The Forest Grove express. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1916-1918, May 02, 1918, Image 2

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Brief Resume Most Important
Daily News Items.
Eventa o f Noted People, Governments
and Pacific Northwest and Other
Things Worth Knowing.
Sheep w ill be grazing on the White
House lawn within a few days. Presi­
dent Wilson has purchased 12 thor­
oughbred SWropshires.
Dr. Sidonio Paes, premier and for­
eign minister, was Tuesday elected
president o f the republic o f Portugal
by direct universal suffrage.
Cardinal Begin, archbishop o f Que­
bec since 1898, was stricken with
hemorrhage Tuesday.
His condition
is considered alarming because o f his
advanced age. Cardinal Begin is 78
.years old.
Serious food riots have broken out
in Cracow, Galicia, the Berlin Vor-
waerts reports, according to a dispatch
from Copenhagen. No new shipments
o f food have arrived in Cracow in sev­
eral weeks.
U. S. Take*
Tw o Neutral Nations
by Pekin
Give Expeditionary Forces in Si­
to Direct R elief Activities.
beria to Control o f Japan.
Washington, D. C. — With the ap­
proval and co-operation o f the Am er­
ican government, the legations o f Stockholm Advised Grand Duke
Switzerland and Sweden, representing
German and
Austro-Hungarian in­
Alexis on Russian Throne.
terests, have under taken to direct re­
lie f work among indigent enemy aliens
throughout the United States.
R e lief w ill be extended to needy
families o f internet! aliens direct from
legation funds.
To aid law-abiding
enemy aliens who have suffered on ac­
count o f their status a national com-
mittee o f Americans is to be organized Ku,nor Saya New Government W ill
to co-operate with the legaitions and
Refuse to Recognize Peace Pact
their consular offices.
Signed at Breet-Litovsk.
There is no obligation in existing
treaties for such treatment o f enemy
aliens as is proposed. In Germany and
Austria many such have been detained,
Stockholm— Correspondents o f Swed­
and most o f them are largely depend­
ent for support upon the food supplies ish newspapers in Finland telegraph
sent in through the Red Cross or other that persistent rumors are in circula­
tion there o f important happenings in
In the case o f enemy aliens who are
The most definite rumor declares
now interned, the United States is lia­
the form er Grand Duke Alexis,
ble for the cost o f their maintenance,
as in the case o f any law-breaker or son o f the former emperor, has been
suspect. The Swiss and Swedish le­ declared emperor, with Grand Duke
gations may supply them with some Michael Alexandrovich as regent and
small articles o f food not provided by that the new government would refuse
the internment camps’ administration. to recognize the Bolshevik peace
The activities o f the legations w ill j treaty with Germany.
“ The rumors would be disregarded
not extend in any way to the compara­
were it not for the fact that a
tively few prisoners o f war in this
country. The Hague treaties provide : report from Vasa. Finland, last Thurs­
that the cost o f their maintenance ! day, declared that the transportation
shall be assessed against the enemy o f Russian civilian prisoners had to be
countries until the conclusion o f peace. suspended because o f current disorders
in Russia.”
Finland and Sweden have had no tel­
WILFLEY MISSOURI SENATOR egraphic communication with Russia
in more than three weeks.
Shanghai Thu statement is made in
the first issue o f the Shanghai Gazette
that the Chinese government has
agreed to new demands made by Jap­
an. which are o f such a nature that
the country has virtually been turned
over to the Japanese.
The Gazette assorts it has l>een in­
formed by a high official at Pekin that
the Japanese demands are far more
serious than those in group V o f the
famous 21 demands made by Jupan in
“ Notwithstanding the fact that the
utmost secrecy is being observed,”
ays the Gazette, ” it may be stated
safely that the following is not far
from the true terms o f the agreement:
“ Chinese expeditionary forces sent
to Silieria shall he commanded by a
“ Chinese police shall bo organized
by Japanese officers.
“ Japan shall control all o f China’s
arsenals and dock yards.
“ Japan shall have the privilege o f
working mines in all |>arta o f China.
“ Special privileges shall be granted
to Japun in Outer and Inner Mongolia
and the whole o f Manchuria.”
A dispatch filed in Pekin A pril 4
said it was reported there that Japan
had submitted a new series o f demands
to China, including complete control o f
China's finances, the purchase o f 50
per cent o f China’s ammunition in
Japan, operation o f Chinese iron mines
and dock yards under Japanese control
and recognition o f special Ja|tanese in­
terests in Mongolia, as in Manchuria.
Total Casualties Placed by War
Department at 278.
Information Ixicking as to Hector Held
by “ Soldiers o f the Sea.” Who
Were Pershing's Vanguard.
Washington, D. C. The total lossea
o f the brigade o f marines with the
France so far reported was announced
Friday by Major General Harnett,
commandant o f the corps, as 278, di­
vided as follows: Killed in action, 22;
died from wounds, 10; died from acci­
dents, 2; wounded in action, 244.
A ll the dead are enlisted men, but
eight officers, two captains and six
lieutenants were among the wounded.
Five o f the enlisted men were slightly
wounded, but General Barnett’s state­
ment did not show whether the officers
and other men were severely or slightly
Most o f the casualties were in one
company, which, General Barnett said,
lost a total o f 21 men killed and 140
wounded out o f a personnel o f 260.
The dates on which the marines
were killed and wounded were not
made public, nor was it indicated
what part o f the line the “ soldiers o f
the se a " are holding, or in what ac­
tions they have participated. Such
information ia withheld for m ilitary
It is known, however, that the ma­
rines have been holding a front-line
trench sector for several weeks, hav­
ing been moved up to the battle line
after doing police duty along the
American lines o f communication since
they first went to France with the van­
guard o f General Pershing’s forces last
This list was the first Marine Corps
casualty list made public, and included
all names reported up to A pril 23.
It was regarded as probable that
some o f the names announced Friday
previously had been issued by the War
department in the army list made pub­
lic daily.
The Catholic International
agency announced, a dispatch from
Governor Finds Available Candidate
Basel says, that Emperor Charles o f
An Exchange Telegraph dispatch re­
A fter Fourth Trial.
Austria is making a fresh peace offer,
ceived in London from Copenhagen
appealing to Italy to consider it in her
St. Louis — Xenophon P. W’ ilfley, Saturday reported that a counter-revo­
own interests.
member o f the St. Louis board o f elec­ lution had broken out in Petrograd.
prominent It added that there were persistent ru­
More than 100 American airmen lo­ tion commissioners and
cated in and around London were in­ Democrat o f Missouri, Monday was mors in Finland that Grand Duke A l­
vited to tea at Windsor Castle Monday tendered by Governor Gardner the seat exis had been proclaimed emperor and
by King George and Queen Mary, who in the United States senate vacated that Grand Duke Michael was the real
expressed appreciation o f the work the by the death o f Senator W. J. Stone, j leader in affairs in Petrograd
W ilfley announced he would accept
men are doing for civilization.
the appointment and le ft for Jefferson
Moiscow, Tuesday, A pril 23, (via
Herbert Nelson, 13 years old, was City to confer with the governor.
Vladivostok).— The council o f commis­
lodged in the city prison at Oakland,
W ilfley is the fourth man to be saries has ordered the disarming o f
Cal., charged with having shot and offered the senatorship by the gover­
German and Ukrainian troops who in­
killed his father, Peter, when the lat­ nor.
vade Russian territory.
This action
ter started with him to the police sta­
W’ ilfley is 47 years old and a lawyer. has been taken in accordance with a
tion to place the boy in the custody o f He taught school at Sedalia and other
declaration o f the rada, which was
the juvenile court.
cities in Missouri before being admit­ confirmed by the Germans, that the
Contracts have been let for the man­ ted to the bar in 1896. He has since military operations in the Ukraine
ufacture o f 63,500,000 pairs o f metal­ practiced law in St. Louis.
must not extend beyond the Ukrainian
He was appointed election commis­ border.
lic fastened field shoes for the army-
overseas, at an average price per pair sioner a year ago by Governor Gardner.
In compliance with Germany’s de­
o f approximately $7.75, and for the This is the only public office he has mand regarding war prisoners, I.eon
manufacture o f 2,000,000 pairs o f field ever held, although he was figured! Trotzky, the Bolshevik minister o f
prominently in Democratic politics for war and marine, has ordered that pris-
w elt shoes at $6.50.
several years. He is also active in oners shall be disarmed and held in ac­
Secretary o f War Newton D. Baker, Methodist church circles in St. Louis.
cordance with international convention
in an address to financiers, merchants
and also that they shall not be allowed
and manufacturers at a luncheon given
to carry on revolutionary propaganda.
in his honor at Baltimore Monday, so WAR NEWS QUESTION IS UP
The K iev rada has informed Rou-
stirred the representative men o f Bal­
mania and the central powers that the
timore that in 40 minutes, subscrip­ Secretary Baker Says Present Publicity
Ukraine does not recognize Roumania's
tions poured in to the extent o f $19,-
System Unsatisfactory.
annexation o f Bessarabia.
M. Yaberzen has been appointed am­
Washington, D. C.— The whole ques­
A Liberty ' Loan honor flag floats tion o f how the American public shall bassador to Switzerland.
over the huts o f 200 Pala Indians far be kept promptly informed as to army
up in the mountains o f San Diego activities both abroad and at home is
Taft Urges Large Army.
county, California.
They subscribed under consideration at the W ar depart­
Cleveland, O. — Ex-President W il­
$4000 to the Third Liberty Loan from ment. In making this known, Secre­
their scant savings.
They had been tary Baker said frankly that the pres­ liam H. Taft, speaking as a represent­
entirely overlooked and no quota for ent system has proved entirely unsat­ ative o f the lea g u e to Enforce Peace
at the annual meeting o f the Federated
the camp had been allotted.
The War secretary would not say Churches here Sunday, called upon
Alim ony dodgers w ill be drafted into what plans are under consideration, America to abandon hope o f early
the army soon, according to a decision but it is known that the issuing o f I P64“ an<l prepare at once to send an
by the exemption appeal board o f Chi­ some sort o f a daily statement is con­ army o f 7,000,000 American soldiers
cago. A man who has been given a templated. This is regarded as neces­ to the western front.
“ America must stop changing her
deferred classification on grounds o f sary now that American soldiers have
supporting a fam ily and then is found not only taken over several sectors o f ideas as to the prosecution o f the war
to have deserted them and refused to trenches in France as individual units, every six months, declared Mr. T a ft;
pay alimony w ill be put in Class l.|it but also have been brigaded with must give up entirely the hope o f sep­
was decided.
French and British forces in Picardy, arating the German people from their
the Germans are still trying to kaiser, and must immediately lay plans
Finnish shore batteries in command
to overcome Germany by the force o f a
offensive forward.
o f German officers opened fire on 145
tremendous army.
Russian ships which le ft Helsingfors
“ America must calculate on a large
for Kronstadt, the State department cently he issued an order that any w ar,” he said. “ L e t us have a plan
was informed Monday in diplomatic
to put five or seven millions o f men
dispatches. This was held to be a vio­ tionary forces in France would have to over there.”
lation o f the Brest-Litovsk treaty
which stipulated that the vessels Pershing.
U. S. Guns Beat Off Huns.
should move unmolested.
Princess Marie Banished.
With the American Arm y in France
Paris— The Princess Marie Antoi­ — The enemy laid down a very heavy
German newspapers received at Zu­
rich say two large powder factories at nette, mother o f Empress Zita, has barrage in front o f the American
Glazenbach, near Salzburg, 156 miles been ordered to leave Austria within trenches in the Toul sector at 3 o ’clock
southwest o f Vienna, have been de­ 24 hours and not re-enter that country Monday morning, the bombardment
stroyed, according to a dispatch from until the termination o f the war, ac­ lasting an hour.
cording to a dispatch from Geneva.
A fte r an interval o f silence, he re­
Empress Zita has been blamed by the peated the performance, and half an
The United States has agreed to pro-German party in her husband’s em­ hour later the German infantry started
permit the shipment
o f grain to pire as being responsible for Emperor for the American lines.
So intense
Switzerland in ships flying the Swiss Charles’ now famous letter to Prince was the American counter attack that
colors with the flags under which the Sixtus, o f Bourbon, his brother-in-law, the enemy was repulsed without get­
vessels is registered.
It is probable in which he made overtures for peace ting close enough to be engaged by the
that American ships w ill be used.
to France.
American infantry.
New York -G eorge A . Kyle, o f Port­
land, Or., the American engineer, who,
since March 5, has been held captive
by Chinese bandits in the province o f
Homan, China, has been released, ac­
cording to advices to the State depart­
ment from the American legation in
Pekin, forwarded to the Siems-Carey
Railway & Canal company here. Two
other Americans and a Chinese engi­
neer had been previously freed.
The message to K y le ’s employers
here gave no details o f how his release
was brought about.
K yle was chief engineer o f the
Siems-Carey company and was making
a survey for 2600 miles o f railroad
when captured, with E. J. Pursell, an­
other engineer, and a Chinese assistant
engineer. Later H. J. Ix)ve, a V ir­
ginian, employed by the British-Amer-
ican Tobacco company, was seized. A ll
were reported liberated except Kyle,
who was said to be held as a hostage
for the return o f a relative o f one o f
the bandit chiefs captured by Repbuli-
can troops.
Ixindon Winston Spencer Churchill,
introducing in the house o f commons
Friday the estimates o f the ministry
o f munitions, said that during the five
weeks since the battle in France not
only had the consumption and destruc­
tion o f munitions o f all kinds proceed­
ed at the greatest rate, but that there
also were very heavy losses by capture
by the enemy.
“ We lost,”
the minister said,
“ nearly a thosuand guns by shell fire
or capture; between 4000 and 5000
machine guns have been lost or de­
stroyed, and the quantity o f ammuni­
tion, apart from thnt which has been
fired and that which has been lost in
the dumps, amounted to something
between one and three weeks’ total o f
“ But great as the demand has been,
the expenditure in the last month did
not exceed the maximum potential ca­
pacity o f the British factories, w ith­
out touching the enormous reserves,
which had accumulated against such a
“ In fact, barring unforeseen circum­
stances, our supply o f munitions would
enable us to carry on a battle at the
supreme pitch o f intensity until winter
without compromising our requirement
for 1919. This despite the fact that a
hundred thousand men were
from the munition factories for service
in the armies.
“ We are making in a single week
more airplanes than we made in the
whole o f 1914; in a singe month more
than we made in the whole o f 1915; in
three months more than wo made in
the whole o f 1916.
And we are going
to make this year several times what
we made last year.”
For telling a friend that the naval
Gompers 111 on Rostrum.
ship upon which he was serving was to
Samuel Gompers, presi­
sail for Europe soon with troops on
Federation o f
board, Lieutenant W alter S. Carring­
ton has been sentenced by court-mar­ Labor, was stricken suddenly ill while
tial to lose five numbers in his grade. addressing a mass meeting o f labor
A ir observation shows a clear break representatives here Monday night.
o f 20 yards in width in the Zeebrugge
Mr. Gompers had said that when de­
mole at the inner end, and that a mocracy was enthroned no one would
sunken object blocks the greater part outdistance him and his associates in
o f the channel in the harbor o f Ostend, the labor movement extending the
according to an official bulletin issued hand o f fellowship and goodwill to the
working people o f Germany.
by the English admiralty.
Oregon Man ia Murdered.
Phoneix, A riz .— Ivan McCann was
taken into custody eary Monday morn­
ing, charged with the murder o f Ken­
neth C. Folston, o f Oregon, who dis­
appeared from his lodging house here
last November. The body o f Folston
was found on Saturday afternoon by
cowboys, 25 miles northeast o f the
city, and was identified by papers and
other property found in the pockets.
On the return o f the officials from
the mountains, McCann was arrested.
PreM Soldier* Greeted.
N ew Y ork— Cablegrams were Satur­
day sent by M. E. Stone, general man­
ager o f the Associated Press, to all
men in the foreign service o f the or­
ganization/is follows: “ The board o f
directors o f the Associated Press in
meeting assembled sends you the heart­
iest personal greetings, and in the
name o f 1100 American newspapers its
profound thanks for the admirable and
patriotic service you are rendering to
the Press and to the country.”
Missing Germans 664,105.
Amsterdam - Speaking before the
main committee o f the German reichs-
tag on Friday, according to Vorwaerts,
General von Risberg stated that on
March 31 last, the number o f Germans
missing had reached a total o f 664,-
O f this number, he said, 236,676
were prisoners in France; 119,000 in
England, 157,000 in Russia and Rou-
mania, and the remainder could be re­
garded as dead.
Germans to Get Supply o f Sand and
Gravel From Holland.
Ixindon — Holland has yielded to
Germany’s demands concerning trans­
port and the supply o f sand and gravel,
although it is understood that the
amount o f sand and gravel w ill be lim­
ited instead o f unlimited, according to
a dispatch from The Hague to the
Daily Mail, dated Sunday.
It is added that a general undetak-
ing w ill be required from Germany
that the sand and gravel w ill not be
used for m ilitary purposes.
Rumors are current in the Dutch
capital, the dispatch adds, that Dr.
John IxHidon, minister o f foreign a f­
fairs, w ill resign. These, it is said,
are based on the supposition that he
could not retain office now that his un­
dertaking respecting the gravel must
te* ¿evoked*
In summarizing the situation, the
dispatch continues, it is fe lt certain
that the crisis with Germnay has
passed, although the solution is in no­
wise an ideal one for Holland.
Relations between Holland and Ger­
many have been at almost a breaking
point for some days owing to German
demands that Holland
permit the
transmission over her canals and rail­
roads o f sand and gravel from Ger­
many to Belgium.
The controversy
was a three-cornered one, as Great
Britain had warned Holland to take
steps to make certain that the sand
and gravel would not be UBed for m ili­
tary purposes.
Portland Engineer, Captive in China
Hince March 5, Given Freedom.
England Prepared i f Big Battle Ixists
Until Stopped bv Winter.