3Forrat (Bruti* I’ ii I i I ih I kh I «very Thursday at Forcai Grove, Oregon. W. C. Benfer. Editor and Puhlisher. E n te re d aa second «-I hns matter Jan. 12, Itflfi, at the uosloffh-e at Foreat Grove, Oregon, under the Act of March 3, 1H79 Subitcription Kate« Paid in advance One year Six montha Three Montha $1.00 .60 .26 On Credit fine year Six montha Three montha $1.60 .75 .40 THURSDAY, MAY 2, MUM and one Thursday by the drop­ ping of a s h e ll into a maternity ho-pilal. its toll of death being one patient, one maternity nurse and one newly born babe, while Because two prominent resi­ six patient-, th ee infants and 'w o dent* of the county neat last probationary nurses were wound Thurndav as-ured him (here wan ed —all to the gloty of the kai -er’s no truth in the rumor that Sheriff ET US T E L L Y O U what a Silo, a Barn, a House, a Gar­ i Gott. Applegate wa< under arreHt, the age or a Chicken House will cost you, complete. It won’t Ami yet there remain at l a r g e editor of the Express allowed hi* in this country a f e w asinine w*it- paper to I k * "scooped" last week. cost you anything to talk and we can beat all comers on SILO ing persons, like one attach'd to Th** Non-Partisan political ma­ the Metropolitan Magazine, who quality and price. chine is not being met with keep harping upnh the advisabil­ friendly hands by the grangers of ity of more talk on the subject of Washington county. Beaverton why t h i s na'ion, believing in and Hillsboro granges resolved ;o justice and civilization, is at war! Phone 531 Forest Grove, Oregon have nothing to do with the This nation is engug d in a I/e,ague and last week Washington mighty war of defense against the county Pomona grange followed thing which chort es with glee JAWING THE JAWERS Washington County Transfers MICKIE SAYS suit. 'over the murder of those new John J Johnson to Charles Sy, On war talk in the past we’ ve dwelt Bv)W-\.«ve l**\ if v*L'o How about that war garden? born b.ibes. of those mothers in 1 ac in Forest Grove, $10. In these immortal verse». 6S T u e s o m e O f T H I * A recent Food Administration the pangs of childbirth, of those F B Warfield et ux to S N And on the talker» have bestowed C O P N J E S T U H t IT C O M E S bulletin says that the effect of orphaned children, of those pious Warfield, 12 ac in N E !4 Sec 36 2 IM , W I T H O U T N\AK.IN’ MO Enthusiastic curses. j wor-hipers at the footstool of a war gardens in providing food, coanfecrriONS a c n . nu T him ’ , We fain would now bestow some more; N 4. $10. saving labor, and relieving the m rciful G« k 1 -against the beast S O M E O P T H E I M -tE U iC T o ftL William J Good et ux to Sam­ Windjammers are increasing, railroads cannot be over-estimat­ called Frightiulness, spawn of LtCrHTS A B O O M ’ T H I S H E B E . uel N Short et'u x , 50x100 feet in And all day long ed. Three of the most im|»ortant Prussiantsm and savage-y. N E C K O* T H E W O O O S ’ O V.OSE i block 39. Forest Grove, $200. They sing their song This nation is at war because i factors in this war are food, labor T h e ir . r e p o TPT io n s p e e . Z M La Rue to M J Smith, Without a sign of ceasing. eeiNf e o o i c a t e o \ J and transporation. and the war knows that if Germany is victor* 100x200.75 feet in Block 12, For­ ^ They make the club unbearable, j ious in its onslaught upon civiliza­ garden solves all three est Grove. $10. And clutter up the hallways. tion the Arner can p e o p l e and all W H Heisler et ux to W O Queen Ma-y of England, says the liberty loving peoples o f this While gusts o f verbose tempest blow Warner et ux. 58 25 ac in J Dick­ the cable, drives a horse to save earth will become slaves to that And whistle through their galways. son and R S Tupper D L C , $100. gasoline. We know a fellow who beast, that monster, that horrible The corner where we used to nap, bought an automobile to save thing.—New York Herald. No more is fit for slumbers, Making Fruit Boxes i corn and oats and hay. And we But rags are chewed i know of another fel'ow who walks INVESTMENT, OR TAX At great expense, we have in­ * By chewers crude. to save both gasoline and horse stalled a machine for making Suppose that you look at the i In daily growing numbers. feed; and another fellow who rid« s matter from this standpoint, Fruit Boxes of all -izes and we The stratety that goes to waste would like to quote prices to box in a street CM1 to save shoe which is by no means the best Is positively cruel; users. Forest Grove Planing leather. standpoint: If Pershing had a millionth part Mill Co. 9-tf You have $50, say, which for Wheat farmers believe their ox The European duel * one reason or another, you’re fear is being gored more by the war I Would never last another day, Ladies, come in and see our than anybody else’s bovine, and ful to invest in a Liberty bond. line of spring and summer skirts. And Potsdam would be humbled; they believe they should have It is certain that the govern­ You’ll feel and look stylish in one The Teuton power more than $2 25 for their wheat. ment want* that $50. of them. John Anderson. Ip half an hour Well, they are probably entitled It is certain that the govern­ Forever would he crumbled. io all they can get. but less than ment is not going to let its men in Notice o f Sheriff's Sale But all the jawsmiths ever do two years ago many of them were Europe suffer for lack of food or Notice is hereby given that by virtue Is stir up spats aad quarrels; o f an execution, decree and order o f ««lad to get $1.25. Few news- ammunition. They don’ t accomplish anything sale, issued out o f and under the seal pap«*r publishers can get 10 per It is certain that the govern­ i Toward purging German morals; ; o f the Circuit Court o f Washington cent more for their products than ment can get your $50 I County, Oregon, to me directed and No aid is gained to win the war before the war. even when their dated April 24, 1918, upon a judgment Here are three certainties which By all this useless clacking; and decree rendered and entered in raw material has increased from you cannot set aside in order to We’ll beat the Huns said Court on April 13, 1918, in favor 100 to 200 per cent in cost. So save your $50, be ye pacifist, pro- By manning guns. o f B. L. Scheckla, plaintiff, and you see the farmers are pretty German, unpatriotic, miserly, or against J. E. Summers, Mabel Sum­ And coming through with packing. well off, in comparison. mers and J. W\ Tigard, defendants, just the ordinary indifferent. We long to win this war as much said judgment being against the de­ If the cost of this w ir is not The last legislature passed a law fendants J. E. Summers and Mabel As any person living; Gypsy Smith, one time vaga- Summers for the sum o f $1200, with in- to the effect that when a person raised by your investing your ; bond, the world’s greatest evange- We’ ll go around with elbows out ■ »crest at the rate o f 7 per cent per an­ has been missing for seven years, money in a bond at 4 }4 per cent 1 list and f<>r the past three years a So we can keep on giving; num from May 17, 1916, and the sum |interest, payable to you it wi I the court may declare him or her of $100 attorney's fee and the costs 1 Y. M C. A war work secretary But may the saints preserve our ears be raised by taxing you. without dead. Under this statute Attor­ and disbursements herein taxed at From all the boresome wrangles with the Biitish army on the l $41.95, and the costs o f and upon said ney L. M. G-aham of this city is any return to you. Therefore, it western front says: That fill the air writ, and commanding me to make asking, for Mrs Bessie Van Ant­ is certain tha the government From here to there sale o f the following described real " I ’ve been loving people all my can get your money, as aforesaid. werp, that her brother. Earl Ott, property, to-wit: And tarnish Uncle’s spangles. life, hut I could shoot the Kai-er last heaid from at Miles City. Finally, those who don’t volun­ and feel that I was doing a favor; All o f Lot 50 in North Tigardville —OREGON VOTER. M ont, sixteen years ago, lie de­ teer to pay will be compelled to to G od. The Kaiser’s God is my ; Addition, in Washington County, Ore­ gon, as per amended plat thereof duly clared legally dead. This step is pay. This appl es to the $50 man | Devil.” Notice recorded in said County, except a strip essential to settling up the estate not less than to the $50,000 manP Dr Erwin of Hillsboro will be 90 feet wide across the northwest end I Gyp-y Smith has been standing' If the bond salesman doesn’ t call of petitioner's father, the late in my office from 9-11 a. m | o f said lot; Henry DeKalb Ott, and is the on you successfully, the tax col­ besides th«* fighting men through daily, 7:30-9:30 p. m. on Mon­ I will, on Saturday, May 25, 1918, at first case of its kind ever brought lector will. The former wears a ail the grim • of th** trenches, mak­ days, Thursdays and Saturdays. 10 o ’clock A. M. at the south door of 4*4 per cent profit smile; the lat­ ing his "machine-gun speeches” ! the court house in Hillsboro, Oregon, in Washington county. ter calls for a threat of penalty. where the big guns were rival The doctor is doing this as a per­ sell at public auction (sublect to re­ sonal favor to me and any con­ demption) to the highest bidder for The Sunset Magazine for May, Finally, your $50 has got to fight, orators. cash in hand, all the right, title and in- on page 27, carries a picture of , tho. pei h a p s , thru indirect taxa- "Every energy must be bent sideration you may show him i terest which the within named de­ Sheriff Applegate, armed with an I tion. Volunteer it, and your’sleep 1 toward stopping the Germans,” will be appreciated by me. fendants. and each o f them had, on ax, in the attitude of smashing in will be sweeter H. R KAUFFMAN. M. D. May 17, 1913, the date o f the mortgage Wait until the he said in New York recently. herein foreclosed, or since said date the head of a wine barrel. The ! government takes it from you, "T he Kaiser is a beast. His peo­ Harry Wescott of Gaston has had in and to the above described real picture was taken at the winery and you’ll have an everlasting ple have been fed on the belief sold his mercantile busine-« to property, or any part thereof, to sat­ of an old Swiss gentleman, near 1 grouch. j that they must crush the Briti>h Carl Bro>trum of Cherry Grove, isfy said execution, decree and order o f Mountaindale, when the sheriff It is safe to say that 90 per cent i Empire, and t h e n ‘ England’s who will move his stare to Gas­ sale, interest, costs and accruing costs. Dated this April 25, 1918. spilled hundreds of gallons of win*', of the unmarried men in this spawn, the Americans.’ We’ve J. C. APPLEGATE. shortly after taking office. He country average better than $4 got to fight to a finish. We must ton and consolidate it with the Wescott stock. Harry will devote Sheriff o f Washington County, Ore­ would now consider it a crime to ; per day income. A dollar a day l put the Get mans where they are spoil so much good liquor, judging saved means a bond in 50 days. ! in no position to do the world his time to looking after a fruit gon. by the efforts Ire has been making | Please observe how many of the further h a r m. Germany h a s farm he has been nursing for sev­ , H. T. BAGLEY, Attorney. First pub. April 25; last May 23. to have it shipped in from Cali­ single men of your acquaintance ; shamed the soul of the whole j eral years. fornia. Poor Jess! He was not never wear the bond button. world.” s rong enough to withstand the There are only two reasons why "Going back?” he said "Of j temptations, which reminds the they shouldn’ t w e a r it. O n e course In a hospital in Englaud writer of the fact that not one in reason is that they haven’t bought I talked with a there boy who had , five of the ex-sheriffs he knows it; the other that they’re not pa­ been wounded four tim* s. He Under the new management, this market has been ever amounted to anything after triotic enough to wear it.— Port­ was all shot to pieces. When I stocked up with a tempting line of having served their time. land News. was ieaving, after a long talk with j him, I said, "W ei!, sonny, where ‘ ‘KULTUR’ ’ AT American French will we meet again?’ His eyes ITS BEST A Y. M C . A. war work secre­ flashed, ‘ In France, sir,’ he said.! How glorious are the victories tary overseas is responsible for ‘Surely you don’t want to go back ! standing to the credit of the this story. He says that there is | to France?' I asked him. ‘Ah, Hams, Bacon, Sausage, Ham burger, W ieners, etc. kaiser’s famous long range gun! a sign in Paris which reads: don’ t I!’ he said. ‘ Where else is Also Bread, Cookies, Pickles, Spices, That Good Friday triumph, with "Wanted American w h o c a n there for a man these days?’ ” Fruits and Vegetables. its slaughter of pious innocents speak French.’’ Some one asked Men, it’s time to put on your' Fresh Fish Tuesdays and Fridays praying in the church of St. Ger- the proprietor why he didn’ t get vais, was followed on Wednesday French waiters if he wanted spring underwear. If you haven’ t Free Deliveries We pay Cash for Veal, by a fine center shot into the French spoken. He replied, "Oh, the right weight, let us fix you up 9 a. m. and 3 p. m. Pork. Hides, Poultry refuge for orphaned children, four I didn’ t m e a n t h a t . I mean comfortably. J o h n Anderson,! Phone 0 3 0 1 and Eggs the leading clothier. tf of the little ones being murdered, American French." The potato in a Rood soldier, nerving an a (substitute for wheat bread. Eat thin soldier, uniform atnl all. L COPELAND & McCREADY Noted Evangelist Tells of Experience The Pacific Market Fresh Beef, Veal, Pork Mutton and Poultry. . .