The Forest Grove express. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1916-1918, April 25, 1918, Image 10

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Farmers, attention i
Vic F u q u a h a d busine-s in
Sheridan yesterday.
Dr. Brookbnnk expects to leave
about May 5th for Seattle, wheie
One rule of the F irst N ational B ank is that every
he will locate.
visitor, no matter on how trivial an errand, shall receive
The prices of Binder Twine have been settled by
Miss Mary Corl is attending
courteous and considerate attention.
the state Sunday School conven­
the Government; that is, the price the jobber shall
tion at Salem.
The bank’s officers are accessible at all times and are
charge the dealer.
Mr. and Mrs. M. R. Johnson
glad to give consideration to any business which may be
children visited friends in
We wish to protect all the farmers who want to take
brought to their attention. One of the principal induce­
Portland Monday.
advantage of our offer. That is, we will take your
ments which this bank offers prospective customers is the
order for twine at the following prices, to be paid
personal and efficient service it gives to its patrons.
tatoes; $100 per cwt. H. N.
for at the time of delivery. Our profit on twine is
Robinson, Phone 0224.
so small that we must refuse to give credit at the
A look at the new series “Four
Ninety” CHEVROLET will con­
prices quoted.
vince you of the many benefits d«-
of Forest Grove, Ore
rived by the ownership of this
This offer will hold good until about Ma> 1st; not
later, as our jobber will not agree to fill any order
A Strong Bank
Safe Deposit
The Caples store will move into
' fed er a l rsservr
after that date.
the big room recently vacated by
in a Good Town
Boxes for Rent
King & Company as soon as some
This is a serious condition, farmers. Get busy and
extensive repairs and alterations
buy your twine from some responsible dealer, so you
are made.
may be sure of having it when you are ready to cut
Wiles, the Chevrolet boo-t-
NOTES AND PERSONALS We buy Wool and Mohair. A. er, Joe
grain. Our prices are as follows :
has been at Rainier for several
G. Hoffman & Co.
assisting E U. Cate in sup­
Frank Doane had business in
M rs. Anna Dixon had business days,
550 feet Twine - - 27c
Columbia county with
town yesterday.
in Portland Tuesday.
600 feet Twine - - 28 'ac
Just received a new line of very
F. N. Bel inger was looking
pretty laces. A. G. Hoffman & after business in town yesterday.
650 feet Twine - - 30c
pay in advance to get the Express
Go to the Erickson garage, K. at one dollar per year. The reg
Auctioneer J. W. Hughes went 0f P building, for your auto re­ ular price is $1 50. We pay you
to Tillamook yesterday to cry a pairs, acce-sories, tires, gas and 50c to collect Irom your»eIt.
livestock sale.
A. Baldwin has moved his sec­
The city is having a cement
James Ham, who has assisted ond-hand store and agate grinding
walk laid in front of the Jake around the Forest Grove hotel for shop to his new building, west of
Wirtz property, near the S. P. some years, has g o n e to Van­ Brodersen’s paint shop, First ave­
couver to work.
nue south, near S. P. pa senger
kill the Pests
Making Fruit Koxes
13 tf
Mrs. Josephine Shelburn of J. P. Hurley, who is now inter- depot. Call on him.
At great exjiense, we have in­
Portland was the guest of Mrs. ested in a paper at Chehalis,
Does this sound like news too
Eva Adams and Mrs. Abbie Rice Wash., visited his wife in this good to be true? Well, every were held this week at Middleton stalled a machine for making
city over Sunday.
the past week.
CHEVROLET “ Four Ninety” and Hillside in the inter iU of Fruit Boxes ot all sizes and we
to quote prices to box
Frank Crabtree, who had a
Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Lewis of has electric starter and lights. rodent eradication work. Corn- would like
Forest Grove Planing
small growth removed from his the Kansas City di-trict attended They are comfortable and good rnumty mixtures of squirrel poison users.
\ n j| Go.
neck last week, is about recovered Pomona Grange meeting at Hills­ looking, and have dem< untable
from the operation.
boro yesterday and report a big rims, one-man top. tilted wind
Job printing phone 821.
shield, and many other features of farm* rs present at. the meetings.
and lots of business.
We have a complete line of
The formula used was one used
N o tier o f S heriff'* Hair
Koveralls for Children in Blue,
Tom Poulos, the Greek restau­
Khaki and stripe material. A. rant man, left t his morning for
Robert O. Stevenson of Gales successfully hy the United States Notice i* hereby Riven that by virtue
an execution, decree and order of
G. Hoffman & Co.
Camp Lew s, having been drafted Creek has filed for a place on the Ri'dogicul Survey for five years in °T
•ale, iitaurd o u t o f and under th e *eal
o f th e C ircu it C o u rt o f W ashington
Judge George Bagley of Hills­
Any communities in which the County. O regon, to me directed and
boro was taken ill Tuesday while will be looked after by a partner county judge He is the only
democrat filing, which means th it squirrels are doing damage should d ated April 24, 191«, upon a ju d g m e n t
holding court in Portland and is during Tom’s absence.
and decree rendered and en te re d in
Mr. Stevenson is the democratic notify t h e County Agent and Haul
now confined to his home.
We want you to pass judgment nominee,
C ourt on April 18, 1918, in fav o r
as the date for filing ex­ steps will be taken for a drive on
It. L. Schock la, plaintitf, and
Ladies, come in and see our on the CHEVROLET, both as a pired April 17th He is the only the pests. T h e s e animals do of
ag ain st J . E. Sum m ers. M abel Sum-
line of spring and summer skirts. car in itself and as to car value at democrat who filed for any county thousands of dollars damage an- m era and J. W. T igard, d efen d an ts.
You’ll feel and look stylish in one : the price. The fact that more office. “ Bob” has served in the nually and in these days of ex said ju d g m en t being a g a in st th e d e ­
than 100.000 were sold during office before and promises to give treme conservation arc doubly a fen d an ts J . E. Sum m ers and M abel
of them. John Anderson.
Sum m ers fo r the sum o f $1200. w ith in­
1917 should alone make you cur
Mrs. LeRoy Van Kirk returned ious to know why so many want his republican opponent, whoever foe By poisoning now, much of te re s t a t the ra te o f 7 per cen t per a n ­
he may be, a run for the “emolu­ the spring inc ease will also be num from May 17, 1916. and the sum
home the first of the week from this car. Wiles & Sohler.
o f $100 a tto rn e y ’s fee and the cost*
Seattle. whe>e she had been visit­
and d isb u rsem en ts
herein taxed a t
Dr Hugh Pedley of the First
ing a sister for several weeks.
$41.95, and the costs of and U |s»n said
¡Congregational church, Portland
w rit, ami com m anding me to m ak e
Countv Agent.
The objects of the Thrift and
sale o f the following described real
. .
. , ,. , is the , only | will speak in the College Chapel,
moderately priced high-grade car Thursd
morningi Mav 2, at 10 War Savings Campaign are to
Rev. Fenenga, the Army “ Y” pro|»erty, to-w it:
in the wor d having almost every- 0-c|0ck> on the subject “ Lincoln promote systematic saving and worker, spoke to the students at
All o f I>ot 50 in N orth T igardville
thing that the high-priced cars and Lloyd George.” All are in- seif denial on the part of every P. U. la-1 Thursday, telling them Addition, in W ashington C ounty, O re ­
gon, as p e r am ended p lat th e re o f duly
vited. Dr. Pedley was for many Ame icon, so t h a t labor ano some of his experiences at San recorded in said C ounty, ex c e p t a s trip
J. M. Shaefer Tuesday brought ■ years pastor of a large church in materials now employed in the Antonia. He has pone to Camp 90 feet wide across th e n o rth w e st end
o f said lot;
to town three yearling Polled An- Montreal and has lost a son in production of things which are Lewis to continue his work
I will, on S atu rd ay , May 25, 1918, a t
gus steers that netted him $124 the present war.
10 o ’clock A. M. a t th e so uth door of
Methodist Church Services
each. They were sent to Portland,
Mrs. A. L. Hutchinson, who ac-
School 9:45 a. m ., p reaching th e co u rt house in Hillsboro, O regon,
sell a t putdic auction (su b je c t to r e ­
where they will be sold as baby companjed her husband to this materials and supplies, to en­ by Sunday
th e p asto r a t 11 and 8:00, E pw orth
courage economy and thrift in the
ption) tf) the h ig h est bidder fo r
city from Vancouver to attend community, to raise money for L eague m eets a t 7. class m eetin g a t dem
cash in hand, all the rig h t, title and in­
Miss Florence Webley, who has the Christian Endeavor conven equipping our boys at the front 7:30.
te re s t which th e w ithin nam ed d e ­
in the tion, was taken seriously ill in the so that this war may be brought T he third q u a rte rly conference o f th e fen d an ts, ami each o f th em had. on
Lipman, Wolfe store in Portland Christian church Friday evening I to a speedy close and liberty and y e a r will be held in th e L eague room May 17, 1913, the d a te o f th e m o rtg ag e
foreclosed, o r since said d a te
for several months, returned to and has been at the home of Mr. free gov* rnment “shall not perish F rid ay evening conducted by Rev. herein
had in and to the above described real
her home in this city the first of and Mrs. J. L Van Kirk since i from the earth. '
W alton Skipw orth o f H illsboro, who prrqierty, or any p a rt th e re o f, to s a t ­
the week, and will remain home that time. She is convalescing
es in place o f th e d istric t su p erin ­ isfy said execution, decree and o rd er «if
Oregon’s apportionment is sev­
sale, in te re st, costs and accru in g costs.
a while, to care for her mother, now, however, and will soon be
en t, T. B. Ford, who is v isitin g in
D ated this A pril 25, 1918.
Mrs. T. H. W’ebley, who is quite able to return to her nome, unless enteen million dollars during 1918 th e south.
she suffers a relapse.
ington county. This means that T he L adies' Aid society will m e e t in Sheriff of Washington County, Ore­
we must get onto a basis of $44,- th e Red Cross room s n ex t W ednesday gon.
H. T. BAGLEY, Attorney.
000 Was Savings p<-r month. Our afternoon.
JO H N E B E R T , P asto r.
F irs t pub. April 25; last May 23.
sales up to April 23 were $88,711
or about 50 per cent of require­
ments to be up to schedule. The \
eyes of the nation are on Oregon
and the eyes of Oregon are on
is the rule when you select a bank for your savings
Washington coun'y on account of
account. Then why not demand “ Safety First”
Co-Operates with the U. S. “ Food Man”-Hoover
the magnificent woik In the.
(U. S. Food A dm inistration License No. G 34147)
Third Liberty Loan. Every loyal
when you invest your money in Clothes?
citizen ought now to put his
You have just as much reason to have your Suit g u a r a n ­
shoulder to the wheel and get
Washington county right up to
t e e d to you in fit, quality and satisfaction, when
schedule on War Savings.
We desire to warn you
you can buy on this basis—with a certainty that
If you haven’t start*d buying'
you will receive a full dollar in clothes satisfaction
this is fly-time, In-
War Savings Stamps “do it to-!
and clothes service. Is there any reason for buying
spect what you eat.
day ” Buy a 25c stamp every
clothes on chance? It’s all up to us ; you take no
Don’t forget t h a t our
Sanitary Counters a r e
Chairman f o r
maintained for the pro-
Personal Service
The First National Bank
S afety fir st ”
Suits to Order $17.50 up
“ Safety First” in our Men’s Furnishings. You take
no chances in Shoes, Hats, Shirts, Trousers, etc.
Satisfaction guaranteed.
Dr Erwin of Hillsboro will be
in my office from 9-11 a. m
daily, 7:30-9:30 p. m. on Mon­
days, Thursdays and Saturdays.
The doctor is doing this as a per­
sonal favor to me and any con­
sideration you may show him
will be appreciated by me.
K E E P it C O M IN G
W e m u s t n o t only
fo o d o u r Soldiers
a t th e Front b u t
* the m i l l i o n s oF
* w om en tr ch ild ren
b eh in d o u r lin es'
tection of your health.
Baby-size Mount
Vernon Milk,per can
Grn Jo/m JPrrihmg
Phone 061