N O TES A ND P E RSO N A LS THE WAR, THE FARM AND THE FARMER Job printing—phone 821. Found — Dealer’s auto license plate No. 313B. Inquire at this office By Herbert Quick Father Buck of Salem visited Member Federal Farm Loan Board Forest Grove friends for a few hours last Monday. What the Imperial German govern rlce wo" d n,ot b’* rak lon for a {Dut" r° HIGH SCHOOL NOTES j tags and every dog owner must Fred Watrous has leased Verts Better are the murders that stain the hands revolt against subjugation. take a tag and attach it to the any sort of war; better war forever, hall and is having it remodeled One of the be-t assemblies of of the Kaiser, his advisers and min­ (log on a collar which I m must ; for a moving picture show, hav­ that that. ions. These outrages were perpetrated the year was held Thursday after­ provide. The owner will pay a Whenever the time comes for new ing decid d to move the Star on neutral vessels when all that civ noon. The Public Speaking class ilized warfare gave the Germans a sacrifices, let us remember that we f r o m Pacific avenue to Main from Pacific came over to eujoy tax of one dollar on a sterilizer! dog and two dollars on an un­ right to do even with the merchant no‘ for ° ur liberties tomorrow, ! street. the play w h i c h w a s given. sterilized dog. If a dog is found vessel under a hostile flag, was to or nex* year or twenty years from At the conference of the Free “ Thank Heaven, the Table I> •top it at sea and make it a prize of now• but for our f e d o r a today. Not on the streets without u tag. he war | for the right to live in the future, but Methodist church, held in Port- Laid” was very cleverly put on may be shot immediately. Any To kill the civilians on board, even tor the right to make a living this ! land last week, Rev J N. Wood by the members of the Drama owner of a dog refusing to accept was returned to the p.isto ate of club, under the excellent coaching under a hostile flag, was nothing but year- a tag may be fined $5 00. A care­ unmitigated murder. Aud these mur German oppression had begun to the Forest Grove and Hillsboro !of Miss Friendly The cast of ful record of tags issued is kept.” ders were committed In order that we I pinch us before we entered the war. : churches. characters were Maude Graham, —A M a n o f P e a c e . might be enslaved! Having the if we had not declared war, but had Paul Schultz likes his position Fred Patton, H a r l e y Barber. right to take the sea with his fleet, accepted the conditions of life ordered Gladys Sfoecker. Ernestine Brown I)r Hugh Pedley of the First but being afraid to do so for fear he for us by the Kaiser, we should today as a buyer for Lang & Co. of and Henry Karpenstein. Mabel might lose it, and being unable by be a poverty-stricken people. Our Portland so well that h>- has pur­ Congregational church. Portland, fair means to stop the selling of o u r ! factories would be shut down, our chased a handsome home on (he Ra^musen and Clarence Lenne- will speak in the College Chapel, products to his enemies, the Kaiser workmen unemployed, our people east side and will move to Port­ ville each sang delighful solos. Thursday morning, May 2, at 10 declared that he would do it by the starving, our farmers ruined by the land today or tomorrow. Friday afternoon the first base o ’clock, on the subject “ Lincoln foulest methods ever resorted to In poverty of those for whose consump- ball gtm eof the season was played and Lloyd George.” All are in­ During t h e five years that war. He declared the sea closed, tion they grow their crops. There is on the P. U. field between Pori’s! vited. I)r. Pedley was for many and that he would keep It closed, not loss and sacrifice in the war, but Pakro Seedtape has been on the Grove and Franklin High school years pastor of a large church in by war. but by murder. ; there would have been far more of market it has gained gieat popu­ of Portland. The game was a Montreal and has lost a son in To have submitted would have cost loss and sacrifice in accepting the larity. Why spend your time us dear in prosperity but that would German terms. We should have lost ■with the old inconvenient hulk very interesting on**, but by their the present war. suj>erior play the Franklin team have been the least of our loss. j more in money than we have spent j .-eeds? Littler’s Pharmacy. was enabled to win the victory We should have had to grovel be- In the war. but we should have lost Making Fruit Boxes We now have a fine line of The boys of the local team have fore the German government. I something far more precious. We At great expense, we have in­ We should have had to accept mur-1 should have lost our souls. ladie*’ pure silk and silk poplin not ha«l very consistent practice, stalled a machine for making dresses and skirts in all the late and after more work will be able (This Is the second of three articles. The third to be published next week.) Fruit Boxes ot all rizes and we shades and colors. A delight to to put up a much better showing. the eye. Mrs. Blanche Richards, The coach and the team should would like to quote prices to box Forest Grove Planing Pacific avenue and Council street. both receive credit and support users. Mill Co. IMf from the townspeople for their Three landing fields have been work along an athletic line, be­ lincle Sam’s Agents obtained for the propos'd Wash­ cause they are doing splendid ington-New York airplane postal Thrift Stamps and War Savings Harry Lauder is being serious these days. The famous Scotch comedian wo--k to keep up an interest in I b subordinating his comedy to the all-embracing demands of war. Along with &rv.ce. at Washington, Philadel­ sports and thus keep Forest Grove Certificates may be purchased his work for his Injured Soldiers' fund and the V. M. C. A., Lauder Is making phia, and New York. According “ on the map.” from any of the following-named an earnest appeal to Americans to prepare for the next Liberty Loan. General to the Post Office Department, firms and individuals: The Optimist, the High School subscription Is the theme of Lauder's message. Here Is what he says: the service will start not later The Postolfice First N st’l Bank annual, went to press Saturday. Liberty is the dearest word in any language. It Is the thing the than May 15. W. F. Schultz Co. Forest Grove N st’ l The staff have put much time and Germans are fighting to take away. It Is the one big thing we must flght Bank Dan Pierce Thursday made an­ effort into this annual lo make it Shearer & Son to keep. Caples A Co. Goff Bros. other long t r i p with h i s auto the best number which has ever What have you done to help win the war? What are you doing to VanKoughnet & A G HotTinan A Co. preserve liberty? truck, when he moved the W H. been put out. A great deal of Redcr Chas I.ittler Every Sunday 500,000 Germans in the United States sing songs of Heisler fam ly* from their o d material was found among the Ottice Shearer K F' Uurlingham pulling the trigger; they are talking of you—of the United States. What Gonion A Gordon home near Dilley to Marion, fif membeis of the school, which will V I Fuqua are you doing to do about them? H T Glttosr teen miles b yond Salem, and be of gnat interest in the High G G Paterson Copeland A Me- John Anderson Right now our answer must be— BUY LIBERTY BONDS! We have hi ought back the goods of W\ 0 . School, especially among t h e Cready M J Al>lxitt given that answer once, twice already. But we must make It agair and Wagner. C V B Russell jokes and the various "cuts ’ of O M Sanford again as need 1«. We must turn our dollars into silver bullet* fu a ' >• H K Bernant C S McNutt the way we can become shareholders In the Bank of Humanity Our t>art W. P. Scheetz last Satur^y the different student activities. G H Baldwin Pac. Barher Shop Is to provide the wherewithal, since we can't do what the boys out mere completed the painting of the R P Nixon Claude E Smith Honor Guard Meeting are doing. Chas Hines handsome new farm house of John W C Bhnfer Back in France I saw battalions of young fighters marching along and Hr«dy Chowning Last Monday evening at Lang­ J J Wirtz Bernards in the Roy di-trict chanting a song—any old song—right Into the mouth of death. They knew M S Allen A C' a ». ley Hall a very interesting, meet­ W F Hartrampf The house was put up by the Good Investmt Co. New*-Times Office where they were going. They were fighting to save LIBERTY. A.nd they Sparks boys and Mr. Scheetz ing of the Honor Guard was held. are calling on you to help them, you back here. Ask any agent for particulars. says it is one of the handsom st Classes in sewing and military Our part is easy compared with theirs— but It Is OUR PART and It drills were organized. The class and best-built homes in the must be done. Put your money into liberty Supports. Sign up as share­ The Express prints butter wrap­ in drills is to be held at 7 o'clock county. holders In humanity’s bank. pers with non-poisonous ink. each Monday evening and the Robert Graham o f Denver, sewing class follows immediately Warranty deed and mortgage Colo., delivered a lecture, entitled afterward. First Aid class meets Po ato Corn Meal Muffins blanks for sale at this office. “ The Wages of a Master Mason,” Friday evening, April 26, at 7 2 tablespoons fat before the members of Holbrook o ’clock. There is to be a double 1 tablespoon sugar (sirup) OREGON ELECTRIC TIME CARD lodge and visitors from McMinn­ lecture given Anyone interested I*»l#d April «. ISIS 1 egg well beaten ville aDd Yamhill last Saturday in this is cordially invited to at­ 1 cup milk U. f . G . A it . Pt. Lv. Pt. Arr F. G. afternoon. Mr Graham is a fine tend. O. A C. Corvallis, April 24.— 1 cup mashed potatoes 6:20 • m 7:40 6:50 a m 8:07 speaker and has given the subject Wheat less war breads have been Several reports were made and 1 cup corn meal 7:00 a m 8:25 8:15 • m 9:32 of Masonry much thought. Cecile Stoecker was chosen as our made the«ubject of much exper­ *4 cup oat flour 8:15 a m 9:35 10:25 a m 11:40 The dancing party given at the delegate to the state convention, *9 15 a m 11:00 imental work at 0 . A. C. with the 4*4 teaspoons bak ng powder 1:16 p m 2:25 I. 0 . O. F. building Saturday to he held in Portland May 4 *10:35 a m 11:50 4:00 result that some excellent and 1 teaspoon salt P m 6:15 night by the members of Hol­ The Honor Guard girls are ex­ 1:05 p m 2:20 wholesome products have been Mix in order given. Bake 40 m 6:25 5:10 4:05 m 5:20 P P brook lodge, A. F. & A. M , was pected to heat the Congregational secured. In order to give the minutes in a hot oven. 6:35 P m 7:65 6:10 p m 7:26 very libera ly attended and the church next Sunday evening to women of Oregon the benefit of 7:35 P m 8:50 7:45 p m 9:05 “ Oregon women are patriotic 9:30 P m 10:46 11:00 P m 12:20 this work the recipes are offered and want to save wheal for the lodge cleared $70 from the ven sing. They w.II meet at the them through the press. Here are armies fighting our battles,” says ture. This money goes into a church Friday evening at 8 o ’clock * Sunday only; tDaily, except Sunday to practice. two good ones: | Dean Milam, “ but they have not fund to build a Masonic and East­ 8. P. ELKCTRK TIME CARD ern Star home somewhere in thi* The Guard would be very glad all had the m< ans of finding out Steamed Bread state, possibly in Forest Grove. to get any vacant lots or unused L t . F. ( Arr. Pt. U. Pt. Arr. F. G. how a good, wheatless bread can y 2 cup corn meal plots of ground for their gardens. 6:35 a m 7:50 t7:16 a m 8:36 be made. We have offered a Tour- The seven h and eighth grade • y2 cup corn flour t7:20 a m 8:45 t9:16 a m 10:32 lesson course to the women of boys of the Central school went y2 cup oat flour *9:30 a rn 10:45 Why Not Follow Suit? Corvallis a n d vicinity, and a to Watts last Friday and trimmed t9:41 a m 11:10 11:00 a m 12:15 1 cup sour milk (clabber) In one of those “ old fashioned great many calls have already the baseballers of that school by 12:35 p m 1:60 2:15 p m 3:30 y teaspoon salt states” away back east of the 4:50 come for these wheat less bread re­ a score of 18 to 17. Walter Lenne t2:00 p m 3:20 t3:30 p m 1 teaspoon soda 6:40 p m 7:00 Rocky mountains in a small city cipes. I am glad to offer them to ville pitched and Paul Baldwin 3:40 p m 4:55 t6:15 p m 7:31. y cup molasses housewives in o her parts of the caught f o r t h e Forest Grove of perhaps 14,000 people, I found t4:22 p m 5:50 8:00 p m 9:20 y 2 cup raisins (if desired) bunch. The Watts warriors are a dog law that looks pretty good. t6:22 p m 7:45 tl 1:15 p m 12:35 Put together in order given. state.” __ 9:36 p m 10:50 ssl:00 p m 2:20 DOG LAW Fill can % full and steam 1*4 Public sale bills printed at the coming to this city tomorrow for "The assessor is supplied with revenge. hours. Makes one loaf. Express office. t Thru s Sat as Sat A Sunday ,only Wheatless War Breads; How to Make Them THE GRIP OF FREEDOM