The Forest Grove express. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1916-1918, April 18, 1918, Image 8

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    Methodist Church Services
Fanners, attention !
The prices o f Binder Tw in e have been settled by
the Governm ent; that is, the price the jobber shall
charge the dealer.
W e wish to protect all the farm ers who want to take
advantage o f our offer. Th at is, w e w ill take your
order fo r tw in e at the fo llo w in g prices, to be paid
fo r at the tim e o f delivery. Our profit on tw ine is
so small that w e must refuse to g iv e credit at the
prices quoted.
This offer w ill hold good until about May 1st; not
later, as our jobber w ill not agree to fill any order
a fte r that date.
This is a serious condition, farmers. Get busy and
buy your tw ine from some responsible dealer, so you
m ay be sure o f having it when you are ready to cut
your grain. Our prices are as follow s :
550 fe e t T w in e
600 fe e t T w in e
28 ¿c
650 fe e t T w in e
New brown silk hose for ladies, j H. R Bernard had business in
A. G. Hoffman & Co.
Portland Tuesday.
M r. and Mrs. Otto Parsons of
Gales Creek were in town yester-
Butter Brown Shoes for Boys
and Girls. First because of the
Last. A. G. Hoffman & Co.
Miss Margaret Morris arrived
[ Monday from Seattle for a week s
visit with the family of her aunt.
^ rs‘
Lennevi le.
We buy mohair and wool; get
our prices. A. G. Hoffman & Co
Sunday School 9:4ft a. m., preaching
by the paator at 11 and 7:30. Epworth
Leagu e at 6:30. Topic: ‘ ‘ Seeing Our­
selves a* Outsider« See Ua. ” t'la ««
m eeting at 7 p. m.
The W om an’ s Home Missionary so­
ciety w ill meet next Wednesday a fte r­
noon. Mrs. W . K. Curtis, leader.
J O H N EB E R T. Pastor.
o lU i
, . C l? ! ? Demonstration By
nd u L L Factory Expert
Congregational Church
A t the Sunday morning worship the
pastor w ill introduce A rm y Y . M. C. |
A . S ecretary Rev. M. J. Fenenga. who
w ill g iv e an address.
The service Sunday night at 8 o’clock
will be a Union Christian Kndeavor
convention meeting at the Christian
A . B. P A T T E N . Pastor.
Registration for the primaries
closed Tuesday and the books
will remain c'osed until after May 1
17th, the day of the primaries.
L. M. Graham of this city, E
W. Haines of North Plains, W. G,
Hare and Ben Cornelius of Hills-,
boro have filed for candidacy for
the s t a t e legislature. As only
three are needed, it is up to the
people to decide which shall be
left at home to look after his!
chicken ranch.
Notice to Creditors
In the County Court o f the State o f
Oregon fo r Washington County.
In the m atter o f the Estate o f Ernest
E. W illis, deceased.
Notice is hereby given, that the un­
unteti by
dersigned has been duly
“ ourt
the County
o f T aashington
County, Oregon, Adm inistrator o f the
estate o f Ernest E. W illi«, deceased.
A ll persons interested or having claims
as against said estate are hereby re­
quired to present the same to me at
the office o f J. N. Hoffman in the C ity
o f Forest Grove, Oregon, properly v e r­
ified as by law required, within six
months from the date o f this notice.
Dated thi« 18th day o f April. 1918.
The first date o f this publication of
notice being A p ril 18th, 1918.
N. T. W IL L IS ,
Adm inistrator o f the estate o f Er­
nest E. W illis, deceased.
April 18,19 and 20
“ 1
8 -9 2
The only cooking utensils that have lasted in constant
daily service 25 years. Th e only cooking utensils that
have **ved UP to a manufacturer's guaran-
te e
^ y ears- StoP >n an(l see th e m -
" handle th em -p ro ve to yourself that there
are no other utensils made that are as
good as “ 18-92” I L L I N O I S W are. And
y et “ 18-92” utensils cost no more than
1*40« .NAHtmcA utensils that don’ t carry a 20-year guar­
" spu n
Don’t Miss This Great Opportunity !
Special Demonstration Offer
* Qt. Double-Lip
$1.45 21
Sauce Pan
only $U5 Save 30c
Manufactured by
Illinois Pure Aluminum Co., cJLco?
Money in the Bank
gives you a feeling of SECURITY-enables you to
take advantage of opportunities for making
more money and lifts you out of the rut.
Let there be no “ Slacker” Dollars
The First National Bank
of Forest Grove, Ore
A Strong Bank
in a Good Town
Safe Deposit
Boxes for Rent
Directors— M. R. Johnson, President; Chris Peterson,
Vice President; A. J. Demorest, Cashier; Allan Rice and
J. E. Loomis.
Who Was “ Beau Brummel”
Do You Know?
He was fo r many years the fa vo rite o f K in g G eorge IV o f E n g ­
land— and the best dresser o f his time.
“ The Beau” was not a
dandy as we know’ the term — in fa c t Lord Byron said o f him that
there “ was nothing rem arkable about his dress except a certain
exquisite propriety.”
He naturally led the men’s fashions-and no more celebrated char­
acter ever liv e d -e v e r had so much influence on men’s dress as did
Beau Brummel.
The Beau Brummel Shirt
is, like its namesake, noted fo r its exquisite propriety— its per­
fection in style, pattern, fit and splendid workmanship.
I t is typical o f the master o f dress fo r whom it was named— and
you w ill say so as soon as you see one o f these fine, really beauti­
ful garm ents.
W hen you put one on your back— when you see how splendidly it
adds to your dress; how it refines your appearance with a quiet
elegance— then you w ill be a convert to this better shirt.
Com e in and let us show you the line — we believe it will be much
to your interest— yes, to your g rea t advantage.
W e have in stock a full line of Men’s Work Shirts, Overalls,
Jumpers, Khaki Pants, Union-Alls, Shirts and Drawers, Union
Suits, Shoes, Hats, etc.
We carry the Munsing closed
Making Fruit Boxes
crotch Union Suits for men. Let
A t great expense, we have in­
u* show them to you. A. G. stalled a machine for making
Fruit Boxes of all sizes and we
Hoffman & Co.
would like to quote prices to box
Fred J. Holmes, state fuel ad­ users.
Forest Grove
ministrator is preparing to take a M ill Co.
census of the amount of fuel used
last year by every family, the
For Sale- Select Burbank po-
amount on hand and the amount tatoes; $1 00 per cwt. H. N .
needed next winter.
Robinson, Phone 0224.
Co-Operates • with the U. S. “ Food Man”-Hoover
(U . S. Food Adm inistration License No. G 34147)
Pre-Wa r Prices
Com Flakes
Determ ined to assist in t he conservation o f wheat,
w e are m aking special pri ces on three brands o f
K rin k le and E. C.
Corn Flakes, 3 pkgs
W ashington Crisps
in .
per package . . . 1 v t
Our Store is headqi jarters fo r A ll Kinds
o f W heat Substitutes
C. E. R O Y & C O M PA N Y
Phone 0 6 1