- 4 *• tí She IF m rs í Okm te Im irttSB AN IN D EPEN D EN T WEEKLY NEWSPAPER FOREST GROVE. OREGON. THURSDAY. MAY 2. 1918 Vol. 3 No. 17 sheriff will have been elected. Bert Simpson to Leave Local Club Women FORMER SHERIFF new When Sheriff Only One Jailed After five years of fa.thful ser WHEAT MUST Applegate. Bailey and as Southern Pacific agent at Entertain Guests vice Buchanan appeared before Judge this point, Bert Simpson has A FEDERAL Wolverton GO TO MARKET Monday, the court an The annual "Guest-Night” pro asked for a transfer to Bay City, nounced that the fines of Bailey gram of t h e F o r e s t Grove Tillamook county, and has been Hillsboro, April 29th, 1918. PRISONER an<l Buchanan had been inci eased informed that he gets his wish. To the Loyal People of Washing to $400 each and the jail sentence Woman’s club was given last The desire to leave Forest Grove ton County: From the exalted position of sheriir of Washington county to the more or less disgraceful one of a prisoner in the Multnomah county jail is the price Jesse C. Applegate must pay for shipping liquor into dry territory. Two other prominent men of Hillsboro are in the same boat with Apple- gate. The story is told as follows by Friday morning’s Oregonian: "Department of Justice opera tives made a sensational "catch” early yesterday morning when they nabbed Jesse C Applegate, Sheriff of Washington county; John W. Hailey, vice-president of the Hillsboro Commercial Bank, and Charles B. Buchanan, a Hills boro business man, in the act of loading a liquor consignment into their automobile at Fano, Or., a flag station on the Southern Pa cific, not far from Hillsboro. "Crockery,” "Handle W i t h Care,” read two labels stenciled on each of the five boxes the prominent citizens were claiming. The boxes, all of generous size, were found to contain quantities of whiskey, gin and wine. The Federal agents turned a deaf ear to the explanations of the men from Hillsboro and brought them to Portland. Here they finally confessed to United States Attorney Haney that the liquors were for their own use. News of the rapture and con fession remained only a myster ious rumor, however, until noon, when the three men appeared be fore Federal Judge Wolverton The trio waived reading of the complaint and entered pleas of guilty. Time for sentence was also waived and the judge im mediately imposed fines of $250 and 10-day jail terms upon the men. As court.reconvened at 2 o’clock prominent friends of the convict ed men appeared before Judge Wolverton and made earnest re quests that the jail sentence be suspended, even if it were neces sary to increase the fines. Two of the pleaders resorted to the argu ment that "nearly everybody does it ” "That makes the responsibility of an officer, such as the Sheriff, for upholding the law all the greater,” interrupted the judge as this argument was repeated. Further pleas for clemency were cut short and Judge Wolverton announced that both parts of the sentences would stand as rendered. I,ater in the afternoon he issued a stay of execution until lfro’clock Monday morning Under this stay the men were permitted to return home on their own recog nizance to straighten up urgent business and official matters be fore entering upon the jail terms The liquors, said to have been shipped from San Francisco, were billed to "James W. Hart.” a fic titious name. The corresponding shipping bill was found in the pockets of Bailey, the Govern ment agents reported Just how the Federal agents were "tipped off” regarding the shipment has been kept secret. Rumor has it, however, that sus picions had been previously di rected toward Sheriff Applegate.” Applegate Resigns Sheriff Applegate Saturday filed a written resignation with the County Court. H e g a v e no reasons for his desire to quit, and none was needed. The resigna tion was accepted at a meeting held Tuesday and George Alex ander. head deputy under Apple- gate, was appointed to fill the va cancy until Jan. 1, 1919, when a suspended. In the case of A pi night at Marsh and Herrick halls is prompted by two reasons, first, In view of the gravity of the pit-gate, the sentence stood as for of Pacific University and the af the health of Mr?. Simpson and, food situation as to wheat and merly announced, $250 fine and fair was so enjoyable and cordial second, lighter work. Simpson is flour, a special appeal is made to ten days in jail. All three fine» that even some of the m**n have a very able railroad man, a good you to consider the facts. were paid. The ex-sheriff began been heard to say they enjoyed citizen and public-spirited to a The allied armies must have 75 serving his sentence at noon and themselves, which is something marked degree Never has there million bushels more wheat be he had not been in jail long be unusual. (Isn’t this true, ladies?) been a Red Cross, Y. M. C. A. or tween now and harvest. HUN The musical program was under Liberty I»an drive in this city GRY MEN WON’T FIGHT. fore the prisoners organized a kangaroo court and found him the direction of Miss Weggener, without Simpson well up in the To furnish this we MUST eat guilty of breaking into a jail director of the Conservatory of lead, doing his share of the work only half as much wheat as we where he was not wanted He j Music, and proved unusually at and then lome. Only a week ago did a year ago. was unmercifully roasted by the tractive t o music-lovers. The he resigned as president of the Do you know that in many sec first number was a three-part Patriotic league of Washington tions of the country patriotic peo other prisoners and fined $6.00. piano selection by Miss Peterson, county. His influence for good ple have pledged themselves to Oakland Man Arrested followed by a song and encore by will be mbsed in Forest Grove eat no more wheat until after har An Oakland, Calif., business the Girls’ Glee club. Russell and Washington county, but Til vest? man, named Ernest Konig. has Beals gave a three-pirt piano lamook county is entitled to con Don’t you know, as a matter of been arrested and bound over to , number that upheld the young gratulations on securing so valu fact, that you can eat potatoes, the grand jury for shipping liquor to Hillsboro, Oregon. He is prob man’s reputation as a brilliant able a man and a family like Mr. corn, oats, rice and barley with ably the guy who furnished the per former and Mrs. Merle Reder and Mrs. Simpson a n d their your garden stuff until harvest, "hardware” which got the three j gave a reading from Robert W. children. Just when he will be and be just as well and just as Service that earned the encore transferred has not been decided. strong as if you had eaten all the Hillsboro men into trouble. she received The next number fine wheat flour and pastry you Colleges Offer Assistaoce was a piano solo by Miss Peter wanted? son, followed by a "Serenade” by President Clark of Pacific Uni only place you will suffer the Glee club. Miss Waggener versity returned Sunday morning will The be and Mr. Beals then performed on from a business trip to Tacoma taste. in the gratification of your Last week’s Express stated that two pianos in a manner to please and Seattle, where he met with The person who insists on grat the audience and the program nineteen other college professors, the Commercial Club directors came to an end with another read who gathered to discuss ways and ifying his palate without regañí to were trying to interest the Fed ing by Mrs. Merle Reder. means for assisting the nation in our soldiers’ needs in these times eral government, through Col. F. From Marsh hall the ladies and its struggles against Prussianism. cannot be fittingly d e sc rib í in B. Maus, in a local site for a re their male appendages went to Thursday the presidents went to print. habilitation hospital President Herrick hall, where the refresh Camp Lewis for a conference with The maximum amount of wheat Hoffman of the club tried to get ment committee—Mesdames Ben- t h e military authorities a n d Hour that is allowed is one and in touch with Col. Maus by wire, fer and Whitehouse and Miss Ab- Thursday night they were guests one half pounds per week per per but has so far failed to get a re- ernethy—served punch and waf at a banquet given by tbe Rotary son. Americans who wont to DO ly, bu' he has received from W. ers while the members and guests club Friday w a s devoted to TH EIR ALL will get along on a I. Crawford, secretary of the chatted and became better ac business, including a discussion of half pound p e r w e e k . EAT Portland Chamber of Commerce, quainted. T h e attendance was the facts learned at Camp Lewis SPUDS. a letter confirming the fact that about three score and the affair and Friday night there was an NOTICE TO FARMERS Col. Maus w a a looking over was not so stiff and formal as on other banquet, given by tbe In All stocks of wheat remaining Western Oregon for a sight for former occasions. ternational Bureau, composed of in farmers’ hands must be mar such a hospital, to be built in case representatives of 36 races. Here keted through regular channels congress passes a bill appropriat the college men learned he great before May 15th. After that date CONDENSED NEWS NOTES ing $10,000,000 for hospital de i amount of war work being done wheat will be subject to requisi velopment work. This work will by the foreign born residents of tion. Farmers having wheat on Mrs. Banzier o f La Center, b* under t h e direction of the the Northwest. hand which they are unable to Bureau of War Risk Insurance, j Wash., is visiting her sister, Mrs. Saturday the college men went get to market before that time J. W. Caples. Col. Maus was also inspecting the ! to Seattle, where they visited should confer w i t h the under established hospital unite and has Found—On 4th street, near 1st Bremerton N a v y yards. The signed with rega>d to deferred de probably left the coa«t by this avenue, south, a halter. Pay for commander asked if the colleges livery. time. this notice and claim property. could spare a man to teach math The assistance and co-operation Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Guyton and ematic« and another to teach his of all loyal citizens is asked in se Welcome Assistance tory and some of the colleges rep The French and Belgian Relief Mr. and Mrs. E. J. McAlear of resented at the conference will re curing this wheat. WE MUST Sewers met Tuesday of this week Hillsboro visited Mr. and Mrs. lease men for this work, just asj HAVE IT. instead of Friday, the usual meet D. N. Morris Sunday SUGAR FOIUCANNING Pacific University some timp ing day. at the home of Mrs. Koveralls f o r children. We .-inee released Prof Handlin for The food administration has ar Mary Thomas, the change of day carry all sizes in blue denim, physical culture work. ranged to supply the needs of this for this week being on account of khaki, blue and white stripe and great fruit producing country for the school May Day exercises a t ' light weight blue. A. G. Hoff Mr. C'ark says he had a fir.£ sugar for canning and preserving. time and is proud of the work the the college on Friday. Election man & Co. Dealers will be supplied with colleges of the Northwest are do of officers was held, as follows: | People should do their shop cert ificates to be signed by buyers, President. M'S. Mary Thomas; ping early (before noon) tomor ing for their country. reading as follows: Vice President. Mrs. E. F. Bur- row, as the stores will close from H. F. Wilson, Harry Giltner, "I hereby declare to the United lingham; Secretary and Treasurer, 2:30 to 5 on account of the May Art Caples and W. C. Benfer left States Food Administration that Mr.-. E Meres.se; Publicity Com Day exercises at Pacific Univer this city at 2:30 Tuesday morn I have purchased from-------------- mittee, Mrs W. W. Goff and sity. ing, via Ford jitney, arrived at a t-------------- an amount of-------- Mrs J. W. Macrum. Oregon City at 5 a. m. and fished Dr. Pedley’s visit to Pacific for salmon until noon. While in pounds of sugar to be used for There is a very great need for canning and preserving purposes the work the ladies are doing and University has been postponed Oregon City, as guests of Scott only. an urgent invitation is given to all one week Dr. Pedley will, th re- Nesbit. salesman for the Blake, I hereby agree in consideration ladies to come and help. All cloth fore. give his address on "Lincoln McFall Paper company, the For of the above, that I will limit the and Lloyd George” in the College ing goes directly to France, and is est Grove men visited the big consumption of sugar in my there distributed to the needy Chapel, Thursday morning, May Crown-Willamette paper mill and household for all other purposes, ones. The next sewing day will 9, at 10 o ’clock. saw big logs converted into print to three (3) pounds or less per be Friday, May 10th Place of In honor of Mrs. L. C. Misz, ing and wrapping papers. The person per month.” meeting Mrs. Thomas’ home on who leaves soon for a visit with members of the party brought Not over 100 pounds may be First ave., corner 2d street, op her husband, in Montana. Mrs. home about 70 pounds of salmon, purchased on a n y certificate posite city laundry. Any dona W. A. Ross Tuesday afterpoon in spite of the fact that natives Special permit will be necessary tions of money, new material or , entertained at cards Mesdames claimed the fish were not biting for additional purchases, but will worn clothing very acceptable. Misz, C. O. Roe, W. B. Coon, C. as well as the week before. Wed be granted upon proper showing. F. Miller, W. H. Danser, Randall, nesday the season for netting fish Washington County ‘‘Over Top” Heath and Benfer. The guest’s opened, so fishing by hook and These economies are vital. Ev Washington county "went over | prize went to Mrs. M'sz, the first line has probably been spoiled for ery loyal person in Washington the top” at (he State Sunday to Mrs. Roe and the consolation the present. While in Oregon City county owes the country a sacred School Convention, held at Salem to Mrs. Heath. Those privileged Mr. Caples visited his sister, Mrs. personal obligation to help. The task is stupenduous. N o one last Thursday, Friday and Satur to partake thereof say that the Walter Dimick, and on the way should “side step” now. day, with a blue ribbon for hav lunch served by the hostess was home Mr. Wilson visited his par Yours for our free country, ents, near Tigard. ing done its full share financially so tasty as to be a masterpiece. CHAS E. WELLS, and a gold ribbon for having done a little extra. F i v e delegates County Chairman. were present from Forest GroVe The members of the Washing and eighteen from Washington ton County Veterans’ association county. Harold Humbert of Port are holding t h e i r semi-annual Monday, May 6, has been designated by the City land is the new state secretary. meeting in Cornelius today. This Council as Clean-up day. Have your rubbish prop morning they held memorial ser At the annual spelling contest erly sacked and tied and place it on curb line by vices and this afternoon they will held at Hillsboro Saturday, April! elect officers and transact other 27th, 970 childten of the county Monday morning and city team will haul said rub business.___________ took part; 270 were perfect and bish away, without expense to you. will receive championship di-1 Mr. and Mrs. A S. Dilley, plomas; 83 were exempt from GEO. G. PATERSON, Mayor. Mrs. Harrison and Misses Esther spelling in the eighth grade ex Dilley and Mabel Adams autoed W. P. DYKE, Recorder. amination. to Oregon City Sunday. More Facts About Hospital Appropriation K C L E A N -U P N O T IC E !