I o f land, more or leas, all In Township Money to loan -Valley Realty lone South o f Range f», Weat Will, Co., Forest Grove, Oregon. 19-tf Farmers, get your blue stone i Mer. which mortgages were given by Miss Mary Brobst of Portland at M cN u tt’s. 11-tf the defendants aa follows: visited at the L P. Roekwood Jan. 29, 1914, for the »urn o f $800.00. Mr. and Mrs. C. V. B. Russell home Sunday. recorded in book 71 o f the mortgage visited friends in Portland M on­ The C. E. Roy family has t ! records o f Washington County, Ore- day moved into the Jack Fruits and Vegetable* in Season ; gon, at page 6 thereof. Rev. Father Campbell will cel- j e^y."South A street? rm -n lly^a* May 11th, 1914, for the sum o f ebrate mass at Gaston next ^un* Cated by Aden Keen ami sister, $200.00, recorded in hook 71 o f said day, April 21, at 11.. m. j Buy your iroctrU,3, (¡9h, veg. records at page 49 thereof. Plaintiff P H O N E 701 George G. Hancock, real es- etables and second-hand house- I prays for a decree forelosing said tate, farm loans and tire 'nsur- hold goods of the Economy store mortgages, ami that said real es­ South Main Street Forest Grove, Ore ance, new Anderson block, o Dodge bldg., cor. 3d street and tate he sold in the manner prescribed Miss Nora Smith of Hillsboro Pacific avenue. 6 tf ' by law to satiafy said judgment, at­ attended the funeral of Sergeant —------------------------------ . torney fees and costs, and that the terest which the within named de­ the judgment o f shìiì 1). S. McBride. Frank Smith in this city Sunday Notice o f Sheriff s Salt- proceeds o f said sale be applied to the fendants, and each o f them had on Now therefore, by virtue of said ex­ Good Jersey COW, fresh about Notice is hereby given that by virtue January 16, 1914, the date o f the payment o f the severul suma found to ecution, judgment order, decree and | April 20, for sale. J. I. W. Dur 'of an execution, judgment onler, do­ mortgage herein foreclosed, or since „rder o f sale, and in compliance with be due plaintiff, and to the costa and st on noute R o u te i 1 , rortst Forest V.iO\e, Grove ure. Ore and cree U aIul of o f SH the ,e i88Ued of said date had in Hnd to the above de- the commands o f said writ, 1 will, on disbursements o f said sale. That the ston, IuJer order the seal Circuit out Court scribed property or any part thereof, May 6th. 1918, at ten o ’clock, A. M., détendants, and all (tentons claiming J. E Cook, who is putting up o f Washington County. Oregon, to me to satisfy V said execution, e judgment or- Ht ^ e South front door o f the County der and decree. de, interest, costs sn decree and order o f sale issued note and mortgage with interest there- j out 0f above entitled Court in the on from Murch 23rd, 1918, at the rate above entitled cause, to me directed, o f eight per cent per annum as a first and dated the 27th day of March, 1918, upon a judgment rendered and entered lien and for the foreclosure o f the in said Court on the 7th day o f March, mortgage ujxrn the following described 1917, in favor o f Nena L. King Judson, real estate securing said sum as a first plaintiff, and against Allen A. Dale, cause o f suit; and for judgment defendant, for the sum of $522.00, and the further sum o f $75.00, and the against you for the sum o f $229.86 on further sum o f $28.25, all with interest note and mortgage and for the sum of , at the rate o f 8 per cent per annum $16.83 for taxes with interest on both from the 7th day o f March. 1917, and u sums since March 23rd. 1918, at the further judgment in favor o f D. S. Me rate o f eight per cent per annum, and Bride and against Allen A. Dale, for for the foreclosure o f the mortgage the sum o f $312.75, and the further ujsm the following described real es­ sum o f $-10.00, all with interest at the tate securing said sums as a second rate o f 8 per cent per annum from the cause o f suit, and for costs and dis- 1 7th day o f March, 1917, and upon this hursements and for attorney fees. writ commanding me to make sale o f That the mortgages described in the following described real property, plaintiff’s complaint wi re executed by to. wit: the defendants to Emma W. Cox and Beginning at a point on the East line by said Emma W. Cox assigned tft the o f Section Six (6) Town One South, plaintiff, thereby conveying the follow ­ Range Four (4) West o f Willamette ing described real estate located in \ Meridian, One Hundred Twenty (120) Washington County, Oregon, and de­ rods South o f the Northeaat corner scribed as beginning at the northwest thereof, running thence South Eighty corner o f the southwest quarter o f the , (80) rod*; thence West Eighty (80) northeast quarter o f section IS, thence nxls; thence North Eighty ( (80) rods, South along center line o f said section thence East Eiehtv