Supplement to Forest Grove Express Vol a Forest Grove, Ore.. Thursday, April 18, 1918. More Boys Sent to Camp Lewis N o. 15 brought orders for $10,350.00 worth of bonds, all from the em­ Judge K O. Stevenson had bus­ ployes of the company. The of­ iness in the city Saturday ficers had previously made their The Washington County ex­ Mrs. Glenn Potwin of Portland purchases in Portland. emption board late Friday night is visiting relatives in the city. HIGH SCHOOL NOTES completed the list of Class 1 men Found — D> aler’s auto license Last Friday morning the week­ who will be called to fill the quota plate No. 313B. Inquire at this ly assembly was held. Ellen An­ of 28 men which moves to Camp office derson and Eleanor Haskell played I.--WH April 2fi. Delay was caused Clarice Cady, a soldier at Van­ a duet and Alma VanKoughnet by the fact that former quotas couver, visited his parents in this sang The University of Oregon and voluntary enlistments have city over Sunday. sent out some slides of campus practically cleared the towns of Clarence Kel ey has gone to views, and M r. Fleischman ex­ men of draft age and registrants plained the slides as they were are mainly from the country dis­ Portland to work in a shipyard, flashed on the screen. Mr. Fleisch­ having been offered war wages. tricts. man is a graduate of the Univer­ Many hastened to file affidavits Mrs. Rilda Stegleider returned sity, and .-o was able to give the tha* they cam»* under the ruling Thursday from a visit with her students a very clear idea of the of being indispensible farm lab­ [daughter, Mrs. Guy Morley, at activities of the school. orers. and Investigation of these Crisp, Poik county. They have On Monday morning of this was necessary. a ro w daughter at the Morley week Miss Woodbury addressed The list as completed is as fol­ home. the Student Body. Miss Wood­ lows: Floyd W. Magesen. Alvin Edgar Swanson, a Forest Grove bury is interested in the immi­ Hunger, G e o r g e S Vincent, boy, now stationed with a hospi­ gration question, and has spent Chares F. Brandaw, Tom I’aulos, tal corps in Vancouver, visited much of her time at Ellis Island James K Ensley, Winfield Dill. friends in this city Sunday, and in helping the great army of im­ Karl M. Kay, Grover (\ l^-dford, attendi d the funeial of Frank migrants who come into this .1 seph Eischan, George Buryett, Smith. country. The war has necessarilv Alvin II. Bennett. Gunnar Bros- Dr Sturdevant of Portland will put a stop to immigration, and so t'urn. Frederick R Werre, Willis ¡b e a t Dr Pollock’s dental parlors Miss Woodbury is traveling over K. Hall, Harry K Solgard. Harry r Friday afternoon, April 19th. the country and lecturing, in or­ K. Spencer, Archie W. Vaught, Dr. Siurdevant makes a specialty der to arouse interest after the Ward S. Ennes, Elmer E Gray, of the care of child-en’s teeth and war is over. Grace and Gertrude Clyde W. Nelson. Helmer Isak- if enough encouragement is given Packer sang a duet, and Russell son, I/mis p. Quinn. Oley J. him. he will visit Forest Grove Beals played a piano solo. Hoover. Percy J. Halls, Otto J frequently on this mission. Kaufman, Walter Fleischhauer, To Take Up Chautauqua Work Mr. and Mrs. VV. B. Potwin Theodore J. Vandercoevering, Monday received word from their Miss Manche Langley leaves a ( ’art Eggimann, J o h n Suran son, Glenn, in training at Goat week from next Sunday for Sac­ Harry L. HoefTel, Charles P. j Island, that he was leaving next ramento, Calif., to attend a Chau­ Knighten; Hans N Rasmussen. (lay for the east coast On the tauqua convention of the Ellison- same day they received a letter White concern, with which con­ War Gardens Saved Germany from another son, Gilbert, with cern she has accepted employment War gardens in Germany have the American hospital corps in for the summer as a chautauqua pulled her through two -urnmers Fiance, that he was well and superintendent The convention that she cou'd not have weathered happy. is a sort of training school for otherwise, says the Federal Food superintendents a n d managers Mr. and Mrs. E F Burling Administration. In t h e larger cities as much as 30 percent of ham the first of the week received ¡and on May 5th Miss Langley will superintend her first chautau­ the food consumed was fresh veg the first message from their son, qua, at Susanville. Calif. She will Vernon, since his sailing from an etables, releasing cerials lor the accompany her company of enter­ .Atlantic port for Europe. He fighting front. Wa<- gardens in tainers through California and the states that he arrived at a beau­ this country will save food and re­ southwest and will bring them to lieve the labor shortage and (he tiful French city on a recent this city about July 12th After pleasant Sunday morning and frill transportation burden. Food, a week here the company will go tell them more about the port of labor and transportation are the to Washington, Idaho and M on­ | landing when he comes home. three big war factors, and (he tana. Miss Mary Olmsted will gardens help relieve all three. Vernon is with the 30th Engineers, keep Miss Langley’s law office “ gas and flame” division. Send for the 0 . A. C garden bul­ open during the latter’s absence letins, and make y o u r garden Timber Workers Are Loyal from the city. count for the most. L. M Graham of this city, L chi ' is J. Simpson, Coos county’s J. W Goodin of North Plains, Chas Powne of Banks and Mr. candidat for the republican nom­ candidate for ihe republican nom­ Crawford of Buxton held a Lib­ ination for governor, was calling ination for county judge, and erty Loan meeting at West Tim­ John Cornelius, living south of ’ ber last Friday night and on Sat- on friends in this city Tuesday. the town heating his name, can­ U'day Mr. Graham went to the Mr. Simpson is a man of pleasing didate for county commissioner, logging camp of the Eagle Lum­ personality, has a knack of mak­ were doing the glad-hand act ber company, where he met with ing friends in a few minutes and about town Saturday. Both found remarkable success in selling makes a good impression wher­ many friends glad to shake with bonds The meeting and Air. ever he goes. — them. Graham’s work in t h e camp i Job printing—phone 821. NOTES A ND PERSONALS