- l i fe Hotel Rowland O m humlrad ami siity-A va Rooms. all M o.Inn ImprtfVettMWiU: trmm ph ..«,m K Ur trie pass door. ICunductad by National Council of tha Hoy BEAUTIFUL RUGS Don’t Stay Gray! It Darkens______ w,,,,ut* °f Am«rio> > So Naturally that No­ body can Tell. SCOUT WINS WAR CROSS Are matte front your OLD CAM* I'KTS. lUg Ruga woven all sizes. Mail orders receive prompt anti care­ ful attention. Send for booklet. You can turn gray, faded hair beau­ tifully dark and luatroua almost over NORTHWEST RUC CO. E. Hth and Taylor SU. Portland, Or. night If you'll gat a 60cent bottle of "W yeth’a Bage and Sulphur Com­ pound” at any drug store. Millions of boltlea of this old famous Sage Tea Recipe, Improved by the addlUon of other Ingredients, art sold annually, frura hnavy taylna (lln ean itad ) Block. 110.0(1 says a well-known druggist here, be­ |M»r 100. W . guarantor Mtfe arrival, cause It darkens the hair so naturally and evenly that no one can tell It has THE PIONEER HATCHERY been applied. Thoae whose hair la turning gray 415 Siath Straat. Pat.lum a, CaL or becoming faded have a surprise swatting them, because after one or MONEY FOR YOU. two applications the gray hair van­ T h o u ..m l. or trmlnod t w i n f M opla u n l . 1 ishes and your locks become luxuriant^ l l .h n k . W .U r r Itualnaaa l u l U n . Portland. placaa • lu d .n l. In puattiuna. E nroll an r lim a. Kroa ly dark and beautiful. This la the age of youth. Oray- C alaloeua. balred, unattractive folke aren't want- ed around, eo get busy with Wyeth's Hage and Sulphur Compound tonight o - v R i l l D a n d ru ff and you'll be delighted with your dark, handsome hair and your youthful ap­ pearance within a few days. a ? d Itc h in g This preparation la a toilet requisite la not Intended for the cure, miti­ w ith C u ti cu ra and gation or prevention of disease.—Adv. |\Saap25t Oinharet 2Sc I S9 c It Turned. "My hair began to tarn when I was quite young," she said. The Wlaa Huaband. "Oh. then you've dyed It?" Mr. Harton lived In a suburban "Sir! What do you mean?” town. Ilia wife aaked him to purchase "Heg pardon. Didn't I understand a ahlrtwalat for her while In New York. After telling the salesgirl what you to say It turned?” "Certainly, that's what 1 said. It he was after, abe displayed a number. "Here are aome very pretty onee. began to curl.”— Exchange. What color do you prefer?" ahe said. "It doesn't make any difference." NOTHING 8TA N 08 AS HIGH, as a replied Mr llarton. remedy for every wo- "Doosu't make any difference!” ex­ manly ailment, as Dr. claimed the salesgirl. "Why, don't Pierce's Favorite Pres you think your wife would like a cer­ H crtptlon. It's the only tain color?” medicine for women cer- "No, it makes no difference what » tain In Its effects. color I get or what site. I shall have to come back tomorrow to have It changed.” Whits Leghorn Baby Chix Dr. Pierce’s Pellets are beat for liver, bowels and stomach. One little Pellet for a laxative- threw for a cathartic S j Scout Gordon Kitchen of troop No. 4, Montclair, N. J., seventeen yesrs old, has received the Croix de Guerre for bravery on the Held o f Verdun. Scout Kitchen writes home as fol­ low s: "W e ae a eectlon have been deco­ rated with the Croix de Guerre four times. Bo on each car In the section we have a Croix de Guerre with two stars (one silver and one bronze) and two gold palms (this Is painted on the cars, o f course). When an organiza­ tion receives two citations with order o f the Army (a palm Is the Insignia) they are allowed the additional honor of the Fourragere, a silk cord worn uround the left shoulder and left hrciwt. We ure the only section In France, either French, English or American, regulars or volunteers, to receive the Forrngere. “ Hope you won’t judge I’m think­ ing and going all on honors of this kind. One soon finds out that decora­ tions and honors are the results of hard work. You may be pleased to know that I received a personal dec­ oration and am now the proud posses­ sor o f the Croix de Guerre with a «li­ ver star citation. “ We have seen thousands o f German prisoners, and believe me they are a sorry-looklng lot. How they can keep on the way they do la beyond me. Muny o f these prisoner* are only boys. They seem thin and haggard and wish the war was over. "Lets hope for the best anyhow. There won't he much doubt about the hacking In America If everyone 'turns to’ the way the scouts have.” Ited Fox. Skulhushu, "the Indian Muu o f Mystery,” is traveling on hla pony to bis tribe in Montana with a letter from President Woodrow Wil­ son. Bed Fox was born In Alberta, Can­ ada, In the Blackfoot country. At the age o f seven he was placed under the guldunce o f u warrior and taught the things every Indian boy learns: To know the stars, the trees, the birds, the animals and their language, the secret* of the woods and caves, of streams and pools. All the wonderful lore the Boy Scouts of America are gaining through enmp life comes to the Indian boy as part o f bis necessary education hy older men In hU tribe. Following his early boyhood days In the Blackfoot reservation Red Fox spent his early manhood In the Little Horn country, where he went through regular graded schools and high school. He was scoutmaster of the first Indian Boy Scouts of America. ELECTRIC MOTORS THE VOGEL PRODUCE CO. tn th« Old Itellahio Eivardlnc house with a record o f iS year» <>f Square Deahnra, and ba assured o 1 T O P M A R K E T PRICES. F.tM . CRO NKH ITE, 4 5 -47 Front Straat, B U Y P ortlaa d, O raaon D I R E C T £ Your By b u rin e dlreet Trina uà at w holanat» «ricca" and «ava thè ploro ber'« pm flta. W rlte aa So­ d ar your neerla. Wa wtU giva yua our roek- bottnm "d im e t-ta -y o u " prima, f . o. h. rail oc boat. Wa actnally «ava yua Trina 10 Sa 14 par cent. All guada guarantaad. Northwmt hoadguartnra fai Laudar Wakar Sratroa and Fallar A Johnson Rngtnaa. STARK-DAVIS CO. SIX Third P. N. U. Nat 18, 1$1$ A Soldier’s offering to his sweet­ heart is naturally the sweetmeat that gave him most refreshment and greatest enjoyment when on duty. The Flavor Lasts IN D IA N C H IE F A S C O U TM A S TER . Generosity. 1 L | "Favorite Prescription” An old fellow on nla deathbed. In r I is an Invigorating, restor- making hla will, murmured to hla law­ A I alive tonic, a soothing yer: “ And to each of my employes A ' and strengthening nerv- who have been with me 20 years or ^P- lne, and a complete cure more I bequeath £ 2.000.” v for all the functional de "Holy smoke, what generosity!" the Y rangements, painful dts- lawyer exclaimed. ( o r d e r s , and c h r o n i c "No. uot at all," said the sick man. weaknesses peculiar to “ You see. none of them has been with h i m Æ ' Burn tory o f the world. aldo. cor. 10th. Portland. Ora, ‘over there' has he?” "N o—nothing but barbed wire—so "Life wus never so full o f oppor­ far."— Florida Tlmea-Union. tunity as toduy; and the Boy Scouts of America, because o f the effectiveness Soft, Clear 8kins. of Its progrnm and the character of Night and morning Imthe the face Its membership, Is playing a mighty with Cutlcura Soap and hot water. If Important part In the affairs of our na­ WIII ffuarantra jrou (« o m arket pricoa at all timoa there are pimples first smear them tion. fo r your Vaal. U osa, Poultry. Eleva. Buttar. Hldoa. with Cutlcura Ointment. For free sam­ E tr. l i you hava not «hippad tu uà. try u». “ We are all proud to be scouts, but ples address. "Cutlcura, Dept. X. Bos­ 113 F ron t, P O R T L A N D . O R . ton." Sold by druggists and hy mall. why should we be content with a mem­ bership o f hut 205,000 boys and 78,000 Soap 25, Ointment 25 and 50.—Adv. Case ara men? There are 10,000,000 boys who Hides, Pelts, » . . r , Wool & Mohair should have the benefit o f the boy lin S ilr a k a Writ ht M a udS im m Twi. | scout progrnm.” T H E H . r. N O R T O N C O U P A N T , There are 295,768 Boy Scouts of Portland. Ora.. Saattle. Wn., Bellingham. Wn. America in good standing, compared with 100,728 on the seventh anniver­ sary lust year. These boys are organ­ V eal, Perk, Beef, ized In 13,787 troops, with 78,873 men Poultry, Butter, Eggs leaders. and Farm Produce, SHIP The universal military service gum - SUFFERING CATS! GIVE THIS MAN THE GOLD MEDAL Do You Do This? The customer was paying the mer chant an account and handed over a wad of 20 $5 bills. Carefully the merchant placed the notes on the counter, and wetting the tip of his finger he counted them one by one. “ I noticed.’’ remarked the customer, smilingly, after the merchant had placed the wad In his inside pocket.: "that you didn't ‘flick’ up the la st: ! one.” “ No,” was the canny reply. “ I dinna dae more than look at the last one. That’s guid enough for me without touchin' It; there might be anither underneath i t " —Chicago Herald. DUCK ■ /r f lisses sonar netentei bv CUTTER S 5LACKLE8 PULS L o w -p flc « d , fresh, reliable ; I p r e f erred by ’ ■ men, tecturn t*ey protect where other trace Into fall. Write lor booklet and festimooiaX 10-bass *ks.Macfclac PHI«. |1.M S0-4«M Ska. aucki«t PUIS. (4.00 l « m Utectoc. WlC.rtrir'. O m t-W , T it «upartarity ol Cum* product« J, doe to years of specializing is VACCINBS AND SEBl’MS o it ir . insist ok c v m m a. U — v~-1“ order direct. Granulated Eyelid*, Sore Eyes, Eyes Inflamed by San. D eaf and W ind quickly relieved by Murine. Try it la your Eyes and in Baby's Eyes. ton TO BREAK IN NEW SHOES ALWAYS USE NoSeirtei, Jnt EjnCsakri óur Allen'« Foot-Eaae. the antiaeptic powder. It prevent« tightness and blistering. Rehevee Corns. M u rin e E y e R e m e d - y mall, ,A ,Y 60c ~ " per bottle. — Bunion«, and Swollrn. Sweeting. Aching Feet. I By« fa tv o , to Tub«« 25c. For Book <>/ t>« £ » « - Fn Gives rest and comfort. Accept no substitute. fUk M a r in e E y e ' C e ., I Sample FREE. Address. Allen S. Olmsted. Le Roy. N. Y. ______________________ Y Getting Tamed Down. There has come to be a perceptible j shortage in the wild oats crop, and , that is one of the things owing to the war which go to offset its distressing | effects.—Albany Journal. WEEKS’ CO LD S AM D BREAK-UP-A-COLD TABLETS LA U I P M d foe can afford to insist and ae« ' hi s e t g e n u in e like p e c k a « « s h o w n b y b e a t drcggiitt 25c Queer Finances. "Isn't it odd that you have to pay for the batteries in your electrlo It W at Afterward Roasted, Too. Adam could afford a spare-rib, but lamps?” “ Why is it queer?” Garden of Eden market prices were "Because you state expressly you far from our 1918 standards.— Brook­ want them charged.”— Exchange. lyn Eagle. In a Butcher Shop. Standardized. "Butcher, do you sell whale meat? "Sometimes spring is early, some­ "Yes. mum." times late.” "Can I see some choice cuts?” “ Not as regards our apartment “ Certainly, mum. Jake, fetch the house. No heat after the first of May is the regulation.”— Louisville Courier- stepladder and show this lady over the whale.”— Kansas City Journal. Journal. A M E R IC A ’S D E B T T O SCO UT8. No humbug! Any corn, whether hard, soft or between the toes, will loosen right up and lift out without a particle of pain or soreness. This drug Is called freezone and Is a compound of ether discovered by a Cincinnati man. Ask at any drug store for a small bottle of freezone, which will cost but a trifle, but is sufficient to rid one’s feet of every corn or callous. Tut a few drops directly upon any tender, aching corn or callous. In­ stantly the soreness disappears and shortly the corn or callous will loosen and can be lifted off with the fingers. This drug freesone doesn’t eat out the corns or callouses but shrivels them without even Irritating the sur­ rounding skin. Jnet think! No pain at all; no sore­ ness or smarting when applying It er afterwards. If your druggist don’t have freesone have him order It for you.—Adv. April Is Kenton's moon on the Buck­ skin calendar, and the reason the scouts all know about Simon Kentoa Is that, unlike some people, scouts know that the western boundary of the United States does not run along the top of the Allegheny mountains, and that one reason for this la the great work of the Buckakln men, saya Dan Beard. It's high time these Buckskin men were put In their proper places In his­ tory, for as compared with the Puri­ tans and the Cavaliers o f the eastern coast they were real empire builders. The Buckskin man poaaesaed the moral rectitude of the Puritan, com­ bined with the dash and gaiety and Joyonsness of the Cavalier. Fearless, generous, hospitable, he la a true hero o f romance, and that la the reason all scouts love him. THE LATEST FARM UTILITY The New All-Steel Thomas Portable Gasoline Drag Saw Cuts logs in the woods, and by using our Circular Sawing Attachment will cut cord wood into stove lengths. Will drive Pumps, Churns, Feed C ut­ ters, Grindstones, Fanning Mills, Lathes, A ir C om pressors and any other work within a 4-h. p. capacity. W ill positively last longer than any other Portablr Pow er Sawing Machine on the m arket W rite for particulars. The Thomas Engineering W ork s 125 EAST W ATER ST , PORTLAND, OREGON Builder« of High G rade Logging and Farm M achinery