to 2f> hens. It can be built quickly and easily and is cheap In construction. THE Divided Authority. "W ho really Is boss in your home?" THE PIONEER HATCHERY Inquired the abrupt person. • 415 Sixth Street. Petaluma, Cal. "W e ll,” replied Meekton, “ o f course Henrietta assumes command o f the pug dog and the canary. But I can say pretty much what I like to the Hldes, Pilli, °SSS* goldfish.”— Exchange. Wt VMS i l m km. Wr*» b» Puro. » C W l « l Tot. ----------------------------W THE H. F. NORTON COMPANY, Portland. Ora.. S aetti«. Wn , Kclllngham. W n. TH E R E FLEC TIO N S OF A MARRIED W O M AN — arc not pleas­ ant if she Is delicate, run-down or over worked. Veal, Pork, Beef, She feels "played out." Poaltry, Butter, Eggs H er smile and her end Farm Produce, to th . OKI K «liable K vrrd in * houo« with a good spirits have rncorcl o f 46 r a n o f Squar« Dealing», and taken flight. It won be aaeurod o f T O P M A R K E T PRICES. V V rlea her husband F. M. CRONKHITE, as well as 45-47 Front S treet, Portland, O regon herself. T h i s I s INSURE CHICKENS AND EGGS the time to b u i l d up Farmer Who Hatches Early In Spring 8eema to Have Beat of Argument her strength and cure those weaknesses or ail­ — Lay In Winter. ments which are the seat Of her trou­ M O T O R C A R .R E P A IR IN G ble. Dr. Pierce’s Favorite Prescrip­ . An essential part of the endeavor to tion regulates and promotes all the MACHINE WORK insure more chickens and eggs is con­ proper functions of womanhood, en­ M A G N E T O SERVICE S T A T IO N riches the blood, dispels aches and tained In the maxim— hatch early. The pains, melancholy and nervousness, farmer who hatches early In the spring, ALL3C1NDS OF brings refreshing sleep,* and restores either by Incubation or natural meth­ health and strength. It cures those ods. seems to have all the best o f the disorders and derangements Incident argument. When chickens are hatched ^CYLINDER GRINDING to womanhood. early In the spring they mature In the * P R O M PT A T T E N T IO N A well-known agent which can be fall and lay eggs In the winter. Then, rro ALL ORDERS« procured at all drug stores Is "Pleas­ In the spring, they are rendy to hatch ant Pellets,” made up o f the May- Bread way at Flanders, Portland, Or. early. Late-hatched fowls are late In apple, the dried juice of the leaves of aloes and the root of jalap. First put maturing, do not lay In the winter, out by Dr. Pierce nearly fifty years and do not sit until late In the follow ­ ing spring. ago.— Adv. Na. 17, 1*1« P. N. U. Wool & Mohan in the packing industry. SAPOLIO PATRIOTISM ECONOM Y New Thomas ; All Steel and Iron GASOLINE DRAG SAW t P O R T A B LE FRED DUNDEE W H E E L E D FR AM E WELDING W ill positively last longer and do a wider range . o f work than any other portable power sawing lì machine made. Write for particulars. THE THOMAS ENGINEERING WORKS Ì S t Ì S È i - 1- 125 E. WS« St., Partimi, Ore. AAAAAàAAAAAAAAAèAAAA iAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAi t